The Prodigy and the Band Girls (BanG Dream x Touhou OC)

Chapter 35: XXXIII - Tojou Kuroka and the White Dragon

A/N: As promised, here is the chapter. And have a Merry Christmas to all of you guys wherever you are in the world. The next chapter will be in New Year's Eve.

The Next Day...

Moriya Srhine - Male Guest Room

June 19, 2021 - Saturday - 5:00 A.M.

Riku POV

After my spar with Aichi, we took a little break when Sanae, Kanako-sama, and Suwako-sama arrived and handed us towels to wipe our sweat. Suwako-sama and Kanako-sama appeared to be watching me and Aichi sparring and were also eager for a fight. But Sanae was there to prevent those two from going overboard.

After me and Aichi finished taking our rest, we head to the bath and washed ourselves. After that, we decided to call it a night as we head to our room that was provided by Sanae.

Several hours later, I awoke from my sleep and stretched my arms. I looked to my left and saw Aichi still asleep on the futon. I decided not to bother him as I got up to fix my futon. After fixing the futon, I changed into my casual clothes and went outdoors for some morning air.

As I was walking through the halls, I heard some noise at the room where the party took place, I opened the door and I see Reimu and Marisa were cleaning up the room along with Sanae.

Reimu: Oh, you're up.

Marisa: Yo, Riku! Good morning ze~

Sanae: Good morning, Riku. Did you have a good sleep?

Riku: I had a good rest Sanae. And you're cleaning? Normally you two would just ditch this place and leave.

Reimu: I'm doing this as a form of apology from the mess that we made last night.

Marisa: Yeah, we kinda feel bad about it, so we decided to help Sanae in cleaning this place out ze.

Sanae: And thanks to Reimu-san and Marisa-san helping, we managed to clean the entire place faster than expected.

Riku: Guess that you two got some uses rather than just fighting.

Reimu/Marisa: HEY!

Sanae: Riku, it's rude to say things like that to them. Anyway, since the cleaning is done. I'll go ahead and make some breakfast, so that you guys will have some energy as you leave today.

Riku: Sure, go ahead. I want to have a chat with them anyway.

Sanae left the room leaving me with Reimu and Marisa.

Marisa: You said that you wanted to talk to us right?

Riku: I do. And it's about the grimoire that you, Alice and Patchy were keeping an eye on.

Marisa: Ah, that. Patchy has been working with that nonstop. Whatever that grimoire is made her work restless, even kicking me and Alice out even we want to help.

Riku: It was that bad?

Marisa: It wasn't that bad when she got her hands on it for the first time, but when the grimoire suddenly activated, that's where it gets worse.

Riku: And knowing Patchy, she'll be looking every book in her library just to find a hint.

Marisa: No kiddin'. When me and Alice tried to visit her, books were scattered everywhere.

Reimu: I was there as well. But I came to Patchouli's place to get a report from her, but none so far. But enough of that. Riku, from what Aichi reported to us a few days ago, the nekomata that you encountered.

Riku: Yeah, she's fine. Eirin-san is taking care of her. And we'll be able to get some answers today.

Reimu: Today?

Riku: Eirin-san told me that Kuroka, the nekomata that me and Aichi rescued will be waking up today. We might be able to get some answers from her.

Reimu: Good. Then I'll leave you to it.

Reimu turned to the door and left the room, but she stopped midway as Marisa called her.

Marisa: Oi, Reimu. Where are you going?

Reimu: I'm leaving. I've got other things to do.

Riku: Then what about breakfast? You can't work on an empty stomach, you know?

Reimu insisted that she'll be fine, but her stomach says otherwise.....


Reimu blushed when we heard her stomach was growling. Marisa was trying to hold back from laughing, and I just gave her a smile showing that I was right on the money. Reimu just sighed and gave up.

Reimu: Fine, you win. I'll join you for breakfast.

Riku: Now isn't that too hard?

Reimu: Whatever. Aren't you going for your morning air?

Riku: Thanks for reminding me that. If anyone asks where I am, tell them that I went out for a bit.

After that, I left the room as I head outside. Once I got out of the shrine, I see Kanako-sama sitting on the roof of the shrine and Suwako-sama in a nearby pond.

Kanako: Yo, Riku! Good morning!!

Suwako: Good morning, Riku-chan~ Did you get enough sleep?

Riku: Good morning to you too as well, Kanako-sama, Suwako-sama.

Kanako-sama jumped off of the roof and landed right beside me and Suwako-sama casually walked with her hands on the back of her head.

Suwako: You're here for some morning air?

Riku: Yup. By the way, I see most of the rooms were empty. Did they-

Kanako: Yeah, the Komeiji left a little while ago. The girls of the Koumakan left early cause they don't want their librarian to starve.

Suwako: So we gave them some leftover food from the party to take home~

Riku(thoughts): What is this, the Philippines?

Suwako: Alice is at the kitchen helping Sanae. The Prismriver sisters also left as they have some plans for today.

Kanako: For the tengu, Hatate left a while ago. She told me that the chief tengu called her for something. The wolf tengu went out to scout the area, but she'll be joining us for breakfast as well.

Riku: I see.

Suwako: Onto different matters. Riku-chan, I can see that your magic power is slowly returning.

Riku: Huh?

What did Suwako-sama mean by that? My magic power is.....returning?

Riku: Impossible.....the sages told me that I cannot recover half of my original magic power ever again. Even Yukari-san said so.

Kanako: True that Yukari said that you cannot recover your magic power ever again, but our senses don't lie. Remember, me and Suwako are gods. And our magic sense are much more sensitive than you youkai.

Kanako-sama and Suwako-sama were referring to an incident that happened to me as a child. It happened when I was ten. I was undergoing magic training with Ran-san to improve my control of lightning. Everything was going fine until we were attacked. Ran-san did her best to protect me, but one of the attackers managed to get through and one of them stabbed me in the left eye.

When Ran-san successfully fended off the attackers, I was brought to the hospital. And to avoid troubling the masses, it was covered by the royal family and the government; only they and the Celestial Families are aware of this. When I was transported to the hospital, Eirin-san informed my parents that my left eye could no longer be healed, therefore it was replaced by an artificial eye manufactured by the Yagokoro. When I was fully recovered, the sages informed me that I had permanently lost half of my magic.

Whatever pierced me in the eye caused me to lose half of my magical power. To make matters worse, the Nagae branch family was pressuring me to step down as the next leader because I could be labeled a cripple. However, in order to keep the branch family quiet and maintain my position as the next leader of the Nagae, I must attain the Relic Class before the age of 20.

And I reached Relic before I turned 17, although the journey was rough. Normally, if someone had half of their power taken away, they would give up. But not for me; because I lost half of my magical power, my spells will have a smaller impact than usual. That means I am at a disadvantage anytime I fight.

So I adjusted my fighting technique to one that focuses on the opponent's weak points and is more technical than the Nagae's customary fluid method. And even with half of my power gone, I can still fight on equal footing. And balancing it with my music career was making my early life a living hell. Thankfully, Ayabe was by my side, making my schedule more manageable.

Suwako: I tell you this because when you used your magic last night, it was much more powerful than the previous time you did it. And the spell you used was slightly out of control; it was as if you were casting it for the first time. Kanako and I had to redirect the lightning to ensure that there was no collateral damage.

Riku: But how? I didn't even feel that my power is slowly returning.

Kanako: Yukari and the others may tell you that you can't regain your magic on your own, but that doesn't mean you couldn't recover it through other ways.

Suwako: And I might have an idea on how you manage to do it. Riku-chan, can you unleash your lightning for us?

Kanako: And don't worry about the noise. We created a bounded field right when I landed.

Riku: Well, if you say so...

I followed Suwako-sama's instructions as I closed my eyes and began to release lightning around my body. As I gently open my eyes, I saw Suwako-sama and Kanako-sama with surprised expressions. The lightning subsided as I questioned them why they were making that expression.

Riku: Suwako-sama, Kanako-sama. What happened?

Suwako: Me and Kanako took a look at your magic aura while you were using your lightning. Normally we would see the usual indigo glow in you cause you're a Nagae. But we saw something different from you.

Kanako: Aside from the indigo glow, we saw a tinge of ocean blue coming out. And that specific color comes from-

Riku: The Hinanawi. Suwako-sama, don't tell me that-

Suwako: Yup. The reason why your magic power is slowly coming back is because of Tenshi.

Kanako: And maybe her influence in your mindscape has helped you recover your magic power....although it's just a bit.

Riku: Then what am I gonna do with this?

Suwako: For now, keep it under wraps. Make sure that no one knows.

Kanako: And you can use this to your advantage, Riku. You can use this as an element of surprise. And with the shit going on with the Nagae, you can use this to shut the branch family for good.

Riku: Why didn't I think of that. That's a great idea. With the gathering just 2 months away.....then what about the other heads? I'm sure they'll be asking me nonstop about this.

Suwako: If that's the case, then I'll just send them a message that they'll keep it a secret until the gathering.

Riku: Please do. It'll be a pain in the head if they keep nagging on me if I don't comply to them.

Kanako: Well enough of that. And since you're here outside, how about a quick spar with us? And don't worry, we won't fight with magic or danmaku. Just pure physical ability. But you can use your magic though.

Me against Suwako-sama and Kanako-sama? I mean I don't mind but....fighting two goddesses at the same time can be a tall task even for me.

Suwako: Ho~ I like what you're thinking Kanako. I want to see how Riku-chan fight in close quarters too, so count me in~

Kanako: And don't worry about fighting us at the same time. We'll be taking turns on sparring with you.

I let out a sigh of relief when Kanako-sama told me that I would only fight them one at a time.

Riku: Alright then, let's do this. I mean we still have 2 hours before everyone wakes up.

Suwako: That means we get to have an hour each to beat you up~

Kanako: But who will go first?

Suwako: How about you go first~ I mean you were the one who suggested it~

Kanako: Okay then. Alright Riku, come at me!!

