Chapter 50: Chapter 50: Traps For A Serpent
March 7th, 1977
The world swirled past him as he exited the Pensieve, squeezing him through a dark, endless tunnel until he found himself standing in the Chamber of Secrets again.
Taking a few deep breaths, he stopped a slightly stumbling Marlene from colliding with the rune-covered stone basin. She clung to his robes for a few seconds until she regained her sense of balance, smiling up at him gratefully. However, her expression changed quickly.
'So she noticed it.'
"I saw it too, Harry." She grimaced; fingers tightened around his shoulders until her perfectly manicured nails dug into him through his robes: "It definitely didn't look natural. Something about the color reminded me of a different memory you showed me..."
"- The one from the night of New Year's Eve." Harry nodded his understanding as he tugged a stray golden curl behind her ear: "They're almost one and the same."
Voldemort's crimson red eyes, a sight that had plagued his dreams during his childhood and occasionally came haunting him as a young adult, would be a memory he will likely never forget in his life, no matter how many years passed.
'Some things are permanent.'
"It also makes sense for him to lose control at exactly that point." Harry continued while brushing the tip of his wand over the Pensieve, taking back the memory from its shimmering surface: "I was practically mocking his entire work and even his renowned ancestor. No wonder he got so enraged and let his mask slip for a split second..."
"So it's really him then, isn't it?" Marlene slowly dislodged herself from Harry, gently pushing him into one of the wooden chairs before straddling his lap. "But how can he be within Avery? I don't quite understand it yet..."
"It's rather abstract soul magic."
Riddle's words echoed through Harry's mind:
"I grew powerful, far more powerful than little Miss Weasley. Powerful enough to start feeding Miss Weasley a few of my secrets, to start pouring a little of my soul back into her…"
He held her by the waist and looked up into ice blue eyes: "I don't have much experience with active possession; I only came across some references a few times in my life. My best guess is that Avery willingly allowed the Horcrux in the diary to take control over him. When the host is accommodating, then over the course of many months it will absorb some of the characteristics and traits of the parasite possessing them."
He felt a small shiver run down Marlene's spine and let his fingers brush through her long curls over her back as he continued:
"If I would have to take a guess, then by now it will be difficult to separate Thomas Avery from Tom Riddle. In a sense, they have likely merged already to work together as efficiently as possible. Avery is permanently possessed, despite him having an illusion of control he is just a puppet at this point."
"Would it even be possible to still save him?" Marlene studied Harry curiously: "If one destroyed the source, the Diary, perhaps?"
"Perhaps..." Harry scratched his chin, a small chuckle escaping his lips: "Dumbledore would definitely do so."
"We don't do things like Dumbledore, Harry." Marlene's eyes narrowed: "I don't want you to take risks when there are less complicated ways to get rid of a problem..."
"You're right... "Harry swallowed heavily, slightly caught off guard by her ruthlessness: "After harboring a fragment of Tom's soul for many months, some of the effects, characteristics, and perhaps even Tom's personality will remain within Avery even if the diary was destroyed. He will never be the same as before."
"Then he has to die as well," Marlene decided with determination, blue eyes turning hard, robbed of any emotion or care as she whispered against his lips: "He has to die..."
"Yes..." Harry watched her curiously: "It doesn't seem to bother you much that we're plotting the death of someone who's barely an adult."
"Why should it bother me." Marlene cupped his jaw and brought her lips up to his for a lingering kiss: "He made his choice when he accepted an artifact from Voldemort and willingly attacked the muggleborns in the castle. With Avery dead and the diary destroyed, there will be one less person who can take you away from me and cause us further trouble."
"You're right." Harry's heart lurched as he held her close.
"If you simply kill him- " Her fingers curled into his robes as she pressed her warm body against him: "-there will be one less obstacle in our path to victory, love."
"Then I will kill him," Harry promised her with another searing kiss.
