Reincarnated as a red dragon, I wear a crown of flames

Page 7

This time, the three baby dragons breathed with all their strength, exerting strength that had never been eaten before.

The mixed breath covered all the mice.

The dragon's breath of the young dragon was weak and its duration was short, within five or six seconds, all three young dragons felt their throats start to tingle.

Feeling the tingling in his throat, Augustus stopped breathing.

Karel and Angela also stopped.

After the breathing stopped, what came into his eyes was a mouse the size of an adult domestic dog.

Some of these mice were scorched, some were convulsed by the electric shock, and some were frozen stiff by the cold.

The rats were still alive, their limbs were still twitching, obviously they had also lost their ability to move and could no longer get up and run away.

Looking at these mice, Augustus counted silently in his heart.

One two three...nine.

There are nine at the entrance of the cave, plus the one that I shot to death just now, that's ten.

Smelling the burnt smell in the air, my stomach protested again.

Stop barking, this will comfort you, Augustus said silently in his heart.

He walked up to a scorched mouse, opened his dragon kiss, bit it and tore off a large piece of meat.

Chewing the meat, Augustus's vertical pupils narrowed slightly. The taste can only be described as tender and juicy.

At first Augustus thought he would resist, but he didn't expect the taste to be so good.

Looking at Augustus who started to eat, Karel and Angela fixed their eyes on Augustus' blood-stained dragon kiss.

Hungry, also want to eat.

The dragon saliva dripped down the corners of the mouths of the two young dragons and landed on the ground.

Noticed two strong gazes.

Augustus stopped eating and looked around.

The two young dragons stared at him straightly.

The dragon saliva dripped onto the ground along with their open dragon kisses.

So I forgot about these two.

Augustus picked up the half-eaten mouse, picked up two more in his paws, walked up to the mouse he had just killed, and put the mouse down.

After doing this, Augustus looked up at the two young dragons and said.

"The rest of you are one dragon and three"

Hearing what Augustus said, Karel and Angela immediately turned into hungry dragons and bit the mouse.

They didn't feel dissatisfied with Augustus' distribution, which was normal, and the big ones would eat more, even with the mother of dragons.

Angela even felt a little surprised by this assignment.

It's not too little, but it's too much. According to the five-color dragon's character and its absolute advantage, it's not bad to be able to give two.

If it was Angela, there would be a high probability that she would choose to let only one go.

As for Karel, wait until the old lady is full.

Look away from Karel and Angela.

Augustus also put his head down and started cooking.


10 minute later.

Augustus sat contentedly on the ground, his bulging belly facing the sky.

Beside Karel and Angela also look the same.

Stretching out his big scarlet tongue to lick the blood on the dragon's kiss, Augustus slowly savored it.

I'm so full, I don't want to move.

Just three were enough.

He looked at the remaining big mouse beside him.

He stretched out his paws to pick up the mouse. He was so hungry just now that he was so addicted to cooking that he didn't pay attention to what the mouse looked like.

After carefully looking at the mouse, I feel that it looks no different from the gerbils on the earth. They all have light brown fluff.

Turning the mouse in its paws, well, there is a big gap in size, with a pair of big dies and a pair of long front paws in its mouth.

Lost interest in the mouse after looking at Auguston.

Throw the mouse on the paw on the ground.

Take this one back home for supper at night.

The dragon's head turned sideways to look at the many dry bushes around it, maybe it could be a little barbecue or something.

After laying down and resting for about seven or eight minutes, my swollen stomach became flat again.

Look at the belly that has recovered.

The dragon's stomach is really strong enough, Augustus thought silently.

Looking at Karel and Angela, the two young dragons are already getting up.

"What will Augustus do next, go back to the cave?" Angela asked.

"Of course, go straight back to sleep," Karel suggested.

The giant dragon is an inert race and generally likes to sleep.

This inertia is reflected in Karel.

The eyes of the two young dragons fell on Augustus.

Facing the two gazes, Augustus spoke.

"Don't go back yet, we are full for this meal, what about the next meal?"

Augustus has already started to think about the next meal in his heart, so he might be worried about the next meal after eating this meal.

After all, it's a ghostly place like a desert.

"But I want to sleep~" Karel complained.

She should go back to sleep when she is full. She couldn't figure out why wasting time here.

Hearing Karel's complaint, August Dragon turned to Karel.

"Do you want to wake up next time like this time? Enduring hunger and trying your luck in the desert"

"Will you be so lucky next time?"

"You can go back if you want~"

After listening to Augustus, Karel fell silent.

It's hard to choose between sleeping and starving.

Thinking of the hunger he had just endured, it really made the dragon want to go crazy.

No, I definitely don't want to have that feeling again.

Karel shook the dragon's head left and right, and looked at Augustus seriously.

"I don't want to starve, as long as you don't let me starve, I will listen to you"

Hearing this, Augustus nodded his head in satisfaction.

Fortunately, this simple guy is not yet stupid.

Angela, who witnessed the whole process, felt very interesting in her heart, and the reasonable red dragon, this is really interesting.

After convincing Karel, there is still a whelp.

Turning the dragon's head to look at Angela.

"Your thoughts?"

"Listen to you" Angela.

"Well, let's fly in three directions separately for half an hour, and after half an hour, no matter how far we fly, we will fly back to gather"

"Choose your direction first."

After Augustus finished speaking, he quietly looked at Karel and Angela, waiting for them to make a choice.

Behind is the dragon's nest on the peak and cliff. There is no need to explore that direction, so there are only three directions that can be chosen.

left and right and front.

"I'll go to the left," Karel said flatly.

After she finished speaking, she flapped her wings and flew into the sky incomparably.

"Then I'll go to the right," Angela said.

Angela, who had chosen the direction, also flew away.

Augustus, who was still in place, looked ahead and saw the endless Great Rift Valley. He didn't know how long the Great Rift Valley was.

Chapter 9

Move yourself too.

Thinking, Augustus grabbed the mouse on the ground with one paw, and flew into the sky with his wings.

Fly into the sky, while flying with all your might, while keeping your head down and keeping an eye on the ground.

This time, looking for creatures is secondary, and finding water sources is the main thing. In a harsh place like the desert, water is the source of life.

Water sources will attract all kinds of life forms.

It can be said that as long as the water source can be found, there is no need to worry about the food for myself, Karel, and Angela's whelping stage.

Of course, the premise is that the water source is stable enough and will not dry up.

While flying, I kept an eye on the ground for more than ten minutes.

Slopes, gravel, dead grass, dry rift bottom, these four scenery remain unchanged for thousands of years.

Along with the flight, Augustus felt a sense of boredom in his heart.

Damn Crystal Dragon, why can't you choose a forest terrain!

Which desert to choose?

He secretly cursed the unnamed Crystal Dragon in his heart.


Suddenly Augustus noticed that the humidity in the air seemed to have changed.

Standing in the air, the two big nostrils on the dragon's head shrugged.


A look of surprise burst out in the vertical pupils.

The air humidity around here has become higher, it is not so dry anymore!

Well... there must be water around here!

Aware of this possibility, Augustus became involuntarily excited.

This is a big discovery.

The line of sight looked towards the front of the Great Rift Valley.

The dragon wings fanned, and Augustus accelerated his flight speed.

Not long after flying, a sunken terrain came into view.

"Murring ~"

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