Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 1-The Enchanted Forest-Part 19

I deliver!

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This is only the beginning. Look forward to more content and feel free to tell me any suggestions!

The next morning finds us in the same place. Our exertions led us to wake later in the day than usual but despite the late hour, we lounge  atop the furs on the first floor. I switched back to my elemental form when we finished, since a troll couldn’t fit comfortably on one of the mats. We had been awake for a while but neither of us wants to move, still wrapped in the afterglow of our passions.

Kierra is pressed against my side, humming tunelessly while she traces patterns through the points of light glinting across my dark surface. The light touch relaxes me and I let my mind drift, focusing on nothing specific.

Eventually, I have to break the silence. Some pressing questions need to be answered. I switch back to human. Kierra’s fingers pause in the fraction that I shift and then she goes right back to drawing her patterns. Heh. Someone’s gotten used to me. “Eh-hmm.”

“Yes, dedia?” Kierra whispers into my ear, her voice dripping with honey.

Hmm? I wonder what that means. It sounds intimate, a suggestion further supported by the loving gaze tinged with just the slightest amount of heat. Her fingers drift lower, tracing the area just beneath my navel.

Hey, now. You can’t be serious. You want more? Didn’t you say that you get too sore? Then again, she becomes irrational when it comes to her troll fixation.

I grab her wrist and guide her hand upward to a safer area. I may know that we need a break but that is still really distracting. “We need to talk about what we’re going to do about the heads on the floor.”

I look over to them, tucked into the corner of the room. Thankfully, the eyes are turned away. I don’t think I could lay here comfortably with them staring at me. I wonder if I can keep the red troll’s skull? It would look good on my wall. Maybe I can even get something to polish the tusks so I can get it back to gleaming white.

“We don’t have to do anything.”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“I imagine that mother has a tracker scanning my cage every other day or so. Eventually, someone will show up outside the tree to collect me. Until then, there is no need to do anything. We can stay right here.”

“I don’t think so. Don’t you have to hunt?”

“I have some supplies on the third floor. They will last.”

“The heads will start to smell if we just leave them there.”

“I will wrap them in something later.”

“…you seriously want to lie in bed and do nothing all day?”

She rises up over me, face flushed green. “Not nothing, dedia.”

This time when her hand moves lower, I don’t stop her, biting my bottom lip as I consider. As soon as I realize I’m doing it, I stop though. Am I this easily influenced? I must be. Even though I’m worried about her, I’m already becoming more enraptured by the thought of repeating last night. “You told me the shortest time you’ve gone without was two days because you were too sore after being with one of them.”

“Hmm. I might have allowed you to misunderstand me there.” She throws her leg over me, straddling my waist. “The longest I had abstained was two days but it was not after being with one of them. My judgment severely compromised by my new freedoms, I boldly walked before their den.”

Oh, saints above. If she walked before all five of them smelling the way she does…

Kierra chuckles. “Your expression says you understand. Yes, they competed over me and their aggression whipped up their passions. When all five had had their turn with me, it was all I could do to limp back home. I believe the only reason I made it back without being preyed on by something is that I reeked of trolls.”

Five trolls. She slept with five of them at the same time while they were in the midst of the battle frenzy. And then she went back for more two days later. “You are a deviant.”

My elf laughs heartily, the sound like tinkling bells. “I believe so. But you are not much better, dedia.” She leans down, close enough that our noses are almost touching. “The way you went at me. Mercilessly driving yourself forward, snarling and snapping at me whenever I dared to try to pull away. I had no idea there was such an animal in you.”

I try to squirm away as she licks my cheek. What the frick? This elf. Just when I think I’ve seen everything, she goes and does something like this. An animal in me? You’re looking at me like you want to eat me alive while grinding yourself against me. I can feel how excited you are as you nip at me, you frickin' savage. Gah! I thought we were through with the biting!? “Watch it! You don’t want me biting back with my new teeth.”

She moans at the suggestion. “Yes! I want it.”

Seriously? Troll teeth are sharp. If I tried doing what you’re doing, I’d rip your throat out. But knowing you, you’d probably bleed out with a smile, still moaning to be fucked.

…that’s kind of hot.

I am a little afraid of what I’ll turn into hanging around this elf.

“Come on.” She brings herself up to whisper against my lips. “You said it. That you’d keep me chained to you with this. Do it, dedia. Fuck me until I can’t think about another lover ever again. I want it, Lou. Give it to me. Give me more.”

I can’t imagine anyone with the willpower to ignore such a plea. I certainly can’t. With a thought, I change into a troll, snarling as my cock immediately rushes toward erectness.

Kierra coos over me, running her hands over the wine-red skin of my chest before sliding them up my neck to grasp ahold of my tusks. “That’s a good girl.”

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