He allowed her to slip off his lap while standing up himself: "But we need a solid plan. At this point, he likely doesn't need to carry the Diary with him at all times any longer. Such an artifact would only expose him should it be discovered by anyone with a basic understanding of the dark arts. I'd guess he keeps it close for a few hours each day, to reinforce the connection and allow Tom to grow stronger, perhaps when he sleeps..."
"So we will need him to tell us where it is hidden before killing him." Marlene nodded against his chest, refusing to separate from him just yet: "We might have to compel him to give us the location."
"I will tear the secret straight out of his mind if I have to." Harry whispered, a merciless coldness seizing his lungs: "Or torture him until he begs for it to end. I don't care what I have to do. Anything that's necessary will be done..."
"I know you will." Marlene tightened her hold on him: "You won't let them take me away from you. And neither will I."
She looked up at him through thick dark eyelashes, a determined smile upon her red lips: "I have a plan, my love."
March 29th, 1997
Harry forced down the strong urge to gag as his nostrils were invaded by a sharp scent that lay thick in the air. In the corner of the room, a lonely gas-lamp bathed the scene in a dim light, casting deep shadows. The shelves and glass containers around him were filled with strange ingredients, potent herbs, bottles of bubbling liquids, and small crystal vials, displaying their multicolored contents.
"Do you have the payment?"
Harry looked over the counter into the small black eyes of a crippled wizard, who limped closer to him from the back of the shop. His entire facial structure resembled a rough mound of terribly healed scars, wounds, and deformed bones. Upon closer inspection, the wizard missed an entire eye, yet instead of replacing it with a magical one or wearing a patch, he showed the deep, dark hole for everyone to see.
"200 Galleons." Harry pulled a heavy back of gold out from within his robe and let it drop on the counter with a heavy thud: "As we agreed upon in our correspondence."
The wizard surged forward to seize it only for Harry to slam his hand down on the bag and stop his attempt in its tracks: "You'd do good to show me what I came for first. This is not a gift out of generosity after all."
The man grit his jaw, flashing him with a set of yellowed crumbled teeth: "Very well." One of his hands traveled underneath the counter and returned clutching a small brown package.
He untied it and showed Harry a small crystal vial, filled to the brim with a thick, murky brown liquid: "Of the finest quality. Enough to last at least one hour."
"It better do." Harry nodded as he pushed the heavy bag of Galleons over the counter to the vendor while storing the vial securely within his robes: "Otherwise it will take me less than an hour to find you and make you swallow the nastiest potions I find in this shabby store before you suffocate on them."
"You should be more careful with your threats, stranger." The vendor hissed angrily: "The unauthorized usage of Polyjuice will land you in a very hostile place for a few years if you're caught. It would be a shame if your name accidentally slipped from my lips during the DMLE's next visit to my shop."
"A visit that might come sooner than you expected since even the sale of Polyjuice has been banned in magical Britain." Harry reminded the man with a cold smile: "A name is easily changed, so is a physical appearance. Yet your shop is tied to this location. You can figure out by yourself who the Aurors will have an easier time tracking down..."
Apparently, the exchange of threats among vendor and buyer was part of a regular business deal in Knockturn Alley, since the man merely inclined his deformed head and flashed yellowed teeth in a cold grin: "Will there be anything else I can get you, young man? I still have a few vials of the Draught of Living Death, Amortentia, and even Veritaserum for the right price..."
"I have no need right now." Harry turned to leave, dodging a black cat that appeared out of nowhere from underneath a large shelf: "I shall return when I do."
"Then I wish you best of luck for your endeavors, whatever they may be."
Harry pulled the hood of his cloak back up and stepped out into the cobblestone road flanked by shops, that was Knockturn Alley. He cast a few glances sideways before twisting the world past him and vanishing with barely an audible snap.
'Still not quite silent.' He muttered as he reappeared in the passageway from Hogwarts to the village.
"Point me," Harry murmured, waiting until his want spun over his open palm and indicated the direction back to the castle.
He hurried down the dark tunnel, casting a disillusionment charm when he reached the exit. The corridor behind it seemed clear, so Harry quickly made his way down to the second floor and towards the Chamber of Secrets from thereon.
