Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Moonlight Sonata of Death

A few thin clouds floated by before the full moon, and in the quiet night, the public hall continued to hear the monks chanting scriptures and the knocking of wooden fish.

Gao Cheng leaned boringly on the steps, still thinking about the piano just now, and suddenly there was a melodious piano tune echoing, and even the sound of the ceremony venue was suppressed.

“This song… is “Moonlight”?!”

Gao Cheng and Conan rushed into the public hall. There were already many people in the aisle looking at the piano room where the sound was heard. After pushing the door open, a wet body suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

In the beautiful music of the Moonlight Sonata, Kawashima, a candidate for village chief on the island, sat down in front of the piano, with his head pressed against the piano, his arms hanging weakly on the ground, and water stains…

already dead!

Even if he didn’t approach, Gao Cheng could instinctively feel the fear of the dead.

Kogoro Mori stepped forward to sniff Shimokawajima, measured his pulse again, shook his head helplessly, and said in a deep voice: “A step late, he has died…”

Everyone gasped, “Why, how could this be?”

“Xiao Lan, report to the police station!” Kogoro Mouri shouted back, “Others present, don’t leave!”

Compared to Gao Cheng, Maori, who used to be a criminal police officer, is obviously more professional. After his daughter Xiaolan left, he turned to Asai Narumi and said, “Ms. Chengshi, can you trouble you for the autopsy?”

“Oh, okay.” Asai Nodded and walked to the corpse to check.

“It’s a curse!” Hirata retreated in a panic, “This is the curse of that piano!”

“Where is the curse?” Gao Cheng followed to stand next to the corpse. The Moonlight Song was not a supernatural phenomenon, but a tape recorder on the piano playing tapes.

Pressed the stop button to stop the music, Gao Cheng turned to the corpse.

The deceased’s eyes were wide open, his mouth opened as if he saw something terrifying, his coat didn’t know where he went, and the folds of his white shirt were covered with mud.

Judging from the water stains and drag marks on the ground, it seems to be dragged in by the murderer from the back door of the room facing the sea…

“Anyway, judging by the incident that happened here two years ago,” Kogoro Mouri glanced at Gao Cheng, and his eagerness to win greatly increased. “This is clearly a carefully planned murder!”

“murdering case?”

“Hey, don’t keep saying something there,” someone looked at Maori dissatisfiedly, “Who are you?”

“Me?” Moori Kogoro chuckled, tidying up his clothes and proudly said, “I am a famous detective from Tokyo, I am Moori Kogoro!”

“Oh!” Everyone suddenly realized, “It’s that space pilot!”

“No, he often appears in mystery novels, right?”

“That person is Akechi Kogoro, right?”

“Huh? Who is this person?”

The words of discussion reached Kogoro Mori, and the blow was decent. He felt a little unable to lift his head. The corners of his eyes could not help but twitched. He thought depressed: This kid must have already thought of it, so he didn’t say anything. Damn it. , The case must be solved first.

Gao Cheng didn’t care about Kogoro Mori, but walked along the water mark to the back door leading to the beach.

has been meeting with Conan, he still has nothing to do with reasoning, but his observation ability has improved a lot, at least some obvious clues he will not miss.

The door is directly outside the undulating sea under the moonlight, and you can see that the deceased’s coat is still floating on the sea. The murderer should have killed someone on the beach and then moved the corpse to the piano room, and the back door and windows here have been locked from the inside. …

In other words, the murderer is still in the venue?

Gao Cheng looked back at everyone.

After all, he stayed in front of the front entrance before the incident, and the back door and windows were locked. With so many clues, he didn’t need a strong reasoning ability to determine that the murderer was the person in the venue.

At this time, Asai Narumi had also experienced the corpse, explaining to everyone: “Based on the plaque and the stiffness of the corpse, the time of death should be 30 to 60 minutes… It seems that the cause of death is suffocation, Mr. Kawashima should be Drowned in the sea, but an autopsy is necessary to determine the true cause of death.”

“Doctor Chengshi should be right.”

Conan also observed the whole scene like Gao Cheng, and after recounting the same details, he walked to the tape recorder.

