Scarfil Expanse

Chapter 3: Chapter 2

"I'll see you in 10 days tops. Get everything together, and let Eileen know as well," Kai stated to his childhood friend as he walked out the door.

"She'll be ready, we both will. Safe travels brother."

"Forever journey."

The small town had always been influenced by trade and survivors. As the only town in the Expanse with no Faction, the civilians that remained here worked night and day to make sure everyone was comfortable in a town ruled by them and them alone.

As Kai made his way to the docks, over the strung together bridges that worked as pathways, he made one last stop. When the door opened for him to walk into the baker's home, it was already nearing nightfall outside.

"Miss Kira, I apologize for coming by so late. I didn't want you to think I forgot you before I left," Kai stated with a slight smile on his face.

"You're quite fine Kai, please come in and sit for a drink before you leave."

"Of course."

As he took a seat, Miss Kira was already walking back with cups full of liquid.

"Here you go love," she said.

"Thank you."

"I've made you some of that sweet bread you like, I'll see you out with it when you go."

"I'm excited of course," Kai responded.

"So is it nearing time for you to go on your Forever Journey?" Miss Kira asked after a moment of silence stirred between the two.

Kai stared off into the depths of a nearby wall as he began to speak.

"It's been hundreds of years since the Lost Factions were in existence. Leon and I made a pact and a plan when we were younger running the streets together. We've definitely grown up, but this isn't something that I will ever let go of and not pursue. You have always looked out for us even as kids, Miss Kira," tears trailed down the woman's face as the young man spoke.

"Out of everyone, you should know what this means to us and to everyone that is Factionless in the Expanse," Kai finished.

"You're right Kai, you boys became my world after Sebert passed away, and with that I will always back you two. But I would be lying if I said that I wasn't scared to see you both place yourselves in harm's way," Miss Kira responded.

"We'll look out for each other, and once we've expanded our own Faction, we'll return to claim Catarei as our own."

With a sniffled giggle underlying her voice, Miss Kira replied, "be safe my boy, and don't forget your Sweet Bread."

A couple more gestures were made, followed by a deep hug, before Kai made his way back to the docks. After passing the pier a few moments later, he finally strolled up to the Treader, his boat. Kai gazed one last time over the waters that he would once more travel upon.

'The stars are bright tonight.' He thought to himself.

With one last moment spent, he jumped down into the boat that sat last in a line of boats at the docks. Once inside the single cab on his Treader, he kicked his shoes off and laid down roughly upon his bed.

His mind wandered many times as he struggled to sleep. The pipes in his cab ran around the inner walls and ceiling throughout. The low ripples could be slightly heard rubbing up against the sides of the boat. Calmness finally sat in as his mind finally began to travel to thoughts of sleeping.

'My Forever Journey.'

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