Kanako-sama cracks her knuckles as I ready my stance. I took a deep breath, and I close my distance to Kanako-sama...and strike. Kanako-sama just looked at me while grinning as she tanked the hit and she proceeded to counter my attack with an uppercut. Kanako-sama didn't hold back as I was sent flying just by that uppercut. I touched my jaw to see if it didn't break.

Riku(thoughts): This is gonna be rough, I can tell....

I slowly got up as I ready my stance. I observed Kanako-sama a little and I decided to use something that I've been practicing. Hopefully it won't hurt them that much. I inhaled a huge amount of air and flash stepped my way to Kanako-sama who was caught off-guard.

Kanako: What the-

Riku: Fish Sign: "Sailfish Spear Thrust"!!!

One sparring session later....

7:30 A.M.

After 2 hours of sparring with Suwako-sama and Kanako-sama, I collapsed on the ground, tired. My body hurts and I can't move a muscle. Suwako-sama is laying on the ground next me with a smile, while Kanako-sama is simply sitting on the ground. I can see a few bruises on them as well.

Suwako: We went...a little overboard...right?

Kanako: No will we explain this to Sanae?

Riku: Just tell her that we took our sparring a bit too far. I mean that works every time right?

Suwako: Well, I guess so. Let's get up then~ I don't wanna miss breakfa- ow! ow! ow! ow!

Suwako-sama tried to get up, but her body is still aching in pain as she laid down to the ground again.

Kanako: Oi Suwako! Are you okay?

Suwako: My body's sore.....I can't move~ I guess that Riku-chan's hits really hit hard~

Kanako: Eh? Riku's hits that hard? What do you mean- guh!

Kanako-sama tried to get up as she tries to come to Suwako-sama, but her legs suddenly gave out as she knelt down on the ground on all fours.

Kanako: W-What suddenly gave out....

Suwako: Riku-chan....what did you do to us?

Riku: Looks like the effects took a while to kick in.

Kanako: Riku....what did you do....

Riku: It's a new technique that I created. Instead of inflicting exterior damage to my opponents, it causes interior damage instead. When my spell made contact, my magic damages the nervous system directly, attempting to temporarily paralyze you. Because the magic power I utilized was so small, it took an hour to work...or maybe it's simply because the two of you are goddesses.

Suwako-sama and Kanako-sama looked at me in pure shock. Suwako-sama tried to crawl her way to me. As she reached me, she tired her best to get up as she put her hands on my shoulders.

Suwako: Riku-chan, listen to me. Whatever you do, do not use this technique on anyone unless it's necessary.

Kanako: Suwako's right. Such technique can be considered fatal if used wrongly. Be thankful that you use just a small amount of magic power. If you used a bit too much, it might paralyze someone permanently or even worse.

Kanako-sama's right.....if I have no control with this technique...I might kill someone by accident. That means I have a lot to work on the application of magic power. But I can use my new style to fight as is.

Riku: Alright, I won't use it. Guess I have to work on it even more.

Suwako: Like they say, practice makes perfect~ Oya~ I can move again~

Kanako: You're right. So this effect is temporary.

Kanako-sama and Suwako-sama manged to get up of the ground as they were stretching their bodies.

Riku: Well duh. I'm not a psychopath to permanently paralyze anyone.

Suwako: Well at least your mind is in the right place. Now let's head back inside. I can tell Sanae is already finished cooking.

I got up from the ground as I dusted myself and followed the two goddesses back to the shrine.

Moriya Shrine - Living Room

7:40 A.M.

3rd POV

As Riku and the two goddesses entered the shrine, they noticed some noises in the living area. They can assume that Aichi and the other girls are awake now. Riku slid the door open to greet them good morning, but both Rinko and Miyu responded with worry.

Riku: Good morning everyone.

Rinko: Good morning to you too Ri- Riku! What happened to you!?

Miyu: Your all bruised up!! Someone get the first aid kit!

Youmu: I'll go.

Suwako: The first aid kit is at room on the far left of here~

Youmu got up as she left the room to get the first aid kit. Eli walked her way to Riku as she lightly touched the bruise on his cheek.

Eli: What did you do to get this kinds of bruises?

Suwako: Well~ It's kinda our fault~

Kanako: We wanted to see how much Riku has progressed so I asked him to spar with us.

Riku: And we might've taken it a bit too far...

Suwako: Yeah~ Kanako really didn't hold back on Riku-chan too~

Aichi: So that's why it was a bit loud when I woke up.

Umi: Eh? We didn't even hear anything?

Aichi: We Celestials have enhanced senses that surpassed the normal human being ten-fold.

Youmu: I'm back with the first aid kit.

Youmu returned with the first aid kit. Rinko and Miyu wanted to volunteer, but Maki stood up and insisted that she would do it.

Maki: Let me help you with it.

Sayo: Nishikino-san?

Eli: Maki's family owns a hospital, so I think it's reasonable to leave Riku's treatment to her.

Rinko: Is that so, then I'll leave Riku to you, Nishikino-san.

Maki: Just call me Maki. Calling me by my family name is a bit too formal for me. Alright Riku-san, stay still.

Riku: Well, do your thing.

Maki just nodded as she took out the disinfectant and sprayed it on a clean cloth as she rubs it on Riku's cheek. Riku felt a little sting as Maki does that.

Maki: Stay still will you?

Riku: Sorry, it stung a little bit.

Maki: Well that's what you get for going overboard with your sparring. Now stay still.

Riku just followed what Maki said as she was treating his bruises. Maki was so close to Riku, she began to blush a bit. The girls were watching this and all of them were thinking basically the same thing.

Hanayo: Is it just me or...

Kotori: Maki-chan is blushing.....

Honoka: You noticed it, Kotori-chan?

Umi: Could it be....

Nico: There's no way right?

Nozomi: Maki-chan having a crush on Rikucchi? It could be a possibility.

Chisato: I mean she does look up to him as a fellow pianist.

Hina: To think that Riku-kun managed to snag Eli-chan and Maki-chan~ Riku-kun is such a boppin' player~

Sayo: Cut that out, Hina.

Aya: But if that's to be the case....and if word of this spreads out....

Eve: This will turn into a huge scandal.

Maya: Chisato-san's issue was one.....but this...

Nico: The media will be on our throats if words spreads out.

As the girls were talking, the door opened and it was Marisa and Reimu.

Marisa: We're back ze~ Is breakfast rea- Whoa what happened to you Riku?

Reimu: The hell did you get those?

Riku: Did some sparring with Suwako-sama and Kanako-sama....and we got a little bit overboard. And where were you two anyway?

Reimu: We were by the lake doing some clean-up. Took a while as there were some strays in the area.

Riku: Oh.....that clean-up.

Marisa: And Momiji took charge in the cleanup. Though she'll be missing breakfast as she'll head back to Megumu.

Suwako: I see. But still, thanks for cleaning up that area for us, Reimu~ I'll give you the payment later today~

Reimu: All in a days work.

Reimu said with a smile on her face, then the girls of Roselia and Pastel*Palettes remembered what Yuyuko said about Reimu.

Roselia/Pastel*Palettes(thoughts): So she only did that for the money...

As they were busy talking with Reimu, Maki finished treating the bruises on Riku's cheek. what Maki said next, caught the girls off-guard.

Maki: Now that your cheeks all done, take off your shirt.

Hearing Maki said that, the girls began to blush as they haven't seen Riku without a shirt, let alone his own fiance's.

Riku: You want me to take it off?

Maki: I can't treat your bruises if you don't take that off. Now hurry up. Sanae-san and Alice-san could be here any moment.

Riku only sighed as he took off his shirt. The moment he took of his shirt, all of the girls inside the room with the exception of Aichi, Reimu, Marisa, Youmu, Mafuyu, Kanako and Suwako were just paralyzed as their eyes were glued to Riku's shirtless body.

Riku's body was sculpted to perfection. Every muscle is defined and balanced, showcasing a dedication to fitness and discipline. His physique is a harmonious blend of strength and grace, with broad shoulders tapering into a narrow waist, and powerful limbs that move with both agility and precision that synchronizes to his fighting style.

And despite of his absurd lifestyle of being an active musician, fighting danmaku battles and responsibilities as a Nagae, he managed to achieve this body through well made planning and right exercises.

Maki who was just staring at Riku's body, recollected herself as she continued to treat his bruises with a deep red blush on her face.

Maki(thoughts): I should've thought of this sooner.....

As Maki was at her own thoughts as she was treating Riku, the other girls on the other hand, they were blushing deep red as they continue to stare at Riku. and some of them voiced their thoughts loudly.

Nozomi: Oh my~ Looks like Elicchi really made the right move~

Eli: N-Nozomi!!!

Umi: H-How shameless....

Eve: His body is like he was sculptured by the gods's like Susanoo-sama trained Riku-san himself.

Chisato: Onii-sama....

Maya: Aya-san! You're nose is bleeding!!

Hina: You too onee-chan!! You're nose is bleeding too!!

Hanayo: You too, Nico-chan!!!

The girls recollected themselves as they see Nico, Aya and Sayo were having a nosebleed. Hina and Maya took some tissues and tired to stop the bleeding as Hanayo and Rin did the same to Nico.

Lisa: To think that Rinko, Eli and Miyu-chan are engaged to this hunk of a man.....

Riku's three fiance's blushed even more from Lisa's comment. But they noticed that Reimu, Marisa weren't fazed by Riku's well toned body.

Rin: How come you two aren't dazed as us nya?

Marisa: We always see Riku's body whenever we get to spar with him of course.

Reimu: Up to the point that we get used to it. So it ain't that big of a deal. But either've made some improvements Riku.

Marisa: Yeah. I can see that you've got some new muscles in you.

Riku: I mean I have to go for the extra mile to keep up with you.

As Riku finished talking, Maki is already finished patching him up.

Maki: There, all done. You can take those off tonight.

Riku: I'll take note of that.

Riku picked up his shirt and wears it again. And right on time, Sanae and Alice arrived with breakfast.