“In this volume of “Moonlight” tape, there is a few minutes of blank space deliberately left at the front…The murderer should have been calmly arranged, press the switch of the recorder, and escape from the corridor calmly…”

While talking, seeing everyone’s surprised eyes fall on him, Conan reacted and hurriedly smiled at Maori innocently: “Is that right, uncle?”

“Ah, yeah, that’s right!”

handing over the follow-up reasoning to Maori, Conan looked depressed at Gao Cheng standing aside: Damn it, when can I compete with this guy upright…

Gao Cheng shuddered for some reason, looked back strangely at Kogoro Mori and Conan, and walked to the piano again. During careful observation, he suddenly found a piece of paper sandwiched between the lid of the piano keys that had been lifted up.

“This is… sheet music?”

Gao Cheng took out the music score from the gap in doubt, and several people present instantly changed their faces. A thin young man with eyebrows and squirrel eyes ran out in horror, yelling as if he saw a ghost.

“who is he?”

“He is Mr. Nishimoto,” the secretary of the village mayor Hirata introduced, “he used to be quite powerful, eating, drinking, and gambling, he was always lavish, but after the death of the former village chief two years ago, he seemed to be scared by something. Hiding at home all day…”

“By the way, the village head and him should be childhood playmates?” Hirata turned to the current village head, Kuroiwa.

“Ah, yes…” The village chief Hei Yantou was sweating, and his face was not pretty.

“Hey, Joto,” Conan thought, approaching Gao Cheng and whispered, “Do you think these people are weird? It seems that something is wrong when you see the corpse.”

“It’s kind of,” Gao Cheng’s gaze fell on a few people in Heiyan Village, “maybe there is something we don’t know.”


The police station on the island has only one elderly policeman. When Maurilan called to the public hall, it was already very late. The old policeman just recorded some information and released everyone at the venue back. The investigation and inquiry plan to wait until the second. Do it again in the next day.

“Where is murder? It is clearly the soul of Mr. Aso!”

The villagers left in twos and threes, and there was still a lot of discussion about the incident, and the monks kept reading the scriptures.

Gao Cheng looked at these people speechlessly: “How can there be any soul? It’s just the design of the murderer…”

If there is a ghost, what do you want them to do as a detective, just ask the ghost directly.

“Well, Kioto-kun,” Asai walked behind, turning to Gao Cheng slightly tired, “Can such a murder case be solved quickly? I really don’t want to do an autopsy anymore…”

Gao Cheng noticed that Chengshi’s expression was slightly sad, and he was taken aback: “I…”

“Don’t worry, Ms. Chengshi,” Maori rushed forward without waiting for Gao Cheng’s response. This guy smiled with his back on the winning ticket, “As long as the detective handles things, it’s very simple. !”

“Really?” Asai became normal again, and smiled sweetly, “Please, please.”

“Senior Gao Cheng,” Mao Lilan saw that Gao Cheng didn’t seem to want to leave, and said strangely, “Aren’t you going back to the hotel with us?”

“Yes, I will spend the night here with the police man.” Gao Cheng silently watched Asai leave.

There are still too few clues about this incident, and there are still many mysteries involved in the case a few years ago, and he can’t figure out the clue for the time being.

However, once he has enough clues, he will definitely spot the murderer…

“Really, what are you thinking of?” Kogoro Moori stared suspiciously at Gao Cheng, paused, and said to Moli Ran, “Xiao Lan, you go back with Conan, and I will stay here too.”


In the piano room of the public hall, the old policeman moved the body to the ground without authorization, because it was wrapped in cloth and it was not so infiltrating.

Gao Cheng sat down in front of the piano and picked up the sheet of music in the crack.

With knowledge of piano, he can easily see that it is the sheet music of “Moonlight”, but there is a section in the middle but it is very wrong.

tried to play it on the piano. It turned out to be a familiar tune in “Moonlight”, but in the 4th paragraph, there was a completely out-of-tempo sound, which suddenly destroyed the melody of the tune.

“What are you doing?” Kogoro Mouri was startled by the harsh noise, “Don’t play if you can’t play!”

“It’s the problem with the score…” Gao Cheng looked at the fourth paragraph of the score again, frowning, “It seems that someone left a message…”


Conan’s voice sounded from behind, and Maori was stunned, and suddenly discovered that Xiaolan and Conan were also following: “Didn’t I tell you to go back first?”

