Slime Girl

Chapter 222


- Shari -


At the moment I'm heading north.
I need to procure quite a lot of stuff if I want to make it in this town until Michael is back.
He might be a rather peculiar person, but at least he's organized enough that he doesn't need to constantly list all the stuff he has to do.

My list, on the other hand, is rather long, but there's something that takes priority.
Which leads me to the northern side of the central district.
Right to the entrance of a certain cosmetics shop, where we receive an appropriately warm welcome.


"Greetings, dear customer! How can I... Oh my god, it's you!" (clerk)

"Good morning. I'd like to make an order for cosmetic powder." (Shari)


At this point, my reserves are at risk of depletion.
I hope we can smoothly get through with this.
For this reason, I asked Liqu to pay attention to me.
I still hope that seeing enough human interaction will give her a better idea about how to go over this herself.


"Why are you here again?! You, you are suspects in a murder case! Your picture was all over the city! Well, mostly our mask, which doesn't make this any better! I was the one held responsible for selling it to you!!" (clerk)


Seems like this little murder caused quite a lot of trouble for all kinds of people.
I mean, I certainly wouldn't have thought to include my mask dealer to the range of people who would be affected.
Does this mean I have to apologize to my tailor as well, as I wore their cloaks during that time?
Maybe I should at least alleviate her worries in this regard.


"Yeah, uh, that stuff's settled. So it's all good, right?" (Shari)

"No it isn't! Why are you here again! The likes of you are not welcome here! We don't serve brutish adventurers here!" (clerk)


Damn, apparently she's going to make things difficult for me.
Sigh! I didn't want to play this card, but it doesn't seem like I have much of a choice.
So I take out my emblem.


"See? This is a royal emblem! You can call me Lady Shari if you want! Do I now qualify to be part of your patronage?" (Shari)


That seems to at least have left some impression.


"Wha-, You, you can't just fake something like this! That's a high crime!" (clerk)

"I assure you it is real. I wouldn't bother making one just so I can buy stuff in this shop." (Shari)

"I have one too!" (Liqu)


Okay, does this make it sound more or less believable?
I'm not even sure anymore.


"Yeah, we got an advantageous employment. Would it be possible to outfit us or do we have to tell the queen that her emissaries can't look presentable because you decided not to serve us?" (Shari)


I'm not all that comfortable with using status to threaten someone.
It feels so arbitrary.
Like, I don't even feel on what basis I'm allowed to do this.
Aside from being backed up by powerful figures, there's simply not much reason why a random person should do as I want.
On the other side, I shouldn't complain that things are working out for me for once.


"Alina, what is going on here?" (?)


A tall, but thin man enters the room.
Looking totally gaudy in clothes you wouldn't find me dead in.

I mean it!
Even if I would be at risk of getting found out because I'm a naked slime in the city, I probably wouldn't take this kind of humiliation-torture on me.


"Sir, these two..." (apparently Alina)

"Your employee doesn't seem to want to sell us anything. Which is a pity, as it would be essential for the work we're doing in the name of the crown!" (Shari)


At this, I present once more my emblem.
The apparent shop owner's reaction isn't immediate.
Rather, he at first has a look of scrutiny and surprise.
Probably, he's also internally calling up the wanted posters that were displayed as well as whatever rumors are going around about us.
Yet then his expression softens.
Though, it happens in an unnatural manner.


"Oh my, Alina, did you forget that we have to treat our customers with the respect they deserve?" (owner)


It seems he made the unilateral decision that he rather won't take chances with upsetting us.


"What!? But Mr. Olivier, you..." (Alina)

"Alina! No talking back! Take responsibility for your mistakes and do better!" (owner)


After this display of dishonesty, he turns back to us.


"I'm very sorry, dear customer. What can I do for you?" (Olivier)

"Well, first I'd like to request two boxes with cosmetic powder." (Shari)

"Ah, I see. But this won't come cheap. I'll have to demand six silver to cover my expenses." (Olivier)


Six silver!?
What a ripoff!
Is he seriously going to take advantage like this?


"I'm pretty sure last time they came to only two silver and fifty copper." (Shari)

"That might be, but I'm terribly sorry to tell you that the supply runs dry. It's extremely difficult to maintain a steady supply of high-quality goods from the capital. Especially now, after the tragedy that struck Count Kahan's house. As far as I know, they're still rebuilding, which led to a greater risk for any supply routes running along the main southern route. However, our esteemed business would never dare to offer you anything else but the best the capital has to offer. Is that all? Do you want me to put it for you in one of our iconic present packages?" (Olivier)


I realize that I won't have much of a chance at haggling here.
This man makes a point that he's not a street vendor you can argue with about their goods.
I probably can consider myself lucky that he's considering me at all.
But now that that's taken care of, I need something else.


"Would you also be able to sell me another mask like this? Minus the cracks if possible." (Shari)


I desperately need to replace my mask.
I was very fortunate that it was dark yesterday, but in its current state, it could be possible to sneak a peek on my real face through the fissures.


"I'm very sorry to tell you, but those are out." (clerk)




"They're really all out?" (Shari)

"I fear she's right. The metal alloy was simply too weary for most of our regular clients. They simply didn't find their customers. So I had no choice but to cancel any orders in this regard." (Olivier)

"Are you sure? I really need another one. Wouldn't you have even one more? Or point me to the one who makes them? At least to repair the one I'm wearing?" (Shari)


This mask brought me already through so many narrow situations.
By now I'm fully convinced of its usefulness.
Doing without it would be quite a setback for me.