"Incendio!" A familiar voice shouted from the main Chamber just as Harry walked around the corner into it.
At the other far end, blonde curls bounced on the head of a tall figure as she pointed her wand at the cobblestone wall and bathed it in a sea of crimson flames.
'She is practicing...'
'Not for the cursed flames I hope.'
The steady stream of fire burst from the tip of her wand and scorched the rough stones, leaving a searing scent in the air and turning them black. The flames flared angrily, hissing and crackling as they clashed with the sturdy wall. She kept up the assault until her arm trembled, leaving her panting heavily and wiping the sweat from her brows.
"You're growing stronger, love" Harry commented, now only a few meters away.
Marlene looked in surprise but flashed him a bright smile when her eyes found his: "I'm just practicing a bit. Every day I'm able to hold it a bit longer and make my flames just a tad brighter and hotter. It's the same way you expanded your core, isn't it?"
"It's the fastest way I know..." Harry's eyes traveled over the walls, pillars, and high ceiling of the Chamber: "Are you going to clean up as well?"
"Later perhaps." She pouted and walked over to him, a small bounce in her step: "Were you successful?"
"I was." Harry held up the small vial and flashed its contents: "This tiny bit here cost me 200 Galleons."
"Money well spent." Marlene's eyes darkened as she flung her arms around his neck: "We're running out of time, love."
Harry grimaced as the crimson red letters danced in his mind.
Four days ago, the Heir of Slytherin had left the school another message, which had been painted in blood over the giant oak doors of the Great Hall, where the student stumbled over it early in the morning.
"Enemy Of The Heir,
Your Clock Is Ticking.
For Every Week You Remain Passive,
A Student Will Lose Their Life.
Show Yourself!"
The Aurors had been called to the castle again, yet due to the lack of evidence or any potential witnesses, the majority had returned back to the ministry merely two days later while the few remaining had been stationed at Hogwarts and would continue their investigation.
During a conference of all members of staff and the prefects, it has been decided to up the security in the entire castle. Prefects now escorted the younger members of their houses to classes, meals, or the library. Many of the clubs have been canceled, including Quidditch practices, much to the outrage of half of the Castle, who had looked forward to the upcoming game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.
Along with a significantly earlier curfew, all students were urged not to leave their common rooms by themselves anymore and report anything suspicious directly to a prefect or member of staff.
Harry and Marlene had known that the measurements would likely not stop Avery from pulling through with his threat, especially since the Slytherin had been present during all the meetings, even making suggestions himself. Therefore, they decided to set their plan in action a bit earlier than originally planned.
"I should manage to secure a hair before your meeting tomorrow." Harry studied the vial in his fingers: "I just hope it won't taste bad."
"You've taken Polyjuice before?" Marlene chuckled, looking up at him curiously.
"I have. One day I will definitely tell you about it." Harry laughed, unable to help the smile that spread over his lips as he remembered a furry Hermione refusing to leave the stall of a bathroom.
"Why not right now? We have some time..." Marlene pouted adorably: "Are you afraid I will leave you once you run out of ridiculous adventures to entertain me with?"
"No, never." Harry's hands roamed to her waist as he pulled her closer: "You're stuck with me now, even if my stories will inevitably get boring one day."
"I don't think living with you could ever become boring, Harry," Marlene whispered while her blue eyes sparkled up at him teasingly. Feeling her warm breath on his neck sent a small shiver down his spine: "I love you too much for our life to become boring."
'Our life.'
Harry kissed her hard, not missing the way her lips curved into a smile. She traced his lower lip with her tongue before parting his lips and moaning softly when his hands squeezed her rear, pressing her closer against him.
"Then let's prepare for tomorrow- " Harry reluctantly broke the kiss after some time: " -And take another small step to ensure that our lives don't become too exciting either."
April 2nd, 1977
"Please promise me to be careful."
Harry cupped her jaw, forcing her to look up at him and meet his worried expression.
