Temporal Paradox: The Second Chance of Harry Potter

Chapter 53: Chapter 53: To Future Mysteries

April 5th, 1977


Exciting whispers and nervous chatter sounded through the Great Hall, creating a gloomy atmosphere, similar to what the students experienced after each of the two attacks over the last few months. The only difference was that this time, the table in green remained unnaturally quiet, its students focusing on finishing their breakfast quickly instead of holding conversations with each other.


Harry headed to the far left, for the Gryffindor table where he spotted a few of his friends already, his fingers entangled with Marlene's.


"They all seem rather relieved, don't they?" He commented absently, his gaze wandering over the many students chatting euphorically with the exception of the table in green.


"Of course they are," Marlene chuckled. She tossed a braid of blonde hair over her shoulder and smirked up at him: "How does it feel to be their glorious knight in shining armor, love?"


"Oh, no... I'm far from any knight or hero..." He murmured. Avery's never-ending screams and bloodied face flashed through his mind as they walked between the house tables. He pushed the images away for now: "But a hero is not what I ever wanted to be in the first place."


'Fate just proved to be a cruel mistress, didn't she?'


"You better not." Marlene's fingers curled around his, her nails digging in his skin: "Only in a fairy tale does the hero survive all his battles to finally ride his white stallion into the warm sunset..."


"... Usually with a blonde princess in his arms." Harry added with a small smile before his expression fell once more: 'But heroes die in the real world...'


"Morning, mate, McKinnon." James greeted them as Harry stepped over the bench and allowed Marlene to take a seat beside them.


"Did they find out anything more?" Harry asked absently brushing an edition of the Daily Prophet and Avery's bloodied body to the side as he reached for some pumpkin juice.


"Nothing new in the papers at least." James shook his head: "But Lily mentioned that Dumbledore wanted to give a speech today to clarify a few things."


"Does he now?" Harry exchanged a quick glance with Marlene while passing the mug of juice to her.


"I overheard the Professor telling the Head Girl about it." Lily chimed in, sitting next to James where one usually found her during mealtimes these days. She looked more relieved than Harry had seen her in months: "A rumor leaked from the Slytherin common room last night, stating that Avery had been behind the attacks on Muggleborns. I could imagine that now that the threat has been disposed of, Dumbledore wants to slowly reverse the necessary changes that had been made over the last few months."


"Of course it was a fucking Slytherin who attacked the first-year girl. The coward deserved everything he got." Sirius joined the conversion, swallowing down a mouthful of toast while glaring over at the snakes.


"By generalizing all Slytherins you're no better than them, Sirius." Lily criticized him: "If this rumor is true, they will only isolate themselves even further from the rest of the school."


"Lily is probably right." James agreed: "I still hope it's true though. I, for one, can't wait for Quidditch to finally resume! We're playing against the Eagles next; no offense, McKinnon, but you will get absolutely trashed this time around."


"I seriously doubt that." Marlene laughed in amusement beside him, licking the last speck of greek yogurt from her silver spoon: "It was only thanks to Harry that you manage to clutch victory last year and during our next game- "


" -Marlene will put our well-thought-out strategy in action and make sure that Harry has no chance at catching the snitch again." Florence slid into the seat opposite his girlfriend, stealing a slice of bacon from her plate. A mischievous gleam sparkled in her eyes: "At least that's what she told me she'd do after losing last time around..."


"Flo-" Marlene interfered threateningly.


"You see, my best friend really hates losing, so together we came up with this strategy; let me briefly explain it to you..."


"Stop, Florence!"


The brunette leaned in and continued in a whisper, smirking at Harry. "Marlene said that she will sneak into the Gryffindor locker room before the match and seduce Harry until he'll only have eyes for her during the match."


"Florence Fawley, if you don't stop right now!"


"My innocent mind did not understand all the details, but there was something about quidditch knee pads coming in handy. Perhaps you guys have an idea why she'd have the need to- ouch!" Florence cried out, rubbing her feet under the table: "Morgana, was it necessary to stomp with so much force?"


"Obviously it was, you little harpy!" Marlene hissed, glaring at her friend. A faint pink blush crept up her cheek while the boy and even Lily snickered around her.


