Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 66: Making a Deal with a Monster...

Aleen wanted to enter Chiron's room, but Emma stood in front of it. "Forgive me Elder Aleen but Elder Ellen has requested that her healing session with Master Chiron should not be disturbed."

"Healing session!?" Aleen asked.

"Yes!" Emma bowed politely.

This was a lie Emma had cooked up on the spot. She had only known Chiron for a short time, but she knew that he enjoyed privacy. Or rather, he enjoyed secrecy.

She was also aware that the relationship between Chiron and his father, was not a great one.

She was very well afraid of Aleen. After all, he was a Cultivator. And not just any cultivator, but a cultivator that was already at the copper rank.

However, as much fear and respect, as she had for Aleen, the one she had for Chiron was by far bigger. It was like comparing the size of a pebble to that of an old ancient mountain.

Of course, Chiron was the Mountain.

Chiron had performed far too many incredible things before her eyes for her to not fear him. In fact, his latest feat was pulling a woman who was not just an elder, but also an old monster with hundreds of years of age to his home.

On top of that, he had even given a deadline of a day.

Elder Ellen had ensured she made that deadline.

This was something Chiron achieved despite his status has an ordinary human being.

This was the cultivation world. Never ever had something of this level ever happened before.


Meanwhile, back in the room, Elder Ellen stared at Chiron like he was a ghost.

Chiron had just revealed her biggest secret. This was a very personal matter of hers. Not even her maids knew of this. After all, none of them could have lived for as many years as she could.

Elder Ellen was born a Half-elf.

Elves had the advantage of being born with the ability to manipulate Elemental energy.

Unlike Spirit energy that needed to be unlocked, Elemental energy was freely given by nature.

For Elder Ellen, her elemental energy was Fire.

However, as the saying went in Chiron's former world: "One could not eat their cake and have it."

With the blessing of being able to cultivate Elemental energy and a longer life span, also came with the inability to pass a particular bottleneck.

This was a Fate that all half-elves suffered from. There was always a limit to their cultivation. A height that no matter how much they tried, they just could never beat or conquer.

For a long time, she suffered from this. Those around her got better and stronger. Which naturally meant that she became the attention of bullying and oppression.

This indeed ate deep at her heart.

However, Elder Ellen had sworn to break this curse. And so, she sort many different methods for this to happen.

But all her efforts were in vain.

By sheer coincidence, she came along a secret ancient technique.

One look at the technique and she knew that it was a demonic technique. However, the loud call for power and growth was the allure that made her throw all she had ever learned about morality to the back of her head.

After all, at the end of the day, the only thing that mattered was having power. How one had it was of no importance. Only that they had it.

The requirements for the technique were very strict. One of which was the requirement of a large pool of infant Blood-yang essence of the same blood.

This meant that she needed to gather Blood-yang essence of children with the same blood lineage.

It was at this time that she met the ancestor of the Chikitsa Clan. This was when her plan was formed.

Through the generations of the Chikitsa Clan, she had been in charge of the Circumcision ceremony that certified the young males in the clan as men.

With this method, she gathered the major ingredient for her power-up. But yet again, was there ever a deal with the devil that came without consequences?

Although her cultivation soared at first. In fact, it even went to very great heights. The growth suddenly slowed down and then after a while, it stopped and before she knew it, it started to regress backward.

At this point, she was only barely holding on.

This was her biggest secret ever. No one ever knew of this. Not even the past chiefs of the clan. After all, many things cornering elves were not known by the world.

No one knew that being a half-elf came with the tragedy of having limited growth in power. Therefore no one knew her secret.

However, Chiron was not just anyone. In the story of his book, by some coincidence, the MC managed to meet Elder Ellen after many years in the future. Long after the mega-crisis that the clan faced.

She had left the clan in anger and shame after losing the challenge that was sent from the Healers association.

However, she continued to practice the secret technique she acquired. Unknown to her, this technique was actually a transformation that changed one from a normal person to a demon and then to a devil.

All that fresh Blood-yang energy she consumed was actually more of a kind of transformation poison.

The MC of the book had faced her sometime in the book and that was how Chiron knew her story. At the time, the transformation had totally taken place. It turned this extremely beautiful half-elf into a grotesque creature.

She had become a beast in such profound ugliness that even the MC of the book with the level of strength he had achieved at the time could not hold it and vomited at first sight.

Even now, as Chiron looked at her, he could see the ugly beast she was soon to become if he did not help her.

However, Chiron was not at all a saint. He really did not care about helping this woman. All he cared about, was his own benefits. If there was no need for him and her to cross paths in this life, he would never go running to her doorstep with the solution to her problem.

After all, Chiron was not foolish enough to think that she would appreciate it.

However, if he presented the solution to her problem as a form of transaction, it could be by far become more valued. And who knows, he could even use this as a means to acquire a lot more from her.

Now that Chiron even thought about it, he might even be able to get that Violet Good-will flower from her.

Chiron looked at the surprised woman and smiled.

"I know the technique you are practicing. I also know it is damaging to your health. If I'm not mistaken, your cultivation has regressed so far that you might even drop to the Stone rank if care is not taken. In fact, it will drop to the stone rank before the end of the week."

Chiron spoke this way because he was confident it will happen. In the book, Elder Ellen lost her position because her cultivation happened to drop to the Stone rank when she needed it the most.

As she stared at him in surprise, Chiron continued. "If you go on like this, your cultivation will be the last thing you have to worry about. In fact, your life will become worse than that of a dog."

Just like before, Chiron was once again using the principle of the carrot and the stick. He had just used the stick. Now came the carrot.

However, Chiron knew for certain that if he did not do it right, he could potentially make an enemy instead of a useful Pawn.

And then Chiron spoke words that made the Elder who was gritting her teeth in front of him ease up.

"Don't worry! I don't plan on telling anybody. However, I know a method that could not only help you heal, but also help you go around the natural barrier that your own body won't let you cross."

Chiron ensured that he maintained eye contact with her as he spoke. "I'm saying that I can help you keep your position as the head of the Healer's Association and still ensure that you grow strong."

These were not words that Chiron spoke without truth. He really had a method to help her. In fact, he had more than just one method that was suited for her.

His knowledge was quite broad and he knew many secrets.

Elder Ellen looked at Chiron. When she entered his room, she could feel the enormous pure spirit energy from his body.

Instantly, she knew he was a Tamashi. He was the same cheeky boy that had kicked her in the face and ran out on her because of his fear of a knife.

Over her many years in this clan, she had seen many children. Rather, she had circumcised many children. She always found their reactions to be cute and adorable. Of course, this included Chiron.

After all, he was not the first person to run away from her during the ceremony.

However at this moment, when her eyes met with his, she could not help but subconsciously flinch from time to time.

She did not feel that she was talking to a child at all. Rather, this was a monster...

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