Marlene felt a mix between getting slightly annoyed and valuing the obvious concern he held for her. "I'm going to be fine, love. I will stick to our plan without taking any risks. You've got the significantly more difficult part out of the two of us."
"I just don't like knowing that you'll be close to him." His green eyes hardened just as his hold on her waist became tighter: "He's dangerous and will smell a trap from a mile away."
"Not this one, he won't" Marlene pecked his cheek and lowered his hands so they could continue walking towards the prefects' rooms, next to the staff's room on the third floor.
"You can always follow us via the map and interfere should you see that we stopped moving for no apparent reason." She tried to ease some of his worries. "Just make sure you're on the second floor in time and have the potion prepared."
"I will." Harry sighed: "I've got the hair and everything else.
They paused before the next corner, where they had to separate.
Marlene stood on her tiptoes and placed a last lingering kiss on his lips: "Tonight we take back this castle and remind our enemies who they're messing with. It will all go according to plan."
Harry swallowed heavily. "Good luck." He squeezed her fingers, reluctant to let go: "I love you."
"I love you too, Harry." Their hands parted and Marlene turned around the corner, shooting him one last look full of determination before Harry vanished into the darkness behind her.
'It was time.'
Taking a few deep breaths, she continued towards the prefect's room and stepped inside after the two fifth-year Gryffindors who arrived seconds before her.
Her eyes instantly took in the room, yet she made sure not to linger on the tall, dark form of Avery when she caught him across the room standing with a few other Slytherin Prefects.
'He was here.'
She stepped over to Lily who was chatting with the female Hufflepuff Prefect in their year. Despite having gone over the plan dozens of times with Harry, she still felt her nerves flare now that one of the most important moments of the part she played arrived.
Elizabeth King, the Head Girl, stepped forward: "Is everyone here?"
She glanced around the room, checking if all the 24 prefects from all four houses and years were present: "Good, let's start today's meeting then. As requested by the Headmaster, I switched the schedules a bit to ensure that we have prefects from different houses matched together for patrols."
Murmurs of annoyance rose, especially from the Slytherin corner.
"This gives us more opportunities to work efficiently since different Prefects hold different knowledge of the Castle and will be more likely to actually focus on their tasks instead of holding pleasant chats with a housemate. The security of the Castle is of utmost importance during these troubling times and it's our responsibility as Prefects to ensure said security, so I want to hear no complaints about this new rule."
'You won't hear any from me.'
'This fits me just fine.'
"I have matched three pairs for tonight, which follow the routes I mapped out for them." Elizabeth continued: "Those that have not been named are dismissed for tonight."
'Time to strike.'
Standing in between Lily and Remus Lupin, Marlene's wand slipped into her hand from her sleeve, its tips pointed at the Head Girl, whose eyes were roaming over the note she had prepared.
For a split second the Head Girl's eyes became slightly dull before they focused, yet it was unlikely that anyone else had noticed so. She cleared her throat:
"Lupin, Snape!"
Lily's cringed while her and Harry's friend reluctantly walked over to the Slytherin. It was obvious that both were rather unhappy with their pairing.
"Evans, Cresswell!"
'So far it worked.'
"Tough luck, girl." Marlene grinned at Lily who let out a brief frustrated sigh at seeing the hopeful expression on the seventh year Hufflepuff's expression.
"Could be worse, I suppose," Lily murmured before walking over to the boy, making sure to leave more than enough space between them.
"McKinnon, Avery!"
Marlene ensured that her expression was one of contempt instead of letting the small internal cheer escape from her lips. A flicker of curiosity hovered in the depth of the older boy's dark eyes before they were replaced by irritation.
'Had he hoped for a different pairing?'
'Perhaps a muggle-born to attack?'
"That will be it for tonight." The head girl announced, shaking her head ever so slightly after checking her list with a brief glance of confusion: "I will post the schedule for the next few days on the blackboard. Once more I remind you to take your responsibilities seriously."
"I suppose we should get going."