"You interrupted at the best part." Harry complained with a pout, swooping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer: "I would have liked to find out what the knee pads were for."


"Perhaps if you win the game, you will still find out during the after-party..." Florence suggested with an innocent whistle.


"You alright there, Harry?" James slapped him on his back repeatedly as Harry had momentarily gagged on his pumpkin juice while trying to stifle his burst of laughter. 


"I'm okay." Harry choked. Placing down his cup he leaned over to Marlene and whispered in her ear: "Wasn't that how we celebrated last year?"


She batted long eyelashes at him, shooting him a very suggested wink: "There will only be a celebration if I'm the one winning this time." 


"Alright you two love birds, enough of that or Minnie will actually dock points when she catches you." Sirius groaned and wrinkled his nose: "Besides, I'm eating right now."


"If I had galleons to bet, I'd actually wager them on Ravenclaw this year." Remus shook his head while chuckling: "Last year we only had Harry being distracted, but this time James' attention will be split between chasing the Quaffle and making sure Lily watches his every move from the stands."


"I seriously doubt anyone could distract this boy while he's playing Quidditch." Harry's mother chimed in, rolling her eyes, though the glance she shot James was one of sincere pride and affection.


"Oh, I could think of a few ways you'd manage to catch my attention, Evans." His father shot her a trademark, lop-sided Potter grin and pressed a kiss to her cheek: "Give me a minute and I'll write them down for you to remember during the match. Don't worry, none of them are too complicated..."


The table erupted in laughter while Lily flashed pink. Yet before the redhead could retort, the chatter around them and all four tables died down.


Harry glanced to the staff table, where Dumbledore, dressed in robes of the deepest purple, had stood up and spread his arms: 


"Many of you had raised your questions to either the Prefects or your Head of House concerning the events that have been reported by the papers for the last two days. Some of you have gathered what happened already, however, I believe it is your right to know the full scope of it so that all of you may understand it better and hopefully learn from it."


The headmaster's eyes roamed over the entire hall, resting perhaps a tad longer on the Gryffindor table:


"Yesterday morning, Thomas Avery's body was found in Hogsmeade with the Dark Mark floating above it, just as was reported in the news. You will of course also be aware of the peculiar condition Thomas was found in. What you don't know yet, is that during a search of the seventh-year dormitory, strong evidence, which suggests that Mr. Avery had been the one to attack students, was found as well."


"Please allow me to finish!" Dumbledore's voice boomed over the harsh outcries and shouts, which had erupted on three of the four House Tables. There were also many nervous whispers and the exchange of anxious glances on the Slytherin table, while the rest of the Great Hall glared at them.


"I do not wish for this to be the reason for any further division between our Houses. The same evidence that was found also suggested that young Mr. Avery showed regret for his action in the end. I also speak of actions, which he likely carried out under the threat of violence, or alternatively to prove himself to a cause he understood very little of yet."


It seems as if Dumbledore now addressed the Slytherin more than anyone else: "Opinions on Thomas Avery's fate will undoubtedly vary among all of you. Nonetheless, I sincerely hope that all of us may accept this as an important lesson. Once more I refer to the evidence that was found in Mr. Avery's dorm as well as the Dark Mark that floated above the scene in Hogsmeade. To the Ministry, both suggest that Avery received his orders from none other than Lord Voldemort himself.


Once more nervous whispers broke, and yet again the Slytherin table remained completely quiet.


"Don't think for once that the staff of this school is naive enough not to believe that there are others like Mr. Avery within these walls. There are many more students, who, even if just for a second, have toyed with the idea of supporting such a cause either during their remaining years or after their time at Hogwarts. As much as it pains me to use young Thomas as an eyeopener, it might be my last hope to prevent some of you from walking the very same path and potentially meeting the same tragic end."


The Headmaster pulled out a small note, his eyes dipping down briefly: "The Ministry does not wish to share this with you, but I will proceed nevertheless and convey the last words young Thomas has written before leaving the school two nights ago." Dumbledore cleared his throat, his eyes roaming over the hall once more:


"In the unfortunate case where I shall not return to the castle, this letter will serve as an explanation for those I left behind and perhaps discourage others from following my fate."


