Chapter 439.2: A Certain Level 8's Case
No doubt about it. It is a staff-type Relic that can interpret what the other person is saying. A strange staff that is rare and rarely found, and unlike most other staff type Relic, it does not support the wielder when they exercise Magic.
Until now, it is believed to be an item of an Advanced Magical Civilization, but the fact that it is here means that the 『Round World』 is a Relic of an Advanced Physical Civilization. This is a new discovery. That’s the real joy of being a Hunter.
I reach out my hand and the Royal Staff, which has been floating in the air, comes down and fits into my hand. It feels cool to the touch and is unusually heavy for a staff. It is definitely 『Round World』. It looks exactly the same, not even the dimensions have changed.
The king said that this staff is the activation key for Code. If so, can my staff also activate some kind of Code or something? Well, it is probably unlikely that I will find one, but I think it is a dream-like story.
Now, this staff………… What should I do with it?
Should I just deliver it to Ohii-sama, or――.
My eyes are glued to the pedestal in front of me.
There is a hole in the pedestal as if to say that the staff should be stuck in it. I mean, it was stuck in when the king called me.
Hmm………… Ohii-sama did ask me to take care of the staff.
However, there is no point in worrying about it. While I am like this, Kryhi and the others are still fighting.Once I have convinced myself, I lift the staff and thrust it into the pedestal.
I feel a hard response. Suddenly, a loud alarm sounds and the ceiling glows red.
Eh!? Eh!? What, is this? I instinctively let go of it and look around.
Just above and beyond the pedestal, a strange string of letters appears. I cannot read what it says, but the alarm and the light show no signs of stopping. Calm down, Cry Andrich. It is times like these that you need to stay calm――.
Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something?
I take a deep breath and observe my surroundings.
I look at the staff stuck on the pedestal. When the king showed it to me, it seemed to be stuck deeper.
My Relic Master intuition tells me so. I *pachin* snap my fingers and grab the staff.
This means――Probably that I need to stab it in harder. I’m brilliant today.
I put all my weight on it and thrust the staff deep inside. The gem on the tip of the staff flickers.
And then, with a heavy *gakon* bang and a hard response, the alarm and the light stop.
See, I just have to put it all the way in after all. As I breathe a sigh of relief, still holding the staff, I notice that I can now read the letters displayed across the pedestal.
『Invasion by a non-royal heir to the throne confirmed. In accordance with the city law, the city functions will be shut down. 4:35 remaining until complete shutdown.』 (System)
Startled, I instinctively let go of the staff, and the text is once again unreadable.
The ground shakes violently. The blackened wall turns into something transparent. The city, is sinking. The top of the Royal Tower is the highest point in the city. When I get close to the window, I can see countless buildings collapsing and sinking.
It is clear even to an amateur that this is the end of the city called Code.
I………… I fucked up. Heck, wasn’t Code a floating city? Maybe…… It will fall?
“Cry!? What did you do?!” (Alisha)
“No way………… My, city――” (Jin)
Ohii-sama and Jin rush in. Ohii-sama calls up the terminal and checks it with a frantic look on her face, then touches the staff stuck into the pedestal. However, the collapse shows no sign of stopping. Ohii-sama approaches with a tense expression on her face.
I quickly make an excuse.
“Even though I didn’t do anything………… It broke.” (Cry)
“I-Is this…… Your keikaku, Cry? Was traveling around the world a lie!?” (Alisha)
The look on Ohii-sama’s face looks as if she is about to break down at any moment. Now might be the time for me to perform my true dogeza.
I place my hands on both shoulders of the weeping Ohii-sama and speak with all my heart.
“Ohii-sama…… You can explore the world even without Code, you know. You are already free now.” (Cry)
“Hh!!” (Alisha)
Ohii-sama opens her eyes wide as if she has noticed something. If you think about it calmly, the request is to protect the Royal Family. No one told me not to break Code, so surely it would be okay even if I break it.
“You bastaaaaaaaaaaaard! What have you done? I thought you were incompetent, but to think you were this incompetent! Why did you stick the Royal Staff into the pedestal there! Are you an idiot!?” (Jin)
“Tsk…… Jin Onii-sama, shut up.” (Alisha)
“Abeh…” (Jin)
Jin, who collapsed and was wailing, is kicked by the unusually harsh Ohii-sama and rolls on the floor.
Ohii-sama quickly grabs onto the staff, looks at me, and says.
“Cry, what do you want?” (Alisha)
“Eh? Wh-What are you talking――” (Cry)
“There is something you want, right? Hurry!” (Alisha)
Urge by Ohii-sama, I quickly answer.
“Smartphone! I want a smartphone!” (Cry)
This is the Relic I originally wanted to acquire. In response to my answer, Ohii-sama displays countless virtual terminals and operates them with a grim expression on her face. Then, shortly after, the floor in front of me opens up and a pedestal rises.
On the pedestal is a *pikapika* shiny new smartphone, just as I have requested. Unlike the device I recently have, the metallic moss green color is really cool. As I freeze in shock at this unexpected good fortune, Ohii-sama speaks to me.
“Is this okay?” (Alisha)
“…… There are other things I want tho’.” (Cry)
“Time’s up.” (Alisha)
The Royal Staff cracks and shatters. Only the jewel floating at the top of the staff remains and falls to the floor.
The shaking is gradually getting stronger. If we don’t hurry, the Royal Tower might collapse like the other buildings.
Ohii-sama picks up the jewel, smiles a little sadly, and says.
“It is already over for Code. Cry, let’s go home.” (Alisha)
§ § §
On that day, for better or worse, it became a historic day for the Explorer Association.
Code, the highly mobile fortress city regained its mobility and was rapidly approaching the Explorer Association Headquarters, but, in front of the panicked crowd, it suddenly lost altitude and fell to the ground. It was located very close to the city, only about five kilometers away.
Many citizens escaped from Code which crashed and ran into the city, creating unprecedented chaos.
Many countries believed that high-level Hunters were closely involved in this matter, but the Explorer Association had not given an official response.
Thanks for reading! Thanks Anonymous for the Ko-fi! Next chapter is the final chapter of this Arc, so after finishing it, I’ll take a little break before restarting the translation. I’ll post the extra chapter for next Arc.
Let’s goooo, Cry deliver Code right in front of the Explorer Association Headquarters’ door. In the end, Cry got what he came here for, a new smartphone. Sasuga Cry, everything is according to keikaku!
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