The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 724: Mana Storm

In the lab beneath the ruins of the University complex, there was not much that Karl could do about the storm other than wait for it to pass.

There were no more sounds of nearby battle, and Othello's entire team was exhausted after battling the allies who had arrived with the Overlords that Karl had defeated.

The fact that she had held the foreign Overlords off four on one before they had separated and broken in to attack Karl was truly impressive, but it had taken a toll on her team's stamina levels, even with [Eternal Lightning] now active on the five of them.

High above the city, the final battle of the day still raged.

But not as an assassination attempt, or for control of the city.

Overlord Ahmad stood on the shoulders of a Wind Elemental conjuration, facing off with Overlord Kenichi, whose black Drake mount was lazily flapping its wings, hovering in place. But both of them were wary of the third arrival to their party.

"Gentlemen. You might as well go home. This opportunity is mine." The arrogant young Overlord sneered.

"Ah, Reginald. So good to see you again. Did you know that your entire family was just killed by a Naga Queen who didn't even understand what they wanted?" Overlord Kenichi taunted.

The young Overlord did his best not to rise to the provocation.

"You won't get me to leave the eye of the storm on a fool's errand." Reginald replied in a tone much more calm than the seething hatred on his face.

Overlord Ahmad smiled. "Actually, he's not lying. Well, probably not lying. I felt all three of their souls vanish only seconds apart, and they were nowhere near a portal."

There was a pause as all three of them looked at the massive floating mana crystal between their positions. The battle in the city had formed it, bonded with the souls of the deceased, and it represented one of the greatest opportunities that any Mage could ever hope to see.

Each of them would willingly fight to the death to get their hands on it, and from what they could tell, there was nobody else willing and able of challenging them for it.

The problem was, it was a single use item. The massive amount of mana and soul power that it contained would be transferred to the first user, and only to them.

Nobody had expected this particular outcome when the battle had started, it was a one in a million freak chance. But so many Overlords had died today, and so many more of their Acolytes, that the gods of War and Death had both been intrigued by the power play and granted their blessing.

Suddenly, Reginald surged with power, and the other two immediately reinforced their barriers.

But it was not them that the Spellblade was aiming for, but Kenichi's mount.

Of the three, his personal skills were worst suited to flying, and the Overlord tumbled away from the stone as Ahmad attacked Reginald.

This was a fight that the Spellblade was sure he could win. Ahmad was a Golem Mage, and his golems were not a flying type. So, he had to rely on a simple conjuration or air magic to fly, and neither was his specialty.

Lightning struck his armour, tossing him backwards as Ahmad worked to drive Reginald away from the mana stone, which was now nearly done forming.

A barrage of magic missiles formed in return, met by an identical spell from the Catman.

The two Peak Overlord area suppression spells shook the ground far beneath them as they collided, sounding like thousands of concurrent peals of thunder.

But the match was not even.

When it was over, Reginald gave a victorious laugh, while Ahmad spat blood and held a large wound on his right shoulder to staunch the bleeding.

"Sorry about your luck. Maybe next time, beastkin." He crowed, mere metres from the stone as it solidified in this world.

Then Ahmad smiled.

"Yes, perhaps in your next life."

{Niall, I need you in the air. Bring the spider.}

The two assassins appeared in the dim light between lightning strikes before both going incorporeal. Reginald began to panic, reaching for the Mana Stone, only to see his arm falling away toward the ground.

Piercing pain shot through his back, and the black masked face of the Golden Dragon Nation's chief assassin appeared before him.

"Too slow." Niall chided as he began to fall from the sky.

Once he was below the waist of his opponent, he struck straight up, using [Vibrating Blade], so it didn't hit Rae, who had stabbed her legs through the mage for balance.

Reginald's flight spell failed as the life left his body, and Niall grabbed Rae's spider form. [Advanced Shadow Step] took them both to the courtyard outside Rae's suite, and both returned to their incorporeal forms, leaving the rain behind as they entered the relative safety of the Palace.

Dana jumped as the two appeared in front of her, sitting on opposite sofas with pencils and paper.

"Five points for each Overlord, three for Monarchs, two for Royals and one for a Commander." Niall insisted.

Rae nodded and began making tally marks on her paper.

"Are they doing what I think they're doing?" The Guard Captain whispered to Tessa.

"It looks like it. The question is, who will win? At three points for a Monarch, pure volume could easily sway this count." The War Cleric explained.

There simply weren't enough Overlords in most battles for them to change the outcome of this contest.

After twenty agonizingly slow minutes of room by room tallying with a map of the castle, they were finally finished. The pages were handed to Tessa as their neutral arbiter, as she would verify their math and make sure that they didn't both count kills in the same room without a good reason.

"The final score is in and verified. The verdict is that Rae is terrible at keeping a legible kill count. You can't measure kills in millilitres for this contest. The big ones don't count for more, only the powerful ones.

However, after some recalculation, we have a total of one thousand eight hundred four points for Rae, and with a decisive victory, thanks to an explosive device through a portal, Overlord Niall has scored one thousand nine hundred and twelve points."

Rae sighed and shook her head. "That portal was a lucky find. But I learned a valuable lesson today. I need to work on the speed of my humanoid form. It takes too long to move around the castle on only two feet."

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