Sanae: Breakfast is ready- Riku! What happened to you!? Who did this to you!?

Everyone in the room pointed their fingers to the two goddesses as Kanako and Suwako tired to plead their case.

Kanako: We just went overboard with our spar! I mean look! We got some bruises here as well!

Kanako showing her bruise on her arms.

Suwako: And besides, it's been so long since me and Kanako had a good fight~ So you gotta cut us some slack~

Sanae: Fine, I'll let this one slide. But promise me not to go overboard next time.

Kanako: We'll try.

Sanae: Close enough. So, who treated my otouto's bruises?

Maki: I did.

Sanae: Thank you very much for that, Maki-chan. Now get yourselves ready, me and Alice-san will be serving breakfast now.

To Sanae's words, she and Alice brought the food that they made. Sanae made the standard Japanese breakfast which includes miso soup, rice, fish and tamagoyaki. For Alice, she made the standard English breakfast that has bread, eggs, sausages, beans, bacon and cherry tomatoes.

Riku: You two really made a lot.

Sanae: You can't start the day with an empty stomach, so we made a lot.

Marisa: Looks good ze~

Riku: Your English breakfast seems to be missing something, Alice.

Alice: It can't be helped. There were no black pudding in the area, so I made what I can find here.

Suwako: You really outdid yourself this time, Sanae.

Kanako: Well let's not waste anytime, let's eat.

Everyone: Itadakimasu!!

They gave their thanks and breakfast is underway.


9:30 A.M.

After breakfast ended, Riku and the others too a short rest, then changed their clothes as they leave the Moriya shrine today. For Reimu, Marisa and Alice, the three left once they had their fill.

We go to the entrance of the Moriya shrine where Riku, Aichi and the girls are at saying their goodbyes to Sanae and the goddesses.

Sanae: Well, this is goodbye then. But do visit us okay? Onee-chan will be sad if you don't visit us from time to time.

Riku: Don't worry, I'll visit here when I have the time or if I just want to hang out.

Suwako: Well if you're going to do that, then bring Kokoro-chan with you~

Riku: Sure. I'm sure Kokoro would love to see you again.

Kanako: And before you leave. Riku, Aichi, come here for a moment.

Riku and Aichi looked at each other and walked towards Kanako.

Aichi: Do you need something from us, Kanako-sama?

Kanako: Give me your left hands. Trust me on this.

Riku and Aichi hold out their left hands as Kanako held them and their hands started to glow in a light violet glow. As the light dimmed out, what appeared from the top of their hand is a magic circle of the Moriya.

Riku: What is this?

Suwako: What Kanako gave you two is a teleportation circle~ If you want to come here without the need of using the train all the time and climbing your way up on the mountain, then you can use that to come here without any hassle~ And the good thing is, that circle can be used multiple times~

Kanako: But the downside for it as of now is that you need to set up a checkpoint where you can teleport form where you are to here. And you can only use it 3 times a day.

Aichi: This is quite useful.

Sanae: We're trying to make most out of what we can utilize on our everyday life with magic, and this is one of the first steps.

Riku: I see. Then I'll set a checkpoint at the estate once I get back home.

Suwako: Well, we don't want to keep you here too long. You kids better get going~ Kanako, you do it~

Kanako just nodded as she snapped her finger as a magic circle appeared below Riku, Youmu, Tina, Mafuyu and the band girls, and another magic circle appeared below Aichi and the school idols.

Kanako: This teleportation is on us, so you don't need to use yours. Just picture the place where you want to go and it'll teleport you there.

Aichi and Riku started picturing where they wanted to go. Aichi chose the Hinanawi mansion in Tokyo, while Riku chose the Nagae estate. The magic circles beneath them began to light as the teleportation spell was activated.

Sanae: Riku! Take care of yourself, okay?

Riku: I will. And if you finish assembling the gunpla I gave you, send me a picture.

Sanae gave Riku a thumbs up while sticking out her tongue. And at that moment, Riku, Aichi and the girls teleported away to their designated places.

Nagae Estate

9:45 A.M.

The teleportation spell worked, now Riku and the girls are at the entrance of the Nagae Estate.

Riku: Is everyone okay?

Sayo: We're good...just a little dizzy.....

Riku: That's how it feels for first timers to experience teleportation. You'll get used to it once you teleport more frequently.

As Riku said that, his phone rang and it was a message from Aichi. The message says that he and the rest of μ's arrived safely to his home.

Lisa: Yukina, are you okay?

Yukina: I'm fine, Lisa...what I'm more worried about is Rinko.

Lisa looked at Rinko's direction and she was on the floor, with Miyu and Ako looking out for her.

Aya: But still, this is the first time we get to experience teleportation was exciting to say the least.

Chisato: Onii-sama, how about you set up the checkpoint like Suwako-sama and Kanako-sama told you.

Riku nodded as he placed his left hand on the floor. The magic circle on his left hand disappeared as it was transferred to the floor where Riku is touching, the magic circle expanded a bit and after a few seconds, it faded away.

Riku: There, now I can go to the Moriya shrine whenever I want.

As Riku got up, the door of the estate opened and they were greeted by Kazehana, Sakurako and Nazuna.

Kazehana: Welcome back, Riku-sama, Mafuyu-sama, Rinko-sama, Miyu-sama, Tina-sama.

Sakurako: And it looks like you brought your friends along with you.

Riku: Well, we teleported from the Moriya shrine to here. So yeah.

Nazuna: Should we prepare the-

Yukina: No need to do it. We have some plans for the day.

Kazehana: Speaking of plans, Udongein-sama came here just a few minutes ago.

Riku: Udongein? What did she come here for?

Kazehana: She said that "The patient is gaining consciousness in a few hours, come by the villa as soon as possible."

Riku: I see. Kazehana, make sure that they girls enjoy themselves here. And see to it that the girls are brought to their homes safely once they want to go home.

Kazehana: Understood.

Eve: What did Udongein-san mean by the patient, Riku-san?

Riku: Well, a few days ago, we felt an enormous surge of magical energy originating from Nagano. So Aichi and I decided to explore the location, and when we arrived, we encountered a woman who was heavily bleeding and need medical attention. We saved her, and she has been under Eirin-san's care ever since.

Maya: What does she look like?

Riku: Here, see for yourself.

Riku took out his phone and showed them the picture of the girl. The girls were mesmerized to how beautiful the woman is, but they noticed the cat ears and tail and asked me if it was real.

Ako: Riku-nii, are those ears and tails real?

Riku: Yup. What me and Aichi rescued was a nekomata.

By hearing the name "nekomata", Riku noticed Yukina starting to blush, but Lisa went ahead and lightly smacked her in the head.

Yukina: What did you do that for?

Lisa: No reason. And I'll say... she has one hell of a body. Really getting lucky in picking up the girls eh Riku?~

Sayo and Yukina hit Lisa at the back of her head from her comments on Kuroka.

Lisa: What did you that for?!

Yukina/Sayo: No reason.....we just felt like it....

Rinko: So you'll be using your car to get there?

Riku: Not this time. The villa where Eirin-san is staying right now is just a 30 minute walk from here.

Lisa: It's that near?

Riku: I mean, Kaguya's home is barely 15 minutes from the estate. And the reason their tiny holiday homes are so close to the Celestial Families' larger homes is so that we can respond swiftly if they require assistance. I mean, Yuyuko-san owns a small villa nearby that is about 15 minutes away.

Sayo: I see...

Riku: Anyway, Kazehana. Call Aizawa to prepare that.

Kazehana: Understood, Riku-sama.

Kazehana left to call Aizawa to ready that.

Eve: Riku-san, what do you mean by prepare "that"?

Riku: Right, you haven't seen it yet. Just wait for a few minutes and Aizawa will bring it here.

And as we waited, Aizawa arrived with the Universe Ring, and the girls especially Maya were surprised by the Universe Ring's design.

Riku: Thank you for bringing this here Aizawa.

Aizawa: Just doing my job. And I gotta say, that thing is a masterpiece.

Aizawa bowed and left the scene as Riku presented the girls what Aichi gave me.

Riku: I present to you, the Universe Ring. One of Tenshi's greatest creations.

Lisa: Wait a minute, you mean Tenshi made that?

Hina: That looks so boppin' cool!! Riku-kun! Can I ride it?

Sayo: Hina!

Riku: I want to, but I can't. The Universe Ring is already registered to me, so that means only I can drive it.

Hina pouted in disappointment and he notice Maya that her eyes were sparkling and he notice that drool was coming out her mouth.

Maya: To think that I would see a wonderful piece of machinery in front of my very eyes....the user interface used is very advanced, and despite that this is a one-wheeled motorcycle, you can see right through the wheel. The framework is built to perfection and the leather for the seat used is from the highest quality....amazing...uhehehehehehe~

The girls stepped back a bit as Maya was nerding out from the Universe Ring. Chisato smacked her in the head to return her to reality. As she realized what she did, she bowed to me several times as she apologized. Riku told her to pay no mind as it's alright for her to do it.

Riku: Well, that was interesting and all, but I gotta go. Enjoy your stay here.

Yukina: We will.

Rinko: Stay safe Riku.

Riku: I will.

Riku started the engine as he wore his helmet. He looked at the girls one more time, then he took off as Riku heads to the villa.

45 minutes later

Yagokoro Villa

10:30 A.M.

Riku POV

I left the estate in 15 minutes and took me exactly 30 minutes to reach the villa. As I got off the Universe Ring, I returned it to it's standby form in a form of a ring.

Once I got to the door, the door opened and it was Udongein. This time, she's wearing a beige white shirt with a red tie with a carrot emblem on her left breast pocket and she's wearing a light purple skirt.

Udongein: Riku, you've come just in time. So it's just you?

Riku: The girls have some plans of their own, so I'll be more than enough. So, is Kuroka awake now?

Udongein: Not yet. But sensei told me that she'll be waking any moment now. The rabbits are making rounds and they'll inform us if the patient has made any movements. Now come inside, sensei is waiting for you.

