The Grill-Wielding Saintess of the Dead

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Grilled Orc Pork Belly Wrapped in Dungeon Cabbage 2


Shia was sad.

If she had lost money or items she had bought herself, she wouldn’t have been so angry or upset.

But Yeonseo-nim… Yeonseo unnie…

Yeonseo Grandma, knowing I was hungry, handed me her Hunter’s black card and told me to buy meat, and I lost it while I was distracted for just a moment…



– This is so hilarious LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL


– Meat thief LOL LOL

– If you steal cabbage, be prepared to have your meat stolen as well…


– This is a looting party LOL

What kind of saintess am I?

How could I be a saintess when I couldn’t even protect the meat Yeonseo Grandma bought for me?

Falling into despair, Shia collapsed onto a bench and started muttering as she sobbed.

“…What kind of saintess am I… This is… what kind of saintess is this… Heuu…”

– …?

– Is the host crying?

– Why is she crying?

– Is this really something to cry about?

– Is this for real?

The viewers were startled by Shia suddenly sobbing.

Shia was someone who had never flinched, no matter how much the trolls attacked her mentally.

The viewers, who often engaged in mean antics on Shia’s stream, played along because they knew she could handle it.

The nickname “Antics Saintess” was given to her because of her strong mentality and her broad tolerance.

But seeing Shia suddenly break down like this and cry on the bench seemed to leave the viewers in shock.

No matter how much of a jerk someone is, if a pretty woman with a large chest sobs pitifully, even the most malicious troll would hesitate to say something harsh.

“Huuu, ugh… Meattt…”

– No… don’t cry;

– Why are you really crying;

– Is this really something to cry about?

– Try losing 2 million won worth of meat, and let’s see if you don’t cry.

– But isn’t the host a Hunter? Don’t you have a lot of money? Isn’t 2 million like pocket change for a Hunter?

– You have no friends, huh?

“….Sniff, I’m going to quit being a saintess from now on.”

– ?

– ??

– ?

As the situation became more serious, the viewers started to worry.

Quitting being a saintess? Was she really that upset?

Or, maybe the host’s mental state wasn’t as strong as they thought, and she had barely been holding it together under the constant trolling, but losing the meat Yeonseo-nim bought was the final straw that broke the dam?

The viewers started to wonder if their precious small-time Hunter streamer was going to quit streaming entirely.

“I’m sorry everyone… I’m quitting being a saintess…”

– No, host, calm down a little

[‘KawaiiHorned’ has donated 100,000 won!]

ㄴTake this and calm down for a bit.

[‘ChroniWAH’ has donated 20,000 won!]

ㄴWe’re sorry.

[‘Kusotori’ has donated 40,000 won!]

ㄴGo drink some water or something. You can stop the stream if you want, but please pull yourself together…

“Huuu, ugh… Thank you… But, I’m really going to quit being a saintess…”

Even though a flood of donations poured in, Shia’s sobbing didn’t stop.

However, a few viewers noticed that the corners of Shia’s mouth seemed to be curving upward like the Joker as she rubbed her eyes.

Of course, considering the mood and seriousness of the situation, most dismissed it as a mistake.

“..I’m quitting being a saintess…!”

– No, calm down a bit

– Stop

– Host, stop it now

– Hang in there

– We’re sorry

– We might have gone too far

[Miracle – Holy Body Descent]

“So, from now on, I’m going to be the Meat Fairy.”

– ?

– ??

– What?

– ??

– ??

“I’ll use the donations you gave me to buy some special sauces for grilling meat.”

[‘KingThievingScum’ has donated 5,000 won!]

ㄴWas this all an act to squeeze money out of us?

– ??


– Was this a donation-collecting moment?

– Damn, I really thought she was crying

– Wow, seriously, she was just putting on an act LOL


– What an awful person.

– Viewers are malicious? Well, if the host is malicious too, it should be fine, right?



– In the end, the real winner is me, who didn’t donate!

Hehe, Menelapie was right.

She said that if I cry with this face, as long as the person isn’t completely heartless, they’ll do almost anything I ask, and she was totally right.

Honestly, if they’ve been trolling me every day, isn’t it only fair that I mess with them at least once?

“Then the Meat Fairy is going to go avenge the stolen meat!”


– This crazy woman LOL LOL LOL


– Antics on

– Does a fairy have those kinds of massive milkers?

