The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 269

The new emperor wore a plain blue dragon robe, and he was dressed in hemp and wearing filial piety.

If it weren’t for wearing a crown of wing goodness, I’m afraid no one would recognize this as the emperor of Dachang.

He was up just three days later. The dear funeral, as the son, even the emperor, can not be idle. Finally, all the tedious ceremonies stopped, and he walked all the way for so long. He was already exhausted, and he was all supported by a vigorous effort.

Once he is out of the capital, he can take the car, and even if he wants to come out to make a look, he doesn’t need to be so tired.

The new emperor was inspiring himself in his heart, and suddenly there was a commotion in front of him, and the team stopped.

He wondered if the ritual department had performed any other ceremonies in front of him, but he didn’t think much about it, just stopped and rested.

At this moment, a ceremonial official came in front of him to say that the funeral team was blocked by His Majesty’s honor.

The surroundings were too noisy. In order to cooperate with the funeral service, no matter whether you were hurt or not, all the people were crying. In particular, those of them who were dressed as filial pieties and filial piety sons and grandchildren, not to mention the people on both sides of the road, also cried heartbroken.

The new emperor didn’t understand the meaning for a long time, until the person who reported it said it again.

“I’m Luanjia? You are so confused in the daytime.” He sneered in surprise.

The bureaucrat official who came to the report said, “Your Majesty, Weichen didn’t laugh, it’s really a honour of His Majesty, that one glance came out of the palace. Whoever made such a show, knows that the Emperor first died today, Do a lot of tricks to do it! This will be a collision, and it does not match the gift! “

Seeing this, the New Emperor had to face it squarely, thinking about what the official said, and his heart was in vain.

“Let people call Yang Ge Lao.”

The accompanying **** hurriedly went to find Yangge behind.

At the same time, the situation on the field changed again, and I heard the sound of horseshoes and neat footsteps. It seemed that the whole earth was shaking.

From time to time, there was a rapid scream, but it came to an abrupt end, letting people not know what happened in the end, but the unpleasant feeling in Xindi’s heart was getting stronger and stronger.

Because Yangge Lao hasn’t come, he couldn’t help but urge people to look for it again, the scene was a mess.

Everyone around looked at the new emperor in confusion, including the five princes.

He stepped forward to ask, but the New Emperor shoved it away, and only the second prince hooked his lips with an unknown meaning, and immediately raised his eyebrows with a dignified look, looking up at the unknown front.

Yang Chonghua, dressed in filial piety, came soon, but didn’t figure out the situation at all.

At this moment, the white naked eye in front of him could be seen to be lowered, and the dragon flag holding the honor guard was also lowered.

The coffin-bearer carrying the dragon coffin suddenly saw such a scene, and some people were shocked and relieved. With a loud bang, the huge dragon coffin crashed to the ground.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty …”

The startling sound in the throat was one after another, like a large group of chickens with their necks pinched at the same time.

“Haunted, Your Majesty is reincarnated!”

With this shout, the front was chaotic and even spread to the people who sent spirits around.

The huge funeral procession suddenly turned into a pot of porridge, some people shouted in panic, some rushed away, you pushed me and shoved you, from time to time someone screamed for being trampled.

“Mr.! They are all standing still in place!”

It turned out that this place had been surrounded by people for a long time. Seeing the crowd surging, the soldiers surrounded by them pulled out the sabers around their waists and took a step forward.

The chaotic crowd is a meal.

At this time, an officer riding a tall horse suddenly walked out of the book on the opposite side.

Unlike the officials who stood in the funeral procession, he wore a scarlet gold embroidered python robe, but it was the performance of a very servant.

“Don’t be panic, let’s go to the soldiers one by one and then go out. This is the royal settlement of private affairs, the first emperor did not crash, the new emperor is to usurp the throne. “

It was Xue Tingyan who was supposed to be in the funeral procession.

The word was spread, and finally no one in the crowd raided. Contrary to this, the new emperor after the Dragon Coffin was shocked.

