Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 34: Red Moon

It is now the middle of May.

Very soon the second semester vacation of the academy will begin.

I, Razel Bartlet, am an ordinary young man like everyone else. My hair and eyes are black, not to mention that I am very ugly. Why was I born ugly?

But there is a difference between me and everyone else.

And that is, I'm a background character.

I don't like to stand out.

Standing out is bad for me because I have an alter ego.

That alter ego exists to protect my identity.

The reason I have one is because deep down, it's very cool. In my previous life...

Right, I forgot to say it. I'm a reincarnated person.

An ordinary Japanese former student.

My life like the other Japanese was monotonous. That's why we had vicious hobbies so that we avoid the... well, something very bad we avoid thanks to entertainment.

Anyway, there was a manga about a billionaire who was a playboy by day and a crime fighter by night.

Deep down I'm something like that. But it's more because this world I've ended up in. It's really an otome game.

A grotesque and absurd world that only girls should play.

But because of the developer, they introduced a rpg adventure style making it interesting for men.

That's why something as absurd as an otome themed rpg game was very popular.

Fortunately for me, romantic themes in the game were few.

That's because the developer was putting all those elements into another game. That game was the reason to make it rpg.

A strange game of floating islands and mechas. Where just like this world, the power of love was needed.

Thanks to the events of this year, nothing was accurate.

I was scared at first, but I don't care much anymore.

Part of that is because I just have to nip in the bud all future problems I know about.

Like this one.

Right now I was looking up at the sky.

Even though it was daytime, the moon was visible.

In this world as in my previous world. The planet revolved around the sun.

Normally the moon does not move from its position, that's why we can see it at night when we turn around.

But in this world it is not like that, the moon rotates with the planet itself.

I don't know if there are more continents in this world.

But only this side can observe the moon during the day as well as at night.

My fear is from what I see.

The moon is red.

What the hell does that mean? That's what anyone would ask.

Well, let me tell you, it's true. What the hell?

Is this some kind of joke!

No, it isn't.

One of the most dangerous events ever mentioned in the game is happening right now.

The resurrection of the vampire queen.

She was the bearer of one of the seven deadly sins. The sin of sloth.

I managed to eliminate some users. Well, I only killed one, the others are my allies.

That only leaves three sins, one of them is something that is happening right now.

And the other two belong to the same individual. The demonic knight of Ideal Empire.

My current situation is very frightening.

In the game itself this event was never discussed. It happened off camera to make a plot twist to surprise everyone.

In the game it's fine, but now that I live in that world.

It's the worst!

Damn those script writers and developers for creating something so absurd!

"Okay, for the next topic to come on the exam. Let's talk about the sky phenomenon that happens once every 500 years."

I was in history class. By chance the professor was teaching us about the upcoming topics and it seems that this will be one of them.

"In case you don't know. The red moon is a strange magical phenomenon that occurs every 500 years due to the concentration of mana in the air."

"The magical element condenses to such an extent that it changes from its usual white color to red. Our researchers are still investigating why it is red."

"This phenomenon is wonderful because if they use magic power, even if it is small, they will have a large amount emanating from their bodies. It may sound very interesting, but it is the same as taking pills for depression in a pregnant woman."

"It lasts 3 days. So I leave it to you to make groups and do research to figure out what you think that red color might mean."

The bell that signaled that class was over rang.

"Well, today is the first day, the red moon gains more intensity as time goes by. I'm sure many of you will be amazed to see the red sky. That's what the records say."

The professor left the room. It was recess time.

My friends Derrick and Cliff approached me to ask what we were having for lunch today, but I replied.

"Sorry, I have something to do."

And I went straight out the door to go get a ticket.


One person was watching Razel when he left, that person followed him.


Headmaster Karman's office.

There, at a big desk filling out some documents was the current headmaster of the academy.

An old, gray-haired man.

Someone knocked on his door. He knew who it was since he sent for them.

The door opened and three people came in.

They were all teachers.

Starting with the middle one.

A tall, well-muscled, dark-skinned man stood with his arms crossed.

He was dressed in a PE uniform with his sweatshirt wrapped around his waist.

He wore sunglasses and his hair was pulled back in dreadlocks.

It was Johnny Morlett, the academy's fencing and martial arts teacher.

To his left was a tall, thin man with very pale skin. He looked sick, but he was not.

His black hair was wavy and covered his right eye. His left eye was visible and his iris was yellow.

He was the academy's professor of etiquette and manners, Clement von Werner.

And last of all was a teacher who had been here almost half his life. Not even the headmaster had the same number of years working here despite being colleagues.

His short hair was neatly combed and gray, either naturally or because of his gray hair. His mustache was neatly combed and pointed, covering his entire upper lip.

His eyes were as blue as the sky. He was the professor of magical theory, Manfred von Zeben.

They were all ordinary teachers, but what exactly where they doing here? That was the question the assistant headmistress wondered as she let them in.

