Chapter 20: Chapter 19
Blindfolded and tied up, Kai could could feel the waters carrying a vessel he was on across them to a destination unknown.
'I hope Aida made it away safely..' Kai thought to himself in the darkness of only his mind.
When he was captured, he heard mention of a man named 'RIff' that was amongst those of the Faction Sygnen that were there. He knew this sort of thing would clearly happen after being one of the first Factions in a long time to arise, and with his sort of mission at that.
"Pull him to his feet!" A Sygnen soldier yelled out.
Kai could hear the sounds of footsteps approaching him before being yanked up onto his feet, his blindfold being dragged down to reveal the light to his eyes. Blinking away the sharpness of the piercing light, a giant gate and wall that circled around to both sides around whatever hid behind it stood in front of him.
A man in green light armor walked into his view, wearing green slick hair tied back into a ponytail. He had violet eyes and something misleading about his character that Kai noticed instantly from the look of his anguished face.
"Kai, the Leader of the Faerlu Faction that fought some of the soldiers from the Relnad Faction and had destroyed the Caecis mine. Does that all sound correct?" The man spoke.
The Leader of Faerlu stood while being held by soldiers, staring at the man trying to speak to him.
"No words? That's fine, you will change your demeanor once we get you settled down within Anucis. My name, however, is Riff. A high ranking Soldier for the Guardian Ryfen and for Sygnen," he began. "See our dilemma that caused us to interfere, was that you started a war with a Faction from the Dusk Alliance, destroying a precious mine in Caecis greatly depleted an important resource for the Expanse, and therefor needed to be dealt with swiftly."
Kai smiled ear to ear at the thought of knowing that what they have done so far has already caused such a stir up in the Expanse.
"Guardian Ryfen, no matter our orders from Exolid, has other plans then to send you to face punishment from the Executor himself."
'Executor? He can't be talking about him...' Kai thought to himself, his eyes in a bewilderment.
The Gates to Anucis slowly began to creek open to reveal what was behind them as Riff continued.
"So we have personally made you our Captive, to the rest of the Expanse you were notified as being deceased. Welcome to the rest of your life, Kai of Faerlu," Riff finished.
Kai stared at the City before him, one giant platform unlike the other cities he had seen held a whole giant location at once. A massive dome-like arena was arisen to the left, and a giant stone-like castle to the right with the rest of the city scattered about. It was unlike anything else he had ever seen.
Leon stood at the front of the Booster, his thoughts scattered as he stared across the water. Their current direction being unknown, Leon hadn't even entered the Captains Deck since hearing about Kais' capture. Knowing how much things have changed in such a short amount of time had bothered him to this point.
"Don't overthink it my love," a voice gently floated from next to him.
"I just don't know my next step, I wasn't supposed to lead this Journey. It was supposed to be him..." Leon spoke softly in return.
"And if this role was reversed, what do you think he would do?" Eileen replied.
"He would find a way to get me back, and then we would travel to wherever our Factions home is to be."
"So let's find a way to get him back first. Come, everyone is waiting for you," Eileen responded once more before turning and walking down the stairs and into the depths of the Booster.
'Waiting for me?' Leon questioned in his head.
Turning as well he began to follow her, down the stairs and into the Booster. They began reascending up some more stairs once inside and down a corridor to a giant entrance where voices could be heard engaging frantically behind it. Leon pushed the door open to reveal multiple individuals arguing amongst each other within the Captains Deck.
"Why did we all choose this path? It's going to end even faster then anticipated due to our lack of planning!" Dulgit roared out.
"Kai knew this would be a risk and he still did it and more to make sure we could continue with our Journey! We all agreed upon it!" Aida responded.
"If he would've been smarter he wouldn't have been caught!" Portam yelled out from the side.
Hawk stood quietly to the side leaning against a wall with his arms crossed.
The arguing began for a moment long as Eileen and Leon entered, Leon walked to the Captains Chair.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" He yelled.
The room became quiet instantly. Other members of the Faerlu Faction stood scattered out amongst the others that argued. At least twenty of them stood within the room. Leon sat down in the chair, taking a breather before beginning.
"I need a day to scour through everything Kai had planned within here, we will find a way to get him back. Dulgit will search through the maps alongside with me, as well as Eileen and Aida to go through his belongings and paperwork to find a way at all to give us hope in retrieving him. If I know Kai, he would've had a back up plan for such things."
"Sounds good," Dulgit responded, Eileen and Aida nodding as well in response.
"The rest of you may go back to your normal duties."
Everyone began to exit the room muttering to themselves, before Leon spoke out once more.
"Portam, I almost forgot. You are to be taken to the Prisoners Cells for Treason against Kai and the Faction of Faerlu, you will stay there until Kai returns to decide your Official Punishment."
Multiple Faerlu members began to grab Portam, instantly dragging him out of the room.
"You are the reason we are in this position! I knew it!" One yelled out.
"Hopefully you rot down there!"
Portam looked shock if for an instant, before looking back and smiling evilly back to Leon.
"There's more to come," he mouthed to where Leon could understand.
Leon stared quietly as the others began to go through the Captains Deck, all to make a plan in order to save Kai.