Rebirth 2003: Dominate the Tech World

Chapter 103

After knowing Jarvis’s mathematical ability and knowing that Jarvis had devoured the data stream of the entire Marvel Universe, Ye Yunzhou was overjoyed. This means that as long as he is given enough time, with the help of Jarvis, it is not impossible to transform Blue Star in the future.

Well, next, I will use Jarvis’s ability to work hard on mathematical papers. On the one hand, I can graduate from Yan University as soon as possible; on the other hand, I will first give myself a golden body, so that even if someone wants to mess with me in the future, they will have to consider the impact. Of course, Ye Yunzhou is not afraid of his peers, nor is he afraid of the so-called capital. He is not afraid of anything that can compete within the rules. He is afraid of those politicians who are not within the rules.

Retracting his thoughts, Ye Yunzhou quickly opened Google to check the submission requirements of various magazines.

Because he is currently holding a copy of the “Annals of Mathematics”, he started to search from the “Annals of Mathematics” magazine.

Ye Yunzhou used Google to search for a long time and only found some ambiguous content.

Well, suddenly, Ye Yunzhou saw the official website of the magazine, and logged in according to the website of the magazine, and finally found the submission requirements of the magazine.

In fact, there are only a few core points, one, originality and innovation. That is to say, the article should contain new research results or theoretical developments. Second, format specifications. Follow the specific format requirements of the journal, including title, abstract, keywords, text, references, etc. Third, peer review. The article needs to go through the peer review process, and the reviewers are usually experts in the relevant field. In addition, the language must be clear and standard scientific English must be used. This places high demands on English proficiency. Of course, ethical statements are also important, including statements of authenticity of data sources, statements of conflicts of interest, etc.

In addition to this magazine, Ye Yunzhou picked up another “Journal of the American Mathematical Society”, which was heavily launched by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and has a significant position in the field of mathematical research.

It focuses on publishing high-level theoretical and applied mathematical research papers. Whether it is the profound puzzles in algebraic geometry or the clever application of probability theory in practical problems, you can find wonderful discussions here.

The journal has attracted contributions from top mathematicians around the world. The papers published are not only amazing in academic depth, but also play a key role in promoting the combination of mathematical theory and practical applications, and have become an important bridge for communication and progress in the mathematical community.

This magazine is also a quarterly magazine, that is, one issue is published every quarter. Of course, there is no strict fixed date for the publication time, but a new issue is usually published before the end of each quarter or shortly after the beginning.

Today, the impact factor of this magazine is higher than that of the Annals of Mathematics, and its impact factor is about 3-4.

Ye Yunzhou also logged on to the official website of the Journal of the American Mathematical Society and checked the submission requirements. Well, they are similar to those of the Annals of Mathematics.

After reading the submission requirements of the two top magazines, Ye Yunzhou has a general understanding of the submission requirements.

The next step is to choose a topic. There are too many unsolved problems in the mathematics community. In addition to the seven mathematical problems of the Millennium Prize, there are countless mathematical problems waiting for people to solve.

Thinking of these topics, Ye Yunzhou suddenly thought of a junior brother named Wei Dongyi in the School of Mathematics of Yanda University in the future.

He entered the national team directly in the first year of high school and represented Daxia in the International Olympiad, winning the gold medal with full marks for all six questions. That year, only three people got all the answers right in the IMO.

Well, this year, Zhao Yuhang from Ye Yunzhou’s class also entered the School of Mathematics of Yanda University with full marks in the Olympiad. Why didn’t I hear Zhao Yuhang’s name before my rebirth? Did he immigrate to the United States?

Thinking back, Wei Dongyi participated in the Olympiad again the following year and won the gold medal with full marks again. It is said that when he was training in the national training team, he could finish the questions that others could only complete in three or four hours in one hour.

Moreover, after he was admitted to the School of Mathematics, he won 5 golds and 1 silver in the Qiu Chengtong Mathematical Competition in his sophomore year, sweeping all opponents. In his junior year, he won 2 golds, 1 silver and 1 bronze in the Qiu Competition.

Moreover, he obtained a doctoral degree in more than three years after graduation, and published more than 20 SCI papers. He is a standard academic god, but there has been no significant progress in a difficult mathematical problem he studied. This problem is the N-S equation, the full name of which is the Navier-Stokes equation.

This problem is also one of the seven difficult problems specially listed by the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Millennium Clay Mathematics Institute in the United States. It mainly describes the motion equation of the conservation of momentum of viscous incompressible fluid.

In layman’s terms, it is the mathematical model expression of fluid mechanics.

How famous is this mathematical problem? Let’s put it this way, who can give a result that all mathematicians agree on, whether it is proof or falsification, orThe author who just furthers the explanation of this equation can get a $1 million reward from the Clay Mathematics Institute.

If there is no more amazing mathematical achievement in the same period, such as solving the four-color problem or NP-complete problems, then the Fields Medal is basically booked.

Well, how about letting Jarvis challenge this difficult problem?

“Jarvis, do you know the NS equations?”

“Of course I do.”

“Okay, then tell me about it.”

“The Navier-Stokes equations, or NS equations for short, are the basic set of equations that describe the motion of viscous fluids in fluid dynamics. These equations were proposed by French engineer Claude-Louis Navier and British mathematician George Gabriel Stokes in the 19th century.”

“The NS equations are based on Newton’s second law, which states that force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma). For fluids, this law is used to describe the relationship between the force acting on a microelement of a fluid and the motion of the fluid.”

“The NS equations can be divided into two types: dimensionless form and primitive form. The primitive form usually includes terms such as pressure gradient, viscous stress, gravity, and can be written in vector form or component form.”

“Keep talking, why did you stop?” Seeing that Jarvis didn’t say anything, Ye Yunzhou hurriedly urged.

“Brother Zhou, if you continue, you may not understand.”


“Go on, I will interrupt you if you don’t understand.”

“Its vector form is: “…” The derivative DV/Dt in the formula refers to the material derivative. The material derivative of any physical quantity A (table or tensor) is defined as: “…” Therefore, the N-S equation is expanded to: “…”

“Okay, I won’t introduce it first. Let me ask you, can you solve this problem?”

“Of course, this problem has been solved by several mathematicians in my original world. Many scientific and technological breakthroughs in aerospace, weather forecasting, biomedical engineering, oceanography, etc. are based on the solution of this problem.”

“Okay, great, let’s solve this mathematical problem.”


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