His cold voice sent a small shiver down her spine and forced her to remember that she was about to take a stroll through the dark Castle with a person who murdered someone for the first time when he was barely sixteen. The boy next to her was no longer Thomas Avery, one of Slytherin's brightest students, but Tom Riddle, a psychopath and ruthless killer.
'But tonight, the hunter will become the hunted.'
"I suppose." Marlene accepted the note with their route from Elizabeth and walked towards the exit of the room, feeling the boy's stares on her back.
"Where are we supposed to go first?" He walked beside her, only a few feet away, yet for Marlene, the distance still felt way too close.
She once more ensured that her wand would be at the ready at any point before glancing down at the note, groaning in annoyance: "Northwestern corridor of the third floor, then down to the second until we eventually reach the dungeons and head back up."
The lie went smoothly off her lips and by the grunt accompanied by a short nod that came from Avery, he did not seem to be suspicious about it either.
'Lucky me.'
'Otherwise, he'd see that we're supposed to start on the seventh floor.'
She quickly stored the parchment within her robes and led the way down the corridor. For some reason, Avery decided to remain ever so slightly behind her while walking next to her. It was rather irksome since it forced Marlene to either glance back at him ever so often or find other creative ways to keep him in the corner of her eye.
"Why don't we start over, McKinnon." Avery's cold voice suddenly echoed through the corridor: "All that mess with Rabastan Lestrange and then our brief run-in at the beginning of the last term... I think it's all just a big misunderstanding."
'What the hell is playing at?'
"I seriously doubt that." Marlene replied through clenched teeth: "What was it you and your buddies threatened me with again? 'Your boyfriend will not always be there.' Well, I will repeat what I said back then. I don't need my boyfriend to fight my battles for me."
"I sense some pent-up aggression and potential lovers' strife there." He chuckled coldly, making Marlene cling to the wand in her sleeve once more: "Hogwarts will be devastated to hear about the tragic breakup of her favorite couple."
"My private life is none of your business, Avery!" Marlene hissed, yet internally she was cheering. The more he talked the less likely he was going to pay too much attention to anything else.
'Perhaps she could feed him some information about Harry?'
'Surely Voldemort must have told his Horcrux to keep an eye on Harry after what happened on New Year's Eve.'
"I was not offering to be a shoulder to cry on, McKinnon." Avery smirked coldly: "However if you feel the need to rant about your boyfriend, I won't stop you."
'So he does want to know more about Harry.'
"It's complicated but still none of your business, let's just get this done with."
They turned down a different corridor and soon reached the giant staircase leading down to the second floor.
'Almost there.'
"I've read about what happened to your brother at the Bones' Ball. You have my sincere condolences, McKinnon. It's always a shame when blood of his quality is spilled."
Marlene forced herself to ignore the slight tone of mocking in his voice. She knew what he was playing at, but tonight's mission was too important to allow him to rile her up with her brother's death. No matter how much the loss still hurts, she would have to allow him to tarnish his memory this once.
She attempted a sincere smile: "Thank you."
They headed further down the west corridor of the second floor and would soon turn around the corner towards where Myrtle's Bathroom was still hidden by the Fidelius.
"What was that?!" Marlene perfectly acted out a mix of being startled and scared by a sudden sound that echoed over to her: "Lumos!" She lightened the tip of her wand, next to her Avery mirrored her spell, looking more intrigued than surprised by what they stumbled over.
'Hopefully, Harry was ready.'
Her fake terror allowed her to remain slightly behind Avery, whose black eyes had narrowed as he stepped around the corner. "I think there's someone here..."
"Who do yo-"
Suddenly, the curtains behind an alcove were thrown to the side and a person of average height, likely an upper-year student darted across the corner to the other side.
"Who are you!" Marlene shouted.
The student let out a small yelp at being caught and started running away from them further into the corridor and towards the bathroom.
'Harry has transformed and was in position.'
'Time to act out the second part then.'
"Hey!" Marlene stepped into action, making sure that Avery matched her steps: "You're out after curfew. Come here and don't make this even worse for you!"
