Chapter 27: CHAPTER 27



Jinhyuk woke up in the morning and did his morning chores in the inn . He went down to search for breakfast and ate the breakfast available in the inn . He went back to his room and waited for him to be called in the palace . He wanted to wait patiently but he was growing restless as time was passing . He thought of another way to spend his time . He sat down on his bed in a lotus position and closed his eyes as he entered a concentrative state . He started to feel the mana in the surrounding air . The mana he felt was much more pure and dense than the mana in his world . He started to breathe in the mana from the air .


He was feeling the mana enter his body and purifying the mana inside him . His mana started to circulate throughtout his mana veins and replenishing the body with pure energy . The system message popped up



-[ A high amount of pure mana has entered your body]

-[Your mana is being purified]

-[Your mana has started changing]

-[Your body has gone through drastic changes]

-[Odin's Left Eye is reacting to the pure mana]

-[Would you like to go through "Body Reconstruction" ?]



Jinhyuk saw the messages and thought for a little bit before replying




-[Your body is being reconstructed]


Jinhyuk felt as if his body was breaking and the upper skin was cracking . His body was covered in a heavenly aura as he felt a warm and comfortable feeling . His left eye felt like it was burning. His entire skin cracked and fell off as his body changed . Jinhyuk could feel the newfound strength and the mana his body hold . His mana vessel was expanding and he could now hold double the mana from his previous self .



-[Body reconstruction is over]

-[Your body has changed exponentially]

-Your race has changed from : Mystic Humans ----> Mystic Elves


Jinhyuk was surprised when read the notification . He rushed towards the mirror to see the changes . He saw that his body was more well defined than before . His height has increased by atleast 3 inches , but the most shocking part was his face . His skin has become more light and colour is more white than before . His ears were normal which he was thankful about because long pointed ears are common in elves but its not in humans , he would have a rough time in his world . His most changed feature was his hair and eye colour . His hairs were black and eyes were brown before he came here but now his hair is light green in colour like the elves and his eyes were a mixture of blue and green .


After seeing his face only one thought came to his mind

I have to get a scolding from my sister which is obvious . I can already see my sisters angry face . I am now completely different looking than my sister . My face is same so everybody can recognise me but this hair colour is going to be a problem . I will come up with an excuse later .


Jinhyuk was thinking when suddenly the door was knocked . He saw that it was almost 10 am . He opened the door and saw two people standing there . One was a female and the other was male . They first looked towards Jinhyuk and blankly stared at his hair . Jinhyuk coughed up a little and was successful in catching their attention . He smiled at the both of them . The guards were a little embarrased so they also looked away . The female guard introduced herself


"I am the Captain Of The Royal Order . My name is Lizelia Emford"

"I am the Vice-Captain Of The Royal Order . My name is Leonard Emford" said the man standing beside

"My name is Sung Jinhyuk . It's nice to meet you"

"It's nice to meet you too . Now please follow us Mr.Sung"



Jinhyuk followed the guards as they went and sat on a carriage which was outside their inn . Jinhyuk entered first followed by the captain and the vice captain . The carriage started taking them outside of the market area and towards a arena . Jinhyuk and the guards accompanying him were having a conversation while they were in their carriage . Lizelia started to feel that Jinhyuk wasn't a bad guy and he had no intentions of harming the kingdom but she still felt an unwavering sensation . She was sure that the man sitting in front of them was in a league of his own . He could wipe out the entire kingdom along with the guards and the royal family single handedly if he felt .


They arrived at the arena where the match was being held . Jinhyuk got out of the carriage and covered his eyes for a little bit . He wasn't tolerant of the sunlight after leaving his room and then the carriage . He looked around as his eyes felt better . Jinhyuk stood in front of a podium as he saw that the king was sitting there with another woman . She was probably her daughter because the age gap was noticeable . The king addressed


"Sung Jinhyuk , we have prepared a perfect stage for you to show your skills"

"Thank you , Your Majesty"

"Alright then , bring in the challenger "


A man entered the arena . He was an elf but his body was different . He didn't have enough muscles for sword fights but Jinhyuk was sure he was an excellent archer . It's because his slender figure and fit physique clearly shows that his agility was not to be looked down upon . The man came towards Jinhyuk and lifted one hand and said

"Nice to meet you . I am Arc"

"I am Sung Jinhyuk"


Both of them looked at each other with a smiling face but it was clear that a hidden battle had already commenced between them . Arc turned towards the king and bowed . Jinhyuk also did the same . The king said

"Now the first test will commence"


Another elf came towards Jinhyuk and Arc and handed them two bows respectively . He then went towards a small target placed atleast 300 yards away from the place they were standing . The elf said


"Alright . Listen to the instructions . Both of the competitors should get two oportunity each . Their goal is to hit the bullseye . The person to hit two bullseye and in the most unique manner shall win ."


