Scarfil Expanse

Chapter 17: Chapter 16


All was still at last, as the elevator-like chamber that Aida and Kai rode in came to a stop.

"Where are we?" Aida asked.

"I think we have arrived at our destination at last," Kai responded.

As the door to the chamber they were in opened, their eyes widened at the sight before them. It was as if a city remained in this world below that they had discovered.

Uniquely curved architecture stretched from the elevator contraption and ahead of them towards the well-lit city before them. Above the city was a dome-like ceiling reaching high above. Pipes and valves ran across the ceiling and down the walls, covering the buildings before them.

The two of them stepped slowly from the landing platform and onward towards the liveliness ahead of them.

"Which building do you think it is?" Aida asked wondrously.

Kai reached slowly with one hand and pointed a single finger towards his answer. Before them, in between all of the other buildings, was one massive one with a giant hand-made sign hanging from its witches' peak. Upon the sign was a giant book and ink feather engraved.

With a slight gesture of obviousness, Aida spoke," makes sense."

The two of them pulled their hoods up and began to walk more inwards into the city. Instantly, they were astounded again as the individuals inhabiting this city were oddly different.

"Their hair," Aida whispered to Kai.

For some reason, every single person's hair seemed to be as white as snow, no matter the age. They hurried some to make sure to not be noticed as odd within the group of people surrounding them. Two giant metal doors stood tall with uniquely carved engravements upon them. Kai and Aida pushed them open and entered the massive building.

Inside was an open floor with different lanes leading to different areas of the building. The individual workers within were shaved clean of any hair on their heads, and wore wooden masks to cover up their faces. Signs that they were members of the Old Government.

Kai and Aida slowly walked down one of the lanes and up to a desk that reached way too high for them to even see over it.

"Hello there," Kai began.

The individual continued staring at his papers, almost as if he ignored Kai completely.

Kai cleared his throat," Excuse me."

Abruptly, the Old Government associate spoke.

"What are you here for, business renewals, passage fees, or docking paperwork for Njomon?"

"We are here to make our Faction Official," Kai replied.

The Old Government associates chair could be heard scraping the ground as he pushed it backwards. After he stood, he slowly leaned over the desk he was at and looked down upon the two.

"You are wanting an official seal from the Official Faction Department?" He asked.

"Yes sir," Kai replied.

With a gulp the man sat back down.

"Well it has been quite a long time since I've done this process, luckily I'm one of the only ones left with the knowledge to do so. My name is Seqoy, pleasure to be helping you today."

A shy smile reached across Kais face as he realized that his forever journey was reaching the next step.

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