Chapter 102 - The Primordial Human
[Seung-hoon, we have arrived.]
Along with Sarang’s words, the massive rock came into view in the distance.
The navel of the earth.
A single rock with a circumference of 9.4km and height of about 348 meters, the largest in the world.
‘This is where the Primordial Being will descend.’
A being from the legends related to Uluru or Australia?
Or is the Primordial Being buried beneath Uluru?
Or perhaps Uluru is a special place where special rituals can be performed?
“Sarang, could you tell me any legends related to Uluru or Australia?”
[Yes, there is a story that the legendary serpents Kuniya and Liru fought a battle at Uluru. There is also a lake where it is said Kuniya merged with his nephew’s soul to become the water serpent Wanampi. And there are traces left behind by Lungkata, the cunning skilled trickster blue-tongued lizard.]
“Any related to the Primordial Being?”
[The most relevant information is the Rainbow Serpent, which can be considered the creator god of Australia. The Rainbow Serpent is not a single entity, but multiple entities existing as the spirits of rainbows, and they are known to have created the world.]
The Rainbow Serpent at least seemed associated with the Primordial Being.
“I won’t know unless I see it directly.”
The vehicle that had arrived in front of Uluru came to a stop.
Frankenstein was sound asleep in the backseat.
“Hmm nyaa, my pudding…… hate the Professor……”
I should leave him here and hurry back.
Taking only Sarang, I dashed up Uluru.
Within seconds, I arrived at the center of the summit to find Jezebel, the holy woman, false prophet, and leader of the Anti-Christs, performing an indecipherable dance.
‘A ritual.’
Three totem-like altars.
Her dancing in the center suggested a ritual.
‘A peculiar dance.’
Her dance was truly beautiful.
The flowing, unbroken, infinitely connected movements seemed to express destiny with her body.
“It’s already too late. The dance of the Rainbow Serpent has begun, and now I cannot stop either.”
She took a step forward.
But she did not get closer.
“The dance of the Rainbow Serpent is a dance to soothe death. Once, the transcendent Rainbow Serpents that existed in this land danced like this to prevent the death buried here from awakening. Then death’s blessing flowed out, making them immortal beings able to play the same role as the Creator in this land.”
No matter how much force I exerted, the distance between her and I did not decrease at all, as if I was just marching in place.
“Anyway, I am currently performing that dance. More precisely, the ritual performed before the actual dance. This blocks outside interference.”
She stopped dancing.
“But isn’t it strange? The Rainbow Serpents became immortal, so why are they no longer in this world? The reason is that they could no longer perform the dance. The Rainbow Serpent’s dance had to be performed under the North Star, but long ago, the Earth’s orientation flipped. This caused the Northern and Southern Hemispheres to switch, and unable to see the North Star, they fell into fear.”
“Fear that death would become disappointed and withdraw its power.”
“Exactly. The terrified Rainbow Serpents eventually fled to another dimension before their immortality could be revoked.”
Instead, she took out the Cross of Reversal.
“Today, I will re-enact that dance.”
“Was immortality your goal?”
Should I use a ticket?
Three tickets remained.
One enhanced physical abilities, and the other two summoned entities.
‘Physical abilities would be useless, and the other two could potentially do more harm than good.’
I should directly confirm the Primordial Being that will descend after the ritual, then use them.
“As far as I know, you are seeking a protector to guard humanity from entities in place of the Creator?”
Although she is an Anti-Christ, her goal is to protect humanity.
“That’s right. Curious about what I’m trying to do now?”
She raised the Cross of Reversal.
“The Cross of Reversal can only reverse information, not physical entities. But the longer I am with the target and the better I know them, the more information I can reverse. And if I completely understand the target……”
The constellations in the sky changed.
Clearly, constellations that did not exist before filled the Australian night sky.
“Only then can I reverse even the physical entity itself.”
A brilliant star shone in the darkness.