Riku nodded as he entered the villa, once they've reached the living room, they saw Eirin sitting on the couch while she was drinking tea.

Eirin: Riku, you've come. Have a seat.

Riku accepted Eirin's offer and took a seat opposite of her.

Riku: So, how is she?

Eirin: Her body seems to be fine now. The estimated time that I predicted her to wake up should be tomorrow, but her physique made her recovery much faster than normal.

Riku: I see. Then we'll be expecting her to wake up any moment?

Eirin: Yes.

Riku: So once she wakes up, will you set up a holo-meeting with the other heads?

Eirin: It's one of the options that I could think of. And it's better for the other heads to hear this rather than to see it in the report papers.

Riku: Point taken.

As we continue to discuss on what to do with Kuroka, one of the rabbits ran her way here.

Moon Rabbit: Eirin-sama! The patient has woken up!

Me and Eirin-san looked at each other, then nodded as Eirin-san ordered the rabbit.

Eirin: Very well, make sure that she's all attended to as we make our way there.

Moon Rabbit: Hai, Eirin-sama!!

The rabbit left as me and Eirin got up from our seats.

Eirin: Looks like we're getting our answers today.

Riku: Very much likely. Let's go.

Meanwhile with Kuroka

Kuroka POV

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling. I blinked many times to ensure it wasn't an illusion. I got out of bed and noticed sunlight coming through the window. I looked around, and it appears that I am in some sort of hospital room. I stretched my arms since the sleep I had was one of the greatest I'd had in years. And I saw I'm wearing a hospital gown instead of my kimono.

As I was stretching, the door opened, revealing a small rabbit girl with dark red hair dressed in a light red one-piece outfit, her ears drooping down and a fluffy bunny tail on her back. And she's holding a platter of food meant for me.

Moon Rabbit: Oh, you're awake now. If possible, can you please return to the bed? Eirin-sama and Riku-sama will be here any moment.

I raised an Eyebrow to wonder who that Eirin person is and at the same time, Riku is also here. I just agreed to the rabbit as I return to my bed.

Kuroka: Alright. I just did a bit of stretching. Been a while since I had this kind of rest.

Moon Rabbit: I see. Then I'll leave this for you. We've been told that you've had eaten little to no food for a long time, so eat this to get your strength back.

The rabbit placed the tray on the table beside my bed as she bowed out and left the room.

I looked at the food that was given to me and it had 2 slices of bread, 3 strips of bacon, 2 eggs, a vegetable salad and 2 pieces of tuna.

I smiled at the meal that was served to me as I took the tray and began eating. After a few minutes of eating, I returned the tray to the table, satisfied for the first time in a long while. And just on time, the door opened, revealing an adult woman with long silver hair dressed in a red and blue dress with a constellation pattern, a nurse cap, and a doctor's coat. And behind her is a girl with long violet hair and red eyes, dressed in a beige white shirt with a red tie and a carrot insignia on her left breast pocket, and wearing a light purple skirt. And behind her was Riku, who had saved me along with his companion Aichi.

Eirin: I'm glad that you're awake now. Looks like the medicine that was administered to you after the surgery worked.

My eyes widened in surprise as I found out that I had to get surgery.

Kuroka: Surgery? I had to get operated nya?

Eirin: Yes. You have multiple bone fractures and some of the bones punctured your organs. If Riku didn't save you earlier, you would've been in a worse situation.

I shuddered as I remembered what one of the devils said to me. I was fortunate enough to have Riku and his friend save me at the nick of time.

Kuroka: could've been name is Kuroka by the way....Tojou Kuroka.

I saw Riku flinched a bit as I told them my family name, but I decided to ignore it as there are more important matters to handle.

Eirin: And I'm Yagokoro Eirin. Matriarch of the Yagokoro family, and one of the members of the Celestial Families.

Udongein: I'm Inaba Udongein Reisen. I'm a moon rabbit that is under Eirin-sensei's tutelage. You can call me Udongein if you want.

Wait, moon rabbit? What is a moon rabbit?

Riku: I know that you already know me, but I'll reintroduce myself just in case. I'm Nagae Riku, heir to the Nagae family, a fellow member of the Celestial Families.

Kuroka: Hm....I want to ask, what are the Celestial Families?

Riku and Eirin looked at each other as I asked them something that caught them off-guard.

Eirin: You don't know who the Celestial Families are?

I shook my head in confirmation as Riku began to explain.

Riku: I see. To put it simply, the Celestial Families are one of the oldest families to have existed from the early years of Japan. We serve as retainers to the country's royal family, and our authority exceeds that of the current government. So, whatever law the government wishes to uphold must pass via us before being presented to the Emperor for approval.

To think that Riku has that much power and influence around Japan...if they want, they could control this country as if it's their plaything.

Eirin: But there is a secret to the Celestial Families. The members of the Celestial Families are youkai.

Kuroka: Eh? Then that means-

Riku: Yup, I'm a youkai...well, half-youkai to be precise as I'm half-human as well.

My mouth went wide open from hearing what Riku and Eirin said. Riku is a youkai? Why didn't I noticed it?

Kuroka: Does everyone in Japan know that you're youkai?

Riku: Not everyone. Only the royal family and several government officials and very influential people around the world knows. But we don't have to worry in getting our secrets leaked as they are sworn to secrecy.

Eirin: And the reason why we're able to roam the country freely is that we swore to the throne that we have to protect this land by any means necessary. And it's been going well for us.

Kuroka: I gotta ask, what species of youkai are you, Riku?

Riku: I'm an oarfish youkai. Aichi, who you met several days ago is a Celestial. Celestials are basically humans who have ascended into godhood. Though not achieving god status literally, they have a bit of divinity.

Kuroka: Ho....then what about Eirin?

Eirin: I'm what you call a Lunarian. We're basically people who live on the moon.

Udongein: And I'm a moon rabbit. Our primary role is to be soldiers for the Lunarian army.

Riku: And it's not just youkai who are living freely in this world. there are espers, magicians, gods living among us as well. I mean, one of the members of the Celestial Families is a god.

One of them is a god? This is too much information for me to handle. To think that they're able to live freely despite them being youkai. As I was in my own thoughts, Eirin makes her way to me as she placed a crystal on the table beside my bed. She lightly tapped the crystal, and it started to glow.

Eirin: This is a recording crystal. Everything that is discussed here will be recorded in this crystal. As of now, this crystal is connected to the other Celestial Family heads as they're also hearing this conversation.

Ah....I see where she's going...

Riku: We know it's a bit too much for you, but we would like to ask some questions from you.

Kuroka: I know. you saved me from those devils so I know that you'll be asking me some questions. So, what do you wanna ask me first?

Riku: Well, the first thing comes to mind is...what are you? And why are those devils after you?

Kuroka: This will take a long while. Do you think that you'll be able to stay for a long while?

Riku: My schedule is free for the rest of the day.

Eirin: The hospital can run without me around for today.

After hearing Riku and Eirin's reason, I sighed as I began to tell them my story and the story of my world.

Kuroka:'s how it goes.

One long ass story telling later...…

2:00 P.M.

3rd POV

After Kuroka finished telling her story, Riku, Udongein, Eirin and the family heads who were listening to the conversation were just dead silent as they take in everything that Kuroka told them.

They didn't expect Kuroka to come from a world comparable to their own. Supernatural beings existed in their realm, which is governed by the Three Biblical Factions. And when they learned about the great war between the three groups, they wondered if they could prepare any countermeasures in case they came here. And the fact that the God of the Bible had died was not taken lightly.

The Sacred Gears were the source of great concern among the Celestial Families. If someone has one outside of Kuroka's world, it will be a tremendous problem because it will upset the world's balance significantly. Exposing the supernatural side of the world in a negative light. However, Kuroka notified Riku and the others that their chances of obtaining a Sacred Gear were slim to none.

When Kuroka mentioned the Underworld Civil War, the Evil Pieces, and how society in the underworld works, some of the family heads became enraged. The Celestial Families strongly reject forcing any mortal they encounter to become their servants in a corrupt world where the majority of devils are racist and supremacist.

After telling them about the war and the evil pieces, Kuroka told them her origins. She descended from a very rare variation of Nekomata known as Nekoshou. Nekoshou are far more strong than the usual nekomata due to their superior senjutsu and yojutsu abilities, which caught the interest of some of the family heads.

Eirin asked Kuroka how she ended herself up here, and she explained everything from the start. She and her sister have been taken by a high-class devil from the Naberius clan. Kuroka accepted the Naberius devil's offer to serve as his bishop in exchange for the safety of herself and her sister. Everything was going well for Kuroka and her sister, until Kuroka discovered the truth.

The truth she discovered was that the Naberius were performing numerous experiments to create super devils, which revolted Riku, Eirin, and the other family heads. Kuroka tried to ignore what she witnessed because she couldn't do anything as a servant. But when she learned that her master intended to use her sister as an experiment, she snapped. In a moment of wrath, she killed her master in cold blood, turning her into a stray devil and abandoning her younger sister. She was later accused of murdering her master when her power became uncontrollable, as well as conducting living experiments that her master actually carried out.

For several years, she has been on the run. She was moving around and had no place to call home. The family heads and Riku expressed sympathy for the nekomata devil. But Kuroka didn't just flee for her life; she started gathering evidence. Evidence that established her innocence and that her master was responsible for all of the experiments. When she had gathered all evidence and was about to return, she was attacked by numerous devils. Kuroka killed several of them until only four remained. Kuroka's magical reserves were at their lowest at the time, and when cornered, she revealed that she had discovered a small rainbow stone. When she touched the stone, she and the other devils were transported to Riku's world, and the rest is history.

Kuroka: So yeah....that's how I got here. Now you know my story, what're you gonna do with me?

Kuroka concluded her story, her cat ears drooped and her tails stopped wagging. Riku, Eirin, and Udongein, who were in the room with her, were simply looking down in silence. After a few minutes of silence, Riku rose from his chair and approached Kuroka. Kuroka looked up to see Riku, and she wasn't expecting him to take her arm and hug her, surprising Eirin and Udongein.

