98 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith – The Farmer sends a scout
Early Samue, the month of Planting...
The snow had melted, the young were ready. The Things from Beyond boiled into the sea. They swam, some of their number sinking in the depths, others eaten by the denizens of the deep. Their tide came on and they made landfall, and spread out on the beach to warm. Food came looking, and was eaten. Some food escaped. More Things landed. The largest thus far, a mere 300' long, grazed on food that had been left in a low wooden enclosure until it had had it's fill, then laid eggs in the rest.
The Dell, Western Wilds.
17th of Kielat, First month of Summer.
2139 years since the new gods came.
I have spent the last 4 days hiding from people. Mr. Bear is a nice fellow, even though he snores. I spent yesterday exploring Brandy's cave with her. There was a padlocked old iron door in the back that she couldn't get through. I broke it for her.
The cave beyond the door was filled with bandit loot. Rotted food stuff, trashed leather riding gear, and a small lock box of coins. Not much, really. But all hers. She has put the 'Halfling's Crown' in there. I wonder if she will move in?
I am well rested. I will rejoin society tomorrow.
18th of Kielat,
Today was all meetings. Why the hells do I have to attend the meetings?
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“This mornings meeting is to go over the food stocks remaining for the encampment.” Dame Mary announced to the assembled dozen or so individuals in attendance. Max walked into the workshop turned town hall, cup of coffee in hand, and sat down on a bench. The gathered people looked up, astonished at his presence.
“What? I live here too.” Max mumbled around his coffee.
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19th of Kielat,
More refugees. Disturbing news from the coast. Sent out a patrol. The Men of Repute have finally returned with the shopping.
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“Mr. Bairn. Good to see you again.” Max shook the made man's hand. “Did you get everything on the list?”
“Yes sir! We even made a bit of money on the side.” Mr Bairn replied, a worried smile on his lips.
“Excellent.” Max gave him a real smile. “Grab some of the soldiers and have them unload the...wagon train?”
“Yes sir.” Bairn said, a smile crossed his face, “Turns out that some of the trade goods went for excellent prices in certain quarters, if you get my drift. We were able to make a tidy profit, and get extra provisions.”
“Hmm. I need to introduce you to Dame Mary.” Max smiled. That will be a story for the ages, a match made in hell.
Twenty soldiers and 48 wagons later, a very tired Maxwell, Bairn, and Dame Mary were sitting in a newly finished mess hall sharing a pint. “So, Mary, this is Mr. Bairn.” Max waved at the man in question. “I think the two of you have much in common.” He winked at Mary, and stood. “I will leave you to it.” He left.
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24th of Kielat,
Dame Mary and Mr. Bairn have been nigh inseparable these last few days. A good quartermaster and a 'gentleman' thief. Not really much difference, all things considered. More refugees came in. Down to barely a trickle now. And My Dell has grown another ½ mile longer. Army and all, we are at almost 4000 people. Plus the worgs.
New houses are going up a half dozen at a time. I have started helping, as this is probably my only chance to learn the craft. I wish I had more time to learn... We currently have about a dozen small neighborhood blocks, each with it's own well, and a couple of storefronts on the 'main road'. No one has asked about a temple. I am happy about that.
Bjorn and Sarah have been instrumental in helping with the occasional home design, and with setting up 'Craftsman Hill', what people are calling where all my workshops are setup. I can barely set foot in one, they are so busy. It kinda makes my heart proud.
Feeding the worgs has become a bit of a problem, and more than half of them have left. The Green Man has promised they will return when we 'need them'. I am unconvinced. The pregnant bitches haven't left. We have puppies. Children have been adopting the pups as soon as they leave their mothers.
The early crops have been gathered, and the animals washed. All of them. Mr. Bear too. Wool has been shorn. Textiles are taking off.