The Crimson Throne - A Grimdark Tale

Chapter 38: Contact

"Everyone stay here. I want to go in by myself." Elaine stood in front of the estate's garden, instructing the servants.

"But milady, the Duke said-"

"You all are with me right now, and you shall follow my command. I do not mind killing another person tonight." Her eyes narrowed.

The servants fell to silence at her threat.

"Milady, please let me help you. You don't look too well." Mariam voiced her concern.

"No, I said leave me! Do not let me repeat myself!" Elaine raised her voice, unable to maintain her composure.

Mariam flinched, and Elaine could see the young maid tremble in fear. But at this moment, nothing mattered anymore. She needed to be alone.

"As you wish, milady." The servants bowed and stepped back. Lady Estella was the master, and they could not go against her wishes.

"I'll be back."

In an obscured corner of the garden, Elaine leaned against a small bush, barfing all the contents in her stomach. She tried to restrain herself during the ceremony, but now she could no longer repress it. The scene was too graphic for Elaine to handle, and she could still recall the layers of flesh and muscle stuck to her sword.

"Who would have thought the Duke of Geris's daughter would hide herself to commit such an act?"

A familiar voice came from behind, and Elaine immediately wiped her lips, turning around. She then gave the voice's owner an icy stare. "Who would have thought the Third Prince of the Étoile empire was a stalker?"

"Stalking is a strong word, milady. I merely followed you." Alexander smiled.

Is there a difference? Elaine scowled at him.

"Please state your intention, your Highness." Unfortunately, she did not have the time or patience for his games.

"I commended your bravery out there, Lady Estella. Few young noble ladies could replicate what you did."

"Please do not mock me, your Highness. We both know I failed."

"What made you believe I am mocking you, milady? You hurt my feelings." He sulked, though the mischievousness in his bright azure eyes told Elaine a different story. "Please take out your hand, Lady Estella." Alexander's face returned to normal again.

Elaine viewed him suspiciously. What does he want now?

"Don't be so on guard. We are allies, are we not?" He chuckled.

"Do you not know where we are?" Elaine glanced around, looking for Gerard's men. How could Alexander speak such dangerous words in the enemy's territory?

"Haha. I'm happy you would worry about me, milady."

She glared at him, speechless. Elaine wondered if she could imitate his carefree attitude, her suffering might have lessened.

"No need to be concerned, Lady Estella. No one saw me coming in, and no one would see me leaving." A gust of wind swept past them, blowing Elaine's hair and cutting through Alexander. His body fizzled a little, then returned to its original form.

Her mouth gaped open, and her eyes expanded. This Alexander is an illusion! He is not actually here!

Alexander chuckled, entertained by her reaction. "Milady, did you think I would be foolish enough to alert the Duke of my movements and squash our alliance in its infancy?" He leaned forward and took out a handkerchief, wiping the blood from her face.

He can still contact others in his non-concrete form.

Elaine stepped back, refusing his touch. "But even if your Highness is a mirage right now, how can you be sure my father's men are not here, listening to our conversation?" She inquired. They presently stood inside Croix's territory, and Gerard's eyes were everywhere. How could he guarantee they would miss them?

"You are careful, milady, and I admired that." Alexander took no offense and tucked the handkerchief back into his pocket. "Do not worry. We are currently within a protection spell. No one could hear us, nor would they see me." His shadow squirmed while he talked.

So I look like an insane person talking to myself.

Elaine's hand squeezed her temple. "What is your reason for coming here, your Highness?" she circled back to her original question. They idled long enough. "And please don't say it is because you were worried about me."

"Would you believe me if I said I were?"


Alexander laughed, combing his fingers through his silver hair. "How honest. Though you are right, milady, that is only half the reason." He then walked toward Elaine, closing their distance and stopping when he was only a few inches away from her, near enough for him to hear her accelerated heartbeat. Elaine stumbled backward, but Alexander caught her hand and pulled her to him. He then dropped a small bottle in her palm. "The liquid inside this bottle came from one of the best healers in the empire. It can cure thousands of diseases and heal many wounds, even life-threatening ones. I believe you might need it one day, so keep it close to you."

Elaine stared at the tiny bottle in her hand, wondering why he would give something this precious to her. One of these bottles on the market was almost priceless, costing even more than a small country's fortune. Even Étoile's royalty like Alexander could only obtain one every few years.

"I do not need this." Elaine's arm reached out, wanting to return the bottle.

"I understand you remained unable to trust me, Lady Estella. But I hope you will change your mind in the future." He shoved the bottle back into her hand. "Besides, I dislike making losing bets. The road ahead is long, and I prefer my chosen partner to stay healthy and continue with me through this journey."

In other words, I am still valuable to Alexander. He must have known someone was after my life and would rather his precious pawn not die so soon.

Alexander leaned in to kiss Elaine's hand, and she did not turn away, too tired to reject him. "We will have many opportunities to work together soon. Farewell for now, my future queen." Another breeze swirled past them, and his body turned into crystals, disintegrating with the wind.

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