Chapter 70: Give birth to a Child for the Clan...
The moment Aleen spoke, the room became silent.
Chief Dona's smile froze.
Elder Fatso coughed again.
"Erm... Friend Aleen! I think you have totally mistaken the aim of this gathering. The aim of this meeting is firstly to find a way to mend the broke relationship between two brothers bounded by blood. After all, I remember once upon a time, when we were very young cultivators and how we fought side by side with one another. I think you should just hear what the chief has to say before you jump to any conclusion."
Elder Fatso signaled Chief Dona with his eyes. The chief understood and continued.
However, Elder Joules knew her husband.
At the moment, he had one hand behind him that was clenched into a fist.
This meant that he was very angry and was holding back. Swallowing his anger and maintaining his smile against his brother.
This smile that Chief Dona tried to maintain on his face was based on the advice that was given by Elder Fatso before they entered the room.
If not, Chief Dona would have carried more of a smug look on his face.
In his own mind, there was no reason for him to try and convince Aleen on his decision. After all, was this not how it was meant to be?
Was Aleen not supposed to give to the chief of the clan when it was requested of him?
Chief Dona knew for certain that if it was the daughter of any other elder, the elder will immediately agree. Even if the daughter was a goddess in disguise.
This was how effective the rule in a clan was. However, Aleen, time and time again would challenge his sovereignty.
Maintaining an obviously hard smile, Dona spoke in manner that even impressed Elder Fatso.
"Aleen, my dear brother. You and I shared the same womb. I know we have had bad history that has separated our bond. But I feel we can still make amends. At least if it would not be with us, then it can be with our own children."
Although a brother marrying a sister was not allowed, relationships within cousins was very permitted. Blood was the bond that held the clan together.
Chief Dona continued, "At the end of the day, it would not be wise for our children to inherit our own grudge. Especially when there is the possibility of making a better future if they stood together."
As Chief Dona talked, Elder Fatso nodded along with his words in agreement.
Aleen waited for Dona to finish. When he was done, he giggled sarcastically, and then he frowned "Is that the best you could come up with!? How dare you sit here and talk about grudges, when we both know what this meeting is truly about."
And then Aleen hit the nail directly on the head, "You are afraid that Nora would one day take your sit as Chief. That same sit that you know was supposed to MINE!"
As Aleen talked, Chief Dona could no longer hold on to his smiling face. And a bitter look plastered his face.
"You cheated in that fight and stole the chieftain position from me, and now you want to cheat my daughter the same way too!" Aleen stood up, "I will not allow it."
As he stood, his spirit energy had started to show visible arousal signs from his body.
Chief Dona could not hold it anymore and he also stood up. His spirit energy also showing signs of bursting out.
Both of them were copper rank. Brownish color of Spirit energy slowly left their bodies like steam from boiling water.
Both of them were roughly of the same height. Their eyes held each others gaze.
Slowly, their spirit energy climbed. Elder Fatso saw this and immediately stood in between them.
"Both of you should please stop this. What do you want to do? Bring this ancestral home that has stood here and seen the rise of several clan chiefs to the ground?"
Although Elder Fatso did not say much, his words were still enough to calm them down.
After all, both men were very clan oriented. The problems they had with one another was between them. Involving the clan that has been passed generation to generation until it got to them was another matter.
This manor had a long history of chiefs. If the two of them were to fight and destroy it, they would be seen has idiots that had spat on the efforts of their ancestors.
Elder Fatso calmed them down and after a little more pep talk, both of them agreed to hide their leaking spirit energy and resume their seats.
"It is obvious that the two of you do not have plans to settle your matters. However, this matter involves the future of the clan." Once again, Elder Fatso was bringing the matter up. But this time around, he was bringing it up as a clan issue.
He was sharp witted and had noticed that the only common ground these two truly shared with one another, was the interest of the clan.
"Since both of you won't come to a common ground, I think its best if we just make an agreement based on the interest of the clan."
Both of them turned to him.
It was obvious that Elder Fatso was trusted and respected within the clan. Even though his cultivation was lower than the two of them, he could still talk and they would listen.
While Elder Joules sat without talking. She was not in a position to advice any of them, whether it was in power or otherwise.
"Fatso!" Aleen called to him, "What exactly do you have in mind?"
Fatso sighed, "Firstly, nobody here is a fool. We know how it works. We also know that by the grace of our ancestors, both of you that were born with A-graded Dantain have produced offspring with A-Grade and S-grade."
Elder Fatso selectively did not mention, or rather, he ignored Chiron's existence.
"I believe that if Cablen and Nora should come together, they would produce more children with A-grade or maybe another S-grade. And I know both of you have already thought about this fact. After all, this is a known fact. Both your parents were also A-graded. The possibility of producing another S-grade is too high for us to let go of this matter."
Aleen and Chief Dona looked at one another. Both of them knew that Elder Fatso had just made a point.
However, Aleen really did not want his pride and joy to marry Cablen. In truth, he did not even want to let her marry at all. But that was basic Daddy issues for another time.
"I have a good solution. One that could help both of you." Elder Fatso continued, "How about Nora and Cablen produce two children for the Clan."
The moment he said that, Aleen's expression changed drastically and his spirit energy slowly climbed again.
"Hold on Aleen! Let me finish." Elder Fatso Pacified him.
"I know that you have thought of it before. The other surrounding clans are now aware about an S-grade child living within the Chikitsa Clan. The other sword clans can allow it because of their Pact with us. But what of the other Clans like the Axe Clan and the Dagger Clans? Once news reaches their ears, you know more than anyone the kind of plans people of those clans can devise. You alone can not make the necessary measures to ensure that she is protected at all times."
As Aleen listened to Elder Fatso, his frowning face slowly eased up. He knew that what Elder Fatso said was the truth. In fact, this particular thing had been bothering him for some time now.
Nora had suddenly become a shining lamp. And it was one without any heat to burn the insects that would be drawn to it.
if protective measures were not taken, her light could be snuffed out.
As it stood, her potential future was a threat to the surrounding clans.
"It has been a long time since we had anybody break into the Silver Rank. In fact, it has been hundreds of years now. The probability that Nora will reach such height is too large for us to ignore. We need to take measures to secure the future of our clan now."
Aleen had no choice but to ponder on Elder Fatso's words.
"I know that you and Chief Dona want what's best for the clan So why don't we simply make it a Blood pact. Chief Dona will help with the necessary materials to create a protective seal on Nora's life from the Chief's herb garden that has been passed from generation to generation, and Nora produces at least one child with Cablen."
Aleen fell silent. He really contemplated Elder Fatso's words really hard.
But what could he do? Even though he was a strong elder, he was lacking materials to make a very strong protective seal on Nora. He had searched the market wild and wide but many of those herbs were exotic.
He knew deep down that only the Chief's manor that had a private space underneath it for growing all types of herbs could have it.
On top of that, he needed the help of a lot of elders to make the seal on her body. It would definitely help a lot if he had Chief Dona's help.
While Aleen contemplated on a decision, Chiron was unaware that Fate was already working hard against him and his plans...