The scene was soon cleaned up, and the dragon coffin with dragons and sun, moon and stars carved in various forms was thrown there alone, no one asked.

The new emperor and Yang Chonghua all looked at the jade chariot approaching pale. Along with the car dealers, in addition to Dingguo Gong, there were also civil servants such as Xue Tingyan, Ye Ju, Lin Miao, and some soldiers with strange faces.

These people are the people of Southeast Asia’s navy, Xue Tingyan has been waiting for these people to come.

The jade bead curtain has long been lifted, revealing that it is wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, wearing a winged good crown, and covered with the majestic Jiacheng Emperor.

His face was calm, but his eyes were cold.

“You are really my good sons and good ministers.”

The new emperor’s legs fell and fell to the ground.

This day is destined to be loaded into the history book.

With the return of the Jiacheng Emperor, the conspiracy of the New Emperor’s line was completely exposed.

In fact, the handout given by Tan Shoufu, even Mao Wenhao and others, just wanted to disturb the muddy water. Only when the new emperor is in chaos can there be an opportunity.

Xue Tingyan has been standing still, in addition to looking for opportunities to take advantage of, and is also a person waiting for the Southeastern Marines. The loyalty of the second prince and his family does not give him complete peace of mind. Without his absolute strength, it is undoubtedly easy to cooperate with the tiger.

Fortunately, the sailors arrived quickly.

The sky changed again overnight in the Forbidden City, and it took half a month to eliminate the rebels. During this half-month period, Emperor Jiacheng did not return to the palace, but still lived in Xue House.

Ning Ning discovered that the old grandpa who had been living in the main courtyard and snatched his father and mother’s bed turned out to be the emperor.

And the uncle who always carried her father and mother talking to her was the emperor’s son.

“Then the emperor grandpa, why don’t you go back to the palace?” Ning Ning, wearing a pink bun and wearing a pink skirt, blinked at the Jiacheng Emperor on the couch with wide eyes.

This period of time since the palace change was probably the biggest mutation in the life of Jiacheng Emperor.

From a stately monarch, he has become a fugitive and has to worry about his life at any time. The dragon’s body also changed from a good hand to a living dead person who was paralyzed on the couch and couldn’t even drown himself.

The fragility, anger and all kinds of things in my heart need not be mentioned. The little girl in front of him is probably the only one who can make him smile a little.

As a result, it was obviously offensive. Instead of being annoyed, Emperor Jiacheng said: “You are so looking forward to the emperor’s grandpa leaving?”

Ning Ning glanced at him and said, “That’s not true, it’s just that the mother said that the emperor’s grandpa will return to the palace sooner or later. Now that the bad guys have been arrested, why don’t you go back?”

“Because there are too many bad guys, I have to clean them up one by one, so I can go back to the palace with peace of mind.”

At this moment, Moga came in from the door, followed by a great doctor holding a medicine chest.

When the doctor came near, he knelt down and knocked his head before standing up and respectfully pulsating the Jiacheng Emperor.

“Why are you running again?” Moga smiled.

Obviously it was ridicule, but the little girl could understand this, but instead glanced at him and said, “Uncle, don’t you come too?”

Moga laughed very helplessly.

Ning Ning said to Jiacheng Emperor: “Emperor grandpa, then I won’t disturb you, I will go find my second brother.”


Seeing away the little girl, Emperor Jiacheng looked at Moga.

Moga said in a deep voice: “The concubine Ma, as well as all the members of the Si Lijian, etc., were temporarily detained in the Division of Prison Penalty, in the Imperial Guard …”

It is said to eliminate the rebel party, but the process is complicated.

In the hall, Xue Tingyan and Ye Ju were supported by the ministers, and the palace was based on Moga.

Until Moga came out of nowhere, all the people knew that Jiacheng Emperor still had a son who didn’t show his face in front of others. There is no doubt about it, but seeing him come to dominate everything in the palace, it is inevitable that some people speculate that he will become the heir of Datong in the future.

