The Earth-san Has Leveled Up!

Chapter 18.1

2-10.1. Around That Time On The Surface

The day when Meiko fell into the dungeon again was also the day when the Japanese government made a significant announcement.

From the morning of that day, every TV program, whether national or private, had been continuously informing the public that they wanted everyone to watch the press conference starting at 19:00.

Given that the government rarely asks for such cooperation from private broadcasters, many understood that this was a very important announcement.

To be honest, Meiko had already heard about it from the Professor beforehand and had planned to watch it at home.

However, she ended up spending the night in the dungeon.

Now, the announcement made by the familiar face of the Chief Cabinet Secretary on TV was as follows:


The discovery of the rules determining the difficulty of dungeons and the process of discovering them.

Note: Since Meiko is a minor, her name was not mentioned, but it was already widely known in online communities.

The information has already been shared with all countries, and each country has begun to take action.

In Japan, 24 dungeons have been discovered so far, and 10 of them have been successfully classified as the lowest-level dungeons.

And then, the difficulty levels of each dungeon in Japan were announced.

Following that, the situation inside the dungeons.

The current defense network set up against the dungeons and their safety.

Images of the monsters that have appeared in the dungeons investigated so far.

If you see these in town, we strongly urge you to flee without engaging in combat.


These points were explained carefully to avoid causing panic.

What needed to be hidden was hidden, and what needed to be said was said.

It had to be said that those with negative karma were very unfortunate, as they could not get jobs, and their levels were extremely difficult to raise.

The government believed that since the whole world was starting to investigate dungeons in the same way, in this modern internet society, this fact would inevitably become known to people sooner or later.

Therefore, it would cause less damage if they said it themselves.

Furthermore, they predicted that after the information about the dungeons was made public, those with negative karma would loudly demand to be allowed into the dungeons.

Thus, it was necessary to tell them that even if they entered, it would not be very meaningful.

Along with the announcement of the unfortunate reality for those with negative karma, it was announced that programs for those with negative karma would be broadcast on TV and streamed online.

Ideally, it would be good to establish a specialized counseling organization, but it was expected that one-on-one counseling would quickly become overwhelmed, so that plan was put on hold for now.

The issue of negative karma had been repeatedly called out even before this press conference to prevent people from becoming self-destructive.

Until now, nothing more could be done about karma.

Those in charge of handling it also didn’t understand anything, so they couldn’t say anything careless.

However, now, after tracking the karma logs of hundreds of people, various things have become clear, and they have reached the stage of broadcasting rehabilitation support programs. This will be the first step in rehabilitation support for those with negative karma.

From now on, the government will also establish special agencies and work hard to provide rehabilitation support for those with negative karma.

In the current situation where it is uncertain whether heaven and hell exist, modeled after insurance that protects one’s future from the risks of injury and illness, the catchphrase for rehabilitation support became:

“Let’s start, Karma Insurance.”

Just like paying a high price for private insurance to prepare for illnesses that may or may not happen.

Accumulate Karma to reduce the risk of possibly going to hell.

A new insurance for all generations, one that cannot be bought with money.

By the way, the reason it wasn’t named Heaven Insurance or Hell Insurance is that naming it as such might make it seem like the government acknowledges the existence of heaven and hell.

From this catchphrase, discussions began online about whether the karma-based status system is truly an unfortunate system for those with negative karma.

Rather, it might be the last chance given by Earth-san, or perhaps God, like a spider’s thread.

If hell truly exists.

Those who laughed in the past, saying things like “Hell? LOL”, would find themselves in an extremely dangerous hell upon death, but modern-day evildoers can seriously consider whether to get Karma Insurance.

If hell is real, then the karma-based status system is nothing but mercy.

It is undoubtedly extremely unfortunate in this world, but perhaps it is necessary to encourage reflection.

Is this Karma Insurance meaningful?

For now, that is something that cannot be known without dying.


[Hey, Open to All]Thread to Discuss Dungeons PART 331[Still?]

1, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

This is a thread to discuss dungeons.

Please take discussions and verifications about karma, Earth-san, skills, etc., to another thread.

※Be aware that making significant defamatory posts may reduce your karma. Be careful.

The next thread should be declared by the person who reaches ≫970.

350, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

>347 But can we do more than this in dungeon defense?

Earth-san says monsters will appear, but we don’t even know the scale, right?

351, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

All we can do is evacuate people from the cities and towns where dungeons have appeared.

Can they comply?

352, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

What about the difficulty levels announced for each dungeon?

They said they don’t even understand what C-class means, is that okay?

353, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

They explained the difficulty levels from G to E, but they can’t just say they’ll keep silent about C-class and above, right?

354, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

Wasn’t this announcement premature in the first place?

355, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

Even overseas, the military is rushing in, right?

Considering the risk of leaked information spreading in strange ways, I think it was a good decision.

