The Man who made his own Q.o.H Harem

Chapter 68: Saving a couple of female ninjas with my new girl. (Part 1)

As Miya recovers from her massive orgasm I start to strip my clothes off as I undid the bottom part of her clothes and finally see the purple bush making me want to smell it as I leaned forward smelling it as Miya felt the movement of air on her bare pussy she moaned and woke back up as she looked done and tried to push my head away "It's dirty, dear." She said shyly making me chuckle as I kissed her clit making her moan as I moved back up and kissed her making her moan as she wrapped her arms around me. My cock rubs up against her pussy as it plays with her purple bush making her moan as we pulled our mouth away from each other as she looked down to see it letting a gasp escape from her mouth. "It's way bigger than his was." She said blushing as she moved one of her hands down to it and started to touch it. I enjoyed the feeling of her hand on my cock as I whispered into her ear. "Your hand feels amazing on it," I said making her smile a little. She started to move it up and down, rubbing it as we kissed again.

I enjoyed the hand job for a while before moving my cock to her pussy rubbing the head on the entrance before pushing it inside he making her moan as she spoke. "So much bigger than his, it's spreading me wide open. I feel like I am being invaded, dear." She started to leak more of her pussy juice as I slowly pushed deeper into her making her curl her toes up in pleasure. I slowly moved my hips in and out of her letting her feel every vein on my cock making sure to engrave it into her mind as I engrave the feeling of her pussy into mine, slowly moving my hips faster as her moans and my grunts sound like a duet being sung. She smiled while looking at me as she could tell I was feeling good with her pussy making her happy that her man enjoyed her body as I slowly started moving faster until her moans became louder then my grunts as I slapped against her pussy harder and she tightened up around my cock. Miya dug her fingers into my back, but she couldn't hurt me as she moaned out.

"Dear, I am cumming!" She moaned out as I pushed deep into her pussy and started to flood the inside of her womb as she moved her legs around me holding me closer to her not letting me pull my cock out as I pumped my cum deep into her womb. She started to kiss me with quick kisses as she smiled, moving a hand to her stomach and rubbing it as she spoke. "I hope I got pregnant as I always wanted a child and a family." She said while rubbing her stomach as I smiled and kissed her forehead as I picked her up making her yelp as we walked to the wash room to take a shower as I have plans for us to save some girls tonight as we walked in and started the shower while I still held her with my cock inside her. "Miya, I plan to go to a different world to save a couple of female ninjas from an evil demon city. Do you want to come? The demons are going to do horrible things to the girls and I would like you to come with me." I plan to take her, Oliva, Senna, and Nidalee with me as I will let the others stay here.

She looked up at me and nodded, wanting to show off her true power and be useful to her man. We finished showering as I finally pulled my cock out of her and help dry her off as she returned the the kindness as I text Oliva to bring the other two down here as I will need their help saving some girls. Oliva has been asking to fight as she is a swords woman and need to keep her skills sharp, and what better way then dealing with a bunch of sack of shit demons. Miya spoke "Do you have a sword for me?" I smiled as I walked to the vault and opened it. As we stepped inside, I had all kinds of swords, spears, and polearms in a different room from the firearms. She walked over to a and was shocked as she picked it up, "This is the Dojigiri, how did you get it?" She looked at me and I smiled. "I stole it years ago when I was doing some military training in Japan. As I deserved it more than the country deserved it." I said with a smirk.

She picked it up and checked it out, nodded, looked at me and smiled. "It's mine now, dear." I nodded as I was more a collector of old weapons, as firearms are better in my eyes anyway. Oliva and the rest walked in as Nidalee picked up a spear and nodded. "Girls, we are going to a world called Taimaanin. There are going to be eight girls for now, Igawa Asagi, Mizuki Shiranui, Mizuki Yukikaze, Akiyama Rinko, Igawa Sakura, Yatsu Murasaki, Koukawa Asuka, and Onisaki Kirara. Will be the girls we save this time around." I show them pictures of the girls I want to "Save" from those horrible demon men, after all, there is no man like me. All women should be with me after all I am just so damn great I smiled to myself as I grabbed some new weapons a couple of AT-4's as I will need to take down some cars or other things as it looks like this is going to be a war zone kind of thing. I walked over to my baby, a Quad mounted .50 cal's M2 browning its so damn sex as I spoke to Lilly.

"Does this count as one weapon?" I asked with a smirk, and she replied, "Yes." I loaded it up with ammo. Each box mounted to each M2 holds two thousand rounds, so that's 8,000 rounds of ammo already locked and loaded. I added another 16,000 to storage and started to laugh as I got to use my baby. I make sure my hand guns, M240B, AR 15, and M4 shotgun, are good to go. "I am ready girls, are y'all set to go?" I said turning to my girls who smiled and nodded their head as they are ready to fuck some shit up.

"Lilly, can you send us to the place with a good overview of the area, something like 150 to 200 meters away from our rescue targets?" I asked, and as the room started to light up, and we ended up on a mountaintop overlooking a massive courtyard with the women tied up in the middle, surrounded by male demons drinking and eating, as I pulled out the Quad .50 and turned to my girls. "I am going to wait until you girls make it to the edge of the tree line, and I will open fire, helping you by drawing them to me when you girls get a chance, rush to save them, and I will send y'all back as I withdraw from the combat area." They listened intently as I finished, nodded, and kissed me goodbye as I mounted the Quad M2 and moved it to the leader's sitting area. I waited until the girls made it to the tree line's edge and smirked.

"Show time."

 Igawa Asagi Pictures

Mizuki Shiranui Pictures

Mizuki Yukikaze Pictures

Akiyama Rinko Pictures

Igawa Sakura Pictures

Yatsu Murasaki Pictures

Koukawa Asuka Pictures

Onisaki Kirara Pictures

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