Kuroka: R-Riku?

Riku: You've lived a harsh life.....but you don't have to worry about that're safe now.

Riku told that in a warm tone as he was rubbing her back. Kuroka was trying to hold back her tears as this was the first time she's been treated like this.

Eirin: It's alright. Let it all out.

Eirin joined in as she put her hand on top of Kuroka's head. And at that moment, Kuroka cried. For the first time in her life, aside from losing her mother. Kuroka cried as loud as she can. Over the other side of the call, some of the Celestial Family heads were just listening to Kuroka's cries.

After a few minutes of crying, Kuroka finally calmed down and Riku broke the hug. Kuroka looked at Riku while her eyes were a bit red from the crying she did.

Kuroka: Thanks.....I really needed that.

Riku: Everyone needs a hug. Sometimes, a hug can solve problems.....well...some problems.

Eirin: Nobody deserves to live the life you have. You deserve better. And I believe I can speak for the other heads. Tojou Kuroka, as the matriarch of the Yagokoro Family, I hereby give you permission to reside freely in this land. You're free to travel as long as you don't cause us any trouble or perform magic in public.

Kuroka: Y-You mean it?

Riku: We do. And if you need any help, just ask. As fellow youkai, it's only fair to help each other out.

Kuroka closed her eyes as she was crying happily as some people were willing to help her. But one question still lingers her mind.

Kuroka: I wanna ask....if possible, can I go back to my own world?

Riku and Eirin looked at each other and both of them nodded.

Riku: There is a way....but the person you're looking for is out of the country at the moment.

Kuroka: Oh....thanks for answering my question, where am I gonna live?

Riku; How about you live in the Nagae Estate?

Kuroka: Nya?

Eirin: Eh?

Udongein: Ha?

The three girls looked at Riku dumbfounded as he offered Kuroka to live in the Nagae Estate.

Kuroka: You want me to live at your place?

Eirin: Actually, it might be a good idea.

Udongein: Sensei's right. The Nagae Estate is the safest places in the Tokyo prefecture aside from the Hakugyokurou. But the question is, will your fiance's will be okay with this?

Kuroka: Fiance's? Plural?

Eirin: Yes. Riku is currently engaged to three girls.

Kuroka lets out a sly smile as she heard that Riku is in a relationship with three girls at the same time.

Kuroka: Oh my~ Looks like I've been rescued by a playboy~ Since you saved me and all, are you gonna add me to your harem collection~?

Kuroka teased Riku as the boy just facepalmed and realized the Kuroka was a teaser type like Lisa and Hina.

Riku: Get your mind out of the gutter you horny cat.

Kuroka: Nyahahahaha! I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But still, offering me to live at your place? Are you sure?

Riku: I do. With you around, the estate will be a little less boring.

Kuroka: I see...then I'll take you up on that offer.

As Kuroka accepted Riku's offer for her to live in the estate, one of the rabbits arrived in the room carrying a white box.

Moon Rabbit: Eirin-sama! A package has arrived from Alice-sama!!

Eirin: Oh, it arrived on time. Thank you for delivering this.

The rabbit nodded as she left the room. Eirin turned to Kuroka as she passed on the box to her.

Kuroka: Eh? You're giving this to me nya~?

Eirin: Open it and see what's inside.

Kuroka opened the box and was surprised to find her black kimono. Her kimono was ripped to shreds the last time she saw it, the result of years of repeated attacks. But today her kimono is in pristine shape, as if it has never been worn.

Kuroka: My kimono.....

Eirin: Before your surgery began, I called someone who can repair your kimono. And by the looks of it, it's been repaired to perfection.

Kuroka grabbed the kimono as she hugged it tightly.

Kuroka: Thank you...this kimono is the last thing that reminds me of my mom.....

Riku: I see. Then it's a good thing to get that fixed rather than getting you a new one. I'll be waiting outside as you change your clothes. Once you get changed, I'll show you around the-

Before Riku finished, his phone rang and it was from Shiho. Apparently, her sister and her group wants to have a talk with Riku at CiRCLE. Riku returned the phone to his pocket as he looked at Kuroka and the others.

Riku: I'll be heading out. I've got a sudden appointment today.

Eirin: I see. You can go ahead then.

Riku: Alright. And before I leave, here.

Riku passed a small card to Kuroka and the nekomata asked what he gave to her.

Kuroka: What is this?

Riku: My business card. If you want to find me, you can find me at that place. I gotta go now, I can tell that they're already waiting.

Riku left as Kuroka was staring at the card that Riku gave her.

Kuroka: Live House.....CiRCLE? What is that?

Eirin: You'll find out when you get there. And the reason why he gave you that is because he's also the owner of the place.

Kuroka: I see.....well, I'm gonna change now.

Eirin: Let Udongein help you with that. You still can't move that much with your injuries healing. As for me, I'm gonna head to the hospital. I have some appointments to attend. Udongein, help her as much as you can.

Udongein saluted to Eirin as she left the room and make her way to the hospital. Kuroka passed her Kimono to Udongein while she gave a teasing wink at her.

Kuroka: Well, I'll leave it to you, Usagi-chan~

Udongein: U-Usagi-chan?!

Several minutes later....

Live House CiRCLE

3:15 P.M.

Riku POV

After leaving the villa, I summoned the Universe Ring as I ride my way to the live house. And as I reached CiRCLE, the girls of Leo/need and MORE MORE JUMP are already inside the lounge.

Ichika: You've made it, owner-san!

Riku: I came as fast as I could. So, what does Shizuku and the others want from me?

Shizuku stood up as she spoke on behalf of her group.

Shizuku: Riku-kun, the reason we came here is to ask you for something.

Riku: I think we have to discuss this in my office. Ichika, you and the rest take care of things here.

Leo/need: Hai!

Shizuku and the others followed me to my office. As we got inside, I head to my desk and the girls took a seat on the couch.

Riku: Well now that we're here, go on....

Shizuku: Riku-san, do you know about Love Live?

I raised a brow when Shizuku mentioned Love Live.

Riku: I do. I also know the rules of Love Live thanks to Aichi.

Shizuku: I see. Then this will make things easy. R-

And right before Shizuku was about to say the request, Haruka stopped her.

Shizuku: H-Haruka?

Haruka: If it's okay with you Shizuku, can I tell him this?

Shizuku: If that's what you want.

Shizuku stepped back as Haruka takes charge.

Haruka: Riku-san, our request is that can we MORE MORE JUMP perform here at CiRCLE for the Love Live Qualifiers?

Riku: This is about the rules that the Love Live Committee created, right?

Airi: Yes, The rules stated that our performance must be performed in a place that we haven't performed yet.

Minori: And so far, MORE MORE JUMP has performed in most places in the Tokyo area....

Shizuku: But not here in CiRCLE...

Haruka: What do you think, Riku-san?

Riku: When will the qualifiers start?

The idols jumped a bit to my sudden question. But Haruka answered my question nonetheless.

Haruka: The qualifiers starts at the 20th of July. And we have to perform it before midnight strikes. Why did you ask that?

Riku: I'm thinking of something. Hold that thought.

I told that to Haruka as I took my phone and called Marina.

Riku: Marina, it's me.

Marina: Oh, boss. How can I help you today?

Riku: I want to ask, when will the next live event start?

Marina: The bands decided that it'll be held at the 20th next month. Why?

This can't be a coincidence. The Love Live qualifiers and CiRCLE's next live event will held at the same day.....and that is 5 days after the Sunset Stage that I'm supposed to host via Shinobu's request. I don't know if it'll work....but let's see if it does.

Riku: Marina, tell the bands that you picked to come to CiRCLE at Monday next week. I have something to discuss with them.

Marina: I can do that. Do you have a set time for them to come? Some of them live far away from Tokyo.

Riku: Then we'll set the meeting at 5 in the afternoon.

Marina: Got it. I'll relay them the message.

Riku: Good. I'll be expecting them next week.

I hung up the call with Marina and called Aichi this time.

Riku: Yo, Aichi.

Aichi: Riku. Why did you call me this time? I was busy writing a song with Umi and Maki.

Riku: Sorry if I bothered you but, if it's alright with you, can you and the girls come to CiRCLE on Monday next week?

Aichi: Hold on, I'll ask the girls if they can go.

I waited for a few minutes as Aichi asked Honoka and the girls if they want to come.

Aichi: I asked them. And they said yes.

Riku: Good. Then I'll be expecting you here on Monday.

I ended the call as I turned my attention to MORE MORE JUMP.

Riku: I like the idea, but let me give it some thought. Come back here on Monday, and you'll have your answer.

Minori: Thank you very much for the consideration, Riku-san!

Minori bowed in a 90° bow as she thanked me.

Riku: It's nothing much. I mean, since you four will be performing, then Miku and the others will be joining as well, and that'll be 2 birds in one stone.

Shizuku: Right, Shiho did say that your mother was the one who made Miku and the other virtual singers.

Airi: Well, we got what we came here for. It's time for us to go, we still have practice to finish.

Haruka: Indeed. So we'll be back on Monday for your answer. Thank you for taking your time with us, Riku-san.

Riku: No worries, just be careful on your way back okay?

The girls nodded as they exited the office. As they left, I checked my other mails and saw an email from Johan saying that OG defeated Team Secret 2-0. Something I expect to happen following their loss against Tundra. I reviewed the standings, and Western Europe's rankings are....

1st - Tundra - 3-0

2nd - OG - 2-1

3rd - Team Liquid - 2-1

4th - Entity - 2-1

5th - Team Secret - 1-2

6th - Gaimin Gladiators - 1-2

7th - Alliance - 0-3

8th - Goonsquad - 0-3

So it's a three way tie for second place, while Tundra takes first. The next 2 series will be the decider for OG to get their ticket to Arlington in August. And as I tried to check the rankings of the other regions, the door opened and it was Kasumi.