At least, they were able to inform the public that entering E-class or above would almost certainly result in death for amateurs.

356, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

More than that, I want to point out the problem of politicians starting to sound religious.

Where did the separation of powers go?

357, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

If you’re going to say that, it’s the separation of church and state.

Supporting citizens who are anxious about karma isn’t something I’d call religious.

358, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

Hey, we’re getting off-topic. Take that kind of discussion to the politics thread.

More importantly, the images of the monsters have been released, but what do you think about them?

359, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

I saw them!

They look sharp-eyed, but they’re clearly based on stories from around the world.

360, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

The Spring Balloon that Meiko-chan fought is also the first grunt character from Samurai Yaro Z, released in 2000.

361, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

Oh, I played that too. I didn’t know how to control it and just got killed.

362, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

Hey, weren’t you using the Super Shamisen controller? You can beat that enemy by mashing ○ or △.

363, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

Wait, now that you mention it, I think my controller had six buttons on the right side… Did it have ○ and △?

364, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

This one on the far right is also a grunt enemy from Dragon Fantasia, right?

365, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

All of them have sharp, knife-like eyes.

Does that mean we’ll see Goblin-sensei and Orc-master next?

366, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

They’re classic fantasy villains, so it’s not impossible, but don’t expect the kind of stuff you’re hoping for. It won’t happen, right?

367, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

B-b-big news!

368, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

What’s up?

369, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

If this is off-topic, my shield technique will blow up in flames.

370, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

Off-topic, but please spare us the shield techniques!

Listen up.

Apparently, Meiko-chan has gone missing!

371, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

Mobilize immediately!

372, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

Hurry! Goblins and orcs might be out there!

373, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

I’ll make a dedicated thread!

374, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

You’ve barely posted before, and now suddenly… (;’∀’)

375, Anonymous Dungeon Traveler

Be careful. These guys usually blend in with regular people.


The nationwide press conference about the dungeons ended.

Even after 8 PM, Meiko still hadn’t returned.

What’s more, her phone was unreachable.

The parents of the Hitsujiya family, whose daughter had just started high school, recalled the recent dungeon incident and panicked greatly.

They quickly contacted Baba and learned that she hadn’t entered the dungeon.

They also contacted the school and requested an investigation through the app “Ruin” to see if she was with someone.

However, the investigation came up empty—she wasn’t with anyone.

Meanwhile, Baba, who had received such news, pondered what to do.

At around 8 PM, it was still too early to tell.

She was a high schooler, after all—she might have gone to karaoke with friends.

The fact that her phone was unreachable might just mean the battery died. It’s not uncommon for smartphones that can play games to run out of juice.

While making such reasonable assumptions, Baba also considered the possibility of kidnapping.

Meiko had become extremely famous after returning from the dungeon.

It was safe to assume that almost everyone on the internet knew her name.

Meiko was cute, and it wouldn’t be strange if someone with a lolita complex took her home.

Although the current trend of fearing karma had drastically reduced crime, those who were truly deranged wouldn’t care about karma.

So, what should be done?

Baba thought about it.

For now, Baba decided to visit a friend.

“Meiko, it seems Meiko-chan has gone missing. Do you know anything?”

The woman called Meiko stopped typing on her keyboard, swiveled her chair around, and turned her furrowed brow toward Baba.

She was a beautiful woman in a lab coat, but she always had dark circles under her eyes, giving her an unhealthy appearance. Sometimes she even smelled like an unwashed dog—a regrettable beauty. Today was… safe, I guess?

In certain circles, she was known as Scientist A or the Professor. A very niche circle, though.

“Meiko-chan? What do you mean?”

“She hasn’t come home yet, and her phone’s unreachable.”

“That’s strange. Meiko-chan was looking forward to today’s government announcement.”

The Professor glanced at the clock and made a face that said, “It’s a bit late for this.”

“Come to think of it, I haven’t received any Ruin messages today.”

“Huh? I’ve never gotten any Ruin messages from Meiko-chan.”

“Huh? I talk to her on Ruin all the time.”


Baba was shocked by this revelation.

Meiko was so cute that Baba could comfortably use her as a body pillow to sleep with.

What a betrayal.

While Baba was reeling from the shock, the Professor furrowed her brow and groaned worriedly.

“Hmm, this is concerning. I hope nothing’s wrong…”

“Huh!? Y-yeah!”

“If the police’s initial response is slow, go over their heads. Just say she’s the world’s first dungeon returnee and an extremely valuable asset—they’ll act quickly.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”

With that, the police sprang into action, and it was discovered that same day that two of her classmates, Sasasa Sasa and Ruru Nagare, were also missing.

However, where the three had disappeared to, or whether their disappearances were even related, remained unclear for the time being.

Meanwhile, an image of the three at the “Cherry Blossom Shrine,” sent by Ruru to a friend in Kisumia, quickly began spreading overseas through social media.