They both nodded their heads and the person said once more

"Arc come forward"

Arc came forward as he stood upon a white line which was the starting point . Arc raised his hand with the bow and closed one of his eyes . He looked towards the target and hit it with perfect accuracy hitting the bullseye . The crowd was erupt into cheers . Jinhyuk was next . Arc gave him a small smile but Jinhyuk remained unfazed . Jinhyuk went towards the starting point and he raised his bow . He aimed towards the target



-[Skill : Red Magic Bullet (SS)] activated


Jinhyuk requested to put a black eyecover . He was done with the preparations of the show . Jinhyuk aimed towards the target and then pointed it high up in the air . He smiled and released the arrow which travelled high into the sky but to everyone's surprise the arrow changed its trajectory with the wind and travelled through the air and placed on the bull's eye from an upward angle . Jinhyuk's performance filled the crowd with new excitement .


It was now time for the second round . Arc came towards the white line once more and pointed his arrow . He aimed and shot the arrow and it struck the bull's eye piercing the previous arrow in half . Arc was proud of his own performance and so he bowed with one of his leg slight backwards in a stage manner . The crowd was beaming with excitement and cheers were thrown from everywhere . Jinhyuk went towards the white line and put on his cover over his eye . He was about to aim his arrow towards the target but suddenly he felt an omnious presence . Jinhyuk moved his head from left to right to determine the direction and he felt it coming from behind the king . Jinhyuk raised his bow towards the direction of the king . This filled everyone in an shocked and scared look . The king himself got scared and the guards were rushing towards him .


Jinhyuk shot the arrow and the king covered his face with his hands to defend himself but the arrow was not shot towards the king . The arrow crossed the king and shot a person behind him . The man in black clothes fell down and groaned in pain . The king immediately ordered the guards to capture him . Jinhyuk opened the cover from his eyes and threw the bow .


At that moment , many people from the crowd jumped on the arena . All of them had black clothes and their face were covered . They each took out a sword and rushed towards the king and princess . Jinhyuk was watching the entire scene and a vein popped on his head . He immediately took out his sword at the moment when the attackers jumped on the king . Jinhyuk left hand covered in a green aura



-[Skill : Commander's Authority (EX)] activated


The people stopped mid-air before their swords could even reach the king , with another wave of his hand the people got thrown far away as they landed on the ground . Jinhyuk looked at them , they got up but where confused at what happened . They immediately saw Jinhyuk who was looking at them and rushed towards him . Jinhyuk for the first time released his magic power . It was enough to fully suppress all the people in the arena . All of the people looked at Jinhyuk with a scared expression . Jinhyuk vanished from his position .



-[Skill : Sword Demon King Steps (SSS)] activated


Jinhyuk appeared at the back of them and killed each one after the another . He took nearly a minute to wipe them all out . Jinhyuk was standing there covered in blood . His new light green hair is now red with blood .

As all of this was happening , a person was looking at the scene from the top of the arena . He had a smile before but now his expression was nervous . He was looking at Jinhyuk but at that moment something happened which even he didn't thought of . Jinhyuk looked straight in the man's eyes from atleast 50 yards away . As soon as they made eyecontact , the man saw the appearance of a raging beast behind Jinhyuk which made him feel helpless and powerless . The man flinched and then gave one final look before leaving the arena .


Jinhyuk stood there between the slashed bodies of the attackers who attacked Jinhyuk . The system gave him some notifications .



-[You have used more than 3 types of weapons with precision]

-[You have gained [Skill : Weapon Master (S)] ]

-[You can now use all types of weapons with mastery]

-[The mana in your veins is reacting]

-[Odin's Left Eye (T) is controlling the reaction]

-[You can now use "Elven Magic"]


Jinhyuk looked infront looking up from the screen , he saw that many people stood surrounding the arena and the gallery including the knights of the Royal Order . The king and princess were also present . The princess was holding the king's arm . The king looked at Jinhyuk , he asked


"Why did you save me ?"


"I felt like you were a good person and letting you die was not within my consent" replied Jinhyuk


"I forced you to take part in today's match and still you wished to save me ?"


"I know you did nothing wrong . You are the king of this kingdom and you had to take decision based on public opinion . I get that feeling of being bound without being able to support the truth"


"You truly are a great warrior . I acknowledge your talent . I will reward you . Is there anything you want ?"


"No sir , there isn't anything that I desire"


"There isn't ? Then , I will think of a reward for you"

"Thank you"


"One more thing . I will consider you as my friend from now and so you are given the special permission to stay in the castle and train here"


"Thank you , sir"


The king and the princess went towards the exit as Jinhyuk was looking towards them . The princess while walking looked back once and stared at Jinhyuk's face for some time before flashing a bright , beautiful smile towards him . They walked away and got on a carriage .


Jinhyuk now looked towards the sky . He was thinking how his life took a turn towards the elf kingdom . He also got some friends and a place to stay . He also thought that even if he would go back to the world he came from , he will frequently visit this place also . He walked towards the entrance of the arena .

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