Pokemon: With Title System

Chapter 105: Chapter 105 – Infiltrating Silph Co.

Chapter 105 – Infiltrating Silph Co.

"No matter what, I won't hand over that data to you."

President Silph remained defiant.

Although he didn't know exactly what Team Rocket wanted with those files, after all the illegal research equipment Silph Co. had smuggled for them over the years, he had a vague idea.

"This is getting troublesome… do I have to ask her for help?" Sird muttered to herself.

When it came to controlling people, Sabrina was the most skilled in all of Team Rocket.

However, unlike Sird and the other openly known Rocket executives, Sabrina still maintained her cover as a Gym Leader.

Plus, there was always tension between the Beasts (Rocket's elite enforcers) and the Three Executives—they never got along well.

Just as Sird was considering whether to contact Sabrina, her communicator suddenly went off.

"Lady Sird! We've got intruders!"


As sirens blared through the building, Green looked around anxiously. "Are we… really doing this the right way?"

In her mind, stealth was the obvious approach. Sneak in, take down a couple of guards, locate the imprisoned investigation team, and get out.

But charging in head-on like this? That was insane.

"We don't have time, and the mission is urgent," Asahi replied. "So, we need to go with the most efficient method!"

Initially, he had also considered a stealthy infiltration.

But once he got Silph Co.'s building schematics from Lance and saw the ridiculous number of security cameras, he realized that without the ability to turn invisible, sneaking in was almost impossible.

So after weighing his options, he decided on a more… unconventional method of "infiltration."

Besides, Giovanni was still waiting for him in Viridian City for his Gym test, so there was no risk of him showing up here.

As they spoke, a group of black-clad Team Rocket grunts rushed out from a corridor ahead.

After fighting in Mt. Moon and Vermilion Gym, Asahi had already developed a solid strategy for dealing with groups.

His core tactic? Take out the trainers before they can even send out their Pokémon.

Before they could react, Asahi activated Intimidate and signaled Gardevoir.

As the grunts felt an overwhelming sense of dread, their hands froze mid-motion—they couldn't even throw out their Poké Balls before Gardevoir's Psychic swept through the area.

Within three seconds, all but one had collapsed to the floor—only the squad leader, protected by his Hypno, barely managed to hold on.

His eyes widened in disbelief at the scene before him.

What just happened?!

Before he could process it, a small shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

Two swift slaps—and his Hypno was out cold.

It was only then that he clearly saw what had attacked him.

An… Eevee?!

His last memory was of the Eevee's paw swinging toward his face.

After knocking him out, Eevee rummaged through his pockets, then proudly returned to Asahi's arms, carrying a Team Rocket communicator with a red "R" logo.


Asahi patted Eevee's head, then waved the communicator at Green.

"See? Evidence—just like that."

After snapping a photo and sending it to Lance, along with a request for League reinforcements, he turned to Green, who was still in shock.

"Come on, let's move to the next floor."


"The enemy has reached the ninth floor…"

"Damn it! Ninth-floor defenses have been breached!"

"Twenty of our elite lasted only three minutes… what the hell are we up against?!"

"Everyone, regroup on the fifteenth floor and hold the line! We can't let him get through!"

The control room was in chaos.

When Team Rocket took over Silph Co., they had already expected the League to come knocking.

That's why they had planted spies within Saffron City's League offices—any large-scale League movement would be reported immediately, giving them time to evacuate.

Their plan should have been foolproof.

But they never expected one guy to single-handedly tear through their defenses!

"Calm down."

A voice from behind immediately silenced the panicked grunts.

"Lady Sird!"

Sird stared at the monitors—over a quarter of them had turned to static.

"Who's the intruder?" she asked.

Lance was occupied at the League. Koga and Will were monitoring Seven Island, Agatha was in Lavender Town, and Bruno had already returned to the mountains after finishing his mission in Celadon City.

There shouldn't be anyone in Kanto strong enough to pose this level of threat.

"Based on our reports… it's Asahi, the 'Phantom Forest Ranger.'"

The grunt's tone was filled with disbelief.

Asahi's shiny Gardevoir was too unique—there was no way they could have misidentified him.

"...Wasn't he in Pewter City?"

As a Team Rocket Executive, Sird knew that Giovanni had personally tested Asahi in Mt. Moon.

He should have still been in Pewter City.

Or, at most, he should have been in Viridian City, taking on the Viridian Gym challenge.

So why was he here, in Saffron City?!

There was no time to think—the intruder's signal on the monitors had already passed floors 10, 11, and 12 and was advancing toward the next defense line.

After a moment of consideration, Sird made a decision.

This mission was too important to fail.

Grabbing her communicator, she issued an order:

"Hold him at the fifteenth floor. I'm on my way."

Hearing that Sird herself was taking action, the morale of the remaining Rocket grunts instantly surged.

Sird was powerful enough to battle on par with Lorelei of the Elite Four.

Taking down one Asahi?

That should be easy.



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