It is a pity that it is too early to say that it is too early. This time, the rebellion of the three princes involved many.

From the dynasty to the harem, even the eunuchs and court ladies in the palace have a lot to be involved. Especially the Jiacheng Emperor Cup bow and snake shadow, would rather kill by mistake, rather than let go, there are several palaces in the palace that are uninhabited all year round, filled with these people involved.

In fact, Emperor Jiacheng would understand this way. I am afraid that after changing to any one person, after going through such an event, he would never be any better than him.

The emperor was furious, and the dead body was millions. These are all imaginable.

After reporting the general situation in the palace, Moga asked: “I don’t know when your majesty will return to the palace?”

“When will you return to the palace?”

Emperor Jiacheng looked at this not-so-large house, and suddenly felt a little melancholy.

“Then tomorrow.”

The next day, in the early morning, the gate of Xue’s House was filled with the emperor’s travel books. Jin Yiwei, who came back again, glanced around at him, not even a fly.

Jin Yiwei didn’t actually betray, but Du Jipeng was in the dark. Xue Tingyan and others found Du Jipeng in the Jinyiwei prison.

He is no longer humanoid, only sighing his last breath.

The second prince dealt with him at first, but he didn’t want to let him do bad things, so he bought one of his concubines to administer medicine to him. After that, Du Jipeng fell into the hands of Yang Chonghua and other civilian officials.

Probably it is a natural resentment to Jinyiwei, or it may be that Du Jipeng was doing things for Jiacheng Emperor at the time, which harmed many civil servants.

Yang Chonghua and others attacked him quite fiercely, and Jin Yiwei was tortured in turn, and he took turns on him.

Now that Du Jipeng has become a waste person, Wei Yunjie has been promoted to Jinyiwei Commander because of his ability to protect the Lord. In a flying fish suit, he led the team to the side, which was daunting.

Jiacheng Emperor’s Luanjia quickly left here. Xue Tingyan circled Zhao’er’s shoulder, looking at Luanjia’s back in the distance, and sighed: “Finally passed.”

“Finally passed!”

Of course there is no past, there are still more things.

After the Jiacheng Emperor returned to the dynasty, he began to liquidate the ministers headed by Yang Chonghua.

All members of Dali Temple, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and the Procuratorate were dispatched to list the various crimes committed by the people.

There was a lot of noise in the hall, and everyone was in danger.

It ’s okay to be involved, and it ’s good to be able to drop a whole body. Some of them are not involved, but those who are related to these people are all afraid of being involved.

Whenever this happens, there are always people who fish in troubled waters, some finally find an opportunity to suppress their opponents, and some try to drag others to save themselves from sin. As a result, the current Chaotang is more chaotic than at any time, and the ministers attack each other in the early morning dynasty every day, and there is a black smoke.

This winter in Jiacheng’s twenty-first year is colder than ever. With the passage of time, the countless ministers who had fallen from the court were countless, and they were half empty in an instant.

In the cabinet lobby, Lin Miao sighed: “When can this be a head?”

Ye Ju and Zheng Yunjie on the side, as well as Xue Tingyan and Chen Jian sitting next to each other, were all heavy and speechless.

Yang Chonghua was jailed from all his families, and eight cabinet ministers went to four. Tan Shoufu has grown old, and the Ministry of Industry’s Shangshu Machi has been so slammed because he is too old to be cured.

Today, only Ye Ju and Lin Miao are in the cabinet. As for Zheng Yunjie, Chen Jian, and Xue Tingyan, they were all temporarily arrested to help.

In addition to convalescing the dragon body, Emperor Jiacheng now cared about the treacherous party’s rebellion all the time. All the government affairs were put on the cabinet’s head, which was considered a squander.

“It can’t be done like this, even if there are officials waiting for alternates, but everything can be filled in a little while. Now the Yang Dang, Feng Dang and others seem to have tasted the sweetness and bite everywhere, I don’t think it will take long. , People on our side will be bitten into a lot. “Zheng Yunjie said.