Complete and utter silence ruled the Great Hall. It almost felt like the students were frozen as no one said a single word. Slowly, the headmaster stored the note back within his purple robes and sat back down next to his deputy. 


"What a way to start the morning," Sirius remarked sarcastically when the chatter on three tables rose gradually.


Harry merely breathed a sigh of relief and was finally allowed to relax a little. Marlene's hand gently massaged his thigh underneath the table while she shot him a quick glance and a nod. Harry took her hand and squeezed it affectionately, his fingers intertwined with hers.


'It's finally done.'


It seems their plan and the weeks of preparation have worked better than either of them could have expected. Whatever suspicion Dumbledore had shown during his brief interrogation of Marlene, the Headmaster had not followed through with asking Harry directly.


Of course, a scheming puppet master like the Professor would not let the matter rest that easily, but the fact that he used Avery's death as an example to discourage future potential Death Eaters, clearly meant that he saw the possibility of Voldemort being the killer of Thomas Avery, especially when every piece of evidence pointed in the same direction...


'The Killer.'


The word echoed through his mind, coupled with images of Avery's dark eyes sparkling a bright green light as the killing curse surged at him from the tip of the Elder Wand.


'Was that what he had become? A killer?'


Harry has been here for over a year and ended the life of three people already. Lucius Malfoy; Antonin Dolohov; Thomas Avery. More names would be added to that list soon enough. It was inevitable.


"Don't go that way, Harry." Marlene's hot breath trailed over the skin of his neck as she whispered up in his ear while she cupped his jaw with one hand, long, manicured fingernails gently digging into his skin: "I recognize that broody expression..."


"You know me too well then..." Harry chuckled dryly.


"Should I not?" Marlene replied and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek: "You did what was necessary... We did what was necessary."


"I don't have regrets about it," Harry explained, tugging a lonely stray of golden curls behind her ear: "I'd do it again in a heartbeat because it was necessary to survive."


'And they deserved it; each of them did.'


"What is it then, love?" Marlene inquired, holding his gaze: "What troubles you?"


"The lines between self-defense and cold-blooded murder will only get blurrier from here. This is merely the beginning." Harry gulped heavily, his finger digging into the soft flesh of her hip: "But it doesn't matter as long as we have each other, does it?"


"It doesn't matter, no." Matter shook her head. She tugged his jaw down to meet her lips, whispering against them: "It's either their goal or ours. An easy choice for me..."


"I choose us." Harry murmured, bushing his lips against hers: "I will always choose us."


"You probably want to slow down a bit, guys." James' voice and a gentle tap on his shoulder interrupted their private moment: "You scared the firsties and I already saw Minnie glancing over to our table, lips thinner than when she caught me clogging every toilet in the entire school back in the third year... Besides, you received a letter. Both of you if I'm not mistaken."


"I can't believe that was you, James!" Lily glared at the boy, green eyes narrowed dangerously despite the briefest hint of a smile on her lips: "However, actually, I think it has three letters..."


Harry turned around and inspected the large dark gray, almost black, owl that rested in front of him, looking at him expectantly with bright yellow eyes and holding out one leg.


'There was only one institution he knew of that used those kinds of owls.'


"Do you think-" Marlene trailed off, her hands fumbling as they untied her own letter.


"I believe Mr. Croaker finally followed through with his proposal..." Harry murmured, having finally detached his own envelope. To his immense surprise, Lily seems to have been right in her assessment, as the owl carried a third and final letter, with which it jumped right on the spot in front of his mother.


"For me?" The red head's eyes went wide while she skimmed from James to Marlene and Harry: "Do you guys know what this is about?"


"I have a hunch..." Harry chuckled, exchanging a quick glance with his girlfriend: "Don't worry, Lily, it's nothing bad. I expect you'll find it quite flattering."


He tugged open the missive and pulled out the folded piece of parchment.


Dear Mr. Peverell,


We sincerely apologize for the delay in reaching out to you, but as you will perhaps learn during summer, work at the Department of Mysteries is impossible to predict, as new challenges, puzzles, and mysteries surrounding magic's deepest secrets may reach us spontaneously at any point in time.


