Chapter 64: Great figure of Artistic Perception...
Elder Ellen gritted her teeth in anger.
How could they do this to her? On top of that, she was so close to her goal.
As her thoughts went in a spiral for what to do, the bath water got hotter and hotter.
The maid that had reported the message from the Healers association took several steps back.
Ellen gritted her teeth hard and her anger was translated to the water.
"Elder Ellen! Elder Ellen!! Elder Ellen!!!" the maid called to her.
"WHAT!?" she responded sharply.
The maid pointed to the bath.
Ellen looked and sighed, "I did it again!"
All the water in the bath had evaporated due to her anger.
After a few seconds of silence, the Maid asked nervously, "Should I bring more water?"
Ellen massaged her temple, "Don't worry!" she sighed again, "I'm done! pass me my robe."
It was at this time when Ellen was putting on her robe that another maid walked into the room.
"Elder Ellen!"
"Hmmm!" she responded without looking at the maid.
"A letter just arrived for you."
"If it is another one from the Healer's Association, then I'm not interested." She turned and walked away.
"It's from Elder Aleen's residence."
Ellen stopped in her steps. "Hmmm!? Aleen!? Who is that?"
One might find it strange that Ellen did not know who Aleen was. However, as it stood, she was already hundreds of years old. She had seen the come and go of many Chiefs and top elders. Keeping all their names in her head would just be ridiculous.
Much less an insignificant elder. After all, Aleen's existence had no use to her. Unless the person broke certain barriers and got stronger, human life was merely about a hundred years.
"He is an Elder of the Clan. The chief's brother." The maid explained.
She turned to the maid, "Which Chief!?"
The maid sighed lowly, "Chief Dona of the Chikitsa clan."
Elder Ellen had a finger on her lips, "Oh!" and then she shook her head, "There is a new chief!?"
The maids around could not take it anymore. They all face-palmed. Elder Ellen was quite forgetful of things, especially if it was of no particular value to her.
"So, what does the brat want with me!?" she asked.
"He sent a letter!" The maid brought it forward, but Elder Ellen did not even take more than a glance at the small folded paper. She turned to leave again.
This took the maid by surprise, "What should I do with it?"
"I don't know! throw it away or something. And tell the person that brought it that I don't accept scraps of paper. Next time he needs my help, he should at least send a letter with some Class as fitting his position."
She walked back into her room.
The maid that had brought the letter stood there in surprise.
She sighed. Since her mistress had told her to throw the paper away, then that's exactly what she would do. However, curiosity was always an enticing mistress in her ways.
The maid wanted to do away with the paper, but just out of curiosity, she opened it. In it, was just one word. It was a bit twisty on the tongue to pronounce, but she did it anyway. "EL-NEMO!
Elder Ellen had already gone into her room with her other maid following closely behind her. However, she immediately stopped in her steps. Her nearly pointed ears twitched a little.
Elves were naturally gifted with good eyesight and hearing. In fact, their sensitivity to their environment was always to the extreme. This was a gift from nature because of their environment.
This sensitivity was further enhanced if the individual grew in cultivation. At the moment, Elder Ellen was of the Copper rank. Her cultivation was high enough for her to hear really far distances.
Even though she had gone a distance from where the maid stood, she had perfectly heard that word.
She immediately turned and rushed back to the bathroom. As she entered, she grabbed the maid by her shoulders, "What did you say!?"
The maid was shocked. She thought she had done something wrong. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She closed her eyes tightly in expectance of Ellen striking her.
However, it did not come.
She opened one eye to look at her Mistress.
Ellen realized that she had frightened the girl and slowly stopped. She took a step back and sighed loudly as she tried to speak in a more accepting but dignifying tone. "That word! where did you hear it from?"
The maid raised the paper and showed it to her.
Ellen collected the paper from her. There it was. One word. But that one word had so deep a significance to her.
