Skyrim System In Westeros

Chapter 122: Chapter 122: Odahviing

Wright threw his ice magic randomly into the muddy ground, ice spikes piercing the muck and quickly solidifying the surrounding mud into hardened ice.

Jumping between these ice platforms, Wright evaded the Crowned Wight's Magicka slash attacks. Occasionally, he retaliated with explosive fireballs, but the Crowned Wight's armor was highly resistant to magic. The mid-tier fireballs had little effect; the wight simply tanked the hits without dodging.

The Blood-red Magicka Slash the Crowned Wight unleashed was frighteningly precise, often predicting Wright's movements. One hit was enough to cause a light or serious injury. In response, Wright summoned magical bows and arrows to engage in a ranged duel.

The Crowned Wight's armor bristled with a dozen magical arrows, while Wright continually repaired his shattered ice armor, cast dragonhide spell, and used healing magic. A single lapse in his magical chain would cost him his life.

The Crowned Wight stayed at the edge of the mire, leisurely pacing and occasionally unleashing magic slashes, seemingly mocking Wright as he frantically dodged and leaped around.

In the distance, a massive dragon approached. Wright, linked to it by magical energy, had already sensed its location. However, the creature seemed in no hurry, flying lazily. Wright could only stall for time until it arrived.


The deep, thunderous voice preceded the dragon's arrival. The Crowned Wight halted its assault on Wright and looked skyward.

The immense red-and-white dragon came into view, and Wright raised the Dark Sister, pointing at the Crowned Wight and shouting:

"Odahviing! Kill him for me!"

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, due to the game's dated mechanics, an entire province could be crossed in hours, and cities were reduced to small villages. Dragons, too, were scaled down accordingly.

Wright had expected Odahviing to be larger in this world, but he hadn't anticipated it growing to over 100 meters in length, with a wingspan nearing 200 meters.


A massive blast of golden-red dragonfire erupted from Odahviing's mouth, hurtling toward the Crowned Wight.

"Fo~~Krah~~Diin~~!" The Crowned Wight roared in dragon tongue, releasing an icy blast the size of a dragon's fire breath.

The dragonfire and frost collided in a powerful explosion. Odahviing, a veteran of ancient dragon wars, immediately recognized the relative power of their magics. Without wasting time on another fire attack, it soared past Wright's head.

In the Elder Scrolls lore, Odahviing had fought alongside Alduin during the ancient dragon wars, killing countless humans and even dragon priests. Though it had died in battle, Alduin later resurrected it. When finally trapped by the Dragonborn, it chose servitude over death.

The frosty aura from the collision dissipated quickly. The platinum-colored dragonfire fell to the ground, igniting a massive inferno. Trees were instantly charred to ash, which scattered in the wind. The ground was scorched into a crater, with soil and rocks reduced to molten lava.

As the flames subsided, the Crowned Wight emerged unscathed, its body glowing with a translucent blue aura. It had entered a void-like state with its dragon shout, perfectly evading the fire's destruction.

Odahviing craned its neck, noticing the unharmed wight, then banked sharply in the air, preparing another assault.

"Odahviing, get down here and pick me up!"

Wright planned to ride the dragon's back and attack from a distance, knowing the wight couldn't maintain its void state indefinitely.

But instead of landing nearby, Odahviing swooped overhead, snatching Wright with its massive hind claws. Along with Wright came a hefty chunk of mud, clutched in its talon.

"You did that on purpose!" Wright shouted.

Trapped in the dragon's claw along with the muck, Wright could only communicate with Odahviing telepathically through their magical link.

"Are you ready to see the world from a dragon's perspective?" the dragon rumbled in its deep voice.

"Don't let that thing kill you! Its weapon is dangerous, and it has almost infinite stamina," Wright warned.

Odahviing beat its colossal wings furiously, ascending rapidly. Within seconds, it broke through the clouds. Its eagle-sharp vision immediately spotted the Crowned Wight below and folded its wings tightly, diving straight down in free fall.

With each wingbeat, the claws holding Wright squeezed tighter, compressing the mud around him. As they alternated between sharp ascents and plunging dives, Wright finally vomited. His stomach's contents mingled with the mud, scattering in the wind. Odahviing's enormous eyes seemed to gleam with amusement, its mouth curling into what looked like a smile.

Opening its maw again, the dragon gathered its magic.


A colossal bolt of lightning over two meters wide erupted from its jaws, forming a dazzling white beam. The Crowned Wight's void magic faded just as the lightning struck its physical form.

Odahviing's lightning descended from the heavens, engulfing the wight. Its body began to scorch and burn. Though it tried to flee, Odahviing adjusted its aim, the beam relentlessly pursuing its target.

The wight opened its mouth in a hoarse scream, but its cries were drowned out by the roar of the dragon's lightning.

Suddenly, Wright noticed three red lights flare up on the ground below.