That being said, we'd like to officially invite you to take part in a six-week internship program at our Department along with two other students from your year, starting June 15th. You were among the final candidates, who have been chosen after relevant OWL exam scores, considerations from Hogwarts Professors, and our own internal observations were cross-referenced. Admittedly, it has been a few years since we offered this unique opportunity to undergraduates the last time. However, the early discovery and nourishment of young magical talent are of utmost importance to our society, giving us more than enough reason to revive the program.


Should you accept, you will spend two weeks in a sub-department, working alongside experienced practitioners in their respective fields and supporting our research team on various projects before moving onwards to another sub-department. Naturally, if there is an area of study that interests you the most, we'd be delighted to hear your propositions for your own projects, for which we will provide any necessary resources.


Please send us your reply via owl, stating whether you accept this unique opportunity or not. Due to matters of confidentiality, all further information, including any questions you might have, must be communicated during your first day of work on June 15th.


We are looking forward to hearing from you and hopefully collaborating on Magic's mysteries over the summer.


Yours respectfully,

Senior Unspeakable Croaker


Public Spokesman of the Unspeakables

Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic


A small chuckle next to him indicates that Marlene had finished reading her own letter. The blonde let out a small, almost perfectly faked cheer, then she spun around on the bench and threw her arms around Harry's neck; the fresh scent of her shampoo filled his nostrils: "We should be seen celebrating this, love, especially with the Headmaster watching us..."


"You're right of course." His eyes briefly glanced up through strands of golden hair to witness Dumbledore watching them like a hawk from the staff table: "This is what you've always dreamt of after all."


"I'm not naive, Harry." Marlene whispered in his ear: "We both know that they were unlikely to include me in their proposal if it weren't for a better chance of luring you down into their department. I suppose it's one of the reasons why Lily was invited as well, so as not to raise too much suspicion."


'You're right.'

'But my mother doesn't need to know that.'


Harry swallowed down a stab of guilt. As far as he knew the last Potter that had set food into the Department of Mysteries had been a great aunt several generations ago. Croaker would have surely told him if his mother had worked with him, however briefly it may have been.


"But perhaps they also invited Lily because you're both the best in our class and she even beat you in Charms and Potions." Harry teased as he broke the hug.


"So what? I beat her in other subjects!" Marlene wrinkled her nose: "But that's beside the point!"


"Uhm, Lily?" James asked hesitantly, forcing himself not to read the letter on the redhead's shoulder: "Do you want to share what it says?"


"I- I was offered the opportunity to complete an internship in the Department of Mysteries..." Harry's mother stuttered, eyes still glued to the letter.


"Wait, you what?!" Sirius almost spilled a mouthful of pumpkin juice.


"That is amazing, Lils!" James crushed her into a hug, pampering her cheek with kisses: "I'm so proud of you! You deserve this opportunity more than anyone else!"


"No offense you two." He added in a whisper to Harry and Marlene.


"None taken." The blonde replied with a smirk.


"Apparently Professor Flitwick and Slughorn vouched for me when the Unspeakables approached them, asking for the most promising students of our year." She looked up, her eyes drifting between Harry and Marlene: "I suppose you two are the other ones then?"


"We are!" Marlene beamed, putting on a perfect bright smile, blue eyes sparkling in delight: "It's going to be so exciting, especially when there's the three of us, isn't it Harry?"


"Definitely!" Harry nodded, flashing his mother a smile himself: "The possibilities for what I might learn within six weeks are virtually endless. You should be immensely proud of yourself, Lily."


"I- I know. I am proud..." The girl sighed and folded the letter back together: "I'm just surprised... I never thought I'd be given such an opportunity since I'm a muggle-born you know..."


"If the Unspeakables cared about blood, they'd be missing out on some of the most brilliant minds." Remus chimed in, taking Lily in a hug in congratulation: "Despite the little that is known about them, they're supposed to be the Department with the most diverse workforce, at least blood-wise."


"That's interesting I suppose." Lily hummed thoughtfully: "At least I shouldn't expect to be discriminated against then."


