Shadows of betrayal

Chapter 4: Ashen rebirth

as he killed Yuuma Koizumi

He got out of the room and then he found many people outside, but the vips that were there already left. Then, as he continued to move from room to room in his path, he found many people whom he killed, and as he walked in a room, there were many guards. He killed them all. As he continued to kill, he killed a total of 1333 people, and as he killed them, he stopped feeling feelings before killing them. His hands were shaking. Now they aren't. Before killing them, he had some mercy now He doesn't have any. All that matters to him now is revange.

With the mindset, he reached a room that was Yumma Koizumi's research lab, and there he found some information that Yumma Koizumi had found.

The first thing he found was

people Awake their elements when they are 5 years of age.

The second thing he found is that sometimes the personality of the user effects the element they get.

After that, he started to train himself there for 2 years and then went to get his revenge from all the people who bullied him and the man who killed his parents.

after 2 years

He learned to use his powers. He learned manipulation.

He got his plane to get his revange

But to execute that plan, he needed to hide his true powers. While practicing, he learned that he had the power of light and darkness, but he couldn't control darkness properly, and he can turn his light powers into firepower, as no one can suspect him that he has light powers.

Now first he needs to get out of this place.

HARU: Well, first, let's get out of this damn trash place.

and the first part of the plane is to get into the academy of Tokyo Hero School.

From there, I will start my plane (he gives creapy vibes).

then he goes in the locker room and picks up a set of clothes, and there were 4 million yen, and he picked them up in a bag.


He left from there, then he goes to a city.

Wow, its been 2 years since I came to the other side of the world; its beautiful.

He sees all the people, and then he sees a child with his parents, and he starts to remember his parents.

Im going to kill that basterd.

Now first let's go and rent a place to live in. Then he goes to the very shabby place and gets a room from the house owner, who was an old man. He then talks to him and finds out that the shop owner's son and his wife were also killed by Yumi Kui.

and then the night came, and he slept

next morning

He woke up and started to dress up and left for the school. As he reached the school, he saw many students getting into school; those were newbies, and he saw the school has so many buildings and it was 4 floors tall. Then he entered the school and saw a very large ground, and he got to the administration center, where he saw a large number of students were trying to qualify for school, and the haru saw where he could participate to qualify. He went there and wrote his name there.

Hi, I'm Haru Hunda, and I'm 18

Oh hi, you want to participate here.

haru : Yeah, it's been my dream from childhood to enter here.

Well then, what's your element?

Haru: My element is fire.

Oh, that's nice, and what about your parentage?

Haru: They both died 2 years ago.

Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. Well, here is the form. Please fill out this form and go to room no. 17 to give your exam, and we will notify you whether you fail or pass in a week.

Best of luck

haru: thanks

and the haru left for room no. 17 after finding the room.

He saw many other participants there and saw a man with red hair.

Attention all the students I am Ryu Goto and I'll be your examiner, and here the test is very difficult, and only 50 out of 1000 can pass this exam. Here the rules are simple: you need to pass 3 tests. The first is about speed; you can't use your element; the second is a written test; and the third is a fight to qualify. Only 50 of you can qualify, and the 1st place will be given 10 million yen in advance for his studies. Well, let's start today.

Ryu: As you know, now go to the racing track, and if anyone tries to use their elements, he will be disqualified and can never apply again. Remember that now go to the racing track fast (as he screamed).

and they all reached the racing track.

Wow, it's a big track.

isn't it

A female voice came from his side.

Huh? What?

What I'm just taking to you is that a problem.

Haru: Ummm, no (well, Haru never talked to any female before like me #sadlife)

What's your name?

huh, me

Yeah, you dumbass.

I'm Haru Hunda.

and you

I'm Tomoko Sano, and my element is earth, and yours is.

Mine is fire.

Wow, a strong element, and by the way, I like your white hair.

Haru: Wait, whattttttttttttttt (Haru became red as a cherry because obviously no one said anything to him before, like me #sadlife ).

Well, I'll see you after the race. Best of luck.

Haru: You too (while being embarrassed)

Attention all the students, take your places. The race will be 1200 meters. Get ready to go.

as everyone got in their places.

3...2...1...get set, go! boom

and everyone started to run as fast as they could, giving their everything, but Haru seems to hold back, but physical strength doesn't depend on what element you have. Why does he seem to hold back?

(In the past, when people used to bully him, he would give his all to run from them, but they would use their elements to catch him. He never knew about this until he got captured by Yuuma Koizumi and found this while training.

and then he suddenly started to run faster and left everyone behind, but there was especially one of the students who got jealous of him and tried to use his element but was crushed down the moment he tried by Ryu.

and the student named Ryota Arai, who was previously 1st on the track, became 2nd and started to hate Haru, and then Haru got 1st place, Ryota got 2nd, and unexpectedly Tomoko Sano got 5th place.

Well, isn't our Haru too strong? Congratulations on getting 1st place.

Thank you, Sano San.

Oh, call me by my first name.

What! Am I allowed? Isn't it like illegal?

No, it's not dumbass.

Oh, ok, Tomoko-san.

Now that little bit better

Now what's your plan for the next exam?

Well, I'm kind of a nerd type of person, so that wouldn't be a problem for me and you.

Well, I'm a girl, so it's my specialty.


Haru, do you see that man over there, Ryota Arai? He has been looking at you with a very angry expression. I think you started to make enemies before making friends.

Haha, maybe.

Attention all the students: as you know, Haru Hunda got first place and got 1 point, and another exam will also contain 1 point, and the third will contain 3 points. The one who gets all 4 points totally will get an extra 5 million yens.

Now go to the staff room, and you'll get your room keys, and tomorrow is your written exam.

As Haru was going into his room, a familiar voice came from behind.

Ara Ara, you are also here, dear topper of the 1st round.

Ah, what? Oh, it's you, Tomoko-san.

I told you to drop San.

Well, sorry, Tomoko.

Now that's better, so you, what is your room number?

Haru: It's 474.

Oh, it's next to mine. Mine is 473.

Oh, that's great now. Then should we enter our rooms?

Oh, see, there is Ryota Kun.

Oh, is he also next to us?

I don't know.

Tomoko: Ryota-kun, what's your room number?

It's 472, so we are all next to each other.

haru: Well, I'll go see you all tomorrow. Best of luck for tomorrow's exam.

Tomoko: Just wait; I won't let you be on top again.

Haru: Okay, okay.

As Haru gets in his room, he starts studying for tomorrow's test.

the next day

They were all invited into the exam hall, and everyone took their seats. A voice came.

Attention all the students, today is your written test. You will need to be too classy in writing to qualify for the exam and enter the school.

Now its papers will be distributed to all of you. Best of luck.

as the exam went

Tomoko and Ryota were confident in there exam skills and thought they wil get first position and just after half hour haru got up and gave his paper and everyone thought he gave up cause for the average person it's takes 2 hours to complete and those who are too smart it takes 1hour and the fastest one who completed the exam was 45 minutes but haru just completed in 28 minutes and went to his room and slept cause he was studying all night without rest and after 4 hours of sleep he woke up and got out of his room and went to the shop to buy some food where he saw Tomoko also buying stuffs and when Tomoko saw haru she instantly came to him and said I'll definitely come first today and what do you wrote on your paper will you even pass this exam cause I don't think so because you finished too fast well how does it feel to be beaten in 2nd test

Haru: Do results come out?

no, why

Then why do you think that you'll be first?

I did my best, and I am confident in my skills.

Well, we'll see who comes first.

Tomoko: Well, I know you won't come first.

Haru: When will the result come?

They said tomorrow at 1 pm.

Oh, okay.

to be continued

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