The infinite life of a certain beauty

Chapter 9: An Opportunity to Promote to the Extraordinary

Chapter 9: An Opportunity to Promote to the Extraordinary (Seeking Collection, Seeking Everything!)

After Kirk finished speaking, he turned and walked towards a small compartment in the room that was divided.

"Thunder Bourbon."

Kirk pushed open the door of the small private room, and said without looking back, "Thank you."

The party designer was not at all surprised by this, and said with a smile: "Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

His side is specialized in selling information.

It is the other party's business whether the other party likes them to deliver the information to the door, or wait in place.

after awhile.

An attendant walked into the private room with a tray containing a wine glass and a bottle of Thunder Bourbon, put it on the tea table in front of Kirk, said respectfully, "Please use it slowly", turned around and walked out, and closed the door of the private room.

Kirk poured himself a Thunderbolt bourbon.

All in one drink.


After Kirk swallowed the Thunder Bourbon into his throat, he muttered silently in his heart.

next second.

A square screen that only Kirk could see lit up in front of his eyes.

"feast! 』

"Life is like a feast, but also a journey to evolve your own life. 』

"Evolution Seven Realms, Ordinary, Extraordinary, Dimension, Planet, Universe, Diversity, Destiny. 』

"Current evolution level: "Normal""

『Ability: "Devouring (You can permanently increase your own strength by devouring and plundering others to complement it without any upper limit, but at the same time, you will also inherit the defects of the devoured object)"』

『Current evolutionary progress: "99.9% (It's time to find the second main course that will allow you to advance to extraordinary.)"』

Kirk poured himself a glass of bourbon again, leaned on the sofa, looked at the plug-in panel that appeared in front of his eyes, his eyes flickered slightly.

This cheat was activated when he was an adult.

It's a pity that this plug-in that could have wished him a smooth journey to become the master of fate was due to some reason. When it was activated, it only successfully activated the first layer.

Relying on the help of his girlfriend, Kirk gave himself a preliminary self-protection ability, and then with the help of this plug-in, he pushed his ability to the highest level that his life level can bear.


The level of life determines your upper limit.

Although Kirk is now, from a certain point of view, neither old nor dead, and even far surpasses everyone in terms of strength and speed, his life level still stays in the category of ordinary people.

Especially last year, after Kirk's attempt to achieve a qualitative change by devouring the quantity failed, he knew that if he wanted to continue to evolve his life level, then he had to follow what the plug-in said, looking for the second main course that would allow him to advance to the extraordinary.

And just when Kirk decided to look for this opportunity to be promoted to the extraordinary, in the dark, he felt that the opportunity for him to be promoted to the extraordinary was in the No. 36 branch of the New York Police Department.

It is clear.

This is the clue given by his cheat itself.

To come to New York City, to find the evolution of life for himself, is why Kirk came here.

Kirk thought about the experience he had just had at the Osborne Industrial Building.

The reason why he stayed there at that time and did not leave was that he thought that after he contacted the personnel of the No. 36 branch there, the plug-in would give him further clues.


He seems to have guessed wrong, until now, he has returned to the Continental Hotel, and the expected further clues have never appeared.

When Kirk came to New York City, it wasn't that he didn't think about asking his girlfriend to use her blood ability to predict the future to help him predict it.

It's a pity that her girlfriend can't predict his future.

Moreover, he and his girlfriend had conflicts over some trivial matters. In May last year, his girlfriend ran back from Paris to her mother's house in a fit of anger, and left without even a penny when she left, leaving Kirk alone in Paris.

In order to be able to save enough air tickets to New York City, he found the manager of the Continental Hotel in Paris, took a few orders, saved some money, and then flew to New York City.


Kirk took out the phone from his pocket, opened the address book, and found his girlfriend's note. He hesitated for a few times on the call button, then couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, turning off the screen of the phone.

Forget it, anyway, he has successfully mixed into the 36th branch now, and sooner or later, he will find out what is the opportunity that allows him to be promoted to the extraordinary.

Women will only affect the speed at which he upgrades.

This is a high emotional intelligence statement.

As for the claim of low EQ, it was because his girlfriend blocked him and the phone couldn't get through.

Kirk put the phone back into his pocket and drank another glass of bourbon in one gulp.

When Kirk was about to drink his fifth cup alone, someone knocked on the door of the private room from outside.



The party designer pushed the door open, looked at Kirk who was sitting on the sofa, and put the two newly released documents on the coffee table with both hands with a smile: "Here are the party drawings you want."


The party designer turned around and left the private room without any lingering time.

Kirk waited until the party designer left, then put the wine glass aside, adjusted his sitting posture, and tore off the sealing strips of the two documents on the coffee table.

Intelligence work is the foundation of Continental Hotel's foothold. As long as you pay enough, Continental Hotel can complete the information with high standards and high quality, even if it is the information that the federal president is still in its infancy.

As for Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy, who were not outside New York City during their college years and spent the rest of their time in New York City, the Continental Hotel only took less than two hours to compile the information into the two folders in front of them.

The Continental Hotel even got copies of their birth certificates.

Kirk placed the materials of Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy on his left and right respectively, and flipped through them quickly at the same time.

quite a while.

The two materials were flipped to the last page, and the last page was closed with a snap.

Kirk closed his eyes, and quickly digested the amount of information contained in the two documents in his hand. At the same time, he substituted the information into his previous life memory bank, trying to find out the unusual places.

The reason why Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man, no matter which version it is, is because of Peter Parker's father, because Peter Parker was accidentally bitten by a little spider in order to track down the cause of his father's death, and then became Spider-Man.

But that's not the case right now.

Peter Parker's parents are not dead. According to the information issued by the Continental Hotel, Peter Parker's parents are still alive and well. They even practiced a trumpet for Peter Parker.

Moreover, Trumpet's name is also very close to Peter Parker's name.

The little one's name is...

Peter Parker Jr.


(End of this chapter)

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