Chapter 46: CH-46:)
In recent decades, the Dark Side of the Force shrouded everything. It had been quite slow and insidious how their enemies had risen to power and slowly found a way to sabotage the entire Jedi Order's ability to rely upon clear guidance from the Force. She herself had not had a truly successful immersion in the Force since she had been a child, and it took someone of Master Yoda's patience and connection to the Force to see anything at all anymore. Opening herself completely would have been futile.
Until now.
This time it was different.
For the first time in years she opened up hoping for a faint nudge or some hint whether to go with Harry or venture into Nar Shaddaa on her own. What she got was something completely unexpected. The instant she opened herself to the Force, it seemed to surround her and fill her in a way she hadn't been able to experience in a long time.
Immediately, a vision filled her head, and at once, she could see the general state of each path that sprang forth from this point in time. There was no hesitation or cloudiness from the Force. Somehow the Cloak of the Darkside that even she had recognized had dampened most Jedi's ability to foretell the future seemed to be neutralized, and the Force seemed… eager, even desperate for her to see. Though for the life of her Aayla could not comprehend why the cloak had no effect or why the Force seemed to have an emotion attached to it at all.
The two paths came at her in a rush of blurred images. Along the path where she ventured into Nar Shaddaa she saw smattering of images, none for more than an instant, but almost no context beyond the first few flashes.
Her being picked up by a retrieval ship sent by the Jedi. Limping onto the ship, from an injury she reaggravated in the past few hectic days on Nar Shaddaa. Her limp much less noticeable as she walked into the council room reporting back at the Council, what she had seen. The frustration that the council expressed that she couldn't find more.
Then…there were rapid fire flashes of nothing but death, violence, and endless suffering down that road.
She saw the death of Jedi Masters, all falling to mysterious shadows. She saw several Masters cut down in a flurry. She saw death after death of almost every Jedi she knew, in a never ending torrent of pain, betrayal, and horror.
Many deaths came too fast for her to pick up on, but she experienced the pain of each one deeply. Others were jarring, Mace Windu, one hand missing as he fell through the air in the Coruscant night, ejected from a skyscraper only to freefall to his doom down one of the fathomless trenches that lay between buildings.
She felt the heat and acrid smell of lava as Anakin Skywalker lay on the ground burning alive, now devoid of all his limbs instead of just his one prosthetic arm. That limb, which had been once again removed halfway, was reaching forward as if pleading.
Master Yoda, strongest of any in the Force, simply fading away to nothing as one single faceless and helpless Jedi looked on.
She saw the Jedi Temple burning, the flames lighting up the Coruscant night sky. Smoke pouring out of several different windows, and an overwhelming sense of sorrow.
She saw the bodies of Jedi, young and old strewn about the Temple carelessly. The corpses left where they fell, victims of this mysterious enemy. Younglings, barely old enough to have been issued their first training sabers, butchered like animals behind the hiding spots that had been discovered.
Then she saw her own death, with blaster fire that impacted her from behind. She felt the heat of the world she was on, and vaguely recognized Felucia from a previous mission. Her sweat covered body felt heavy as it collapsed under the explosions of pain from behind, pain that quickly became numbness. The feeling of overwhelming shock and betrayal as she tried desperately to breathe with collapsed lungs while her own face was half buried in mud, right before she joined the Force in death.
Then blackness.
Blackness spreading out to cloud the future as far as she could see. Years.
It shocked and appalled her just how badly things seemed, and she wondered why her normal meditations didn't reveal such a future as the most likely one she faced. Especially since she wouldn't have ever imagined any sort of fork regarding Harry to be in her future. It took everything she had not to lose her focus and simply vomit right there where she stood.
She turned her mind's eye down towards the other path, almost afraid of what she would see if she pursued it. Once more, flashes of images that came at her in a barrage bombarded her. It confused her because, much like the other path, there was great darkness present here as well. But this time, there was a beacon of light that pressed against it.
It was clear that there was a conflict coming… an insidious one inside the miasma of war that surrounded them all.
She saw an image of Ahsoka and Harry dueling, Ahsoka had a look of determination on her face while she wielded a surprisingly yellow lightsaber, all while Harry had nothing in his hands. In fact he waved cheekily at her in an effort to rile her up. She narrowed her eyes and leaped forward, swinging her saber at him while he stood there looking supremely unconcerned as a competent Jedi attacked him.
She saw Harry speaking with a wookiee on some sort of viewscreen. Harry was pointing a finger at the wookiee in a way no one fond of retaining all their limbs were ever likely to do. "Don't put anyone or anything you care about in my way. You'll just lose them. That's a promise." Harry was supremely unconcerned with the angry looking wookiee's response to him.
She saw herself and Ahsoka as well as two other figures shadowed and hidden standing and inexplicably pointing … sticks? at a rock while Harry stood to the side. Another male stood next to Harry, though his features were hazy and Aayla couldn't get any identifying features off of him.
She could feel frustration from herself, for some reason the rock vexed her incredibly, but… she felt amusement and even a bit of smugness from Ahsoka and Harry. She looked at the other figures but they remained shrouded in the shadows, though not because she couldn't see them, but because the vision seemed to obscure their identities.
She saw the war between the Separatists and the Republic continue to expand, but their small group was now peripheral to it, and no longer participating on a daily basis alongside her troops. Aayla felt she was bodiless as she watched several ships, formerly under her command make the jump to hyperspace, leaving her behind, but she felt… content by this turn of events.
She saw Harry, a cloak around his shoulders blowing in the cold evening wind and waves lapping up on the shore near his feet. He stood on a beach, alone, and she could see landing craft from Separatists droid armies in the sky in front of him. His hand loosely holding a stick similar to the ones she had seen earlier.