Seven Rings of Hell

Chapter 30: Chapter 21: A glimmer of hope...

Previously on Seven Rings of Hell, Kimura journey has begun but it seems like that story is extremely dark... Kimura has been hiding his pain... And he just couldn't take it anymore... And it finally exploded out of Kimura Infront of everyone and he couldn't stand it anymore... And he is is thinking of ending it all... He's already beyond saving...

{As it resumes to that scene of Kimura jumping from the roof}

Kimura: [I'm sorry everyone... But my story ends here...] (As he sees the floor below turn into depths of hell the heat is felt all across Kimura's face as he hurdles straight down) See you all in hell... (As Kimura closes his eyes and everything goes dark)

{Everything goes silent as the abyss of the darkness consumes Kimura whole as all flickers of light fade}

Kimura: Is this hell? (He opens his eyes slowly)

{As he opens his eyes he sees the street right under him as he's hanging upsidedown}

Kimura: What the?! Is that?! (As he's looks up and down) I can't even do this right!! I'm so flipping pathetic!! (As Kimura sheds a tear of regret as this is a fate even worse than death) But wait... I'm actually flying. Is This my new superpower?! (As he wobbles struggling to comtrol himself) I'm floating in zero gravity... This so serial! (As he looks up) Let's go for a test drive!! (As he glows light blue purple as he uncontrollablely blasts through the air) This so cool!! (As he glides across building to building) I'm unstoppable!! (As he gets too cocky) Wow!! (As he almost runs into a building) Brakes! Brakes!! (As he slows down but he still slats into the building)

Random person: What the hell?!

Kimura: Umm you saw nothing!! (As he flys away) I've got to get above town.

{As Kimura soars through the sky on the Beautiful sun raise shining across his face}

Kimura: I feel so... (As he soars above the clouds) Alive!!! (As he roars this as he flies through the clouds and sees the sun above the clouds) This sun raise... It marks the day things start changing! (He looks at the time) Oh shit, I need to get back! (As he goes back down) I'm so glad I already mastered this po- (but before he can finish saying that the aura fades and he falls back to the floor) What the?! Nevermind it may just be going haywire. Yeah that's why!

{He tries running but he runs out of breathe almost immediately}

Kimura: That thing took so much of my energy im gonna have to walk.

{Kimura walks back to the house}

Kimura: Ahh!!(struggles to breathe) I'm back.

Tokito: Oh Kimura! (As she runs to him and hugs him tightly) Don't you ever go scaring me like that again!!

Onaraka: I'm so glad your back! (As she comes in and punches him on the head) Don't go doing something stupid like that again!! (Angry at Kimura)

Kimura: Yeah I get it, but I've got something to show you!! (As his eyes are filled with ignorant hopefulness of a child)

Onaraka: [I missed seeing that glint in his eyes.] What do you want to show us lil cub?

Kimura: Alright, your about to wet your pants!

{As Kimura grabs chair and stands on top of it}

Kimura: Check this! (As he jumps off it but he bellyflops)

Onaraka: (breaks out in laughter) This that what you wanted to me show us?

Tokito: What are you really trying to do Kimura? (Worried for him)

Kimura: I'm trying to show you I have superpowers... I don't know why it isn't working right now (that glimmer of hope in his eyes is slowly dying) is it because I'm good enough? Or was it all just... A dream... I think I just imagined it, yeah that's it. I can't escape what i really am... A failure. (As the light completely dies out and the darkness ingulfs his pupils) I just can't do it anymore...

Onaraka: Lil bro what's wrong? Is it because I laughed? Look I'm sorry. Okay? Try again I Know you can do it!

Kimura: No... The only time it actually worked was when I jumped from the building...

Tokito: You jumped from what?! (Completely caught off guard) Did you do that?!

Kimura: (tries brushing it off) Nevermind, um where's Itadori? I need to start my training.

Onaraka: Oh he's in the backroom waiting for you. But we're still not done talking.

Kimura: But I gotta go, we'll talk later bye!! (He quickly runs to the backroom) I lost them... (As he gets into the room) Wow!!

{As Kimura for the first time sees the back room he sees the full on gym it gives off and the heat in the air feels completely different}

Kimura: Hey sensei.

Itadori: Yo, are you ready to begin? (As he turns off the demon slayer he was watching) Demon slayer has the best animation. So are you ready?

Kimura: (reluctantly says) Yeah sure.

Itadori: Alrighty warm up with some pushups. Give me 20!

Kimura: Like right now?

Itadori: Now!! (He raises his voice)

Kimura: (he starts gets emotional) Okay fine!! (As he gets down and does push ups)

{Kimura completely struggles with the pushup and does them with sloppy form}

Itadori: What is that form?! It's complete shit! I thought your brother taught you better!!

{Itadori's harsh words strikes Kimura's vulnerable heart}

Kimura: I'm trying my best!! (Gets really emotional)

Itadori: Well you best isn't good enough, you want to be stronger your gonna have to do better! Do you hear me?! (Kimura stays Silent) Do you hear me?! I don't take SAS here in the elemental crash course, you need to give 150%!! What your giving me isn't even half! Are you okay with that?! Is that your limit?

Kimura: (begins to cry) no... Sir (as his lips shakes as he goes on his knees) Your such a bully, I hate you!!

Itadori: Wow, (as he lowers his voice) are you okay Kimura? I was just being mean, just to toughen you up, that's all. I'm not trying to harm you here, I want the best from you so I gotta do it my all means.

{Itadori tries reaching his hand out to Kimura}

Itadori: We'll start over and do this at your pace. Come on.

Kimura: No!! (As he aggressively slaps his hand away) You can't tell me what to do! You know nothing about how I feel!! (As his eyes are starting get filled with rage)

Itadori: Come on- (he's cut off)

Kimura: Shut up!!

Itadori: Kimura... Are you okay?

Kimura: Yeah I'm fine! If "F" is feeling overwhelmed and "I" is I'M NOT ALRIGHT!! And "N" Is the sleepless nights I have "E" every night. Then I'm fine!! (In a sarcastic and brutal tone as the tears build up in his eyes)

{Then in the background a growl forms lightly as the air around Kimura starts to distort with heavy gravity}

Itadori: Kimura... (He's left completely speechless as he sees Kimura like this)

{As the tension builds I'm the room as Kimura and Itadori state off}

It cuts to black

To be continued!!

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