The Extra of The Lunerra

Chapter 407 - 40: Pathetic Revenge

Adrian’s attack... had left a crater where he was.

Mine... opened a huge rift that ran the length of the street. A rift that seemed to go up into the sky, heating everything it touched to thousands of degrees.

I moved slowly, toward the end of the street I had destroyed with my own hands.

I had already deactivated my ascension skills, keeping them on any longer after that attack... wouldn’t have been good for my body anyway.

And it already wasn’t.

The moment I stop using caora, I’ll collapse. Caora is the only reason I can walk like this, the only reason I can stand painlessly. Maybe I’ll even faint right away, who knows.

All I know is that the moment I release the caora, nothing good will happen.

I squinted, stopped, and then looked at the figure lying motionless on the ground. I had restrained myself a lot so that my attack wouldn’t kill him. I had distributed all the sharpness around instead of him, for example.

And... he had actually managed not to die.

He wasn’t much different from a dead man, though.

"How... pathetic."

Is this... what made Celine suffer so much...?

The one I could only overcome with so many... wounds?

He was supposed to push me harder.

Our fight was supposed to be more... fun.

It shouldn’t have ended so fast.

He shouldn’t have been so... weak.

Or... I, maybe, shouldn’t have been so strong.


His upper body was almost completely covered with burns and cuts. He tried to move, but... not quite successfully. His hair was ashes and his eyes seemed to have melted.

Only... caora kept him alive, and despite his melted eyes, he could see me thanks to the artificial ones that had replaced them.

I went to him, I bent down. I put my hand on his chest and then I used my blue flames in a way that kept most of my mana within me.

I began to heal him. His purple eyes were full of hatred as the pain slowly subsided. Yet I kept going, never stopping.

Finally, when I noticed his arm moving slightly, I stopped healing him and stood up, stepping back.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Get up, I know you can do it, you’re quite capable of healing yourself."

At first, he didn’t move much. But then he tried to roll over, stood up with the support of his hands... and looked at me with an expression of utter disbelief.


I tilted my head slightly to the side.

"Hmm? I don’t quite understand..."


Daggers that I couldn’t see where they went after my swing suddenly appeared in his hands. He lunged at me as a green glow surrounded his body.


I simply stepped aside, then put my foot back to where I had just been.

He... just tripped over my foot and got pinned to the ground again.

It was very difficult for him to even get up. I could tell he was struggling. The green glow around his body was doing everything it could to heal him.

The only problem... the strike of the sword I swung at him was not something he could easily heal. Nor was it something he could recover a little.

I leaned into his ear, whispered gently.

"Come on, come on... you can do it, I believe in you..."

I healed him one more round. The green glow around him intensified, the cuts that covered his body tried to force themselves closed, the burns to heal.

Gradually, he was able to do it, but still not very well.

Still, he managed to stand up again. I didn’t know if he was conscious or unconscious... if he could think or if he was acting on instinct.

A big smile appeared on my face.

"Weren’t you going to kill me...? Weren’t you dreaming of today, just like me?"

I hit him hard in the head with the side of my sword. It struck him so hard that he fell to the ground as if he had just been dropped from the top of a skyscraper.

"You haven’t gotten any stronger... You are the same now as you were a year ago. Caora is the only thing that separates you from other people, but even that doesn’t give you any advantage here..."

When I realized he wasn’t moving in any way, I paused, rolled my eyes, and took a deep breath.

"You’re garbage, literally... garbage."

Even if I tortured him, even if I kept beating him... there was no point at this point.

This idiot... he probably thought that I would not get any stronger, like him. When he heard on the news that I was crippled, he thought he could crush me on sight, just like he did that day.

That was the weakness of the wieras.

Their emotions... completely overruled their logic. Sometimes they took personal matters so seriously that they couldn’t think rationally at all.

I started to heal him again, at least until he regained consciousness. When his eyes started to move again, I spat in his face, got him to pay attention to me, and then continued.

"I... I really thought a lot about what I could do when this day came, you know? How can I make you suffer the maximum pain...? How can I make you wish for death...? I really... really thought a lot."

I kicked him hard in the side of his stomach, making him crawl for meters, groaning in pain.

I couldn’t help smiling slightly as I started to walk slowly to him again.

I reached for the items inside my ring, one in particular.

It was... a piece of paper, simply.

But... not a normal piece of paper.

It was a piece with a very complex rune on it.

"This thing... allows me to trap the souls of people of B- grade and below. I made it with my own hands, spent months working on it. It was quite difficult, believe me..."

I had to work a lot on the nouns soul, chain, plurality, seal, and the verbs bind and imprison. Then I learned how to link them together, and then I made countless adjustments and inserted new words to make the rune work more effectively and efficiently.

So I wasn’t kidding.

Really, it took me months to prepare this.

"Now, listen to me..."

I dropped the paper on his chest, widening my smile.

"First, I will imprison your soul. You will spend months inside my inventory. In a dark place where nothing exists... where you can only think. At the end of those ’months’, a dungeon will open in Piarlin, a very important dungeon for Lunerra..."

I didn’t care much about talking about the future. No one was listening to me here... nor was it important for him to hear it anymore.

"There’s a volcano inside that dungeon. A rather tall one, covering a large area. They say the lava inside... burns the soul forever, not destroying it."

It was true, of course. I would never do something like that unless I was sure it was true. After all... it wouldn’t be ’eternal’ pain then.

"I’ll throw your soul into that volcano, I’ll stand by it for days... I’ll especially watch you as you burn for eternity. And I will leave you only on the day you can’t even let out a silent scream of pain."

I started to put all my remaining mana on paper.

Imprisoning a soul... was not easy. On the contrary, it was extremely difficult.

So... all the mana in my body suddenly started to drop at a tremendous speed. Less and less... less and less.

Finally... it wasn’t enough. And it was over.

But I didn’t stop.

I added a small amount of my own life to it, just like I did when I pulled Sith out of the stone he was trapped in.

The draining of my life energy was just like the first time. A sharp pain in my heart, a strange fatigue settling over me.

It wasn’t something I couldn’t bear, though. Especially considering the difference between me then and me now... it was nothing.

After a short time... his whole body began to shake violently. His eyes rolled up, his joints twisted in strange ways. Something transparent began to slowly emerge from his whole body into the atmosphere... but the chains from the rune on the paper suddenly grabbed it, tightened it... and kept compressing it.

When it was all over... all the light and the chains disappeared. The man’s soulless body became motionless, his skin color faded rapidly.

On the paper on his chest... there was now a piece of stone the size of a small candy bar.

I picked it up, examined it a little, but... it was not much different from a normal stone.

"I hope... you suffer a lot."

I sent the stone into my ring, and... even though it contained a conscious soul, I didn’t encounter any problems.


I turned my face to the dark sky.

It was a strange... feeling.

Revenge, I mean.

Just like a few minutes ago, I imagined a much more... contentious fight, so I’m not sure what to think.

But... I’m not happy, not really.

I’m not sad.

I’m just...

Simply... I don’t feel anything.


I stretched a little, tried to fly, but then... I paused, realizing I had no mana.


I still haven’t found Julian and Sue... I’ve wasted so much time. And I don’t know how much more caora I can use. I should be pretty close to my limit.

I’d better be... fast.

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