"Get out of the way!" he yelled.

Odahviing ceased its attack just as three crimson crescent-shaped waves of Magicka shot skyward. The dragon dodged two, but the last one struck its head, slicing through its thick scales and leaving a gaping wound. Scorching dragon blood sprayed into the air.


Odahviing's deafening roar of pain shook the heavens.

"I told you that weapon is as good as a Daedric artifact! Land somewhere safe, now!"

Though bonded by a magical pact, Odahviing was too powerful to be fully bound by it. It had agreed to the contract only under duress and fought simply to honor its promise.

Spreading its enormous wings, the dragon ended its free fall and glided toward a distant clearing. Wright, now completely emptied of his stomach contents, clung to consciousness.

Finding an open space, Odahviing halted its flight, stirring up fierce winds as it hovered in place. With a flick of its massive claws, it flung Wright to the ground. Then, folding its wings, it dropped to the earth with a thunderous crash.

Using wind magic, Wright cushioned his descent. Without it, the ten-meter drop would have been fatal. But there was no time to argue with the dragon.

Wright froze the mud clinging to him with ice magic and quickly scraped it off.


Surrounded by flames, Wright activated his dragon aspect. Red, blue, and white magical armor shimmered brightly around him once more.

Odahviing turned its massive head toward Wright, speaking in its deep draconic tongue:

"Crossing the boundaries of time and space to reach this world, memories flood my mind."

"We'll deal with that later. First, we kill the undead," Wright replied. His hand extended, gripping one of Odahviing's horns, and he pulled himself onto its neck.

Odahviing's size was overwhelming; its neck alone was as thick as a bus. Riding it was impossible, but standing near its head and gripping its horns worked just fine, especially for casting spells.

Clang! Wright tapped the dragon's horn with Dark Sister.

"Take off!"

Odahviing didn't move, instead asking:

"Does that undead dragon priest know Dragonrend?"

"He definitely doesn't."

But his scheming old father probably does!

Dragonrend is a dragon Shout magic specifically designed to counter dragons, making it impossible for them to fly. The other transmigaator descendants have grown up alongside dragons, treating them as companions. In all of Valyria's long history, there is no record of the Dragon King family fighting dragons, as wasting precious dragon souls to learn Dragonrend is pointless.

There is also the Bend Will, a dragon Shout that forces others to fully obey one's will. With the dragons of the Valyrian Empire being unmatched in this world, and the country built on slavery, it's clear that such magic has never been passed down. Otherwise, the Valyrian Empire would have had only one Dragon King family instead of forty.

Odahviing spread its wings, raised its head, and with a powerful flap, it soared into the sky.


With a roar, the Crowned Wight appeared on Odahviing's neck, staring at Wright.

When a dragon flies, its head remains stable, but its neck moves with the flapping of its wings. The Crowned Wight gripped its sword with both hands and, not holding onto the spines growing from the dragon's neck, stood steady and swung its massive sword toward Wright.

The Crowned Wight, once the strongest warrior of its family, had ridden dragons into battle until old age. The undulating movement of the dragon's neck felt like flat ground to it.

Wright also saw through the magic link to Odahviing and understood its fury — it was angry that a Wight dared to land on its neck!

Magical energy surged within the dragon and gathered at its neck.

"Strun~~Bah~~Qo~~"(Storm Call)

The earth-shaking roar of the dragon spread through the area. Animals had already fled, leaving only the rustling of trees. The sky instantly darkened, thick clouds blocking the sun, casting the surrounding area into what seemed like night.

Wright knew he couldn't allow the Wight to release Magic Slashes from Odahviing's neck.

He released the horn and stepped hard on the scales, charging forward to engage in close combat with the Wight. Wright recognized the Bloodskal Blade, a weapon that required both hands to release sword energy. With no way to avoid it, he had to engage in close-quarters combat, hoping to prevent the Wight from wielding the sword properly.

"Ha!" Wright shouted, his sword wreathed in flame, thrusting toward the Wight's arm. The Wight quickly abandoned its downward strike, dodging the attack with one hand and blocking with the sword in the other.

"Hiss~~~" The Wight hissed in fury.

A fierce close-quarters battle began between Wright and the Crowned Wight on the dragon's neck. Wright's heart raced, his focus entirely on the opponent. The Wight's extraordinary combat skills, strength, and terrifying weapon made every move perilous. One mistake could result in being cleaved in half.

Clang~~~ Clang~~~ Clang~~~

Both were powerful warriors, their strength far exceeding that of ordinary humans. Their advanced weapons clashed with tremendous force, sending loud metallic echoes that even Nymeria could hear from a distance.

A flash of white light, followed by a lightning strike.


The deafening roar of thunder echoed, but there was no rain, only lightning.

The lightning continued, with the sky above them now engulfed in a thunderstorm, alternating between light and dark with each strike.