Kasumi: Senpai, we're here!

Riku: Kasumi, you're here. How's your performance yesterday?

Kasumi: We did great!! We received a lot of praise from the fans last night!

Riku: I'm glad you're enjoying playing. So, what brings you here?

Kasumi: Well...someone is here to see you.

Kasumi took a step aside from the door, the door opens and it was Kuroka along with Saaya and Arisa.

Riku: Kuroka! What are you doing here?

Kuroka: I came here to see you nya~

Saaya: You know her, Riku-kun?

Riku: I do. But how did you meet her in the first place?

Kasumi: Well...

One transition later...…..


2:50 P.M.

Kasumi POV

A day after our performance outside of Tokyo, me, Arisa, and Saaya were headed to CiRCLE today to tell senpai about everything that had happened. O-Tae and Rimirin are unable to attend due to other plans today, leaving just the three of us.

While wandering, we noticed an attractive girl with black hair and golden cat-like eyes dressed in a loose black kimono. Arisa and Saaya were simply staring at her. When she realized what was going on, she moved towards us.

???: Can I ask you for something? It won't take long.

Kasumi: Uh sure.

Arisa: Oi, Kasumi! Why are you talking to strangers?

Kasumi: I mean she looked like she needed some help. So, is there something you need our help with?

???: Do you know where Live House CiRCLE is?

Me, Arisa and Saaya looked at the beautiful lady as she was asking the place where we were planning to go as well.

Kasumi: You're going to CiRCLE? That's where we're going as well!

???: Really? If it's okay, can I come with you?

Saaya: Sure, why not? But, why are you going there anyway?

???: Well, I'm going there to find someone.

Kasumi: I see. Oh right, I'm Toyama Kasumi!

Arisa: Ichigaya Arisa. A pleasure.

Saaya: And I'm Yamabuki Saaya. Please to meet you....umm....

Kuroka: Kuroka. Tojou Kuroka.

Kasumi: Well Kuroka-san, you can just follow us. CiRCLE is not far from here.

With Kuroka-san joining us, we continued our way to CiRCLE. As we got there, Ichika-chan and Saki-chan are at the front desk.

Kasumi: Ichika-chan, Saki-chan!! Konnichiwa!!

Ichika: Good afternoon, Kasumi-san. Who is the lady behind you.

Kasumi: Oh, this is Kuroka-san. She said that she came here to look for someone.

Saki: If you're looking for someone, then you can ask owner-san. He's at his office.

Arisa: Thanks for telling us.

And before we even left Ichika-chan and Saki-chan, four beautiful girls were walking in the hallway to where senpai's office is.

Ichika: Shizuku-senpai. I take that you're done meeting with owner-san?

Shizuku: Yes. But he needed some time to think, and we should return here on Monday. Where's my sister?

Ichika: Shiho is outside with Honami.

Shizuku: I see, then we won't bother you with your work.

The four girls left as Arisa asked Ichika-chan who they were.

Arisa: Hoshino-san, who were those four?

Ichika: Those four were from the same school as us in Miyamasuzuka. Reason why they were here is that they have something to talk with owner-san.

Saaya: I see. Well, let's not waste any time.

We nodded as we made our way to senpai's office. While we were walking down the hall, we noticed that Kuroka-san was looking at the TI banners on the ceiling.

Kasumi: Is something wrong, Kuroka-san?

Kuroka: I was just wondering, what do you do in this place?

Arisa: Eh? You don't know what a live house is?

Kuroka: Nope. Didn't have the time to bother cause I was too busy with other things.

Saaya: Well a live house is a place where you perform with your instruments in front of a crowd.

Kuroka: So you three are in a band or something?

Kasumi: Yup! Us three are in the same band! Well, there is five of us in the band, but the other two have other plans today.

Kuroka: I see, I can't wait to see you girls perform.

Kasumi: Don't worry Kuroka-san, you will not be disappointed. I'll make sure that our songs will make your heart go kira-kira doki-doki!

Kuroka: Huh?

Arisa: Don't mind her. It's just her normal way of saying that our songs will make you speechless. Well, we're here.

We arrived at senpai's office. And without hesitation, I opened the door and we see senpai at his desk.

Now back to the present...

Riku POV

Kasumi: And that's how it happened.

Riku: I see. Then I thank you girls for bringing Kuroka here. She's kinda new to the area, so she might get lost.

Arisa: So you do know her.

Riku: Well, the way we met each other is....not the thing that you would expect.

Saaya: What do you mean?

Kuroka: You see, I was being hunted by some people...very bad people, and those people wanted me dead. I was exhausted, cornered and nowhere to run, until Riku and his friend Aichi arrived and saved me.

Kasumi's eyes were sparkling as she looked at me in admiration.

Kasumi: That's so cool senpai!!

Arisa: What happened to the people chasing her?

Riku: Well.....let's say that they'll never bother her ever again....

Saaya: mean that you-

Riku: I did.....

Kasumi, Arisa and Saaya's faces became pale when I told them that I killed someone in cold blood. Kasumi couldn't believe it what she heard as she asked me if I killed with no hesitation.

Kasumi: Senpai....did you really kill someone?

Riku: I it was the order from the Celestial Families. You remember that time when Suwako-sama came to our school right?

The three members of PoPiPa nodded as I continue to explain.

Riku: I was in Nagano at the time, with Aichi. Then we sensed a powerful wave of magic coming from the distance. That is when we decide to investigate. Then we received a call from Reimu, who instructed us to subjugate any hostiles in the area and question them. But if they demonstrate murderous intent, we are permitted to execute them...and, to our surprise, killing them was the right choice.

Arisa: But why would you kill them in cold blood?! You said that you and the Celestial Families swore to protect humans!

Riku: Did I ever say that they're human?

Kasumi: Eh? What do you mean by that senpai?

Riku: Kuroka, you can show them that. They already know the supernatural side.

Kuroka: Nya? Then why didn't you say so?

Kuroka snapped her fingers as her cat ears appeared on her head along with her twin cat tails, surprising Kasumi and the others.

Arisa: Y-Y-Y-You're a youkai?!

Kuroka: Bingo~ I'm a youkai like Riku as well~ And I'm a nekomata~

Kuroka was doing a cat pose while giving a wink at the girls.

Kasumi: A nekomata?

Kuroka: Don't believe me yet? How about I do this then?

Kuroka snapped her fingers again as she transformed into a small black cat as she leapt towards Kasumi's shoulders.

Kuroka: Will this be enough to convince you?

Kasumi: Wow! You can talk while in your cat form as well?!

Kasumi was amazed at how Kuroka was talking despite transforming into a cat, but she decided to answer her question.

Kuroka: Well, at first all I can do was meow all the time in the first 8 months. But with proper training, I can talk to you guys while I'm like this.

Arisa: I-Is that so....but enough of that. Riku-san said that the people that were after you weren't human, what are they anyway?

Riku: From what Kuroka told me, the people that were hunting Kuroka were devils.

Saaya: Devils? You mean those with black bat wings with pitchforks?

Kuroka: Nyahahaha! Good one there Saaya-chan. Well you got the first one right, but the pitchforks don't count. Instead of that, they boast magical talent and their bloodline included. A part of the reason why I'm hunted is because I'm a rare species of nekomata called Nekoshou.

Saaya: Nekoshou?

Kuroka: Nekoshou are much more powerful than the normal nekomata as they're more proficient in magic, senjutsu and yojutsu.

Arisa: So they were hunting to treat you as a collection?!

Riku: Not just that. Before me and Aichi get to rescue Kuroka, I overheard them that they were planning to rape her so they can reproduce devil nekoshou hybrids.

Kuroka: And to top it off, female nekoshou has a higher chance of getting pregnant regardless of race, as long as the male is stronger than the female that is.

Kasumi, Arisa and Saaya covered their mouths with their hands as if they want to throw up. Kuroka leapt off of Kasumi as she returned to her usual self as she casted a healing spell on the three girls.

Kuroka: Are you girls alright now?

Arisa: Yeah....I think I understand why you killed them...

Saaya: To think that they would think of such a thing....

Kuroka: That's just what devils are....but not all devils are like that. I know that the current leader of the devils are much more....laid-back than you think.

Riku: Oya? what makes you say that?

Kuroka told us in the most deadpanned expression she can make on how laid-back the leaders of the devils are.

Kuroka: Two of them are siscons, one is a lazy bum and the other one is a mad scientist who doesn't leave his room.

Riku/Kasumi/Arisa/Saaya: Ah.....

Kuroka: Yup....

Riku: I wonder how they deal those political bullshit with personalities like that.

Kuroka: They may be like that, but when it comes to their duty, they know what they're doing.

Riku: Well if you have trust in those four, then I'll let it be. But enough of that, Kasumi, how about you tell me about your performance yesterday?

Kasumi: Absolutely!! Here's how it went!!

Several hours later....

Nagae Estate

6:00 P.M.

After Kasumi told me about their experience performing in another live house yesterday, they decided to return home. What surprised me most was that she and Poppin'Party performed at Live House RING. To think they went to one of the live houses that will also host TI11's group stage. Kuroka showed an interest in my musical career after they left, and I told her that as much. When I told her about my successful international career, she saw me in a whole new light.

Following our conversation, I decided to leave the live house to Marina and go home. Kuroka returned to her human form shortly before we left, covering her ears and tail. I chose not to use the Universe Ring since I saw this as an opportunity to show Kuroka about the area.

After showing her around, we arrived at the mansion. She was impressed by it and even compared me to one of the devil families, specifically the Gremory. After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the main house.

Riku: Well....welcome to the Nagae estate. This will be your new home till we get to find the chance to bring you back to your own world.

Kuroka: I gotta say, you really live a luxurious life~

Riku: I know, and I'm not getting it on my head. Let's head inside.

Kuroka: Are you sure it's okay? Not being rude but....I don't want to be a freeloader here and all.

Riku: Let's talk about it with my grandfather once we get inside.