The first to speak was Manfred.

"Good morning, headmaster. May we know why you summoned us here?"

The headmaster showed some papers. Each one had his name on it.

"The imperial palace is moving."

"I don't know what's going on, but they sent me a letter to move the only fighters we have."

Now John spoke.

"I understand that, but is it really necessary to call us?"


"The prime minister wrote those letters personally to all of you."

They all swallowed their breath.

Manfred looked at the letter with a blank expression.

"I thought the palace didn't care anymore."

"Manfred. I understand what you must be feeling, but it seems that something big is going on in the Granville duchy."

Clement replied intrigued.

"The Duchy Granville?"

"You mean the lawless city?"

"The same."

Sweat beaded on their foreheads.

"The palace received a report from a spy. Large numbers of individuals have been coming in and out for weeks."

"Something big must be going on in the underworld."

"Therefore, a large number of knights and adventurers will be sent."

"I'm counting on you?"

John without thinking said. "I accept."

While Clement answered a little late. "This is for the well-being of Werner's Household.

While Manfred was slow to respond.

"I accept, but I hope it will be the last time. Will that man go too?"

"I'm afraid not. He is retired. He is now fervently devoted to his work."

"You may go, your tickets for the train will be available in the evening when the other gentlemen and adventurers arrive."

The three of them left the room, but Manfred's face seemed to have a hint of displeasure on it.

The conductor saw him and could only say.

"Sorry old friend, but you are bound to the palace despite the fact that they spat you out and fired you."

I ran straight to the train station the center of the capital.

The streets just like in my previous life, were crowded with people.

I arrived at the station. It was identical to a normal station in Japan.

The difference was that the girl at the reception to buy the tickets was a semi-human.

A tanned beauty with dog ears.

I asked her for a round-trip ticket straight to the Granville Duchy.


"What do you mean the tickets were sold out?!"

She ducked her ears in sorrow.

"I'm sorry, but a palace official asked us to reserve all of this week's tickets for an event."

The tickets were made of rare-to-find material. That's why we imported them and they were expensive.

I had just enough in my purse for one ticket.

To go to the Granville Duchy, which is on the northeastern border of the empire. It would take 4 days of running.

I can use my God of Lightning Speed to do it. But that would take me a long time.

Going by flying boat is much more expensive.

Rosenberg Household doesn't have one yet, at the same time no one must find out what I'm doing.

That's why the train is the best option.

Interestingly, the train and flying boat journey takes the same amount of time, two days.

If I leave today, I will arrive at noon. Right on the third day.

If I had known the exact date, I would have prepared earlier.

Eliminating the vampire queen is a very important thing to ensure the peace of this world and its future.

But, this girl just eliminated that destiny.

"You really can't sell me out?"

"I'm sorry."

"Not even one to spare?"


The dog-eared girl looked sad for not selling me a ticket. She was a good worker no doubt.

I walked out of there very sad.

What should I do, steal the ticket from one of them?

But what does the palace want it for? I doubt they know what's going on. So it must be something else.

My situation was really bad, I need a miracle to avoid attacking a guy and stealing his ticket.

"Razel, what are you doing here?"

Someone was calling me. I turned around to find out who it was.

I was surprised to see an attractive guy, taller than me. Unruly navy blue hair and dark blue eyes.

It was Cid- Cidfert von Bryes, one of the pay capture targets. In the game he was an unfriendly boy like his face, who was a self-conscious envier, that being the reason why he was the bearer of the sin of envy.

But that didn't happen as I avoided him and we became good friends.

I asked him.

"What are you doing here instead?"

"Don't avoid the question."

"No, really. Please tell me. Were you stalking me?"

"I'm going to hit you."

A blue streak marked itself on his forehead.

Then he sent his gaze to the train station.

"What do you want a ticket for?"

My eyes immediately darted elsewhere.

I couldn't tell him that. -I'm going to kill a vampire to save the world.

Absolutely no one would believe me.

But there is something I can use to my advantage.

"Y-You see... that guy. -Yeah! That guy asked me to go buy him something at a certain!"

Cid's eyes widened as he knew who I meant.

"Right, that guy. He's definitely something to be afraid of."

Several weeks ago, the demon king Desmond, one of the four demon kings, came to live at Rosenberg Manor.

I don't know how it all ended up that way. But he hasn't killed anyone and he just eats a lot.

"I see. We mustn't make him angry."

Cid understood that this guy was dangerous. That's why he didn't call the palace to come and eliminate him.

It was partly because I asked him to.

It would be bad if the wildest demon king, started his attack when the heroine and the capture targets are not together.

Cid ran to the receptionist and somehow got two tickets.


I only need one, why two?

Did he make a mistake?

When he came back, I asked him and he said.

"I'll come with you obviously."

I didn't show an expression on my ugly face, but I was screaming inside.

You what?

Why would you do that?!?

Are you an idiot?

"If there are two of us, getting "it" for that guy should be easier. Besides, it was easy thanks to my influence."

