Reaper's Resurgence: A System Reset
B4 | Chapter 57
"-and that's when Astrid stabbed the guy in a rather weak area after losing their duel," I finish up the retelling of one of the many duels Astrid fought in back at the Royal Academy. "But in all honesty, the guy deserved it for trying to take advantage of their duel to touch her."
Luna nods her head with a look of intrigue on her face. A face that looks identical to mine from when I was a teenager. Except with quantum reaper addons.
I'm not entirely sure how I ended up telling Luna a bunch of old stories as we go around killing a bunch of fish, but it happened. And it is rather amusing.
More importantly, Astrid is probably going berserk right now listening to me through that livestream. Which is even more amusing.
Plus Luna seems to be happy with it. She's started to like Astrid at least a little bit now. Not much, but enough to be interested.
"What weak area did Aunty stab?" Luna asks, making me freeze in place as I blink a few times.
Uh... wasn't expecting that question. And there's no way I'm answering Luna. It doesn't matter that she's a teenager in appearance. She's still too innocent and is only a year or two old.
And most importantly, I just… don't want to answer that.
I quickly run through possible answers to the question for a few seconds before finally landing on one.
"How about you ask your aunty that when you see her next?" I tell her with a smile as I glitch apart the head of a large shark trying to bite me. "I'm sure she'll love retelling the story and answering your questions."
Luna smiles at that and nods with a short, "Okay!"
I turn away from Luna to focus on the rather large swarm of sharks chasing after us before raising both of my hands and sending out a large blast of quantum energy straight at them all. Wiping out a large number of them.
Right. Problem successfully pushed onto Astrid.
I give myself a firm nod of my head at my success. Then I continue regaling Luna with other childhood stories that I can remember.
Stories of Gramps and how me and Astrid used to play video games together from time to time while under the covers when he thought we were asleep. Or how much Astrid absolutely adored this one teddy bear of hers that I gave her when she was younger as a birthday present.
If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author. Report it.
I tell her one story after another as I level up over and over again from slaughtering the monsters. Meanwhile any other Dimensional Champions we run into run, or rather, swim for the hills the moment they see us.
Or swim for the… horizon?
Huh. It's hard to use normal metaphors in an ocean world.
On another note, I have to wonder why Luna has been staying in her humanoid form more and more often nowadays. A lot more than her true bat form.
Is it maybe because I have a humanoid form, and she's just copying me? She is rather attached to me, so that could be it.
As for her actual powers between the two forms? Neither one seems to be stronger than the other. It's more like her two different forms have different skillsets that they can use.
Which is interesting.
Also a little like how I get some extra racial skills when I enter my own True Form.
Then there's the fact that Luna has been staying at my side most of the time instead of going off and doing her own thing as she usually does.
It makes me wonder if she's going through bat puberty.
I certainly hope not.
Is that even a thing?
I stare at the sharks I'm finishing off for a few seconds until the entire swarm is dead. Then I glance at my level again to find it finally reaching level 1200 after who knows how long of killing ocean monsters. But it's still nowhere near the level I need to be to feel safe fighting against that giant shark boss.
After all, even as the Quantum Reaper, a three hundred level gap between me and a boss is a bit much.
Even with Luna at my side.
My thoughts come to a halt when I find another Legendary Feat appearing in my vision. Something that's been happening rather regularly in this dungeon ever since that first one from Lucas. Probably because it's a Tier 5 dungeon. And Tier 5 dungeons are filled with Legendary Feats along with opportunities for personal growth in power.
Legendary Feat – Terror of the Champions
Ignivara, otherwise known as the Ancient Terror, has become the first user within the System to kill one hundred or more Dimensional Champions on their own!
Someone's been going on a killing spree it would seem.
I glance up at the other worlds visible from this ocean planet as Luna yawns next to me. Just wondering if I can see the Ancient Terror from here.
In all honesty though, I get the feeling he probably won't be heading to the ocean world as any sort of priority.
Not as a large magma magic centered hydra.
He'd sink like a rock.
Ignoring the fact that he can no doubt fly.
Either way, I just can't see him coming here. Not unless he sees me.
Which I guess I can't rule out.
It's unfortunate that I haven't gotten a Legendary Feat while in here yet though. Unlike quite a few others.
Very unfortunate. And rather annoying as well.
Hopefully I'll get one from killing that massive shark.
Luna and I continue teleporting through the skies above the ocean in search of more prey to hunt. And as we move, something resurfaces in my memory and I ask Luna, "Hey, sweetheart, any chance you want to hear about the time your aunty fell asleep during Gramps' magic knight training and woke up hanging upside down by the chandelier after he found her?"
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