Space Marine in Star Wars (Warhammer X Star Wars)

Chapter 52: Arc One Reflection

Hello all. This chapter is a reflection of arc one.

I'm going to be talking about things I personally feel like I did well, and things that I wish I had done better.

I would also like to know your thoughts on things as well.

I think that I've done really well when writing most of the combat. I believe it flows pretty well, and it's easy to imagine.

Something else I feel like I've done well is the interactions with the main cast of SW with the Astartes, and I believe I've done a good job of setting up future arcs. Especially with Anakin.

I also feel like I've captured the brutality of the Astartes pretty well in most scenes.

Please tell me if you agree, and tell me some of the things you liked about the story so far.

Now onto the self criticisms that I have.

I think that something I've kinda screwed myself in doing is with the main antagonist Kharath. I think it was essential to bring him into the story because of the overall conflict, but I've kinda relegated him and the other two chaos sorcerers to be in the background of the story, and I'm not sure if it was the right decision.

In arc two we will really focus on the other Chaos sorcerer who is in the background of the clone wars pulling the strings, and that kinda leaves Kharath to do his own thing, which is what exactly? You know what I mean?

I know what I'll have him doing, but I kinda feel like it was a misstep on my part.

Another thing that I need to work on is a little more world building. For this next arc, I'm hoping to relay what's happening with the other characters of the story without focusing on them too much (Nira, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and others like that).

I'm really hoping that for the clone wars, I can capture what they are doing, and how their relationships and things impact the story without making it all about them.

Another thing is I've been a little scared to kill off characters for fear of backlash, or how it might impact my story down the line. When I first started this story, I was actually going to kill Obi-Wan off in the fight with the Sorcerer, but chose not to. Not sure if that was the right decision or not, but we will see.

What are your thoughts? Please tell me things you didn't like about the story.

Now onto some more general things about the story. We have reached our PS goal of 200, and i think we might even reach our goal of 300 as well.

I was optimistic when starting that, because I was like "oh I want to write more, and that's a fun little thing to do to motivate myself to do it" however i really didn't understand what i was getting myself into at the moment.

My biggest concern is my school. Midterms hit me like a freakin 'truck, and I didn't realize how much could pile on, and the stress that comes with everything.

So for right now, I think I'm going to suspend the PS goal for the moment.

HOWEVER! That is only until the semester ends, then I think while I'm just working I'll be able to do it again.

So, for this coming week, i will put out the new *extra chapters* honoring the deal since we did make it to 200/300 PS goal. But for the next 8 weeks, I'll be stopping it.


As for the story itself! I think I am going to go ahead and NOT do the Custodes thing. I just think it wouldn't work out how I want it to.

Please tell me your thoughts! Thank you all!

I appreciate each and every single one of you!

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