Dodging the bright red stunner sent from Avery, he quickly pulled the hood of his cloak over his head, yet the dim light from the few torches revealed short blond hair and the green highlights of a Slytherin uniform.
"Stop!" Marlene shouted and charged forward to follow the presumed curfew breaker. Next to her, Avery had started running as well, fingers tightened around his own wand.
'Sorry, Harry, I'll make it up to you.'
"Offendo!" Marlene shouted, taking careful aim at her boyfriend's legs.
Her tripping jinx connected with its target, making Harry drop whatever he had been carrying. He stumbled over the stone tiles on his hands and knees all the way until he was right in front of the entrance to Myrtle's bathroom, which was perfectly visible to Marlene but was still hidden from Avery.
Harry quickly pulled himself up and shot a panicked look over his shoulder at the approaching chasers. Avery and Marlene were only a few more meters away as he frantically clutched onto sheets of parchment that were surrounding him, yet missing the majority.
"Listen, just stay where you are and-"
The disguised Harry jumped towards the side, his hand seizing a handle only Marlene could see. Then he pulled open the door and shut it quickly behind him. To Avery, who couldn't see the room, it must have looked as if he vanished from sight.
"What!?" Marlene gasped in surprise: "How did he- Where did he go?!"
She turned to look at Avery who remained silent next to her, yet his black eyes darted over the wall and then down to the few sheets of parchment Harry had dropped on purpose.
'Good, he caught the bait.'
"Are we going to act as if we didn't just see a student being swallowed by the wall?!" Marlene cried out, trying to sound as hysteric as possible: "Avery, damn it, say something. You must have seen it as well!"
"SHUT UP!" Avery snapped at her while dropping to his knees, frantically flipping over the different sheets and notes, desperately looking for clues.
Marlene followed his moves and searched for the one parchment that would orchestrate the final part of their plan, making sure to pant as heavily as possible in between gasps for breath.
'Now, where is it?'
She found the one special note among the dozen others, which had its top corner folded to make it recognizable in the mess. Making sure to keep the dumbfounded expression locked on her face she let her eyes roam over it.
"What the hell is this supposed to mean?!" She held up the note: "Here, look!"
Avery snatched it out of her grasp, his eyes darted over it quickly, his lips reading the words Marlene knew already:
"The bathroom of the Moaning Myrtle is located in the northern corridor on the second-floor of Hogwarts."
"What?! How?! Marlene gasped while looking up: "Where does that door come from?! Is that where he went through."
"I said shut up!" Avery's face was a mixture between greed, triumph, and fascination as his eyes found the door and dropped to the handle.
Marlene could swear that she recognized his lips forming the word 'Fidelius' when his hand connected with the handle and he pushed it down. She decided to continue with the plan.
"I don't think we should enter, Avery! I think- I think we should report this room to the Headmaster immediately!" Marlene stuttered on purpose: "This is not safe!"
His black eyes bored into her and drifted back to the door. Marlene could almost see his thoughts racing. He flicked his wand and suddenly Harry's note burst into flames while he shot her a cold grin: "You're right, McKinnon. You go and fetch the Professors while I make sure the student doesn't escape."
"NO, Avery, wait!" Marlene cried out in fake panic, yet it was too late.
The older boy slipped through the door and closed it behind him. She watched as the handle twitched up and down, then glowed a faint silver.
'Locking charm.'
Marlene sighed in relief, taking a few deep breaths now that her part was done. Still, she felt conflicted about being locked out. All she could do was pray that Harry subdued Tom Riddle quickly or held out long enough for her to take down the enchantments and help him.
The least she could do was let her boyfriend know that she was fine though. Closing her eyes, she flooded her mind with her brightest and strongest memories of Harry, banishing any and all fear she might be feeling for him right now.
"Expecto Patronum!"
Her large silvery Granian burst from the tip of her wand, spread its magnificent wings and waited faithfully for her commands:
"I'm unharmed and well; Avery is on his way.
Good luck, Harry. Please, don't let him take you away from me."