The conversation drifted off towards whatever the trio might encounter during their internship while a few more of Lily's friends and even professors Flitwick and McGonagall came down to congratulate all three of them. Marlene turned back to Harry after Florence finally returned to her breakfast instead of pestering her best friend with further questions.


"We will need to think about what to do..." Harry stated, making sure that everyone else was too distracted.


Marlene bit her bottom lip: "If it's too dangerous and too much of a risk, then we just don't accept."


"You'd give up this dream of yours for me?" Harry doubted.


"You trusted me with your secrets, love." Marlene's bright blue eyes shifted between his: "We have enough enemies and people being wary of us already. I certainly won't do anything to add a third party to that."


"We will think of a way to make it safe so that we can still attend." Harry promised her, squeezing her hands: "Despite the small show you're putting on, I can tell that you're genuinely excited and thrilled about this chance."


"You know me too well, my love." Marlene rewarded him with a quick peck before stealing a spoonful of fruits from his plate.


"But of course." He scooped her up in his arms, allowing her to slip onto his lap sideways, holding her steady on her hips.


"Should I not?"


April 21st, 1977


"Alright, Ms. McKinnon, if you would then?"


The instructor's shout echoed over to her through the empty street that led into the village. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the fresh air of the wild Scottish countryside on a sunny April morning.


'Do it just as practiced.'


She concentrated on the far end of the cobblestone road, right where the instructor stood, picturing the images she might catch over there, imagining how the rough cobble will feel under her heels, how the sun will sting her eye and a cool breeze tickle the skin on her neck. 


Marlene's right foot lifted off the ground as she forced the world past her with a wave of her deep blue cloak, leaving behind the echo of the softest snap.


She reappeared right where she intended to be, landing without making a sound and chuckling when she saw the instructor scratching his jaw in confusion: "Where did she go?" 


"Are you looking for someone, sir?"


"Ah!" With a small yelp Mr. Thomson spun around, clutching his clipboard to his chest and barely catching his hat from falling to the ground: "By Merlin's beard, you have startled me, Ms. McKinnon!"


"I apologize." Marlene inclined her head, but couldn't help the ghost of a smile play on her lips: "Was my performance satisfactory, sir?"


"Satisfactory?" The man repeated with an incredulous look: "You barely made a sound when disappearing and reappeared behind me so silently that I didn't even hear you!"


"I take it, I passed the first part then, yes?"


"Well, yes of course you passed this part of the test!" The wizard scribbled a few words on his sheet of parchment and crossed off a couple of the boxes: "That was remarkably well done, Ms. McKinnon, such skill and talent are rarely seen in anyone so young. As far as I know, mastering how to apparate silently is especially valuable for career paths within the DMLE like the Aurors and Hit Wizards."


'Don't say it!'


"Did you perhaps think about entering either of them?" The man's eyes widened as he realized his mistake too late: "Apologies for intruding on that so soon, Ms. McKinnon. That was not proper after..." Luckily he trailed off but the damage was pretty much done.


"I'm afraid I won't be joining the DMLE, sir." Marlene denied the question. A little bit of ice crept into her voice at the mention of her late brother's occupation: "Perhaps we shall continue with the assessment, yes?"


"Yes- the assessment, of course..." Mr. Thomson cleared his throat, glimpsing down to the clipboard: "You successfully completed your short-distance examination with full marks if I may say so. Next, we have the long-distance assessment. For that, I would like you to make the trip up to the far northwest of Scotland, precisely to the Eilean Donan Castle."




Despite never having been there before, a picture of one of Scotland's most famous tourist attractions swirled through her mind: "What shall I retrieve for you, sir?


"There is a bridge leading to the castle from the mainland. In the center of the bridge, you will find an envelope on the railing." The instructor explained: "However, you should know that a temporary charm for muggle repelling and a ward that will count the number of apparitions has been placed on the entire area. You only have one shot and your time limit to complete the task is 30 seconds, Ms. McKinnon. Therefore, I suggest you apparate as closely as possible to avoid any unnecessary strolls. You may let me know when you're ready so I can take the time."


Marlene pictured the cobblestone bridge leading to the fairytale-like castle surrounded by wild nature and beautiful scenery. "I'm ready, sir."


