Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 1309: Invitation from the demons

Chapter 1309: Invitation from the demons

After that test, we fell into a routine and two weeks passed by just like that.

During this time, we had done everything that needed to be done to help the fairies settle in our kingdom.

The knights had been sent out to deal with the animals that were drawn in by the sanctuary of natural energy that the fairies created. With enough human interference, the animals were kept out of the capital quite easily.

After all, animals feared humans and the things that they did to a certain extent.

Even if they wanted to go to where the fairies were, that didn't mean that they would risk their lives just to go there.

But it did mean that there were more animals that gathered in the forest around the capital. This was something that was very welcome by the hunters of the capital, especially since there were also rare animals that appeared.

It seemed that the economy would be booming to a certain extent because of this.

Other than that, the gathering of natural energy in the capital also affected the growth of plants in the area surrounding the capital. The natural energy that filled this place helped all plants in a certain area around the capital grow much faster.

That meant that all of the farms had increased output during this time.

Though it wasn't as much as if fairies lived right beside them. Since the natural energy was spread out over a large area, it was just a minor increase to the growth rate of the plants on the farm.

But it was enough for another whole harvest.

So of course the farmers were also happy about this.

For all of this, the prime minister and chancellor set up a rate that they paid the fairies just for living in Fairy Park.

With that, the fairies were able to buy all the sweets and other things that they wanted. Though the fairies really weren't interested in things other than sweets and maybe a few toys for children.

Even if they looked like children, most of the fairies were actually adults.

It was just how the fairy race looked.

But they were also affected to a certain extent since they acted like children when playing with the toys.

It became a place that children liked to gather since it was a place that was always filled with toys and companions for them to play with. And for the adults, they were happy to see this since it helped them with watching their kids.

It seemed like the fairies really integrated well into our Kite Kingdom and there was nothing to worry about.

So that was why we moved onto the next topic.

We gathered in the throne room since this was a matter that didn't just involve us, it was a matter that involved the entire kingdom.

Well, it was something that could have been decided by me, the prime minister, and the chancellor alone, but we wanted everyone's opinions on this matter.

After all, it was a matter that was considered quite important.

It was a letter from the demons.

I had already agreed to go to the territory of the demons to search for the relics that we talked about previously. I was supposed to represent the humans and go to the territory of the demons to find out about the relics that had turned the demon king into what he became.

At the same time, I was supposed to find what the corruption energy was and see if I could find that missing relic.

But I had pushed this matter back since there were things that I had to take care of in the Kite Kingdom.

Now that this much time had passed, it seemed that the new demon queen couldn't hold back anymore that she was sending a formal request asking me when I was coming.

"There are still other things that need to be taken care of, so your majesty can't just leave yet."

"But this matter is one that concerns the safety of the entire human race. We all know what the damages of the war with the demons are, so we have to take steps to prevent that from happening in the future."

It seemed that the room was split between those that wanted me to go and those that didn't want me to go.

It also seemed that neither side was willing to back down with the way that they shouted at each other.

That was because it seemed that they were evenly split.

It was around the same number of people that were on each side and it seemed like they were firm in their convictions. It didn't seem like there was anyone that was going to switch sides.

I just sat there in silence because I wanted to see if there was anyone that was on the fence, but that didn't seem to be the case. The other thing that I was looking for was if anyone had ulterior motives for sending me away.

Though it seemed like this was even less likely.

The prime minister and chancellor weren't careless in their daily tasks. They made sure that anyone that did harbour this kind of intention had been taken care of.

So there was no need for me to worry about something like this.

After letting them go for a while, I said, "I agree that we should strike the iron as soon as possible since there's no telling what will happen in the near future."

The eyes of the ones that advocated me going lit up when they heard this, but there was something else that I had to say.

"However, there is a personal matter that keeps me from going. Until that personal matter is settled, I won't be going."

There was no one that asked what that personal matter was since they all knew what it was.

That was the birth of my child.

Rose's child was due any day now, so I couldn't just leave like that.

The prime minister also gave a nod of approval when he heard this, though it was more for his

own sister than it was for Rose. If I didn't leave Rose alone when she was giving birth, then I wouldn't leave Angela alone when her time came.

But before anyone else could say anything.

"Your majesty, it's happening!"

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