Raising A Few Wives in a Beast Apocalypse

Chapter 21: Hope

Around twelve midnight....

The door to the principal's office was quietly opened and a shadow hurried out from the inside. The shadow slowly made it's way towards the teacher's lounge, and slowly opened the door and got went inside without even looking inside the room. Then faced the door to quietly close it.

When the shadow turned around it was startled. Everyone in the room was up and looking at the shadow from a distance. Then the lights were turned on, now everything could be seen clearly since only the moonlight was the source of light before which didn't offer much in visibility. The shadow turned out to be the female student from Mr Swindon's group.

"Care to tell us what you're doing here I'm the middle of the night?". Muku spoke with a curious expression. Well there was no way a little girl who hadn't even killed a single beast could be after their lives so he really was curious. And he hadn't been able to sleep after the air in the room changed when he made his comment about the girls. And it seemed they were also still awake, so there wasn't any anger from anyone about being woken up.

"I..uh..". The girl softly spoke, clearly nervous, she was so nervous she even forgot what she wanted to say.

"Do we look that scary to you little girl?. Why don't you breathe in to calm down for a bit then speak properly". Emily spoke seeing the "little girl" getting so nervous she was about to faint. As for why she would call someone who looked around the same age as her as little girl, only she knew.

"Uh, right, sorry. I.... Please take me with you when you leave tomorrow, I'll even carry all your luggage or you!". The girl said out loud after calming down a bit. Of course it was only loud enough to be heard in the room.

"What?!, what do you mean when we leave?, why would we leave, the school grounds is beast free...did you overhear something?". Muku was surprised by what she said, wondering how she found out, trying to cover it up then coming out and admitting it seeing how she looked certain that they were leaving.

"I- no, I didn't overhear anything, but your I guessed it from your behaviour and body language, you all don't seem to want to get overly familiar with the rest of us, like how one would do with people they don't plan on interacting for long.... And...". The girl gave her reasoning and was about to say more when she was interrupted.

"Okay stop, I get it. What a monster level observation ability. And as a sign of respect to that, I'll come clean to you. Yes, we really are leaving, and not taking any of you. And as for carrying out supplies...Jade will do it. Why would we want a person who doesn't want to kill to get stronger. Wouldn't you just be a bother then?. Muku said to the girl, when he mentioned Jade carrying their supplies she protested but he ignored her.

"No please sir, I'm willing to do anything you ask of me. I'm also willing to kill. After thinking about it more and seeing what you all are capable of I've realised that there's no other option but to kill and get stronger. I also realised that none of the others in my group think so, so you're my only hope, I'll even be your sla..". The girl was close to tears as she begged. Muku had to interrupt her again from what she was about to say.

"Stop, so not only are you observant, you're a critical thinker too, impressive. But what did you want to say about being my slave, do I look like that kind of evil person who would go after little girls to you... You do think that you brat!. I will tell you now, I have not touched any of the girls here in an inappropriate way so stop giving me that look!." When he was speaking and asked her the question about what kind of person he was, he only said it on a whim but he didn't realise the little brat would give him a look that suggested that she really thought he was a sex fiend preying on little girls. This of course pissed Muku off.

"O-oh, sorry for assuming wrongly sir". Seeing how he was genuinely angry, the girl realised she and her group had made the wrong assumption about the relationship this Mr Chisen had with his students. And so she quickly apologised.

"Fuck!, you're even admitting it!?. Hmph!, if there was a chance of us taking you with us before then there now isn't, why would I go around with a person who thinks of me as a shady character, look at me, what part of me looks shady?!" Muku spoke again still angry. Though when he asked what part of him looked shady, he had forgotten that he was a teacher wearing a student's uniform so he kinda did look shady at the moment.

The girls who got this point couldn't help but giggle behind him. On the other hand, the girl, hearing that he won't be taking her with them, felt like she was plunged into hell. She knew that without them she is as good as dead with her spineless group when the dogs return or some other beast showed up. The tears she was holding back couldn't be held back anymore. They started flowing out of her purple eyes uncontrollably. She didn't know what else to say, so only silently cried.

This sight of course made all the girls in Muku's group feel sad for her to the point that even they were tearing up. Hell even Muku was holding back some tears.

"C-can't we just take her with us?, she's even willing to kill some beasts to get stronger so she won't be a burden for long. It only takes ten unranked beasts after all". Surprisingly it was Chloe who spoke up first this time.

"Yeah, what kind of man abandons a maiden in need?". Jade added looking at Muku with disdain after wiping away her tears that were threatening to fall. Emily and Layla just looked at him with puppy dog eyes expressing their position I'm also supporting the girl.

"Sigh, fine, if that's what you all want, who am I to disagree." Muku said, seemingly still a bit unwilling.

"Anyway, what's your name girl?. We're going to work together from now on so we have to know at least that right?.". Muku asked the girl.

"It-it's Hope sir". The girl said after stuttering a bit. Instead of stopping crying, she cried even more. This time though they were tears of joy.

"Sheesh, what a cry baby. Anyway get your emotions under control and go back and sleep. We don't want the others to suspect anything if you stay here after all. We will call you in the morning and discuss our plan then". Muku said to the girl. If one took a closer look at his face, they would realise he was actually trying to hold back a smile.

"Y-yes sir, I won't disturb you anymore. See you all tomorrow and have a good night". The girl quickly responded before leaving the room and heading off to sleep.

"You too, get some sleep, growing kids shouldn't stay up so late.". Muku said to the girls. They all narrowed their eyes at being called "kids" but didn't say anything and went of to sleep. The next day was likely going to be busy one after all.

{Phew, they agreed to let her tag along. As expected of me, such a great actor}. Muku thought to himself as he tried to sleep on his sofa.

That's right, Muku had long wanted the girl to tag along when she said she was willing to get stronger. Not to mention he was a virgin weak to requests from girls anyway, and Hope happened to be a pretty little girl with a bright future. But he knew he couldn't just come out and say it or the girls would call him a pervert or be angry that he didn't consult them. So he left it up to Hope to convince them by showing her hopeless situation, and lucky enough she didn't disappoint.

Was he being manipulative?. Who cares as long as everyone is happy.

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