Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 1307: Shocking change (3)

Chapter 1307: Shocking change (3)

I didn't pay attention to the one that I was facing and instead focused on the changes in my body.

That was because there was this flow of mana that filled me.

It was similar to the flow of mana that had appeared when I punched that boulder earlier.

Only this time, the flow of mana didn't leave my body.

I could tell that the mana flowing through me was currently coursing through my body as if it was circulating through it. While the mana flowed through me like this, it seemed to be strengthening me at the same time.

Based on this feeling, it wasn't hard to tell that this was most likely the strengthening magic that knights used to make themselves stronger.

The strange thing about this was that I didn't actually know how to use strengthening magic. After all, it wasn't as if I had ever trained in the way that the knights had, so it wasn't as if I had learned the same thing as them.

It just didn't make sense that I would be able to use the same kind of power as them without this training.

But I soon figured out what it was.

It wasn't strengthening magic at all, even if the flow of mana inside of me made it seem like this was the case. The mana that was actually flowing inside of me was just natural flowing mana that any normal person would have.

In this world, most people carried mana inside of them because of the natural concentration of mana that existed in this world.

With this natural mana that filled them, it strengthened them.

So the flowing mana that was inside of me was just the natural mana that flowed through this body. The only difference was that this natural mana was much stronger than normal mana that should have flowed.

As for the reason for that, it was simply because of the large increase in my mana pool. With the large amount of mana that was inside of me, it was much stronger than normal when I pulled on it to push Tom back like this.

That was why it seemed like strengthening magic, even though it was just the natural phenomenon of mana flowing to provide power.

This really was interesting to see how having this much mana could actually have this kind of effect.

It was completely different from before where my mana pool was much weaker than this. Now that my mana pool had developed this much, the amount of mana that I controlled now was completely different from before.

At the same time, with the supplement of the Fairy Tear, my mana pool had increased by countless times.

After figuring this out, I decided to see how far I would be able to push this.

This really was the perfect chance to see how much power I would be able to summon.

"Let's raise this up a notch."

"Huh?" Tom was surprised to hear this.

During this time, he had been pushing as hard as he could, but he found that it was like pushing against a stone wall. No matter how he tried pushing, he just wasn't able to push that stone wall back at all.

And now he was even saying that he was going to raise it up a notch?

Just what did he mean by this.

With a roar, I suddenly started pushing even harder.

As I did, the flow of mana started coming from deep inside of me and I could feel the power filling my limbs. It was different from the power that I had been using up until now.

At the same time, I could feel that Tom was losing his balance.

A look of shock appeared on Tom's face as he once again tried pushing against me with all his might. I could even feel the flow of mana coming from him, showing that he was trying to use his strengthening magic to stop me.

It was just that it was no use as he was being pushed back by the power that I used.

More and more until I suddenly pushed him right out of the ring.

There was only silence that followed after I pushed him out of the ring.

Everyone was staring at me with looks of shock.

Even Klein, who was the referee, didn't announce the results and just looked at me with the same look of shock as everyone else. Even he couldn't believe what he just saw, but that couldn't be blamed on him.

Anyone would have found it strange if they saw someone as small and thin as me pushing Tom, who was big and muscular out of the arena. At the same time, the royal guards weren't weak enough that they wouldn't notice the strengthening magic that Tom used.

That was why they were completely shocked.

I looked down at my own hands after pushing him out of the ring, as if I was trying to figure out my own power.

When I pushed him out of the ring, I could tell that I hadn't used my full power. If I wanted, I could have gathered even more mana to strengthen myself and released even more strength.

It really made me curious what my limits were...

"How did you do that?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Tom's question.

I looked down at him and said with a smile, "It seems that I've gotten stronger than I


Bitter smiles appeared on the lips of everyone that heard this.

"Isn't this an understatement?"

He didn't just become a bit stronger, he became much stronger that he was able to even push

one of the royal guard elites out of the way.

No one would have expected this when they saw their king arrive today.

But this wasn't the end of the tests yet.

There was something else that I still wanted to test.

I pulled out the Staff of Earth and said, "Everyone move back."

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