Chapter 171: Bell Tower
John flipped through the pages of Morty's breeder guide with a focused expression. The documented targets in this guide were Mismagius, Froslass, and Gengar, with detailed strategies for nurturing and strengthening these elusive Ghost-types.
Mismagius was described with a note about Phantom Force, an exceptionally rare move among Ghost Pokemon. According to legends, Phantom Force was said to be a derivative of Shadow Force, the signature move of Giratina—the mythical ruler of the Netherworld. This made Phantom Force almost sacred, a must-learn for any capable Ghost-type Pokemon.
John let out a sigh. "Looks like I'll need to get myself a Ghost Pokemon." He brushed off the thought of hunting down a legendary like Giratina. For now, he set his sights on Gengar, a more realistic goal. Though there were other contenders, like Dragapult or Zoroark, their availability was limited. Zoroark, for instance, could only be found in the far-off Wash Cui region—ancient Sinnoh. A trip there was out of the question.
Gastly, on the other hand, was relatively common, and every region seemed to have sightings. Gengar's versatility made it John's first choice. Moreover, the breeder guide's tips specifically revolved around Gengar. The notes highlighted two crucial moves: Shadow Ball and Night Shade.
Shadow Ball needed no explanation—Gengar's mastery of the move was unmatched. But it was Night Shade that truly caught John's attention. In battles, Night Shade typically involved summoning a spectral entity from the spirit world to deal psychological damage based on the Pokemon's level. However, Matsuba, the renowned breeder featured in the guide, had developed a more innovative use. His Gengar summoned terrifying beings from the spirit world, not to attack opponents, but to devour them. This process temporarily, and in some cases permanently, enhanced Gengar's power.
"Devouring beings from the spirit world?" John muttered, frowning at the thought. Such a tactic was risky; a weak Ghost-type could easily become prey instead of predator. It was an advanced technique that required both power and precision.
The spirit world itself remained a mystery. Some believed it to be a desolate wasteland, the home of Giratina, while others thought of it as an entirely different plane of existence. What little John knew came from scattered legends and tales, like those of Litwick luring humans into the spirit world. Clearly, it wasn't a welcoming place for humans—or weaker Pokemon, for that matter.
"I guess I'll have to leave exploring the spirit world for another day," John mused, closing the guide. The next section focused on Froslass, a Ghost/Ice hybrid. Unlike Gengar, Froslass specialized in a combination of Ghost and Ice moves, with Shadow Sneak being a standout. Interestingly, even non-Ghost Pokemon like Greninja could learn from Froslass to enhance their Shadow Sneak techniques.
Satisfied with the notes, John set the guide aside and powered on his Gameboy. Today's mission was to explore the Burned Tower and Bell Tower. Navigating the game's overworld, John sent his character to the Pokemon Center to heal up before heading to the Burned Tower.
As soon as his character entered the dilapidated ruins, Matsuba appeared behind him. The NPC dialogue began:
[Morty: The legendary Pokemon will only appear to trainers of true strength. I've always believed in that legend.]
[Morty: I want to see if you have what it takes to gain their attention.]
[Morty: But it seems you're not the one.]
With that, Morty turned and left abruptly. John raised an eyebrow. "What was that about? Just here to trash-talk me?" Shrugging off the encounter, he began his exploration of the Burned Tower.
The structure, though partially collapsed, was teeming with wild Pokemon. Familiar faces like Zubat and Koffing appeared, but occasionally, rarer species like Magmar could be spotted. John ignored the Magmar—his current focus wasn't Fire-types. Instead, he activated the dowsing machine, hoping to uncover hidden items amidst the ruins.
Despite his efforts, nothing significant turned up beyond a few berries and a Taunt TM. He smirked, already planning to teach the move to his mischievous Wobbuffet. With Taunt in its arsenal, the Pokemon would become an even greater annoyance on the battlefield.
The tower consisted of three levels: the first floor, a second level, and a basement. John scoured each area thoroughly, gathering potions, berries, and other minor items. The most valuable find was a Taunt TM. Content with his haul, he headed to the Pokemon Center for a quick heal before moving on to the Bell Tower.
As his character approached the Bell Tower, a notification popped up:
[You need a specific item to access the 10th floor.]
[Would you like to challenge the Bell Tower up to the 9th floor? Note: This is a limited-time quest. Rewards can only be claimed once per floor.]
John tapped "yes" without hesitation. The Bell Tower was known for its challenging layout and rare rewards. It was also said to be the home of Ho-Oh, a legendary Pokemon. Though encountering it seemed unlikely, John couldn't resist the allure of the tower's secrets.
(A/N: Hey everyone! Just a quick heads-up—I've started a new story called Godzilla: The Monarch of Ruin. It's a prequel to Godzilla Earth, but with some twists of my own. If that sounds interesting, give it a shot! There are probably around five chapters out by the time you're reading this, with plenty more on the way!)