Chapter 165: Johto!
The Gameboy flickered to life as the ship sailed steadily into the bay of the Johto Region. In the distance, the bustling city of Olivine came into view, its lighthouse standing proudly against the horizon. The ship, Breaking Wave, was set to dock shortly.
John, taking advantage of the momentary calm, struck up a conversation with the ship's captain.
"Captain," John asked, leaning casually against the rail, "how long will we stay in Olivine City?"
The captain scratched his head, his weathered face breaking into a grin. "Three days, tops. After that, I'm heading back to the Hoenn Region. Zack and Anna are vacationing here, so my return trip will be quicker this time. Should take about twenty days to get back to Slateport City."
John nodded thoughtfully. "Wouldn't it be easier to head to the Kalos Region or another nearby region from Johto?" he asked, already contemplating his next destination.
The captain laughed, a deep, hearty sound. "Not by boat, lad! If you want to get to Kalos, you'd best take a plane. By ship, it'd take you half a year, at least."
John froze mid-thought, feeling a little embarrassed. "Flying? Then what was the point of sailing all the way to Johto?"
The captain shrugged. "If you're looking to fly, you could always head to Mossdeep City back in Hoenn—they've got a rocket launch center and an airport. I'm not too familiar with Johto's airports, though."
"What about Alola or Galar? Can I sail there?" John pressed.
"Well, Alola's doable by boat," the captain replied. "But it'll take you two months. Again, I'd recommend flying. As for Galar, it's near Kalos. Flying's your best bet there too."
John sighed, realizing his journey might be more complicated than he had anticipated. "So much for traveling by sea," he muttered.
Two hours later, the Breaking Wave docked at Olivine City. The harbor was alive with activity—sailors unloading cargo, trainers chatting near the Pokemon Center, and the occasional Wingull circling overhead.
John's first stop was the Pokemon Center, where he healed his team and registered the city on his map. With Olivine now marked, he could use Fly to return here whenever needed. He briefly considered flying back to Fortree City in Hoenn to save time but decided against it for now.
"I'll stick around Johto for a bit," he said to himself. "Might as well explore while I'm here."
He wandered through the city, eventually arriving at the Olivine Gym. Inside, the staff informed him that Jasmine, the Gym Leader, wasn't currently in town. "She's out traveling," one of them explained. "If you'd like to challenge her, you'll need to schedule an appointment."
John frowned. "Guess I missed her," he muttered. "I'll have to come back later."
With no Gym battle on the agenda, he decided to explore the city instead. Olivine's streets were lined with quaint shops and cafes, but nothing particularly caught his eye. Even the item he had expected to receive—a technical machine for Iron Tail—wasn't available because he already owned it.
Looking at his map, John planned his next move. "Route 39 leads to Ecruteak City," he noted. "And Lake of Rage isn't too far from there. Might as well head that way."
As he trekked along Route 39, John took his time, enjoying the scenery and keeping an eye out for interesting Pokemon. The usual suspects—Rattata, Meowth, and Magnemite—were abundant. Occasionally, he spotted rarer Pokemon like Tauros, Miltank, and even the elusive Snubbull.
John grinned when he encountered a herd of Miltank grazing near a farmhouse. "Moo Moo Milk straight from the source," he mused. "If I ever start a Pokemon ranch, these guys are a must."
He continued north, battling a few trainers along the way and collecting berries from the trees that lined the path. A particularly large oak caught his attention, and he used Headbutt to see what might fall from its branches. To his delight, a Pineco dropped down, ready for battle.
After a long day of exploring Routes 39 and 38, John finally arrived in Ecruteak City. The town's traditional architecture and calm atmosphere were a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of Olivine. He visited the local Pokemon Center, healed his team, and made plans to visit the Burned Tower the next day.