The Ollivanders Secret

Chapter 13: 13. Blood Curse

— Clara POV —

For the next year I learned more about the basics of blood magic, specifically blood curses, as I had the sma … , I concur, insane idea of cursing myself to heighten my sensitivity to most things even more, as if hypersensitivity isn't enough already. I read about it once in a history book, that such a blood curse exists and after a lot of search and begging I found a book explaining it in great detail. It sends every already existing sense into permanent overdrive, while also adding new ones, like accurately feeling gravity's effect on you or also the ability to feel the particles of mana in the air, which are a lot and also a new idea for my second skin, which it promptly tried to replicate, though it failed at that.

The curse was also self-evolving, feeding on the hosts magic to evolve and change constantly, which screamed perfect for my use cases. The only problem is that is was malicious in nature, which could mean a lot of unaccounted variables in the future. So I started to change it to a training tool instead, which wasn't that hard, as it was 90% arithmancy and only 10% blood magic knowledge. After that it was just creating another blood crystal, anchoring the curse to it and ingesting it.

While most would need alternative methods to curse someone, I could do it as easy as that. These alternatives though is what makes malicious blood magic that hard to learn. Before I ingested it, I set my second skin to easy mode though, as I had learned out of my mistakes and that was a damn good decision too, as I suffered from sensory overload even without it on nightmare, though it was pretty easy to get used to and nothing like the first time on hell mode. My second skin also evolved to be able to replicate the new senses, which I didn't know it could do, but also left me magical exhausted for several days. Afterwards it was a pretty fast progress, going from easy mode to nightmare mode again, though it was way more annoying than before.

I also fed and played with Mosaic a lot, at least an hour every day, which's amber has already dissolved to half its original size, which meant that it was twice as slow as before. She also already learnt rudimentary occlumency and successfully stopped alternate personalities from forming.

My third official birthday passed like any other day, only exception being, that I tried something idiotic. Again I know. I tried to do another Self Reflecting Ritual, which surprisingly worked, as the only requirement was being three years old, which I technically was!

After that it was back to reading, but more basics this time, without any real goal in mind.

Additionally I started designing a modular mind workshop, which can be easily expanded like playing with lego, which was slow going, as most themes needed way more than paper and storage, as arithmancy did. I still plan to make the storage separate, so it wasn't integrated in that modular design. I already had ideas for building an arithmancy and blood magic one, while also having an inkling for potion making and weaving though the knowledge was missing to implement them. I did a lot of components fromm muggle jobs though, as they are easier to understand and good practice

I also started sorting my memories out of the timeframes into content packages, which went relatively slow, as one would expect as I needed to go through 346.896.000 seconds of informative content in the gigabytes for each of those. I luckily didn't need to do it for minutes or upwards, as they are all linked to the seconds as framework, though I was already starting to play into the milliseconds in the next few years. But one step at a time. The first content package was materials, followed by their quality and from there I will branch out to forces of nature and more muggle knowledge, before even approaching the individual content packages of magic, as that is gonna be even harder.

In august I also got my hogwarts letter, on which I found a lot of books from that Lockhart guy, after which I wrote or more like duplicated a missive for twenty different departments and newspapers of magical britain, detailing my concerns, after which Lockhart was arrested for fraud and illegal use of the obliviation charm, which also luckily meant, that he wasn't an expert of the mind arts, just a very bad liar, as he stole those adventures from other people. He also, under veritaserum, confessed to raping approximately 1000 females, most underage, to which he promptly got sentenced to a dementor's kiss. I also asked Andy, before even sending these missives out, if he knew someone who would like the spot as defense against the dark arts and could help with the supposed curse, to which he replied: „Multiple people actually, but perhaps those two…", after which he just disappeared out of the room.

We got an updated book list before his trial even ended, while also detailing a possibility of compensation, if you had bought his books in the last few months, though that fucked over the Weasly family and similar families, as they got them second hand. Those poor souls, rest in peace. Sadly there was nothing they could change about that, as everyone would give back those books, if they also accepted second hand purchases. The new books looked and read a lot better than those before, though Andy didn't want to tell me, who got the job in the end, which annoyed the hell out of me, as I was curious.

I also went wand shopping and got a phoenix feather and walnut wand, which was supposedly a good all-rounder, after a lot of explosions and destroying most of his shop, though I knew that the shopfront was just a very basic solid illusion for the most part, the wands being magically transported into their replicas resting spot. Hell every child should know, that storing wands like that would result in an explosion, curtesy of magical resonance.

The only other hurdle was Mosaic, as technically she wasn't allowed on school ground, though I found a solution to that in the ancient founders rules, which are not changeable by any means, that soulbond creatures, commonly revered to as familiars, are allowed onto the school grounds, as long as not their mere presence harms other students, like a nundu for example, who could kill most of the kids with a single breath. Even then you only need to have a good enough assurance, that it won't happen, like a breathmask for said nundu, which filters out anything toxic and needs to be worn at all times, except while hunting in the forbidden forest for example. There is also a trial period for things, which can be controlled lika a nundu's legilimency, which could lead to an expulsion, if handled wrongly. But as Mosaic was harmless for now, I didn't need to worry about it all that much, though that book was an interesting read.

In the remaining time till the first of September, I improved upon my storage calculations for my sorted memories, to make it harder to navigate for intruders, while helping me with the same. I also implemented a failsafe, that takes all my sorted memories back to my true core and tightly locks them, until I command otherwise, which will be useful, if I am trapped in an induced coma for example, though I needed to resort all of it afterwards.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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