Chapter 2: Your still here?
-Next stop: welcome back readers.-
Shade was getting up from his seat as he grabbed his brief case and was reaching for a cigarette. "ahh you guys and gals came back thanks for that by the way. So quick world-building and a few manor specs."Shade says as he got out of the train and walked amongst the crowd.
"this earth has 48 hours in one whole day, 24 hours of daylight and 24 hours of night time, there are still 365 days in 1 year, the earth has two moons, one completely black and one completely white, one Sun of course and all land masses are connected by a super highway created by god himself."Shade says as he now out of the train station and was hailing for a cab. "hmm manor spec... Ah yes, each room is a normal basic room, but once a room is chosen by a tenant the room changes by magic to become a room that is tailor to the roomie."Shade says as he got into the cab.
"Where to Bud?"The cab driver asks "to the next day of course... Sorry, was reading something, I'll be heading to this address."Shade says as he hands the driver a note and $100 bill.
-Next day With Zero.-
After taking a quick shower and greeting the Nameless one he gave her a bow as he went and grabbed a bowl of cereal out of the Fridge that was labeled with his name and had his favorite cereal, the cereal looked to be mixed with squares and had marshmallows in them he knew the brand had something to be called cinnamon smores.
Shortly after breakfast Zero, went to the manor bulletin board and saw a few dozen part time jobs on the board all the jobs seemed to be owned by The Nameless One, so to make a cover for himself he took a Job slip for a Coffee shop and headed to the Nameless one to see about getting hired.
-13 am, Coffee Soul owned by the nameless one-
Zero was wearing a black apron with gold linings and on the center of the apron was the logo of the Café logo. He worked the cashier taking orders, talked to the rowdy customers and sometimes helped with the cooking in the back. "So many fucking Karens so early in the god damn morning."Zero said as he rested his elbows on the counter and sighed.
"S-Sorry, it's kind of why we needed someone like you to work with us, we don't have experience dealing with Karens they come in many different species but they are typically all the same."Sarah said. Sarah is a Mix between human and Sheep, she had bright white wool around her neck area that Zero could noticed, he also knew her arms and leg were shaved regularly since he had met other Sheep/Ram people before, she wore a bright yellow sun dress and some reason she had on brown leather boots with spikes and skulls.
"yeaaahhhh, anyways the next Karen that pulls some shit, gets humiliated is all I'm saying this won't be a problem any longer."Z said as he pulled his phone out and started to play a simple block clearing game. "ahh well ok, you have the permission to do so."Sarah said as she started to make her own special off the menu coffee.
"ah yes I didn't see this on the menu so please pay close attention to this dumb, but oddly effective wake up shot coffee, we are going to need the following."Zero said as he hands Sarah a card with a hand written info for ingredients.2 tablespoons freshly ground coffee beans3/4 cup (6 ounces) water1 tablespoon grass-fed unsalted butter1-2 teaspoons MCT oil1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract1 scoop collagen peptides.(shade: me personally I like to put ice cubes for a cold serving.)
"1st we are going to brew the coffee using pour-over, automatic machine, or French press Honestly it doesn't really matter besides visuals for the clients, 2nd Pour the freshly brewed coffee with the butter, oil, and vanilla extract into a blender, if and I do mean If using collagen, add a scoop now. Blend for 1 minute or until slightly frothy. (3. Serve over ice for cold serving.) and we got one wake up coffee that can get you through the morning easily."Zero says as he presents the Coffee to sarah he took a sip before handing the glass to her.
The Texture of the Coffee tasted strange but Sarah could feel the energy pour into her body. "don't tell anyone but I stole this recipe off a really cool rich guy."Zero said as he left out a hearty laugh, Sarah giggled at Zero antics. Zero rang, he picked it up and looked at the caller ID. "I need to take a 10 minute cigarette break."Zero said as he rushed out of the coffee shop and towards the back alley of the street across from the shop.
"...your next target is the Traveling business man, he has somehow stolen from us 15 years of data on all 'special' beings on this planet. Get it back by any means necessary... Good luck Zero."??? Said as they hung up. "well fuck... Things are getting complicated."Zero said as an image of the traveling merchant was sent to his phone. (an Image of me Shade.)
"I wonder if he takes requests."Zero says as he smokes a cigarette and looks at all the warning labels that was attached to the file under traveling merchant.
-Back with Shade.-
Shade in the middle of room making a deal with a dangerous man, he was surrounded with guns trained on him. "Where are the goods Mr. Shade?"Don Fluffle asked as he let out a low growl like a cat…(because he is part cat) "Don, Don, Donny you know me, I always deliver, You wanted me to go and get you a mermaid, with bright blue sky hair, rainbow like scales, a bosom and hips so large you can't stop looking, with the ability to control Water, Deadly and docile fishes, and a few other things our watchers can't know."Shade said as he winked towards the viewers.
"Yes, and yet here you are saying you have the goods, yet you're hands are empty, I am paying for top services, but here you are testing my tolerance to your damn dramatics."Don Fluffle said as he snapped his finger, his men ready their guns and turn off the safety. "I really do hate people like you, no taste for a good show ugh, anyways from the depth of the ocean from a Noble family from the City of MinoGrove I bring to you, Selina Mako the mermaid."Shade said as the shadows swirled around and made a very Large fish tank appear and inside was a very lovely/sexy Mermaid.
"Now see here on her neck that is the Slave Seal as promised, once you sign the contract and I received my paycheck the Master seal will appear on your hand and any, and I do mean any order you give her she will do even if she hates it."Shade says as he grinned evilly. "Boys bring the cases."Don Fluffle saidThree men left as they went to get the Briefcase. Don fluffles let out a happy meow as he looked at his soon to be Slave. "As a bonus if any royalty comes seeking for her, show them this pearl and they will have to respect the badge and if they want to fight for her hand, you know how to take care of business, you hire to take care of it or find some strong enough to deal with them."Shade says as saw the men return with the briefcases."As promised, 1 Ring of painting colors plus $13 Million."Don Fluffle says as the briefcases were opened to show their contents "Good."Shade says the shadows of the briefcases swallow the briefcases with their contents once down the shadows disappeared. "Well it was fun doing business with you but I must get going I have things I need to do as well as things I don't want to do…like build a snowman with some sick children so I gain something I want."Shade says
"yeah yeah, whatever you say Shade, now go I have Things I want to test."Don fluffle said as he licked his lips as he looked at Selina, who returned a disgusted look at the Don.As I Exited the Don's Manor. I looked towards the viewer. "So as you can see I have no morals or whatever, so don't think I am a good guy, that said today's first episode was slow and a bit of a build up but the next one is more exciting trust me I should know."Shade says as he looked up to the moon. "Anyways FIN, The end…go home, Game over, Not enough credit to continue."Shade says as makes the viewers the screen flickers into statics like an old tv that didn't have any signal to a cable ox, or if this does get a manga the Page go blank. (Shade: psst hey viewer do you guys know any good artist?)