The North Star, the brightest in the night sky and guide for adventurers, rose in the Southern Hemisphere’s sky.
“Now, I will dance.”
She performed a dance that seemed connected, as if telling of destiny.
Her dancing movements even resembled a serpent courting or a human shedding into a serpent.
“Putting that aside and returning to the main point, as I mentioned earlier, death is buried here. One of the seven deaths permitted to humans in the afterlife. The most dreadful, torturous, and wicked death was the hatred and jealousy the Creator inflicted to punish humans.”
“Was it sealed?”
“No, it died. Death itself died.”
“How is that possible?”
“That’s precisely it. Have you never considered that the dreadful calamities you know existed in the past as well?”
I had considered it.
But I never deeply pondered it.
I had only assumed there must have been some setting I was unaware of.
“The present humanity is being protected by the Foundation. But what about the era before the Foundation? What about even further in the past? In this world filled with countless deaths, calamities, and monsters, how did humanity, more wretched than beasts, survive?”
It was because of the Foundation that humanity did not perish and could endure until now.
But the Foundation did not exist from the beginning.
Then who protected humanity during those long intervals?
“It was thanks to the one sleeping here that they were protected.”
When Jezebel stopped dancing, a black aura flowed out from Uluru.
A special aura only visible to my right eye.
“The protector who repelled all the world’s calamities, and as a result, ensured the calamities could not harm humanity even in the afterlife.”
As if expecting it, she took out a ceremonial chalice from her bosom.
The black aura was absorbed into the blasphemous-looking chalice.
“The one I am reviving is that very being. Chalice of corruption, bestow the blessing of immortality upon the flesh that slumbers in this land.”
Soon, black blood boiled over from the chalice.
The moment the black blood touched Uluru, the world fell silent.
“Come to think of it, it’s quite amusing. The uniquely naveless one slumbers in the place called the navel of the world.”
As if moved by something she had awaited her entire life.
The entire world respectfully and reverently welcomed it with solemnity.
“Ah, at last!”
A mound of earth erupted from Uluru.
The mound that rose about 2 meters took on a human form and immediately transformed into an actual human.
“New Creator!”
The word ‘perfect’ I had used until now was blasphemous.
For true perfection belonged to the man who appeared.
From the delicate muscle fibers to the beautiful hair and face, and even the fragrance emanating from his body, everything seemed to embody the name ‘perfection’.
“The ‘Primordial Human’!”
Now I know who he is.
So Uluru was a grave?
“Please, protect humanity!”
The primordial human Adam, who protected humanity in ancient times and devoted himself to protecting them until his death.
And the numerous entities that could not believe his death and did not dare approach humanity for a long time, fearful of his power.
All of this was knowledge gained through the devil’s grimoire.
“Fear not.”
Therefore, if Adam was revived,
he would protect humanity in place of the Creator, who had remained utterly silent.
Firmly believing this, she had rushed here and now felt the warmth of his hand caressing her head.
A strange power infiltrated her mind.
The gentle, not at all unpleasant power soon stole a glimpse of her knowledge before disappearing again.
“So you were the one who revived me.”
Words in the modern language began to come from Adam’s mouth.
His very voice was so perfect, as if crafted by God himself, that just hearing it brought a sense of calm.
“You really went too far, Father. Not satisfied with inflicting death and aging, now you’ve even divided language. At least the original sin was resolved by the second, thankfully.”
“When you say the second……”
“If I am the first, then that child would be the second. The one in your memory who embraced all sin on the cross before disappearing.”
Adam did not stop caressing Jezebel.
“You have suffered much hardship all this time. It must have been truly difficult.”
“Ah, ahh……”
“Now, you may rest.”
Profound elation struck Jezebel’s mind.
Just as a child rejoices upon receiving praise from their parents for the first time, so did Jezebel.
“The serpent deceived you and will try to possess you. But do not worry. I will not allow that. You are like Eve, foolish and dull, but still my family.”