It would take some time for that wave to reach Japan.

When it did, the Instagram-worthy photo of Sasa, Ruru, and Meiko would cause a stir online and contribute to the progress of the investigation.

Here’s an excerpt:


[Sad News]Our Angel Has Gone Missing [Seeking Reliable Information]

1, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

Moved from the dungeon discussion thread.

Our angel, Hitsujiya Meiko-sama, has gone missing!

The source is from a communication network that reached a classmate’s younger sister. The leak came from her brother.

This seems to be highly credible information.

2, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

[Event Timeline]

On April 11th, Meiko-sama left for her usual training at 6 AM but had not returned home by 8 PM. As of now, it’s 10 PM.

She also didn’t show up at the Aozora Dojo, where she trains almost daily.

It’s not confirmed, but it’s highly likely that something happened between 6 AM and 10 AM.

Additionally, two female classmates who usually train with her and a female returnee student are also missing.

We’re seeking eyewitness accounts, suspicious vehicles, or individuals.

3, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

If this is a kidnapping, may the culprit rot in hell.

4, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

No objections.

5, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

No objections.

6, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

God, curse the kidnappers.

7, Anonymous Search Team

Th-this is chaotic.

I’m willing to help, but is this thread okay?

8, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

You’re welcome here.

Please, we need your help.

9, Anonymous Search Team

With all the TV specials about karma lately, those with positive karma wouldn’t do something that would lower it, right?

It’s probably someone with negative karma who’s given up…

10, Anonymous Search Team

Well, you can’t be sure about positive karma folks either.

A salaryman who’s been disciplined might have gone crazy over Meiko-tan’s cuteness.

11, Anonymous Search Team

That’s not impossible.

12, Anonymous Search Team

It’s not confirmed to be a kidnapping yet.

Honestly, I don’t want to believe it.

13, Anonymous Search Team

Maybe she just entered some dungeon?

14, Anonymous Search Team

The Self-Defense Forces have them blocked off. Where would she enter?

15, Anonymous Search Team

What about a dungeon that hasn’t been discovered yet?

16, Anonymous Search Team

That’s not impossible, but Meiko-chan’s running route is along the riverbank.

There’s no way there’s an undiscovered dungeon around there.

17, Anonymous Search Team

What if one appeared in someone’s backyard or house, and something happened to discover it?

18, Anonymous Search Team

For now, the police will probably act, so let’s hope security cameras reveal something.

[Sad News]Our Angel Has Gone Missing PART 25 [Seeking Reliable Information] Continues

446, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

Dammit, it’s already the third day!

What are the police doing!?

447, Anonymous Search Team

It was on the news this morning.

448, Anonymous Search Team

No wonder the thread started blowing up this morning.

449, Anonymous Search Team

The Self-Defense Forces stationed at the Loli Labyrinth seem pretty tense too.

450, Anonymous Search Team

Well, thanks to her, the number of casualties was minimized.

To them, she’s probably more of a savior than she is to us.

451, Anonymous Search Team

Hey, reliable info! Check this out!

>《Image at the Cherry Blossom Shrine》

452, Anonymous Search Team

Wha!? What’s with these angelic three!?

453, Anonymous Search Team

Aren’t these the two classmates who went missing the same day as Meiko-chan?

454, Anonymous Search Team


There was a theory that the foreign girl was the culprit, but Meiko-chan looks so happy in this photo, so she probably isn’t.

455, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

>454 That’s what I’ve been saying from the start! There’s no way such a cute girl would do anything to Meiko-sama!

456, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

Great work, this is a big lead.

Where did 451 get this image?

457, Anonymous 451

A foreign friend sent it to me.

They asked, “This super cute girl is the first dungeon returnee, right? How can I marry her?”

458, Anonymous Search Team

Why does a foreigner have this image?

Also, kill that foreigner.

459, Anonymous Search Team

Looks like it’s spreading overseas.

Also, cut them some slack! They’re a lolicon, but they’re a good person at heart!

460, Anonymous Search Team


461, Anonymous Search Team

Probably, the foreign girl sent it to her foreign friends.

462, Anonymous Search Team

Well, that makes sense.

Either way, let’s provide this image to the police.

463, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

Let’s identify this location too!

464, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower


465, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower


This is a shrine halfway up Kazami Mountain.

466, Anonymous Search Team

Meiko Cult Followers are amazing!

467, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

I went there as a kid and took a photo from the same angle.

I can’t climb it now. I’m training under Meiko-sama, so maybe someday.

468, Anonymous Search Team

Let’s report this info to the police too.

469, Anonymous Meiko Cult Follower

Wait! I’m not training with impure intentions!

470, Anonymous Search Team

We’re not reporting your life story, lol.

471, Anonymous Search Party

Huh? I was planning on reporting that as well.

472, Anonymous Search Party



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