“But who dares to persuade such as your majesty, I am afraid that the first one will be angered.” Ye Ju smiled bitterly.

“Persuasion is definitely to be persuaded, but we have to think about the method. Let’s go back and get the charter separately. How about discussing it again at that time?”

It can only be like this.

Several people nodded heavily, and each went to work.

The cabinet’s regulations have not been taken out yet, but Xue Tingyan went to the palace the following day to see the Jiacheng Emperor.

In the face of Xue Tingyan, Emperor Jiacheng, who has always been in a rage recently, is still somewhat kind and beautiful.

But without saying a few words, the atmosphere froze.

“Your Majesty should know that when the water is clear, there will be no fish. The relationship in the Chaotang Church is intertwined. In the same year, we have the same teachers in the same town and the same village.

“Xue Tingyan, how bold you are!”

There was a binge in the first place, and Xue Tingyan immediately knelt down.

But his head was high and his eyes were looking directly at the emperor on the dragon chair.

Emperor Jiacheng did not recover well. The incentive for him to fall suddenly was a bowl of medicine, and this bowl of medicine, combined with his constant dizziness, had crushed his seemingly strong, but already a long-spent dragon. body.

Although countless great doctors gathered in groups, many famous doctors from all over the country also paid tribute, but it only allowed him to move from the whole body to a simple sitting and lying, but it was impossible to walk.

Even after sitting for a long time, he couldn’t support it. He could approve and see, but he couldn’t get tired.

All this made Emperor Jiacheng hate and hate the civil servants who worked for the tiger.

If they did not encourage them, with the courage of the second prince and the third prince, they would not dare and would not be rebellious. Forcing a palace seems simple, but there are too many places to operate. At least according to the regulations, when the emperor was about to leave, he had to leave an edict. This edict needs to be witnessed, drafted, and drafted by several ministers before it can be announced to the world.

And is it the dragon chair that forced the palace?

No, the world won is also the power of the dynasty.

Without the power of the dynasty, a forbidden city alone cannot be called an emperor, and the exercise of the power of the dynasty requires the courtiers and even officials walking around the country to exercise it.

Therefore, it was not this group of brave civil servants. This incident would not have happened, so Emperor Jiacheng was angry.

As more and more officials were involved, these people even broke the prince’s premature death in order to escape crimes, and some court officials secretly moved their hands and feet.

The incident happened too long ago, and the root cause has not been traced, but it is completely irritated to the emperor Jiacheng who was already red-eyed.

But it was a word without a head, and even the courtier who said the matter could not understand the source, but it also set off a **** storm, which lasted for half a year, from Jiacheng to 21 in 21 years. After twelve years of cleaning, it seems like you can’t see the end.

Xue Tingyan thought that this wrath, with the wisdom of Emperor Jiacheng, would not last long, but unfortunately some made him unexpected, and he even couldn’t sit still, only to risk the anger of the emperor and entered the palace.

“If your majesty is just an ordinary person and has no burden on Jiangshan Sheji, you can do whatever you want, but not!”

“Xue Tingyan, you are bold, bold!” Emperor Jiacheng was so frightened that he was afraid of the Long case.

With the thump, the **** standing on one side was already kneeling.

The current emperor is no longer the former emperor, he becomes more moody and more irritable. The palace men and eunuchs standing beside him are always in danger of losing their heads.

They were trembling with fright, and some even peeed their pants.

Looking at Jiacheng Emperor, whose face was angry and distorted, Xue Tingyan flashed a disappointment in his eyes. He still did not bow his head, but let Emperor Jiacheng clearly see the disappointment in his eyes.