Cid went from being the fourth prince to the third.

This was a historic achievement.

I told him several things to keep him from accompanying me, but he always responded.

"I will go. Stop making excuses."

I couldn't refuse anymore. So we ran straight to the academy to pack our bags.

By the way, why do you do so much for my Cid?

Once we arrived at the academy, we went straight to class so we wouldn't get in trouble.

After a few hours, the study day was over.

I was heading to my room to put my stuff away, Cid went to his.

At the door of my dorm, two girls were waiting for me.

The one on the left was a girl with light blonde hair pulled back in two small pigtails from her neck and down her back. Her eyes were a bright aquamarine.

She was Lily, the protagonist of this otome game and also one of my girlfriends.

To her right was another girl just as beautiful as Lily, her arms were interlocked, showing her anger.

Her hair was a light blonde that reached her back, some of her hair covered her forehead. Her eyes were an exquisite cherry color like her full lips.

She was the villain of this game, Elize von Rosenberg, my fiancée.

Last semester many things happened. Among them our engagement.

Now they were both my girlfriends.

Eli looked at me very angrily.

"Razel, where have you been? We were looking for you all through lunch to have lunch together. We asked your friends and they said you were gone."

"Where did you go?"

"That's right Razel-kun. We've been worried sick about you!"

What wonderful girls. Worried about an ugly guy like me.

"I'm sorry, but something came up and I have to leave right away."

Hearing that, Eli's expression changed.

Did something happen with my in-laws? Or is it something important to you?

I should tell them, but...

"Nothing happened to my parents. It's actually an errand from that guy."

When I said "that guy", they immediately changed their expression to a relaxed one.

"Oh, I see, that's Desmond-san's business, isn't it?"

Lily said with a smile.

That day, they met the demon king.

I was afraid that something would happen.

But just like an employee of a Japanese company. He greeted them cordially and retired to eat.

If you're the demon king, act like one!

No, wait! Don't act like one! Act like a tame dog please.

I told them he was my martial arts mentor who came from abroad.

Give him anything he asks for.

I was sweating and babbling that day, but they believed me.

The duchess- Barbara von Rosenberg, Eli's mother. She greeted him like an important guest and he was given his own room.

Something that struck me as odd, is that despite having horns, no one is weirded out.

I don't think they mistake him for an ox-like semi-human so they think he's one.

Anyway, the girls understand the situation.

"I understand, how long will it take you?"

"If I leave tonight. I'll arrive in two days, at noon at the Granville Duchy."


Eli showed a face of astonishment when she heard that, while Lily didn't understand.

Eli whispered something in her ear and then Lily lectured me.

"R-R-R-Razel-kun is a bad boy! Tell us exactly what you'll look for in such a thing!"

It was adorable how she whined.

"It's something important to him. I can't tell you. Once I get it, I'll be back on the next train back. That is, next week."

Today is Thursday, Saturday night will be the day when a tragedy will occur. I must stop it as soon as possible.

Eli looked at the floor sadly.

"Is it something dangerous again?"

"I can't say."

"I know."

It looked like Eli didn't want me to go because she was afraid something would happen to me. But she lifted her face and showed me her cheerful face.

"There are things only a man should do, aren't there?"

She put her fist on my chest.

"As the next duke of Rosenberg Household, it is your duty to return."

"Eli-chan, but-!"

Lily seemed to want to stop me, but Eli hugged her and took her chin.

The way they were doing it was very innocent, though obscene to me.

It gave the impression that Eli wanted to devour Lily.

I won't complain if that happens. But, I'd like to see it.

"Lily-chan, this is something Razel must do. -You're going with Prince Cid, right?"


"See? It'll be fine if he's with him. In these cases, the woman must have faith in her man that he will return safely. Worrying is bad for your health."


The way Lily averted her face only further increased my desire to see something that only in erotic books would happen.

In fact, before I died I ordered one that dealt with Eli sodomizing Lily in a frenzy of unmentionables.

Once Lily calmed down, she ran to hug me, then Eli.

"Promise us you'll come back safely, will you?"

Lily was more distressed than Eli, she seemed to want to support Lily as her grip was so strong.

"Eli, it hurts, you'll break my ribs."

"I-I will. After all, I won't let my girls worry about me."

Their faces looked at me with a lovely glow.

Gosh, what did I do to deserve such wonderful girlfriends?

The night came.

The train station was a spacious place.

Many people were gathered here.

Some in armor and some in adventurers' clothes.

The knights who were here must have been from small houses as their family coats of arms were unknown to me.

Cid and I were handing over our tickets to be given a bracelet, that bracelet indicated that we paid our ticket.

Its color was light blue and its glow will fade once we return.

I don't quite understand this, but it seems that it is to avoid counterfeits or intruders.

We were in line to board our car.

Slowly people were entering while my eyes were focused on the sky.

Two nights from now... a calamity will happen if I don't stop it.

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