Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Chapter 11 – Upon Deaf Ears

“You don't understand! You cannot land that ship under any circumstances! A-Are you listening?!”


The line paused for a few seconds as the panicked lioness made her case over the intercom. She’d spent the few hours painstakingly inching her way across the city, and then climbing the somewhat rickety ladder to the tallest building in the entire city; the Communications Centre. It was no more than a couple of rooms on top of a massive set of metal scaffolds, with many sets of aerials, dishes and wires hanging from its extremity.


Oxyi had always wanted to come up here; the view was spectacular as the city was actually built quite low to the ground so the comms tower sat above everything, giving it a beautiful view over the surroundings in every direction, including the glorious sunrise that showered golden light in through the building's windows… and through those of the freighter, which was currently descending slowly towards the drop pad on the city’s outskirts. Under different circumstances, this would have been a lovely way to spend a morning, but right now the wounded and absolutely exhausted Oxyi was sitting in a rickety office chair, glued to the control panels in front of her and trying with all her might to stop the ship from landing. The fate of the entire sector, all the surrounding space stations and planets depended on it. Suddenly, the intercom buzzed alive again and a new voice crackled through it.


“This is the Captain speaking, my officer has passed communication over to me. Who am I speaking with and what appears to be the issue?”


“Captain! My name is Oxyi Vennit, I'm a security consultant and the last person alive in the entire city. I-I-I must insist that you do NOT land that ship!”


“For what reason, Miss Vennit?” The captain spoke sternly through the intercom and didn't sound impressed.


“J-Just Oxyi is fine. Captain, I don't even know where to start, but the entire planet is compromised.  I have spent the last few days under constant assault and I nearly died last night -”


“Oxyi, I need you to understand my situation here.” The Captain interrupted. “I have twenty-thousand refugees on board. They urgently need somewhere to stay and they're insisting that I land. They have very little food and cannot stay aboard this ship much longer. I understand that the settlement has been abandoned, and it sounds like a perfect fit. If you're struggling with a few bandits or pirates, we have a guard unit on board and I'm happy to dispatch them to deal with the issue. I will delay this journey to ensure the safety of the people on board, but there is nowhere else they can go.”


“Captain, I can't overstate the scale of the issue, there's thousands of them, they took everyone here who didn't run! The city is fucked, and I've been shooting my ass off to survive! If you land, they'll take your ship and all the people on board, and then they’re airborne! That means they can start attacking the nearby systems!” Oxyi was nervously twirling with the cable connecting the headset to the control panel, her foot bobbing anxiously. “People have been disappearing for months now, and we found where they were going and - and - and I think they've been infected with something that's driving them crazy, because one of them tried to hump my leg and I used to know him but he was different, and I shot some people in a forest and - and - and they grabbed me from behind and my friend gave his life for me and if you land that ship then it'll all be for nothing! It can't be for nothing, Captain... Please...”


Oxyi knew she was rambling, but she was desperate; this was the most important conversation of her entire life and the last few hours were weighing heavily on her. She clutched the headset, listening closely for the captain’s response.



Diego's ears bolted upright, listening closely as the others were celebrating their escape, enjoying the crisp, outside air. He could very clearly hear multiple sets of engines in the air, the distant rumble of freighter engines. They were loud, heavy and powerful, designed to lift hundreds of thousands of tons of ship and cargo, sturdy and reliable. Behind that though, there were more rumbles, something leaner and faster...


Suddenly, the trees around them shook violently and two low-flight assault craft hurtled past, disappearing out of vision as fast as they appeared, shocking the group into silence as they roared overhead. He couldn't be sure, but Diego was sure he recognised the ships, their sleek shape and that hazy cobalt coloured plasma trails their engines left in the air.


They’ve found me. How… How did they know I was here…


It took the group only a couple of seconds to notice the anxiety rolling through Diego.


“You alright, Diego? You look more worried now than you did back down in the dungeon!” Trent joked, walking over to Diego. “Any idea what that was about?” 


“I think that was the Draconic Alliance...” His concern was becoming more and more evident with each passing second as he connected the possibilities in his head.