“Weichen thought that His Majesty should be the rule of martial arts far superior to Emperor Qin and Han Wu, and that the name of the history book would be an emperor throughout the ages. But Weichen was wrong! Now Dachang is full of waste, and it is a good time for the smooth implementation of the New Deal. The civil servant groups in the country are all good times for His Majesty ’s grand development. The Haiyan Heqing and Taiping prosperous times in Dachang are now, but His Majesty is indulged in hatred, letting the imperial court chaos into a pot of porridge. Well-being, but immersed in the fighting, the party is the same, the crowds are dancing wildly, and the smoke is black. What is the difference from when Wu, Yang, Feng and others were still there? “

“Xue Tingyan, have you said enough?”

“Weichen didn’t say enough!”

Speaking of this sentence, Xue Tingyan stood up and his thin body was upright: “Weichen thought this matter was just an uneven walk on the road to become the Emperor of His Majesty, and he could easily pass it. But Weichen was wrong. It not only destroyed the dragon body of His Majesty, but also destroyed the heart of His Majesty. At the beginning, Weichen and even the wife of Weichen tried their best to take the risk of being punished by his family, and wanted to see His Majesty leading Dachang , Toward the true Taiping prosperity, instead of watching His Majesty because of his anger, because of personal resentment, scourge this entire river.

“Your Majesty is no more than a year of destiny. There are a lot of sparse and elder people since ancient times. Does your Majesty intend to pass on to which prince? Since then, she has been raising the emperor to be the emperor? Is your Majesty really willing? If it is true, Weichen has nothing to say After that, Weichen was angry with His Majesty, and he already had a dying heart, willing to bow his head and die! “

“You get off! Pull him down for me!” Emperor Jiacheng shook his hand and smashed down a side paperweight, falling into flowers on the brick floor.

Li Shun took orders and walked up with shaking legs.

Xue Tingyan, who wanted to push the pestle there, didn’t dare, and could only whisper: “Master Xue, please, please say a few words. Your majesty’s dragon hugs, you can’t be angry.”

Xue Tingyan was full of anger, and suddenly let out. He lifted the hem of his robe, knelt down and knocked his head before retreating.

After he left, there was a silence in the hall, and he could only hear the unsteady breathing of Emperor Jiacheng.

All the eunuchs had their heads hanging down, wishing to stick their heads in their crotch.

I don’t know how long it has passed since Moga received the news in a hurry.

He was wearing a dark blue royal suit, and he looked extraordinarily handsome and dashing. He only met the bright and slightly bluish eyes, revealing the details of his exotic blood.

However, as the first person to rescue Jiacheng Emperor this time, he was the only one who could get Jiacheng Emperor a little good looks in recent days. But because another person who could get Jiacheng Emperor’s good complexion today was unfamiliar with anger, Jia Chengdi had no good complexion when he saw him.

“What are you doing here?”

“Children heard that Master Xue entered the palace and angered his father …”

“Are you here?” Jiacheng Di asked with an unclear attitude.

Moga nodded frankly: “This Xue Tingyan is really bold and brave, relying on his father’s favor to him, he dare to talk nonsense. The children asked him to withdraw his official and send him to Qiongzhou …”

Another paperweight smashed down.

“You also leave Laozi!”

So Moga got away.

After leaving Qianqing Palace, an **** beside him whispered: “Why should Your Highness speak for Master Xue, slave-servant remembers that you are not used to him.”

Moga glanced at him: “Your Highness has spoken for him?” He just didn’t want to see her as a widow, he didn’t want to see the girl without father.

The eunuch’s head was immediately lowered: “That’s not there.”

“I’m here to get down.”

As soon as Xue Tingyan walked out of Qianqing Gate, he saw Lin Miao and Chen Jian not far away.

“Chilly, why do you come here and take the risk!” Lin Miao stomped.

Chen Jian was reluctant to talk, but he was worried.

“Someone has to say this. I would say it better than Mr. Mr. Ye, or even Master Ye. It’s much safer. Your Majesty is crazy, and you always have to worry about an incense and will not treat me.”

“What does your majesty say?”

Xue Tinglan smiled and touched his nose: “Your Majesty let me roll.”

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