Shadows of betrayal

Chapter 8: Bloodstained Council

Kana: Hi everyone, I am Kanakui, and I am very excited to study with you. Please take care of me.

Boys: Yesssss, it's a girl.

Boys were jumping in joy.

Teacher: Now everyone calm down now.

Can you see them there in the last window seat? There is your president. Go sit down there.

There was a seat open beside Haru, and in front of him was Tomoko.

Teacher: Haru, take care of her; she is your vice president.

Haru: Okay.

Then Kana went and sat beside Haru.

Every boy was looking at Haru with jealousy in their eyes.

Boys: That perfect guy bastard wasn't Miss Tomoko enough for him; he even took Miss Kana for himself.

Kana: Greetings, president.

Haru: Don't call me that; it was forced on me.

Kana: Oh, I see. My dad also kind of forced me to be vice president. To be honest, he wanted to make me president, but the school has already selected you, so instead he made me vice president.

Hearing her saying Dad

Haru was getting furious and more angry.

He wanted to kill her right there in front of everyone, but he couldn't; instead, he said

Haru: I'll

I'll be in your care.

Kana smiled at him.

Tomoko: Why is this bitch (she flooded with jealousy)?

Then the Kana sat, and Haru looked at Tomoko and was frightened by her reaction; she was looking at Kana with murderous intent.

Haru: This girl wants to kill her more than I do. What did she do to make her this angry?

Then the class started, and the teacher slept as he said, and everyone started to form a group and started to study on their own.

And then Kana asked Haru.

Can we study together, Haru-kun?

Haru: Please drop Kun, and yeah, if it's fine with you, we can.

Then Tomoko came out of nowhere and asked

Can I join you guys?

Kana: Yes, you can (with a smile).

Haru in his mind

How can someone's smile be this fake?

Even though I suck at acting, I can do better than her.

Tomoko was looking at Haru with a strange look.

Haru: What! What did I do now?

Tomoko: Nothing, just asking you if I can join.

Haru, Kana already said yes, so why do you need my approval?

Kana: You will die single.

Haru: No, I won't (with a straight face).

Because he was thinking if I die, I would take at least a thousand people with me.

Kana and Tomoko: Did he even understand what we said? Yeah, yeah, definitely not.

Then all of them start to study.

They were both astonished by the knowledge of Haru.

Kana: How are you so good at it?

Haru: I have been a nerd for half of my life.

Kana: Wow! You are both strong and smart; you are totally my type.

Tomoko looked at her with cold eyes.

Haru: Hahaha, it's embarrassing knowing I am someone's type.

Both Kana and Tomoko: So what is your type?

Haru: My type, umm, I don't have as long as she is alive, and virgin will work for me.

Kana and Tomoko: But why virgin? We mean, like, why?

Haru: I want to date to marriage.

Kana and Tomoko: He is not a green flag but a green forest.

Kana: How can someone so innocent like you exist?

Haru: I am telling you I am a really bad person.

Kana and Tomoko: Why do you say so?

Haru: Because I know myself and no more questions.

With the statement of Haru, both Kana and Tomoko stayed quiet.

Then lunch came, and everyone went to the cafeteria, but Haru had made his own lunch, and so he went on the roof.

Haru: You two go to the cafeteria; I'll eat my lunch somewhere else.

They both insisted he come with them, but he refused.

And he went to the roof of the school and sat down to unpack his lunch box and eat as a shadow appeared in front of him from the backside.

Haru: You really have a habit of coming from behind. Rei doesn't

Rei: I ask for forgiveness.

Haru: Chill a little bit; you are always serious.

. So what is the reason that you came to find me?

Rei: I found the information about the assassination organization and the person who ordered them.

Haru: Oh, that's good. So who are they, and who ordered them?

Rei: the killer of deals organization

Haru: What kind of shitty name is it?

and the person who ordered

Rei: Katsu Arai

Haru: As expected.

Rei: You know

Haru: I had my suspicions on who might be the one.

Rei: What are you going to do?

Haru: The only thing I am good at


rei: I see, so when shall we leave?

Haru:we? ?You are not coming? Okay, I am going alone.

Rei: But why?

Haru: The audience needs some action, and if you came, it wouldn't be that good, right?

Rei: I see. I will write it down.

(As you can see, our author, who has no idea what he is going to do, is trying to take action. I bet he will give up in the next few chapters.

Back to the chapter

Rei: When are you planning to set sail?

Haru: After class ends, I would go directly

And Rei started to leave.

Haru: Wait, you didn't tell me the address where to find them.

Rei: My apologies.

And gave Haru their address.

And Haru also finished his lunch and went back to the classroom where he found Kana and Tomoko waiting for him.

Then he sat, and Kana asked him to stay after classes ended and that they would have a meeting, but Haru tried to refuse, but it didn't work, and after classes ended.

Haru: I am going to the bathroom for a

moment, and then from there he jumped from the window and ran.

And after running for a few hours, he

Finally reached at the dusk

Haru: So this is it, the organization of the killer of deals. I am looking forward to it.

(With a devilish smile)

To be continued

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