"You can have mine!" (Liqu)

"That's nice, Liqu, but you need it as well. There's no point in me having one and you walking around without it." (Shari)

"I'm deeply sorry, esteemed customer, but as I already mentioned, I order all my wares from the capital. If you don't intend to visit it yourself, something I can only recommend, as it's an uplifting sight, it's going to take quite a while till I'll be able to request another one and even longer till that one would be delivered. Cautiously estimated, I would at least expect this to take a month. Under the assumption that they didn't stop the production for the aforementioned reasons." (Olivier)


Seems like I need to say goodbye mask.
Would maybe a normal smith at least be able to make a metal plate with eyeholes for me?


"That's... very unfortunate." (Shari)

"Would the esteemed customer maybe be interested to hear about an alternative?" (Olivier)


At this, I perk up.
I don't think this kind of expert in customer service would dare to waste my time.


"That would be?" (Shari)

"We may not have the kind of mask you're requesting, yet recently another kind got popular. Please wait for a moment." (Olivier)


He moves to a shelf at the back and takes one of the bundles there that are wrapped in cloth.
Then he removes it, and from beneath, an uncanny white mask comes into view.
The pure white stone is carved in the representation of an almost ephemeral woman’s face.
Its gentle features are so fine one might think of some ethereal creature.

Then he pulls out three more identical masks.
Damn, he seems to have a whole stock of them.


"These are made of a certain ceramic, called porcelain. The untrained eye might mix them up with mere pottery, yet they're so much more. Created with a revolutionary new technique, they aren't only light and durable, but so smooth you barely feel them on your skin. Also, completely resistant to liquid, which is a point at extended contact with the body. It's no wonder that they're well-received by the upper society." (Olivier)


Hm, similar in size to my current one, and they might be just what I need.


"I will admit that they seem to be well-sculpted. Though, I’ve never seen this kind of material in Rakis before." (Shari)


I'd like to know if there's even such a white stone found in my country.
So it doesn't add up with his claim that he would only buy directly from the capital.


"I see the esteemed customer has a keen eye. You are right. While I obtained it from one of my various suppliers in the capital, before it reached them it came from the far west, from a country that is famous for its masonry as well as the forming of earthen goods in general. This is the model 'White Lady'. Depicting a mysterious deity which is revered in those foreign lands." (Olivier)


That doesn't sound too bad.
Yet now we're getting to the essential part.


"So, what are these masks supposed to cost?" (Sharti)

"I fear you won't find this kind of craftsmanship anywhere else. But if you give me one silver and fifty copper each I might be willing to part, knowing that their new owner would truly appreciate them." (Olivier)


He already ripped me off with the powder.
I need to draw the line somewhere.


"Excuse me, but it's obvious that those are mass-produced. There might be thousands of masks like these around." (Shari)

"I wouldn't dare to imply you were untrue, esteemed customer. But this doesn't change that these are goods of the highest quality. You won't regret the purchase." (Olivier)

"What if the masks break? I'm pretty sure the shambles would cut rather deep into the skin. Which isn't the greatest thing to happen to one's face. And I planned to use them on a semi-permanent basis." (Shari)


That cuts in the face wouldn't be an issue for me is something I'll certainly not tell him.


"But look how intricately they're crafted! I assure you they'll be worth the cost." (owner)

"I'll tell you something. One gold for the powder as well as all four masks. That's a round thing, a decent profit, and you won't have to worry about distributing those masks among the nobles. I'd be uncertain how well received some foreign deity would be at a noble party. Not to speak of the chance that others might wear the same on the same event." (Shari)


If my old mask breaking showed me one thing, then it is that it's good to have spares.


"Hm, that's quite a loss for my side. Am I right that you said before that you're a lady?" (Olivier)

"Well, in some way. I'm a member of the order of the longing drop. A knight order directly underneath the queen. For this reason the masks, as we aren't supposed to act as individuals." (Shari)


That might not be entirely true, but I'm rather sure the queen appreciates that I'm not walking around with an uncovered face.


"Is that so? And this on the chest plate is your symbol?" (Olivier)

"Yes. Is there an issue with that?" (Shari)

"No, on the contrary. You're right, this offer of yours is acceptable. I'll prepare everything for you at once." (Olivier)



A short time later the deal is settled.
I totally consider this a valid expense that I can subtract from our mission budget.
What else would buying essential equipment be considered?
Another gold coin shouldn't hurt too much.

The deal is soon settled and our new acquisitions are packed into our bags.
They even have a room where I can put the new mask on without getting disturbed.
I guess nobody is surprised that it fits.
As if anything else would be possible for me.

When I return I see that this Olivier guy is gone.
This presents me with the opportunity to ask a pressing question.


"May I ask what was going on here? Why was he suddenly so open to going down with the price?" (Shari)

"Yours aren't the only masks he bought. Nor just the ones you see here. There are many more in the backroom, and they haven’t been selling well. If you were to wear them as part of this supposed order you apparently belong to, the merchandise might become popular. So naturally he was very open to your offer of free advertisement. You probably could've gotten them for free if you'd negotiated better." (Alina)


Ugh, I’m not sure if I should thank her for the honest answer or be annoyed by her attitude.
Anyway, my mood took a hit.
But well, at least it's not my own money I'm spending here.


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