And with that, she turned on the spot and twisted the world past her, vanishing with the faintest snap.


Her feet landed on steady yet uneven ground, making her stumble ever so slightly. The scent of salt and sea air filled her nostrils when she took a deep breath a second later. Seagulls chirped high into the sky above her and a much stronger breeze played with strands of her curls.


The dark outline of a castle loomed on the hill of a peninsula in front of her. She stood on the exact same long, mossy cobblestone bridge that she had pictured in her mind. Her eyes darted over the railings on both sides and she spun around when she couldn't spot anything in front of her.


Luckily, a few meters behind her, an envelope was placed on the left railing. Marlene quickly hurried over to it and snatched it away, storing it within her robes.


Closing her eyes and picturing the very street in the peaceful little village she just left, Marlene took another step and reappeared in front of her instructor.


"12 Seconds!" Mr. Thomson cheered, glancing up from his muggle wristwatch: "That is the best time I have assessed since starting my job!"


'Until Harry breaks it next year.' Marlene grimaced, her fingers fidgeting for the envelope within her robes: 'If he ever bothers to take the exam that is...'


"It might feel excessive but if you would allow me to inspect your fingernails really quick?" The instructor inquired.


"Of course, sir." Marlene complied and showed the man her fingers, twirling on the spot like a muggle ballerina to show that nothing else was missing or causing her discomfort.


"Thank you very much!" Mr. Thomson crossed off a few of the last boxes on his clipboard and scribbled some final sentences: "Well, in that case, you may keep the envelope you have retrieved for me, as it contains the official documents stating that you have passed the assessment and are allowed to apparate at will."


"Thank you, sir." Marlene beamed and stored the envelope back in her robes.


"Think nothing of it. It was a pleasure, my dear." The instructor shot her a genuine smile: "Now since you've completed your assessment so quickly, I have time for a quick coffee at the Three Broomsticks before the next student arrives. I shall wish you a pleasant day and best of luck on any future travels by apparition."


"Enjoy your coffee, sir!" Marlene grinned as she watched him walk down the street into the village.


"Your morning has been a success then?" A familiar voice chuckled behind her.


"Well, I certainly spent my hours doing something more useful than whatever you did." She spun around, tossing golden curls over her shoulder: "Have you been watching me the entire time?"


"No, I've actually made preparations to celebrate with you." Harry scooped her up in his arms, ignored the pout on her lips, and instead pressed a kiss to her forehead: "Well done, love."


"What kind of preparations?" Marlene leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed contently: "Something sweet I hope?"


"All your favorites from Honey Dukes." 


She felt him grin above her and curled her fingers even further into his robes: "Perfect."


"Though I insist you actually share them with me this time around." He cupped her jaw upwards to meet his smirk: "I'd like some of it too."


"Sure, you can have a small stash." Marlene reluctantly agreed. She linked their arms and allowed him to escort her back to the village: "After all, you'll need your consolation prize for not being allowed to sit your own assessment for another 12 months."


"Ouch, now that's a low blow..." Harry chuckled: "But luckily I don't need a piece of paper to allow me when to apparate. I can simply do this- "


He vanished, leaving behind nothing but small ripples of air, and reappeared on Marlene's other side, his arm perfectly linked to hers: "See: no howlers from the Ministry for me..."




"It's not the Ministry that will berate you today, love." She rolled her eyes and led him over to the door of the Three Broomsticks where her instructor had passed through only a few minutes prior: "There is someone else that wishes to talk to us; you in particular and I'm afraid unlike me, you won't be able to bribe him with sweet chocolate."


"It's time already, isn't it?" Harry grimaced, clenching his jaw while holding open the door to the pup.


"Yes, Harry." Marlene sighed, her eyes darting through the already well-visited enablement, despite the early hour: "My father is waiting for us... waiting to discuss the future of our courting agreement."


"Hard to believe that over a year has passed already..."


'Why does it make you uncomfortable, love?'

'I hope you're not having second thoughts about me...'


She ignored his remark and led him up the staircase to the private room they had reserved for the occasion: "And if I'm honest with myself, Harry, I'd very much like to know how you imagined our future as well..."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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