Kuroka just nodded as we got inside. As we got in, Rinko and Miyu were waiting for me as if they predicted that I would arrive home at this time. And what's more surprising is that Eli is also here.

Rinko: Welcome back, Riku.

Miyu: Welcome back, Riku-san. We were expecting you to return home at this time, so we waited here just a few minutes ago.

Riku: I see. And Eli, what brings you here?

Eli: You see...when I told my parents that I agreed to join your kinda told me that I should live with you from now on so that I can get used to live in the estate.

Riku: Eh? Then what about the meetup next week?

Eli: They kinda don't need it anymore. My parents trust you fully and doesn't need a meetup for that. And my cousin Yaroslav is on your side, so it's all good. And my stuff is already in my room.

Riku: All of that just because I beat, did grandfather assigned an aide for you yet?

Eli: Not yet, he told me that I'll be getting mine after we had dinner tonight. He'll be assigning me one at his office.

So the meetup wasn't needed and Eli is now living here...that is something that I didn't expect.

Rinko: Riku, the woman behind that Kuroka-san that you've shown to us a while ago?

Riku: Yes. Girls, this is Tojou Kuroka. Kuroka, these three are my fiancee's. On your left is Shirokane Rinko, on the middle is Sakurada Miyu and on your right is Ayase Eli.

Kuroka: Nya? You know me?

Rinko: Riku showed us a picture of you a few days ago...though you were still unconscious at that time.

Kuroka: Oya?~ To think that you took a picture of me while I was vulnerable?~ I wonder what you were doing with my picture?~ Having yourself a good time?~

As Kuroka was teasing me, Rinko and Miyu started to blush deep red and for Eli, she just looked away with a slight blush and I just smacked her head and Kuroka lets out a loud "nya".

Kuroka: What did you do that for?! That hurts- Ow! My head!!

I see Kuroka clutching her head in pain as I wonder what is happening to her. then I overheard Miyu was doing some kind of prayer.

Miyu: Dear Lord, please forgive my sins for having impure thoughts towards my beloved. Dear Lord- Kuroka-san! Are you okay?!

Kuroka: I'm fine nya~ It's just...whenever someone prays in front of a devil, it brings pain to us....

Miyu stepped back in fear as she discovered that Kuroka is a devil.

Miyu: D-D-Devil?!

Riku: Don't worry Miyu, she's not a threat. More than that, she's just a victim.

Rinko: A victim?

Kuroka: I sold my soul to the devil to make sure my sister was safe....but don't worry, I'm still me~ Though I'm weak to any things holy.

Riku: This kinds of things needed to be discussed later on. Let's put it on hold for now. If you want to know more, you can join us with me and Eli once we head to grandfather's office.

Miyu: That would be good. Kuroka-san, I'm very sorry that I cause you pain with my prayers.

Miyu bowed in forgiveness to Kuroka, but she brushed it off to show her that there is nothing to worry.

Kuroka: Don't sweat it. You didn't know. It's okay for you to pray, just not in front of me alright?

Miyu: Hai!

Riku: Anyway. Rinko, where are the others?

Rinko: Yukina-san and the others departed as Kazehana-san led them home. Chisato-san and the rest of PasuPare returned to their agency one hour after you departed. Mafuyu-san is at Shinonome-san's residence, while Tina-chan is at Kamishirasawa-sensei's. Youmu-san is helping Sakurako-san cook.

Miyu: But Kyoya-san told us that if you get back with Kuroka-san, we would take her to the room that is assigned to her.

Riku: I see. Then I'll be on my room to get changed. Kuroka, you can follow Miyu and the others. Take this chance to know them more.

Kuroka: Sure, why not.

Riku: Then I'll leave you to it....and please....try to not tease them, especially Rinko. She's a shy girl at heart, and I don't think she can handle your constant teasing.

Kuroka: I'll take note of that.

I left Kuroka with Rinko, Miyu, and Eli while I returned to my room to change. As I was walking down the corridor, I received a message from Aichi that read: "You enjoy the surprise? When I said I was with Umi and Maki, it was a lie; we were actually helping Eli move her belongings there." So, basically, I got hoodwinked, bamboozled, run amocked, led astray and flat down deceived. Fair play, Aichi, fair play. As I opened the door, my head started hurting. My eyesight began to blur as I held my head. The pain lessened after a few seconds, and while I held my head, I saw only one thing.

Riku: Was that....Koishi?

A few hours later...

Nagae Estate - Kyoya's Office

9:00 P.M.

After a sudden headache, I went inside my room and changed. As I finished changing clothes, one of the maids approached and informed me that dinner was about to begin. I followed the servant into the dining room, where Rinko, Miyu, Eli, and Kuroka were already present, along with grandfather. Aya and Hatate came one minute later.

Grandfather formally introduced himself to Kuroka and informed her that she could treat this place as her own home, which Kuroka much appreciated. Grandfather also suggested that me, Rinko, Eli, Miyu, and Kuroka meet with him at his office tonight at 9 p.m. to discuss a few private matters.

After grandfather spoke, dinner was served, with seafood as the theme for the night. And I see Kuroka drooling over the fish on the table.

After dinner, we head back to our rooms as we rest up and wait for the scheduled time. While we're passing the time, I called Aya and Hatate and asked them if there are any more information in the PBC. Hatate showed me the current situation in China and it was getting worse.

The riots in China are starting to gt worse and worse. Even the government is taking action. The PBC started to act fast and decided to relocate it in Malaysia, forcing the Chinese bands to head there to continue the tour without getting involve in the riots.

I told the two tengus to keep me informed and they returned to their rooms to start their own work.

Now it's 9 in the evening and we're at grandfather's office. I'm with Rinko, Miyu, Eli and Kuroka. Youmu, Kazehana and Sakurako are at the door in stand-by. Grandfather took off his glasses as he begins the meeting.

Kyoya: Glad that you're all here. As you know, Ayase Eli will be living with us from now on. And as for the meeting with her family, it won't be needed as Riku and Eli's relationship was already approved a year prior. As such, with Eli being a part of the Nagae in name, you'll be needing an aide to help with your everyday needs. Do you accept this?

Eli: I do. So, who'll be my aide?

Kyoya: You may enter.

Youmu and Kazehana took a step to the side as the door opened. As the door opened, it revealed a short girl with dark green hair that is tied in braids, dark violet eyes wearing a maid outfit. And she has a violet club hair clip on the left side of her head.

Kyoya: Eli, meet Kamijo Mitsuri. She'll be your aide from now on. Mitsuri, this is Ayase Eli. You'll be assisting to her daily needs.

Mitsuri: Hai, Oyakata-sama. I'm Kamijo Mitsuri, from this day forward, I'll be your personal aide, Eli-sama.

Eli: Hm. Then let's get along from, Mitsuri. May I ask, how old are you?

Mitsuri: Ah, it's because of my height right? Very well, I'm 23 right now with a degree in Body Conditioning.

Eli: Body Conditioning?

Kyoya: Every aide that is assigned to you has a specialization. And since your an idol, you tend to move your body a lot since you'll be dancing while singing. I picked Mitsuri as she can help you and your group to be in perfect condition whenever you have a performance.

Eli: Wow....then Mitsuri, after this can we start in making a training regimen for μ's?

Mitsuri: It would be my pleasure.

Kyoya: I'm glad that you're getting along with your aide. But I may ask fro the aides to leave the room. Guard the door while you're at it.

Youmu and the other aides bowed as they head outside to guard the door, leaving me and the other girls.

Kyoya: Now, let's get to the serious side. Kuroka-kun, step forward.

Kuroka turned her eyes on me as I just nodded at her to follow my grandfather's instructions.

Kyoya: Once again, I welcome you to the Nagae Estate. You can treat this place as your own home.

Kuroka: Thank you....

Kyoya: Now, the reason why I called you is because I want you to share your story to the girls.

Kuroka: I see. You want me to do the short version or the long version?

Riku: Whatever fits your bill.

Kuroka: Very well....what I'm about to tell you girls is something that you ain't gonna like. You can leave if you want.

Rinko: No...I'll stay.

Miyu: Me too. I think that I have to know.

Eli: So am I.

Kuroka: Very well. Here's my story....

Kuroka spent at least an hour telling her story. From the Great War to the Underworld Civil War, including the evil pieces and sacred gears. The girls were stunned; Rinko and Eli nearly passed out. But Miyu collapsed as soon as she learned of God's death. Miyu is a devoted follower of God, which I understand.

It took at least 5 minutes for Miyu to regain consciousness; I can tell she is still depressed from her God's death, but Kuroka reminded her that it was the God in her world, not ours, thus our God is still alive, and Miyu's spirits were restored just a bit.

Kuroka then resumed her story, telling the girls how she became a devil. From murdering her own master to being a wanted fugitive, she informed the girls about her hardships over the years. Miyu hurried over to her after she finished her story and gave her a warm hug while crying.

Miyu: To think that you have suffered so much. It's okay now, no one can hurt you here.

Kuroka accepted the hug as I can see that her tail is wagging left and right. Eli and Rinko seemed to noticed it and both of them showed a smile.

The two broke the hug and Kuroka gave Miyu a headpat

Kuroka: Thanks, I needed that. I mean, Riku did gave me a hug too, but another one will do.

Riku: I told you, everyone needs a hug.

Kuroka: And since you already know my story, then I can do this without a care~

Kuroka snapped her fingers and she transformed into a black cat. The girl were surprised by it as she jumped to grandfather's table.

Kuroka: Much better nya~

Rinko: You can talk while you're in that form?!

Kuroka: Of course I can~ But when I first transformed, all I can do is meow all the time. But through the years, I can talk normally.

Eli: But why transform?

Kuroka: Simple, because I like this form more~

Kyoya: Well, everyone has their own preferences. And if Kuroka-kun wants to go with that form, then who are we to stop her?

Kuroka: Thank you for that, Kyoya-dono. And to show my appreciation, Riku can you come here a bit?

