Chapter 45: Make of the Villain's weapon 6 (Ganja Passes...)
A few hours ago...
Chiron looked at the pleading face of the old man before him, and nodded, "Don't worry, I already plan to kill them all."
The pleading look on Ganja's face changed into gratefulness. He was very excited to have heard those words. He continually thanked Chiron over and over again for his kindness. In his eyes, Chiron was practically an otherworldly existence. He thought Chiron to be a god.
While he was definitely right about Chiron being an otherworldly being, he was definitely wrong about him being a god.
Ganja thanked Chiron again and again. He was not aware that Chiron was not just referring to killing the Blacksmith's enemies but much more.
Emma immediately went inside Ganja's room and brought out the bottle of wine.
The moment it was opened, the strong aroma of alcohol filled the room. Emma poured out a full cup for her father and handed it over to him. He nodded and thanked her.
Then he took deep sniffs of the wine and smiled as he turned to Chiron. He raised his glass up, "To Master Chiron."
And then he drank the entire cup in one swing.
"Ahhh! That hit the spot," Ganja had some of the wine flowing down his beard, but he did not mind. Soon enough, he was going to be done with this life. He could at least enjoy the Dwarf way of doing things first before his exit.
He handed Emma the cup, hugged her, and gave her a kiss on the forehead before he turned to Chiron with a resolute look in his eyes.
"I am ready!"
Chiron nodded at him.
"Before we start this process, they are some things I must let you know. For example, the heart of the Blacksmith must be fed to the Runes of the sword while it still beats," Chiron had his eyes on Ganja, "You do know what this means right?"
Ganja nodded his head, "It means I don't get the privilege of dying a peaceful death."
Chiron nodded, "Good! I'm glad you understand."
Chiron signaled Emma with a corner of his eyes and she stepped forward and cleared the table.
Ganja removed his shirt, revealing a chest filled up with hair and strong muscles he had gotten from beating iron for many years.
Ganja mounted the table. He knew what was to come. It would be a lie to say he was not afraid, but more than anything, he was proud.
He was a man who was about to die a legend.
For many men, it never got better than that.
Chiron tied his limbs firmly to the table and stuffed a cloth in his mouth to avoid him screaming.
It was finally time. Chiron took a knife in his hands. It was the same knife he had forged and dropped in front of Ganja's door to win him over. He was using it at Ganja's request.
Chiron looked at Ganja and Ganja looked back at him.
What Ganja did not know was that as ruthless as Chiron appeared, killing was something that was still fresh to him.
Now, in the past life, Chiron had done quite a lot of things. Even dealing with dead bodies was somewhere in the mix, but killing was a line he had never crossed.
It was a line that for the first time in both lives, he was going to cross. Surprisingly, his hands were not shaky, but in truth, a part of him was holding him back. That last piece of humanity told him to stop and forfeit.
It was like his remaining piece of conscience was begging him and telling him that he could still go back to the right part.
However, Chiron suddenly remembered the vow he had made that night just a few years ago. It was a time ago, but that moment still remained fresh in his mind.
He still remembered the twin moons and how their light sneaked through his window to help him see his reflection through that bowl of water. He remembered the feeling of weakness and hopelessness he felt.
Then he remembered the pain of all the times he had mutilated himself just to survive and become stronger.
Coming this far in thought, a smile stained a corner of his lips. He knew deep down that there was no way he was ever going back.
And at this moment, that last piece of humanity he had, flushed away like that stubborn piece of shit down the toilet.
His fingers moved and he pressed the knife into Ganja's chest.
The skin was slowly torn open from the top of the chest down.
As Chiron's fingers worked, Ganja grunted in pain.
Blood slowly traced the line Chiron's knife had gone through. The blood was little, Making Chiron realize that he had not gone deep enough.
And so, like a chef enjoying the cutting of red juicy meat, Chiron's fingers started through the torn line again. This made the Dwarf struggle even more as his groaning screams were muffled by the thick cloth in his mouth.
As Chiron did this, Emma watched with tears in her eyes.
But Chiron did not even look at her one bit. He was too invested in the process of the work before his eyes.
Ganja vibrated in pain on the table as he tightened his knuckles into a fist. However, even if he wanted to back off now, it was no longer possible. His head had become pink and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.
Blood poured out like milk leaking out of a milk carton, and then it increased, soon enough, it was pouring down the table like the manner milk poured into a bowl of cereal.
By now, Ganja's vibrating had slowed down significantly and his eyes slowly rolled backwards into his head.
His chest had a deep cut in it. Chiron opened apart the flesh like sushi rolls, revealing the organs of the man. With the look of the inside of the dwarfs body, Chiron could not help but remember a bowl of messy eaten lasagna.
And then Chiron switched to a bigger knife and cut through the ribcage.
And there it was. Hiding on the left side of the chest. The Heart of the Blacksmith.
The moment it was revealed, the Runes of the sword not so far away, glowed brighter in anticipation...