– It’s possible.

Shia, who had been standing on the edge of the road, shot off into the forest like a bullet.

Enhancing all her senses with holy power, she could clearly see the tracks left behind by the meat thieves.

They hadn’t gotten very far.


Shia landed in the forest where the meat thieves were, climbing up a tree using her tentacles to scan the surroundings.

Broken branches, hoof prints like those of a pig, and a faint stench mixed with mud and filth.

Shia identified the direction the thieves were in by their scent and, staying true to her Meat Fairy concept, moved between the trees without touching the ground, following them.

‘Must be monsters, right?’

No way would animals have stolen my meat in such a short time.

It must be monsters with enough intelligence to dig traps that had wandered out of a dungeon.

Come to think of it, not all dungeons were as big as the Kurutala Mountain Range.

There were many small dungeons that the Hunter Association wasn’t even aware of, so it wouldn’t be surprising if a small erosion dungeon had opened up nearby, letting monsters spill out.

‘Judging by the tracks… there are three of them, walking on two legs.’

Not long after, Shia spotted one of the creatures pushing through the bushes, as if it were scouting.

“…What the heck?”

– Orc?

– Why is there an orc there?

– Isn’t this in the mountains of Gangwon-do? It makes sense LOL

– It must’ve escaped from some erosion dungeon.

-What? Really?

Seeing the viewers’ chat, Shia finally realized that this mysterious pig-human creature was called an orc.

But… that thing’s an orc…?

Of course, in her “previous world,” Shia had encountered orcs a few times before.

The orcs from that world were more like nomadic tribes, similar to Mongols or Huns, rather than part of the Demon King’s army.

However, they were strong, honorable, and never told lies.

Orcs were a species that inherently respected strength, and although they were generally rough in temperament, they valued honor in combat and duels more than their own lives.

They were a species that tended to reject others, but if the others respected them, the orcs would show them respect in return.

Most importantly, the orcs Shia knew were loyal beings who, once they recognized someone’s strength, would never betray them and would share an unshakable bond of friendship.

‘But what’s with that grotesque mass of flesh…?’

The tentacles hanging from Shia’s waist squirmed, disgusted at the thought that this grotesque pig-human was being called an orc.

Is that really an orc? Seriously?

The orcs Shia knew were muscular and tough all over, with chocolate abs on their bellies as the average.

But these pig-humans had no muscles, just masses of fat and flabby flesh, and their enormous bellies jiggled as they moved.

Their faces weren’t even manly; they looked like they’d been smashed under a high-pressure press, with such revolting features that even Shia, who wasn’t one to judge by appearances, found them exceptionally repulsive.

This was an exception—this was disgusting purely based on their looks.

Normally, Shia would’ve considered talking to them.

If they were intelligent monsters, a different species, or humans, she would have considered forgiving them.

Even if they were creatures acting on pure instinct, like a blade centipede, Shia wouldn’t have been this angry.

But these things… they didn’t seem worth the effort for conversation or sympathy.


“The Meat Fairy has successfully avenged herself!”


-Wow, she just killed it right away LOL

-Is that orc an F-rank or maybe a D-rank?

-The fact that it didn’t even notice her above it, I’d say it’s one of those ranks.

-With the filters on, it looks like an SD character.

Without hesitation, Shia snapped the orc’s neck.

She didn’t even want to eat it.

She thought she’d just let the tentacles eat it all.

Crunch, crack

At first, the tentacles were reluctant, but once they started eating the orc from head to toe, it seemed they found it surprisingly tasty.

There were still two left.

Where are they? Where are they?

Not behind the bushes.

Not behind the trees.

Hide well, or I’ll spot your flesh.

Wait, were they not even trying to hide?

Shia soon found the remaining two orcs nearby.

They were so unaware of Shia’s approach that they had their heads buried in plastic bags, munching away on something.

It was the meat she had bought from the butcher.

They didn’t even cook it, let alone grill it… What a disgrace to the meat.

Crunch, crunch, crunch

Munch, munch, munch


“Not one of us!”

“Who are you!”

“…It was you guys, wasn’t it?”

Snap, crack, crunch!

Shia, more furious that they were eating her raw meat without any regard for taste than at the fact it had been stolen, swiftly captured the orcs with her tentacles.

Honestly, their voices were as unpleasant as their appearance, so she quickly snapped their necks and killed them.