Nymeria and Tyene, holding hands tightly, watched from afar as the red-and-white dragon darted through the storm. On the dragon's back, one figure wielded a fiery sword while another, cloaked in black with purple light in their eyes, held a black sword glowing with red light.

Two extraordinary warriors battled on the dragon's back, the sounds of metal clashing, thunder rumbling, and the dragon's roars filling the air. Blood-red crescent-shaped Magicka Slashes flew from the dragon's back, and the battle moved from the neck to the dragon's back, leaving the two slave girls behind in stunned silence.

Not far behind them, in a sedan chair, one of Volantis' Triarchs, the wealthy Dofas Pennymion, had come to discuss the situation on Stepstone with Wright. Upon hearing the sounds of battle, they climbed a hill and witnessed the storm, the dragon, and two superhuman warriors locked in combat.

Everyone halted in shock. Some began to fear, their legs trembling. The battle in the distance felt like an impending disaster that could strike at any moment.

Dofas Pennymion, a pure-blooded Valyrian descendant, had known the stories of the Dragon Kings from childhood, passed down in ancient texts. After recovering from his shock, he looked at Nymeria and the others, making a decision in his heart.

The battle on the dragon's back raged on.

A red light flashed as a Magic Slash struck Wright, sending him flying. He quickly grabbed a spine, ignoring the deep wounds covering his body, and cast a healing spell to stop the bleeding before charging back at the Wight.

The Wight, wielding its giant sword, swung it horizontally. Its only remaining companion, an ice giant missing its lower half, raised an arm, deflecting the sword's trajectory. The Wight spun the sword, plunging it into the ice giant's body. The giant shattered into ice shards that were swept toward the dragon's tail by the fierce wind.

A horizontal sword strike sliced through the dragon's back, severing several spines.

In this close-quarters battle, Wright realized: The Crowned Wight's dragon Shout magic was designed to complement close combat. Enhanced by the power of the Rahgot mask from his father, the Wight's endurance seemed almost limitless, and the Bloodskal Blade was a perfect match for him.

But Wright's power, bolstered by the system, was far superior!


A lightning strike hit the Wight. The armor absorbed much of the magical damage, but the intense current still rendered his body rigid.

Odahviing too suffered under the magical blasts, with every lightning strike jolting it. Though the damage wasn't severe, the dragon was struggling, trying to shake off the Wight on its back.


Taking advantage of the moment, Wright struck, piercing the Wight's neck with his sword.

The Wight's body leaned backward, dislodging the sword. A hole in its neck was nothing to a Wight, but the fire magic attached to the sword posed a threat. However, the Wight's thick armor and helmet quickly smothered the flames.

Through the magic connection with Odahviing, Wright knew the dragon could perform a dragon roar. They silently agreed on a tactic.

The battle continued between the Wight and Wright.

After Wright took a sword strike and stabbed the Wight, Odahviing suddenly spun its body midair, flipping completely over.

Wright had already grabbed a spine, and the Wight did the same, forcing Wright to wield his sword with only one hand.


Wright, hanging upside down, leaped and swung his dark blade toward the Wight.

The Wight blocked the sword with his blade, but Wright's strike wasn't aimed at him—it was aimed at the spine the Wight was holding.

The spine snapped, and the Crowned Wight, holding the broken piece, looked up at Wright as his body began to fall.

Wright's strike also hadn't planned on staying on the dragon. He too began to fall.

Both the Wight and Wright were unaffected by the fall due to their magic.

Odahviing flipped again to level flight and, with another flap, spun around to face the Wight.


Aside from the dragon's Shout, no additional effects were visible. The Wight's attention was focused on Wright, falling alongside it. A red magical beam flew into the Wight's body.

Dragon Shout: Death Mark.

This weakened the Wight's armor and vitality, while any injury inflicted on a marked target would also drain its life force.

"Your weapon is mine!"

In midair, Wright rotated his body and rushed toward the Wight, grabbing its sword hand and stabbing toward its eye.

The Wight growled again, becoming intangible. Wright did the same, shifting with him.

The two intangible bodies landed without stirring a speck of dust.

Now, both their bodies and weapons were intangible, immune to harm.

Wright pinned the Wight down as the Dark Sister passed through its head. Wright, stronger than the Wight, kept its hand on the sword firmly gripped, then took the broken spine from the dragon's back and stabbed it into the Wight's chest, holding the position.


Odahviing landed in the forest, looking at Wright.

Time passed slowly, and the intangible phase began to end.

Both Wright and the Wight began to materialize again, with Wright's blood dripping from his wounds.

"Ha~~~" The Wight let out a raspy cry, struggling with all its might. Wright struggled to hold him down.

A massive wing covered them, its claw pressing down on the Wight.

The Crowned Wight's struggles were futile as it slowly materialized, the Dark Sister and the broken spine remaining lodged in its body.

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