It was a word that should not exist in this part of the world. Or at least, it should not be known on this continent.
"This letter! Who brought it!?"
Immediately, Emma was summoned into the Manor.
This manor was by far more beautiful than she had expected.
Ellen was a half-elf. Elves had a natural sense of artistic perception. It was like Mother nature blessed them with her own sense of beauty, grace, equilibrium, and perfection, and this was displayed in everything they did.
Even this home was exceptionally cut and curved.
Entering the compound alone, her eyes were introduced to a garden that took one's breath away. With flower beds and exotic statues that gave one the illusion of being awake but floating in a dream.
There was not much time to enjoy such a sight, and even as she was ushered into the main building, her eyes lingered on the garden with obvious regret for having to leave such a place.
However, the moment she walked into the main house, the first thing she saw was the sudden approach of the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life.
Ellen had nearly pointy elven ears, almond-shaped eyes, an oval face, and slightly full red lips to crown her looks.
Her curves were mighty at the top, slim at the middle, and quite fleshy from the waist down. If this was Chiron's former world, she could have been described in one word: "Hallelujah."
She wore a light pink silk sleeveless dress with gold ornaments. She was indeed a top beauty. However, this beauty currently had a fierce expression on her face.
She approached Emma and grabbed her by the shoulder, "Where did you hear this word from? Who wrote it?" she raised the paper to her face.
Emma was speechless for words. Of course, she knew it was the paper that Chiron had given her, but she did not know its content. After all, she had not opened it.
"My...My master sent it!" Emma stammered.
"Elder Aleen!?" Ellen asked in obvious surprise.
"No! Master Chiron. His son!"
"His son!?"
Ellen looked at the words on the paper. The word Chiron had written on it was not just letters bunched up together. the words had been written in Ancient Elven style. The calligraphy was flawless and the quotation marks were made at just the right angles above or below the letters. They were not excessive, nor were they too small.
It was well-fitted in relation to the size of the paper.
Although this might look like irrelevant things to the normal eye, it was not. This was one of the reasons that Elves considered themselves to be higher beings as compared to other creatures.
Even their writing patterns had incredibly unnatural symmetry. Everything was subconsciously measured in their minds. The size of the paper in relation to the words, the press of the ink against the paper. The size of the punctuation marks which indirectly gave deeper or shallow meaning to the text.
In other words, their writing pattern alone was like the detailing an architect needed to give the blueprint of a skyscraper.
This pattern of writing came naturally to elves, but other races found it extremely difficult to learn.
It took other races years of practice and training. On top of that, the individual learning this art had to have incredible eyes for precision and perfection. The level at which, one could accurately tell the angle of an object by just staring at it.
Naturally, people of other races that could do this had Sky rocketing IQs.
And this was only their writing style. Other aspects of their culture like language could even render a person's vocal cords to sound like the ringing of a bell.
Ellen did not know that an expert even if it was just in the Writing pattern of elves was in this clan. If she had known, she would have long gone to pay him a visit.
After all, elves after losing the war had been driven back to their own lands which were hidden from the rest of the world. And that was a thousand years ago. A person that could so much as write in their texts, was a treasure.
As far as Elder Ellen was concerned, this person was probably very old and dying, or maybe a human cultivator that had managed to extend his life span by using his high-level cultivation.
She needed to prepare to meet this great figure. She thought hard as she made plans to gather gifts. Maybe she might even need to buy some stuff that would impress him from other clans.
She turned to one of her maids, "Send word to our people outside the clan. I need gifts here before the end of the week."
Just as she said that Emma remembered Chiron's words and informed her. "My master said to tell you to come within a day's time!"
These words shocked her. She immediately gave orders to her maids as she stormed out of the manor.
In her thought process, she had even forgotten that she was informed that the letter had come from a clan elder's home. This meant that there was no way that the person she was going to see was an old monster.
If only she knew that this great figure she was hurrying to meet was only eight years old...