These guys were probably not even C-rank, likely F-rank.

Well, for someone like Shia, who could kill a wyvern with a single punch, orcs and wyverns were equally weak.

“The Meat Fairy has completed her revenge!”

-Revenge is so easy, right?

-I will find you.

-I will kill you.

-But what about the meat?

“But guys, is it okay to kill monsters that have come out of the dungeon?”

-Yeah, yeah.


-Those orcs are F-rank anyway. Hunters would’ve killed them soon.

“Hah… but what do I do about the meat? The orcs already ate it all, so it seems like I can’t eat it now…”

-Why not just eat the orc?

“What? Eat what?”

-Eat the orc meat, duh?

“…Oh, I can eat this?”

-Search ‘orc meat,’ it’ll pop up immediately.

-The Hunter Association has approved it as edible.

-But do you know how to butcher an orc?

“Of course not… but is it tasty?”

-A friend of mine who tried it said it’s even better than Jeju black pork.

-Apparently, the belly meat is the best.


Belly meat…

Now that she thought about it, the tentacles had devoured these guys with great relish.

Even though Shia had been disgusted by their appearance, the fact that the tentacles happily devoured them must mean the meat was somewhat guaranteed to taste good.

But even though I’m strong, I don’t have the tools or ingredients to butcher the meat here…


She had a good idea.

Yeonseo unnie would know how to handle this, wouldn’t she?


While Shia went to buy meat, Yeonseo was preparing to grill it outdoors.

With just a snap of her fingers, tables, chairs, and even a set for grilling meat with charcoal appeared out of nowhere, a sight that was amazing on its own. But for viewers who frequently watched the “[Country Grandma’s Retreat]” stream, it was a familiar scene.

-Yeonseo-nim, Yeonseo-nim, Yeonseo-nim, Yeonseo-nim, Yeonseo-nim!

-Yeonseo Grandmaiiiiii!


“Hmm, what’s the matter?”

Once the setup for grilling the meat was almost complete, Yeonseo turned her attention to the noisy viewers who had been calling for her.

Judging from their reactions, it seemed like they had been making a racket even before the preparations were finished.

-Do you know Hunter Isiah?

-Are you acquainted with the Antics Saintess?

-Why does the Antics Noona call you unnie instead of Grandma?


What is this about?

Looking at the sudden flood of “Antics” in the chat, Yeonseo briefly wondered if she should do another “viewer collab,” but after carefully reading the context, it seemed like it was Shia’s nickname.

‘Still, to call her the Antics Saintess…’

The Shia that Yeonseo knew was exactly like a saintess.

Even though Shia had once been a man before being caught up in the Great Rift, she had lived as a woman for over 60 years, and her mannerisms and heart were truly feminine.

Although Yeonseo and Shia had left a lasting first impression on each other through a misunderstanding and subsequent fight, Yeonseo still had a very positive impression of Shia.

Aside from Shia’s impressive combat skills that allowed her to fight on par with Yeonseo, Yeonseo genuinely liked Shia as a person.

Shia had apparently lived as a real saintess in her previous world.

Despite buying her meat, Shia had easily forgiven someone who had tried to kill her, something that would have been impossible without immense tolerance.

Moreover, according to the ethical audit conducted by the Returnee Management Bureau, despite harboring horrific desires like cannibalistic urges or the need to consume malevolent energy, Shia still pursued human ethics and humanity.

That alone made her an extraordinary person worthy of admiration.

Even if that weren’t the case, Shia was the benefactor who saved Yeonseo’s granddaughter and was the only friend to her previously cold granddaughter.

Even with her quirks, Yeonseo only remembered her in a positive light.

Why, then, did the viewers give her such a near-insulting nickname like “Antics Saintess”?

“Your words are too harsh. Shia is truly a good child, so why would you use such cruel words…”


-Yeonseo Grandma doesn’t know.

-Ah, just type “ㅇㅇㅋㅋ,” LOL.


-If you have time, you should check out Hunter Isiah’s ‘Antics Compilation.’

“…Antics Compilation?”

Even though Yeonseo was old, she wasn’t completely ignorant about the Hunter Gallery scene.

She knew that streamers would sometimes give out teasers or that viewers would create compilations and clips to enjoy while there wasn’t a live stream.

