Chapter 214: Sanctuary Area & Labyrinth Monthly Event (2), Territory Tiers
[This monthly event will remain active until the next month's Labyrinth opens. The event details are as follows:]
[The Sanctuary Area of the 10th Floor is now open to every Adventurer. The area spans 500 kilometers in radius, and it has five tiers sections, with the most valuable section being in the center of this area and the ground rising high from the periphery to the core of this area.]
[Each section has a different size of territories with benefits and features depending on the tiers. For now, every single territory will have a blue field around them with a magic lock symbol on it.]
[An individual can touch the field and initiate a challenge. Multiple individuals can initiate a challenge in one territory as well. The individual with the highest score in the challenge will own that territory.]
[This event will last until the end of this month, and the highest scorer in each territory challenge will own that territory forever. However, Adventurers will be able to buy a Territory Challenge Token from Labyrinth Shop that will allow them to challenge the territory owner for a 1v1 duel, allowing the winner to own the territory.]
[Please read the details of the five tiers as displayed below. And note that this sanctuary area will get an upgrade each time you clear a floor, meaning all territories might get a new feature or benefit per floor cleared.]
[Tier-5 Section: Peasant Territories]
-Small territories, grass pathways, wandering Labyrinth Vendors.
-Elevation: up to 50 meters higher than the surrounding Labyrinth area.
-Total number of Peasant Territories in this section: 200.
—> D-rank Magic Veil: The mana density and atmosphere in Peasant Territories are purer and better than the outside world, helping adventurers in both meditation and training.
—> Herb Garden (2-plot slots): A dimensional garden with ten fixed soil slots on which you can grow 2 plants of your choice by planting their seeds or other catalysts. The growth rate of these 2 plants will be 200% higher than normal.
[Tier-4 Section—>Commoner Territories]
-Slightly bigger territories, cobblestone pathways, semi-structures, Labyrinth Markets.
-Elevation: up to 50 meters higher ground than the Tier-5 Section area.]
-Total number of Common Territories in this section: 150.
—> C-rank Magic Veil: The mana density and atmosphere in Commoner Territories are good, helping adventurers in both meditation and training.
—> Herb Garden (4-plot slots): A dimensional garden with ten fixed soil slots on which you can grow 4 plants of your choice by planting their seeds or other catalysts. The growth rate of these 4 plants will be 200% higher than normal.
[Tier-3 Section: Noble Territories]
-Moderately sized territories, concentre stone pathways, Labyrinth Town, Markets, and everything constructed except for empty territories.
-Elevation: up to 100 meters higher ground than the Tier-5 section area.
-Total number of Common Territories in this section: 100.
—> B-rank Magic Veil: The mana density and atmosphere in Noble Territories are great, helping adventurers in both meditation and training.
—> Healing Water Source: The water sources in this territory can help recover wounds faster. The water will only work on people included in the resident list of a territory by the owner. The water will turn normal if taken out of the Sanctuary Area.
—> Herb Garden (6-plot slots): A dimensional garden with ten fixed soil slots on which you can grow 4 plants of your choice by planting their seeds or other catalysts. The growth rate of these 6 plants will be 200% higher than normal.
[Tier-2 Section: Dukedom Territories]
-Large area territories, polished marble pathways, markets, well-developed infrastructure, and enchanting surroundings.
-Elevation: Up to 300 meters higher than the Tier-5 section area for territories nearing the Throne section border, offering a commanding view of the 10th Floor and enhanced atmospheric conditions.
-Total number of Dukedom territories: 50.
—> A-rank Magic Veil: The mana density and atmosphere in Dukedom Territories are wonderful, helping adventurers in both meditation and training.
—> Enchanting Water: The water sources in this territory can help recover wounds faster than Healing Water and can cleanse negative status effects. The water will only work on people included in the resident list of a territory by the owner. The water will turn normal if taken out of the Sanctuary Area.
—> Herb Garden (8-plot slots): A dimensional garden with ten fixed soil slots on which you can grow 4 plants of your choice by planting their seeds or other catalysts. The growth rate of these 6 plants will be 200% higher than normal.
—> Personal Teleporter: You and other official residents of territories designated by owners can teleport to territories from outside via a new function from your status window with just a thought. The teleport process takes 3 seconds, and it can be interrupted.
[Tier-1 Section: Throne Territories.]
-Each territory in this section is unique and placed at different wonders of geographical areas in this section. A town exists for the gathering hub and markets separately with structure and aura of elegance and majesty, with runestone pathways, and mana-rich atmosphere in the entire section.
-Elevation: 500 to 1000 meters higher depending on territories, offering exceptional atmosphere and the best view of the Labyrinth's 10th Floor.
-Total number of Throne Territories in this section: 25.
—> S-rank Magic Veil: The mana density and atmosphere in Throne Territories are exceptional, helping adventurers in both meditation and training.
—> Divine Cleanse Water: The water source here can heal, reduce exhaustion, and cleanse negative status effects, even if lethal. The water will only work on people included in the resident list of a territory by the owner. The water will turn normal if taken out of the Sanctuary Area.
—> Arcane Phenomena: Occasionally produces magic phenomenon at random places that may become an exceptional resource for residents here to acquire, of course, via competition.
—> Personal Teleporter: You and other official residents of this territory can teleport to your territory from outside via a new function from your status window with just a thought. The teleport process takes 3 seconds, and it can be interrupted.
—> Herb Garden (10-slot): A dimensional garden with ten fixed soil slots on which you can grow 10 plants of your choice by planting their seeds or other catalysts. The growth rate of these 10 plants will be 200% higher than normal.
Natalia, Lily, and Mira read up to this and were shocked, especially after reading the Tier-1 Section!
"Yo, this is crazy awesome," Natalia excitedly said. "Almond, tell me we gonna grab a Throne Territory for ourselves."
"We have to," Lily said as she turned to Almond, only to get surprised. "Huh? Where did he go?"
"He was here just now…." Mira blinked.
"Wait, don't tell me," Natalia looked at Lily and burst out laughing. Stay tuned with empire
"Yeah, he went inside the Labyrinth's 10th Floor to grab a Throne Territory," Lily wryly smiled.
"It's an individual challenge, so we don't need to go, I guess," Natalia cheekily smiled. "Almond can put a crazy high score so none others can break it, and we'll get the territory."
"But there are only 25 of them…" Mira said as her expression turned doubtful. "We saw the combat powers of those frontline adventurers yesterday…especially those old monsters. I'm sure each of them will want a Throne Territory for themselves, and other top guild leaders too…"
"Eh…I haven't seen their powers, but Almond's pretty crazy already, not to mention he has his little broken entourage of spirit wraiths. I don't think others would be able to break whatever score record he set in whatever type of challenge there is," Natalia said as she shrugged and turned to Lily, "Right?"
"It's going to be difficult for sure," Lily muttered, but her eyes fiercely glinted as she grinned, "But Almond went there to grab a Throne Territory, and I believe he will succeed. Not to mention that we still have five more days, and that means he will get even stronger as days pass."
"Let's go inside and take a look," Natalia grinned as she stood up. "I want to see this Sanctuary area."
"Yeah, let's go," Lily nodded.