“Because we are worried about uncle,” Conan looked at the music sheet closely, and innocently turned towards Gao Chengdao, “Brother Gao Cheng should have known that the commission letter is a notice letter, right?”

“You really are not an ordinary kid…” Gao Cheng glanced at this guy.

This guy is always fooling around as a child, but he didn’t arouse much suspicion.

“Telling letter?” Maori hasn’t reacted yet.

“Yes, it says that the shadow disappears, which means that it is shrouded in light. Didn’t the murder scene happen to have the song “Moonlight”?”

Conan said while checking the score, “Maybe the incident is not over yet.”

“If you say so,” Kogoro Mouri looked ugly, “Is the letter of commission actually a challenge book given by the murderer to my detective Kogoro Mouri?! Damn it!”

With a grin, Kogoro Mouri looked at Gao Cheng, who was still studying the music score again: It’s dangerous, this kid knew it from the beginning, and the murderer is very likely to return to the piano room…

“Are you really going to spend the night here?” Gao Cheng shook his head and put down the score, and then asked, “Xiao Lan, aren’t you afraid of ghosts? There are corpses next to it…”

“Ah, I hate it!” Maorilan shrank and hugged Conan, with a look of fear, “Why mention this suddenly?!”

“I thought you weren’t afraid anymore,” Gao Cheng glanced at Conan, who was blushing in Maurilan’s arms, his teeth itchy, “Don’t worry, there is nothing wrong with it.”

“But you seem to be afraid of corpses too…”


After a while, the old police officer brought the bedclothes to sleep. Gao Cheng was shocked by the hard work, for fear that something might happen to the old policeman.

“Let me help.”

“Thank you,” the old police officer wiped his sweat, “I thought you were the only one, so why didn’t you stay here, and brought a child…”

“Sorry,” said, Asai suddenly appeared at the door with a bag of things, “I called and asked the hotel. I heard that you are still here, so I brought you a supper.”

“Listening to you, I seem to be really hungry.”

Smelling the scent, everyone’s stomachs gurgled, only to realize that they hadn’t eaten since noon.

“Thank you so much, Doctor Chengshi.”

Waiting for Chengshi to spread out the tablecloth and put the sushi rice **** on it. Gao Cheng and the old policeman have moved all the bedding to the piano room and sat around to dine together.

It’s weird to eat beside the corpse, but he can’t take care of that much anymore. He didn’t eat much today but wasted a lot of energy.

“Doctor Cheng Shi,” Gao Cheng asked, taking a bite of the rice ball, “You did the autopsy for the former village chief two years ago? How did he die?”

“It’s a heart attack,” Asai nodded and recalled, “It’s just that his face seemed quite tight, as if he saw something terrible…”

“Isn’t that the same as Kawashima this time?” Gao Cheng paused.

“There will be no ghosts, right?” Mao Lilan thought of the comments made by the villagers before, and became frightened again.

“Go back if you’re so scared, really,” Mouri Kogoro put the problematic sheet of music into his arms. “Anyway, the murderer might come back again. We’ll take turns to watch the night here tonight!”

said and looked at Gao Chengdao: “Hey, aren’t you some modern left writing? Why don’t you bring that Toya Lake?”

“Whoever is okay will carry a wooden knife around,” Gao Chengbai gave this guy a glance, “I also heard that you are a master of judo, so it’s fine for the murderer to come over and hand it over to you.”

“Damn it, where did you hear about it?”

In the middle of the night, Gao Cheng was lying in a sleeping bag but couldn’t fall asleep. Next to him, Asai Chengmi, Molilan and Conan were similar, but Moori Kogoro and the old policeman slept soundly.

I really took Moori Kogoro, which made it harder for him to sleep. Although Molilan is good at karate, incidents such as encounters with ghosts and monsters are similar to those of an ordinary girl, only the screams are loud enough…


“If you have any questions, just call me. I’ll squint for a while, and then I’ll take over for you to watch the night.” Gao Cheng reminded Conan and the others, quietly summoning the wooden sword Toya Lake in his arms, closing it more and more Shen eyelids.

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