But if there’s something called an ‘Antics Compilation,’ it must be pretty serious…

Even so, Yeonseo didn’t feel the need to watch that during her broadcast, so she sighed softly.

She wasn’t planning on doing another viewer collaboration, but it seemed like some of these people needed a bit of discipline…

Yeonseo memorized the usernames of the people who called Shia the ‘Antics Saintess’ today, committing them to memory.

“By the way, there are quite a lot of people today.”

The number of viewers watching Yeonseo’s stream had surpassed 40,000.

Normally, Yeonseo’s broadcasts hovered around 20,000 viewers.

Aside from ‘viewer collaborations,’ her content was usually calm and quiet, so Switch users or the genre-loving netizens of the Hunter Gallery often sought out more exciting streams, even if it was a living legend streaming.

Even without Yeonseo, there were plenty of A-rank Hunter streamers who broadcast intense battles in every stream, and although not frequent, even Yujin, the first S-rank among the Returnees, had a Hunter stream focused on dungeon extermination.

For such a calm stream that wasn’t a dungeon exploration or extermination broadcast, the fact that so many viewers were gathering probably wasn’t just because of Yeonseo—it was likely due to Shia’s presence as well.

-By the way, Grandma, how skilled is Hunter Isiah?

-Yeah, I’m really curious about that.

“Her skill? Well… I’ll refrain from commenting on that. It’ll be revealed in due time.”

-There are rumors on the gallery that she’s S-rank.

-A few days ago, she fried an S-rank Centipede Dragon and ate it.

-Yeah, she caught and ate a Centipede Dragon that was hiding in Rotten Mountain.

-I almost threw up when I saw it, but when she fried it, it actually looked tasty LOL.


Fried and ate what?

For the record, Yeonseo hates bugs.

Not to the point of panicking and crying at the sight of one.

She’d killed countless insect-shaped monsters during her more than 60 years as a Hunter, so it wasn’t like she was suddenly scared of bugs.

But the physiological disgust never went away.

The more legs it had, the stronger the disgust.

Her granddaughter Yeonhwa wasn’t bothered by bugs, but ironically, it was Yeonseo, who had lived longer, who hated them more.

So, what now?

She fried and ate a Centipede Dragon…?

That disgusting, multi-legged thing?

“Isn’t that just a really big blade centipede with a fancy name?”

-Yes, exactly.

-It was so big that even Antics Noona could only fry one segment.

-And that segment was as big as a blackboard LOL.

-Literally LOL.

-I was shocked watching it.

At first, Yeonseo thought they were joking, but judging by the viewers’ responses, it was true.

Thinking about Shia actually eating the high-level blade centipede monster, Centipede Dragon, Yeonseo unconsciously furrowed her brows.

“…How do you even eat something like that?”

Yeonseo wasn’t disgusted, just genuinely curious and amazed.

She decided she’d have to ask Shia about it once she returned.


Just then, Yeonseo spotted someone coming through the dungeon gate from a distance.

It was quite far away, but with the clear air and no obstacles blocking her view, Yeonseo could tell that Shia had arrived.

But what was that?

-Eh? Is that meat?

-It looks big.

-Isn’t it green?

-What did she do instead of buying meat?

It looked like… a lot of something.

‘I clearly told her to buy meat, but what is she carrying on her shoulders like some kind of street vendor?’

As Shia’s figure grew closer, Yeonseo’s expression became more and more puzzled.

-LOL, I think I know what she brought LOL.

-What is it, what is it?

-Antics Saintess caught an orc LOL.




-We told her to buy meat, but why did she bring an orc???

-Where’s the meat?

-Did she scam the card?

-No, LOL, she got mad because the orcs stole the meat she bought, so she beat up the orcs and took them instead LOL.



-Ahh, this is the funniest stream of Yeonseo Grandma’s I’ve ever watched LOL.

-Ah, don’t you see? This… is ‘Antics.’

-Antics Saintess…

The chat was scrolling by quickly, but Yeonseo didn’t need to look at it.

It didn’t even take a minute for Shia, who had been far off in the distance, to sprint across the desert and up to the highlands, carrying something massive with her tentacles.

“Yeonseo unnieee!”

As Shia approached, the object she was holding with her tentacles became clearer.

Yeonseo slowly started to understand what the viewers meant by ‘Antics Saintess.’

“I’m back! Orc meat! Orc meat!”


She really is causing antics…

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