"Let's get this done and over with now and get the hell out of here" a voice said while the demons (unpleasant looking creatures) were looking at him, it was a black guy, he was tall and he also had a mini afro, he looked to be in his early 20's.
Along with him were 3 others, a guy and two girls, of which one was black and the other white.
The screeching demons started to come closer to attack them,
"Let's go" one of them said as they moved further to face the demons.
The black guy suddenly dashed towards the demons killing two of them in the blink of an eye as they then turned into ashes.
The black girl then jumped high in the air, she jumped about ten times higher than a regular human being would and while she was in mid air she took out two of her swords and just before she landed she slashed two of the demons with them causing them to instantly vanish.
"Abiola, behind you" the white girl said to her while was just right behind her but she then backflipped right over it and slashed it's head of it's body as it vanished,
"thanks Megan" she then said afterwards.
Megan then ran towards the demons as well as she then took out her bow, she didn't seem to have any specific powers except for the fact that she could only run slightly faster than any normal human being and her shooting range and accuracy was one of a kind as she was killing a demon with every single shot, but then the speed at which she did so was even more fascinating.
"Walt" the black guy said,
"Mmh" replied his friend
"behind you" he then said to him, but Walt didn't even move an inch as he waited for the demon to come closer and when it did and wanted to attack him he dashed out of position reappeared at the demons back grabbed it's neck with one hand and used the other to decapitate it,
"thanks for the tip Alex" he smiled awkwardly while looking at him,
"Whatever man" Alex said as he dashed off to fight more demons and left him there.
Megan jumped in the air while she shot three arrows all at once, each one of them killing two demons each and when she landed she then rolled the floor before finally taking one more arrow and then shooting the demon that was right in front of her another one was also behind her but she took a knife out of her laps side and then she stabbed it's hand which was about to touch her she then hung her bow on her back and then took another knife from the other side of her laps and then she used this one to slowly cut off the demons head.
"What is it, why are you all looking at me like that?" Megan asked as she used her hands to push her blonde hair backwards,
"oh uhm it's nothing, it's just your moves you know, it makes me feel like you're more of a show off" Alex said.
"Oh yeah, well you all have fancy abilities as for me I'm just a regular human" Megan replied,
"Oh come on you know you're not, you're stronger and faster than a normal human your instincts are even sharper" Walt said to her.
"Yeah, but I'm not a vampire like you and Alex, or even a werewolf like Abiola, so will you all just shut up so we can leave now, I'm hungry and don't forget we also have to report to Skull don't forget that" she replied as she then walked right past all of them without looking back,
"come on let's go" she then finally stopped and said at some point when she realized that they weren't behind her, and so they all followed.
"We're here" Sarah said as she parked the car in the corner,
"hold on, are you sure this is the right place aunt, it looks familiar" Jane said to her,
"that's because it is, it looks like a company right?" Sarah asked her,
"yeah, I remember now, when I went on outside city drives with my dad, we usually passed through here alot" Jane answered.
"Okay then, come on let's go in you'll be even more fascinated by what you see inside" Sarah told her,
"really!, what's inside" a curious Jane asked,
"I can't say much Jane, all I can say is this is the Union of Underworld Beings, when you get in there you'll see what I'm talking about for yourself" Sarah replied as they walked towards the building.
"Hold on ma'am, what are you doing here?" the security man at the gate said stopping Sarah and Jane,
"Uhm we have an appointment with Mr. Joel Russo please" Sarah answered him, Jane looked at her surprised but she then decided to play along,
"uhm yes sir, Mr. Joel Russo" she then said with a smile on he face but she then stopped smiling when the man stopped starring at her.
"What are your names?" he asked them,
"Uhm I'm Sarah Reyes",
"and I'm Jane McCarthy" they both replied the man then picked up his tablet and scrolled through before he then looked at them again,
"I'm sorry, but your names are not on the list, could you please leave and come back when you've scheduled an appointment" the man then said,
"no no no sir, you must have gotten it wrong somewhere we should be on the list" Sarah said persistently.
"Fine, let me call them inside to confirm" the man said as he picked up the telephone and was about to call,
"hold on sir" Sarah said, the man then turned around and faced them, Sarah then looked him straight in the eyes as her eye pupil grew slightly smaller
"Open the gate and let us in" she said to him and her eyes then came back to normal and to both she and Janes surprise he opened the gate and let them in.
"That was amazing" Jane said to her after they went in",
I didn't even know I still had it in me" Sarah said as they approached the building.