“Do you think they're here to help?” Geralt pondered, checking around to see if they'd been followed.. “Finally put an end to it, maybe?”


“Maybe they've seen what's going on?” Tivy skirted right up to Diego and gently grabbed his hand, trying to comfort him.


“They've seen something alright.” Diego remarked, looking away. “I think… I don't know how exactly, but I think they’re here for me...”


“For you? Are you wanted by the DA?!” Geralt asked, eyes wide.


“Yeah.” Diego laughed dryly, and ran a hand through his hair. “I can't believe it, after all this time they’re still looking for me.”


“But… What for?!”


“Long story. Too long. I need to get out of here, I’ve just escaped one prison, I'm not letting those bastards take me into another.” Diego glanced about at the clearing, planning his way off-planet, then turned to face his team. To his surprise, they all stood and smiled warmly at him.


“That was the plan, right?” Trent patted his shoulder. “We're not exactly friends of the DA, either. Doesn't matter why they want you, we're sticking together and getting out together.”


“Right! Fuck the DA!” Geralt nodded enthusiastically. “They're not getting my boy Diego.”


“Fuck the DA!” Tivy leapt into the air, pumping her fist dramatically.


Behind them all, Plasia remained silent, her face covered with worry similar to Diego's, fidgeting nervously and looking up at him occasionally.


“So, what are our options then?” The lizard felt empowered by his companions' trust in him, but he was closely watching the nervous alien as he spoke.


“What about the freighter?” 


“We can't. If Leech is anywhere close, Plasia will lose herself and turn on us - we have to keep her away from Leech. That means getting her as far away from this place as possible.” 


“Okay. I bet the freighter's screwed anyway, this lot haven't failed to subdue anything they've attacked so far.” Geralt said with a shrug.


“You guys good at long journeys?” Tivy asked, deep in thought. “I know of an outpost right out on the coast, it's like a three day drive from here but it has a small space dock and a little fighter jet, it would be enough to get us off the planet if we get cosy?” Truth be told, Tivy rather liked the idea of being squished in with the guys.


“That... would work.... we literally just need to get off this planet. There's a few space stations and mining outposts in the system, we can stop at any one of those and go from there!” The group began to fill with excitement at Tivy's suggestion, as Trent planned further.


“Well, what are we waiting for?! Lets play it safe, stay away from these fucks and find us a vehicle!” Geralt turned on the spot, ready to head off immediately and the others almost joined him, when Diego blurted out suddenly:


Wait... I…” He hesitated slightly. “I need to find Seeth, too. I can't leave her behind. I said I'd help her, and I meant it.”


“Diego... I get that this is what you do... but with all due respect, we have no idea where she even is...” Trent seemed genuinely sorry as he tried to convince Diego that going back was a bad idea.

“The dungeon is huge. You don't know how involved she is with this stuff either... How do you know she's not the one leading the attack on the freighter?” Tivy was almost pleading with him, desperate to leave and go somewhere safe.


Geralt however, placed a hand firmly on his shoulder; he understood.


“As much as I get it, Trent’s right. Without knowing where she is, we can't do anything... I need to find my daughter, but I can't do it naked in the forest with a rifle that I barely know how to use... we can come back with reinforcements?”


“I - I just... I said -” An internal struggle played out right in front of the group,  and it was painful to watch him battle himself in such a manner... There were a million reasons to leave, and only one to go back... Diego turned towards the group and went to speak, but then he noticed Plasia, welling up with tears again. Her fidgeting was reaching hysteria levels as her hands shook and wrapped around one another endlessly. “Plasia...? What's going on? You okay?”


“I know where she is...” She stammered out, whimpering. She pointed at her wounded face. “S-She did this to me... I remember what happened.”


“What?! Why?! I thought you two were friends?!” Diego recoiled in surprise, reaching over to the weeping alien and holding onto her arms to calm her down.


“W-We are friends. She didn't hit me... She hit the other me...”


The group went silent again, listening closely.