In her elation, Jezebel turned into a pillar of salt.
The whitened salt pillar soon crumbled, and a light descended from heaven, taking her soul away.
“Still, Father does not permit us Eden. So become a star instead. Become a star, atone, and guide the path for all. That is the only salvation I can offer.”
Jezebel’s soul became a star in the night sky.
For the next tens of billions of years, she would shine and act as a guide for the world.
“More importantly, um, these clothes are uncomfortable. I can’t remove the gift from the stars.”
“How strange. The Adam I knew felt shame after eating the fruit of knowledge and covered his body after that.”
A man who had been observing this scene stepped forward.
There were no longer any barriers obstructing him.
“Do you not feel shame?”
“The fruit of knowledge could not distinguish good and evil for me. For I am akin to a manifestation created by the Father.”
“Then why did you descend from the Garden of Eden?”
He was like a scholar.
Even faced with a transcendent phenomenon, exploring his own knowledge seemed more important, endlessly questioning, pondering, and examining like a scholar.
“I pitied Eve. I was fine, but she was not. So I defied the Father’s command and descended to the world with her.”
“Do you not regret it?”
“Not at all. It was my free will. More importantly, who are you?”
In response to Adam’s question, the man bowed his head in greeting.
“Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. Hello there?”
Adam sniffed.
“My name is Seung-hoon.”
He had smelled an unpleasant scent.
The same fragrance he had smelled from Jezebel, but even stronger.
“A serpent, are you?”
“What do you mean by serpent……”
Before he could finish speaking, Adam’s fist struck him.
Rendered utterly incapable of reacting to the fist that moved at a speed where time itself was useless.
“From that child named Jezebel, I could only smell lingering traces. But you reek strongly of that scent, so you must be either a serpent or one who consorts with serpents.”
Rejoicing at Adam’s revival, grass sprouted across the Australian wilderness.
Countless flowers already in full bloom painted the scene vibrantly, and trees bearing fruit celebrated the present.
Somewhere in that scene, Seung-hoon was sent flying with a thunderous boom, slamming into the ground and losing consciousness.
“I have no time to deal with you now. So stay put right there and sleep obediently.”
A more important problem than whether I was a serpent or an accomplice was approaching.
“The real serpents, and who knows what else, are coming here.”
In the distance, the sky opened.
From within emerged a massive ship stretching from one end of the sky to the other.
“I wonder what that is? It reeks too strongly of serpents’ descendants to have been made by serpents.”
Below, the ground split open, and blazing sulfur fires spewed forth countless things.
Humanoid beings in suits with horns on their heads and vertically slitted serpent-like eyes now filled the Australian fields where new life had just begun to sprout.
“Ah yes, those are the serpents.”
From another area, space stretched, and identical human-like but not human beings materialized in droves.
“So the Primordial Human Adam was buried in Uluru! Thanks to him being sealed together with the most dreadful death, all dimensions could remain safe. Moreover, Adam’s birth gave rise to the concept of humans, allowing us to be born!”
“Didn’t I hear about this before? Wasn’t he the one the Professor tried to secretly steal the corpse from, wanting to dissect the Primordial Human?”
“Ahem, well, that hasn’t changed, but…… Huack! That! Could it be Adam!? Adam has revived! A living specimen!”
“Geez, instead of drooling, find Franken! Huh? There are a lot of strange things here? This might be a bit dangerous?”
Beings that seemed human but not quite human.
Observing the peculiar ones, Adam shook his head with a smile.
“Jezebel, I cannot grant your wish. For I have something I must do.”
Summoning the power that once saved humanity from countless calamities.
“But I suppose I should try to resolve this somehow.”
As the first creation in the Creator’s image.
As the first replica in the Creator’s image.
As the Creator’s first child.
As the first creation the Creator loved.
The power of creation and the power of destruction.
Adam, possessing a portion of each, spread his hands.
“This should be easier than creating heaven and earth.”