The Primordial Record
Chapter 1421: Cloudy And His Unwanted Passenger (2)
The Cloud Whale drew to a stop right in front of Rowan, his large eyes looking at him in supplication and relief. Tremors flowed through his body as he struggled to keep the last of his mind in place, his mouth struggled to open to speak, but his flesh had been fused by the corruption that was eating it alive.
"Be still little one," Rowan said, and placed his hand on the snout of the Cloud Whale, he was less than eight feet tall at this point, but somehow his touch seemed to encompass the entirety of the Cloud Whale, "You have done well, you have kept my son safe, now let's get this old leech off you. I shall make a tasty dinner out of him to boost your body."
Closing his eyes, Cloudy went quiet; his trust in Rowan was absolute, and there were even signs of anticipation in the depths of his eyes. This Cloud Whale was a little gluttonous, and to taste the essence of the Old One who was destroying its flesh and corrupting its essence was a retribution that this gentle creature could get behind.
Taking a few steps back while eyeing the total dimension of the Cloud Whale, Rowan allowed the chains to drop from both his hands, pooling at his feet. Injecting his Will into the chains, they began to grow in length until the chains had extended far below him, their length disappearing into the blackness of the void.
The weight of the chains increased exponentially, and Rowan, despite all his powers, could not swing them due to the fact that he lacked any Essence of Aether; he was simply empty. Any lesser creature would have collapsed into hibernation to preserve their life, but he was far too durable to fall even when he lacked an iota of energy.
Although he had already decided to make the move that he was about to do next, he still hesitated for a bit, doing this would bring him out to all of reality like nothing had ever done before, but it would seem that the days of him living in the shadows would soon be over.
"Then, let it begin.
His mind was always connected to his dimensional soul, and with a plan already long in place, he simply gave the go-ahead, and a drop of Aether appeared inside of his body, sent there by his dimensional soul. This drop was half of the total Aether left inside his dimensional soul and within was also a healthy amount of his essence, and this single drop shone as bright as the sun. He needed this much to proceed with the plan.
It hung there in his Origin Land, above his great city, for a short while shedding its light on the magnificent creation that Rowan had forged. There was no hint of acceptance of this energy inside his city, confirming to Rowan once and for all that he could never use his Aether or Essence to bring life to his Origin Land.
Satisfied, Rowan shot this drop of Aether/Essence towards a dormant section of his Origin Land, outside the great city and the mountains that covered it, deep into the infinity of this land whose size defied meaning.
In a corner of this place, far from the eyes of anyone who would ever enter Rowan's Origin Land, was a vast circle that rested on the ground, bronze and filled with cracks; the last Supreme Circle lay here dormant.
During the evolution of his body and the acquisition of his Class, the Supreme Circles he had made became the fuel for this change, but the Supreme Circles were extremely powerful, and even though he had used eight of them, he still had one left and it was the first Supreme Circle.
Although it was the weakest of the Circle, that was only relative to the other Circles, and at first, Rowan had wanted to destroy the last of these Circles due to the trap laid inside of them by the Primordials that created them, but if he wanted his plan to work out in the future, this last remaining Circle was now vitally important.
There was a feature of the Supreme Circle that would aid Rowan in this tight spot where he had found himself where he could no longer regenerate Aether or Essence and that would be its ability to give the user an unlimited amount of energy once it was activated, but when it was deactivated, every last drop of energy in the user's body would be siphoned away.
No matter how overpowered this ability from the Supreme Circle was, to the previous him, this ability was next to useless because he already had too much energy and high regeneration capabilities, but now it was extremely important to him.
He needed this feature to be able to survive until he activated his Origin Land, and that meant everyone would know that he had conquered a Supreme Circle because Rowan would be heading towards the Primordial Domain to understand more about the past. It was long overdue.
The drop of Aether/Essence fell onto the Supreme Circle, slipping into one of the many cracks that decorated the nearly broken Circle, and because its size was extremely large, measuring around the circumference of an average universe, the single drop of Aether could not even be observed falling into it, but when that drop reached the core of the Circle, everything changed.
That single drop of Aether was like the spark of life in the body of a dead giant, and as it was absorbed, a dull hum arose from the Circle, followed by a shockwave that spread out for countless miles. The Circle began to vibrate and it slowly rose from the ground while releasing a series of golden shockwaves that spread for trillions of miles.
This shockwave were the waves of power being blasted out from the Supreme Circle and for an average immortal, a single wave would fill their bodies to burst, and no matter how much they used of this power there would be so much left over, but for Rowan, he needed billions of these waves to begin powering his dimensional flesh, and true to its power, the Supreme Circle kept releasing more of it as the cracks began to heal and it rose higher into the air.
All of that power erupting from the Supreme Circle was seized by a powerful Will and directed towards Rowan's physique, and he nearly groaned in pleasure as energy began to fill his body. It was so soothing that it exceeded all forms of pleasure he had experienced in a long while.
The teeth of the chains in his hand began to vibrate and separated from the chain, hanging an inch above it, before they began to travel up and down the length of the chain like a horrifying chainsaw, with the availability of power, more of the Sin Weapon's capabilities could be unearthed, and this was simply another form that this weapon could take.
A bronze circle began to slowly materialize around his body as more strength flowed throughout his body, but Rowan did not wait for it to be completed; by that time, Cloudy would be fully possessed, and getting rid of the Old One would become nearly impossible. More waves of power were being generated by the Circle, and his flesh was warming up; Rowan took a step forward; it was time to fight.
The chains had never stopped growing, and previously, they were loose, but now Rowan exerted strength in both of his hands, and they became taut, causing the entire chain to ring. With a roar, he swung both chains at Cloudy, and they struck toward the Cloud Whale, whose eyes were closed faster than anything of this size and length should move, and they wrapped around the Cloud Whale.
Pulling back on the chain, it tightened around the Cloud Whale and when it looked as if the Whale was about to be diced into a billion pieces by the revolving teeth on the chain, the Sin Weapon went immaterial, transforming into a chain made not from metal but ash. This was another transformation of the chain.
This chain made from ash penetrated the body of the Cloud Whale without tearing into it. Instead, they attacked themselves to the thick cloud of red corruption suffusing the entirety of his body, and Rowan, observing that they had grasped his target firmly, pulled.
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