“S-She came down into Leech's lab just before I bumped into you... She was screaming at Leech, told her that she needs to stop all this corrupting stuff... They were fighting... I jumped on her and she hit me through a wall...”


“Through a wall?! How badly hurt are you?!” Diego was becoming increasingly alarmed at Plasia's words.


“I'm fine… But Diego - She needs help. She's in trouble.” Plasia broke into a full wail, her chest shuddering as she continued to try and get the words out. “I don't know what happened between her and Leech, but as I was running a-away, I s-saw Moltezz heading over there... Moltezz is so strong, Diego... she can't fight that... Moltezz doesn't take kindly to people who betray her...”


The group turned to look at one another, before looking back at the lizard. They knew what was coming; a mix of feelings spread through them but no one was happy at the revelation.


“I'm going back.”


“Well I'm not!” Tivy shook her head, her little body quivering as emotion overwhelmed her. “I can't do it! We've just escaped! I can't go back down there!”


“Me neither, I'm sorry Diego, but I can't bear that right now... not to rescue another one of these things… No offence.” Geralt gestured towards Plasia.


“I'm not asking you to.” Diego’s body sparked with energy as he prepared his psyonics. “This is my battle, I'm not asking any of you to fight it for me. Plasia, I want you to stay here with these guys and keep the horde off everyone, it's too risky to have you come back into the dungeon. Guys, you need to keep an eye out for Leech. If she gets to Plasia then her other half will come out and things will turn bad. If Leech turns up, you run. And, if I'm not back in one hour, that means I've failed and you need to leave without me.”


“Diego... You can't - What about the DA?” Trent tried to convince him once again to leave, but was cut off.


“Trent, do you trust me?” He held out an armoured hand to the fox.


“I do.” He responded immediately, no doubt in his mind.


“Then trust me now. I mean it, if i'm not back in an hour, you guys take Plasia and you get the hell out of here. Keep eachother safe.”


Diego went to leave, but Trent pulled him back and threw his arms around him. Geralt and Tivy both joined him, hugging the lizard close. Then, Plasia shyly waddled over and engulfed the group in her grip, squeezing them all. They all broke away after a few seconds.


“You better make it back, Diego. Tivy’ll want another cuddle!” Geralt laughed, just about holding back his tears. 


“Be safe, Diego! You promised us, too!” Tivy squeaked, giving Geralt a little thump in the leg.


“You're absolutely crazy dude.” Trent laughed in disbelief. “I can't believe you're actually going back in there. In spite of the DA turning up too. You're on another level.”


“Yeah, me neither. But I believe in her, Trent. I had a connection with her. I can't give up on that just because it's the easier thing to do. She needs me right now, I can feel it. One hour, then you guys go, right?”

“Everyone needs you right now, my dude. Do what you gotta do.” Trent took a deep breath and patted him on the shoulder.


The group nodded together, watching the lizard turn his back and jog off into the treeline, back the way they came.


“So... are we actually leaving in one hour?” Geralt asked, already knowing the answer.


“Not a chance in hell.”


Diego sprinted off into the depths of the woods, alone, without Plasia to keep the Slaves and the Nodes off him, right back into the cage he'd just broken free from... His pace increased, he roared into the air, psyonic plating forming around his body. He drew his sword and charged towards the wrecked factory and he broke into the clearing, his grip firm and steady, blood pumping hot through his veins. Failure was not an option.




In the comms tower, out of the corner of her eye, Oxyi spotted two moving objects in the sky, descending quickly toward the ground in the middle of the forest. It looked like two assault ships, judging from the speed of their descent, and much smaller than the freighter, usually used for transporting hit squads of marines.


“Oxyi, what exactly has happened here? If I don't drop these people off it's going to cause serious issues, my ship is full and the next stops are high traffic areas. Nowhere else has the capacity for this amount of people. I’ve already called it in and asked; this is the best shot these people have at survival.”


“NO IT’S NOT! Please! You can't! They've taken everyone! There's no one left, even my friend has gone! I can't let you land that ship, Captain! You're just going to feed them more people!”


“Who took your friend, Oxyi?”


“I-I don't know what to call them! They're like zombies! But there's these aliens too. They're big! They're really strong! And they control the zombies!”


The line went quiet once more, after a couple more minutes of anxiety filled silence, Oxyi spoke again, desperate to move the conversation forward.


“Captain! If you land -”


I don't believe you.


She paused, her voice cracking as she comprehended what was just said. It felt unreal.


“CAPTAIN! I DIDN'T RIG MY APARTMENT WITH EXPLOSIVES JUST FOR FUN!” Oxyi yelled down the microphone, tears stinging her eyes.


“Oxyi, you are an exceptional actor, I truly believe that you believe every word you're saying. But I can see people waiting on the drop pad for us, and I've just been informed that two light craft have entered the atmosphere and are landing somewhere close. Your story doesn't make sense, my colleagues believe you're a claim hopper and you're trying to salvage this city for yourself -”



“I will use the guards on board to deal with that, if it's even true. These people have nowhere else to go Oxyi. It's your word versus what my crew and the twenty-thousand refugees aboard can see.”




Oxyi stared out from the comms room in sheer horror as the freighter began to descend.


“I don't have time to argue. We're on a timer here, I trust in my crew. We will handle this.”




“I'm sorry, Oxyi. Please remain calm, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think.” He sounded unsettled, but pressed on anyway.


In a fit of rage, she threw the headset across the room and hammered on the desk with her fists, looking out over the ship as it continued with its landing procedure.


“I... I can't stop them… I couldn’t stop the aliens, I couldn’t help Diego… I can't do anything right...” She gazed vacantly out the windows, utterly defeated, surveying the cityscape. “There's nothing I can do... is there?” 


Oxyi made her way in the next room over, a small break area with a kitchen and rest area. A quick look in the fridge revealed some spare bottles of beer, which the lioness cracked open with a shaky, bloodied hand. She returned to the main room, collapsing into an office chair and staring out across the landscape. The beer stung her throat as it went down, still sore from her fight with Seeth, but she didn't care. She would watch the planet fall a second time from here, on her own terms.




The assault craft gently rumbled as it entered the atmosphere, protected from the heat of re-entry by a powerful, teal-coloured shielding. Within the craft, several armed soldiers waited in silence. Clad in brilliant white plating and silver chainmail, their armour bore the emblem of a dragon's wing, with several bullet holes punctured through the membrane. A faint teal outline coated each one of them, much like the ship. Their helmets were perfectly moulded around their heads, each unique to the fin and horn placement of the soldier within. They each held onto the thick, textured metal bars to their sides, a strong but relaxed grip. 


The most forward soldier had a blue stripe running down his helmet, the initials ‘RMD’ stamped in glittering cobalt lettering on the side. He leaned forward and retrieved his rifle from underneath his seat; a sleek, if vicious-looking rifle, lined with silver and blue and far beyond anything wielded by the nomads below. Its muzzle was unusually small, barely more than a slither on the end of the rifle's already neat body, but its midsection held a glass-domed magazine containing hundreds if not thousands of bright silver needles. Every single needle glimmered with a jewel-like polish, but their beauty was marred by their fierce, dagger-like points on, primed and aimed towards the barrel of the rifle.


The soldier rested his rifle on his lap, raised his visor  and brought his wrist up to his face. A small clasp flicked upwards on his arm pad, revealing a command computer built into his gauntlet. The device's display seemed to respond to the slightest flicker of movement in the dragon’s irises, rather than the other way around:


Team Aurilian

Leader: Drk Yami Kryll

Panic phrase: Nile

Anchor stone: Y

Obj: Retrieve ex Zion Knight - lethal force authorised outside of target


Team Baxor

Leader: Wrm Scyler Morge

Panic phrase: Gale

Anchor stone: Y

Obj: Retrieve details regarding anomalous infection - do not engage unless absolutely necessary


As the ship’s rapid but smooth descent came to an end, and the landing gear deployed beneath them, the soldiers all stood in unison, pounding their fists against their chests as their shields hummed with power, and their weapons whirred to life.


Smash and grab.

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