Kuroka called me and I just went closer to the table. Then out of nowhere, a magic circle appeared beside Kuroka and on that magic circle appeared a small blue orb that is a size of a baseball. But the longer I look at it, it felt that something is inside of it.

Riku: Kuroka, what is this?

Kuroka: This is the fragment of the Divine Dividing. One of the 13 Longinus, and in that orb resides Albion, the White Dragon Emperor, one of the Two Heavenly Dragons. I want to give this to you.

All of us were shocked to what Kuroka showed to us. But Miyu was more shocked as she heard that the one she took out was a longinus.

Miyu: Longinus? You mean the spear that killed Jesus Christ?

Kuroka: The very same. Reason why god created these longinus, is to give humanity an even playing field against the supernatural.

Kyoya: And you said that there are 13 of these. Can you tell us what the others are?

Kuroka: Sure, why not. Aside from the Divine Dividing, the others are....True Longinus, Zenith Tempest, Dimension Lost, Sephiroth Grail, Incinerate Anthem, Regulus Nemea, Canis Lykaon, Annihilation Maker, Boosted Gear, Absolute Demise, Innovate Clear and Telos Karma. Those are the 13 Longinus.

Kyoya: I see...but how did you manage to get one of the longinus?

Kuroka: I stumbled on this when I was gathering evidence to prove my innocence. I was raiding a lab in the underworld, when I discovered that some devils wanted to replicate this. I know it ain't gonna be good if they manage to succeed, so I went ahead and killed everyone. I took this for safekeeping to make sure no one gets their hands on it. And I discovered that this orb is actually from it's past host.

Rinko: Host? You mean the Longinus picks whoever gets to use them?

Kuroka: Not exactly. You see, sacred gears are unique to humans, it's like the manifestation of their souls. But the Longinus are very different. They go from host to host, but at the same time, it can leave it's host whenever it likes. And when the current host dies, it goes to the other that matches it.

Eli: But why would you want to give this to Riku?

Kuroka: Consider it as payment for saving me. And that's not all. The orb is resonating with you. While you were busy fighting those devils to save me, I felt the orb resonating with you.

Riku: It's resonating with me? No wonder.....the moment I saw this, it felt like it was calling me.

Kuroka: Looks like I was right. I can really feel the aura of a dragon from you.

Rinko: Right, I mean Riku does use the power of the dragon god.

Kuroka: Wait, dragon god?

Kyoya: It ain't compare to your dragon gods Kuroka-kun. The best comparison for can be as powerful as Zeus.

Kuroka: Zeus?!

Riku: When it's at it's prime. But currently, I can't say.

Kuroka: Hmmmm....alright, I'll let it slide for now. But anyway, Riku. Go ahead and pick it up. If you were a full youkai, then the sacred gear won't respond to you. It only reacted to you cause you're half-human.

Eli: So sacred gears are only limited to humans?

Kuroka: Yup.

I followed Kuroka's instructions and picked up the ball. The moment I touched it, the sphere began to glow bright blue and vanished. Right before I could ask Kuroka why it's gone, I felt a thump in my heart. I held my chest tight as I collapsed on the floor and my consciousness started to fade. Rinko and my fiance's cried in concern, and my grandfather raced to my side as Kuroka reversed her transformation.

Rinko: Riku!

Miyu: Riku-san!

Eli: Riku!

Kyoya: Riku!

As my eyes slowly closed, the door opened and Youmu, Kazehana, Sakurako and Mitsuri rushed towards me, then my mind went black.

One mind jump later...…

Riku's Mindscape

I slowly opened my eyes and see that I was in my mindscape. I got up from the grass to assess the situation.

???: [Ho~ It seems that you are my new host?]

I turned to the direction where the voice came from, and right there, I saw a huge western dragon standing in all fours covered in pure white scales with feathery like wings. It's glistening blue eyes were staring at me, as it lowered it's head a bit closer to me.

???: [Interesting, very interesting....a combination of a youkai and human. And a very high potential in magic.]

Riku: I take that you're Albion.

Albion: [It seems that you already know me. Yes, I am Albion. The White Dragon Emperor. If I may ask, your mindscape is quite huge. How did you manage to make this place?]

Riku: I'm not the person you should ask that. Try looking behind you.

Albion turned around and he saw Iku who is covering herself in lightning as she letting out a very oppressive aura.

Iku: Who are you? Why are you here? Are you here to threaten my vessel? If so, then I'll make sure that calamity will come to you. One way or another.

Right when Iku was about to raise her hand, I rushed to her side as I defuse the situation.

Riku: Don't do it! He's not here to threaten me!! I was the one who brought him here!

Iku came to a halt as her lightning subsided. She focused her attention on me, demanding an explanation without saying anything. And, per her order, I told her everything that had happened today. After describing the situation, Iku puffed and glanced at me and Albion.

Iku: Now I understand. It appears that Riku's trait with dragons resonated with Albion, resulting in the dragon assimilating with Riku almost instantly. Is that right?

Albion: [Yes.]

Iku: You said that the negative thoughts past possessors of the sacred gear are also with you. How will you make sure that Riku will not be influenced by any of them?

Albion: [Worry not, I checked the depths of the divine dividing, and all of the negative thoughts of the past possessors are not here....although there are some left, they're more like the laid back of the bunch.]

Iku: I see. Then how is his physical body fairing?

Albion: [In terms of his physical body, he is more than worthy to use my power right out of the gate. But controlling it will be a task for you. Dividing is all about control. By dividing, not only you half your opponent's strength, you also gain them for your self.]

Riku: So you want me to train because it has a certain limit, right?

Albion: [Precisely. But with how you adapt, I think you can handle it without my intervention. But once you reach a certain bottleneck, I'll be there to instruct you. And who knows? You might bring out a new power that your predecessors cannot.]

Iku: It seems that you're invested in him. Can I hear the reason why?

Albion: [Most of my previous hosts are...repetitive. When they notice the red one, it's all guns blazing. Fighting each other to the death with no regard for the consequences, only to be murdered by the red one, succumbing to their wounds from fighting, or being killed by someone else. But as I look into his eyes, I see a new path, one that is diametrically opposed to my previous hosts. Perhaps he is the one who can unleash the full power of the Divine Dividing. He's not all about battle; he's quite content with the status quo.]

Iku: That's Riku for you.

Albion: [ about you try summoning it? Just imagine the strongest thing that comes in your mind and let it manifest.]

I followed Albion's words as I started to imagine the strongest thing that I can think of...after a few minutes, I opened my eyes. I looked at my hands and I see a pair of pure white finger-less gauntlets with several blue gems on it. When Albion saw it, he was shocked. And that shock replaced with laughter.

Iku: What are you laughing for?

Albion: [You really are an interesting one, boy. Normally my sacred gear manifests in the form of wings. But are the first to ever manifest my power in a form of gauntlets, similar to the red one....but at the same time, it's not.]

Riku: You're right, they're not gauntlets. They're vambraces.

Albion: [Impressive. Looks like the things that I was planning to teach you won't work. But I can tell that you can handle it without it.]

Iku: Just take your time and no need to rush. Practice at your own pace and it'll yield results. Now go, you're starting to wake up.

Riku: Understood. So, when will we meet again?

Albion: [You can always talk to me through telepathy. And while your vambraces are in physical form, I can talk through it and anyone around you can hear me.]

Riku: I see. Then I'll be needing your help in explaining the situation. Alright, I'll be heading out now.

I closed my eyes as I started to fade away from my mindscape.

Now back to reality...

I slowly opened my eyes and I see that I'm in my room. And right before I manage to get up, I was hugged by Rinko, Miyu and Eli....tightly.

Rinko: Riku!!! You're okay!!!

Riku: I'm alright, Rinko....girls....too tight.....

Rinko, Miyu and Eli loosened the hug as they were looking at me with tears in their eyes.

Rinko: We thought that you were dead....

Eli: When you collapsed, you had no pulse, you weren't breathing.

Miyu: We thought we were about to lose you.

Riku: What?

Eirin: Rinko-san's right. You did give us quite a scare.

Behind Rinko was Eirin-san and Kaguya. Along with Eli, Miyu, grandfather and Kuroka.

Riku: Eirin-san? Why are you here?

Kyoya: After you collapsed, all of your vital organs ceased functioning. Kuroka tried her best to bring you back, but to no avail. So I called Eirin-dono and Kaguya-dono here if they can do something.

Riku: How long have I been out?

Kaguya: Take it or leave it, you were out for 2 hours.

Riku: 2 it's already past midnight.

Eirin: Riku, what happened to you? Tell us what happened?

Riku: Okay....but me explaining on my own won't be enough. Step back for a bit.

Eirin and my fiances took a step back as I try to summon the Divine Dividing. My hands were glowing in a bright white light, and after a few seconds, the light dimmed out as I successfully summoned my sacred gear.

Rinko: Riku, what is that?

Kuroka: that....the Divine Dividing?

Riku: Yeah.

Eirin: You mean one of those so called sacred gears? But how did Riku got his hands on one?

Kuroka: I gave it to him as a gift for saving my life. And the sacred gear has been resonating with him, so he's the perfect match.

Kaguya: But will it bring any problems to Riku in the long run?

Albion: [Not quite young lady. Everything is up to my partner.]

Everyone looked around to see where the voice came from, but Albion talked again from the vambrace as the orb in my right hand was blinking.

Albion: [I am here. In Riku's right hand.]

Miyu: Are you....Albion? But why are you in Riku-san's hand?

Albion: [I am Albion, the White Dragon Emperor. And as to why I'm in my partner's right hand is that this is the only way that I can communicate with the outside world. And normally, the Divine Dividing is a pair of wings, but in my partner's case, it's this.]

Kuroka: So you mean that Riku is an irregular?

Rinko: Irregular?

Eirin: What's an Irregular?

Albion: [Irregulars are certain Sacred Gear users that doesn't take the normal path. Normally whenever a sacred gear user awakens their power, they have a set of abilities that they can use and work their way to unlock more. But with the irregulars case, they tend to bend the laws that was set upon them. By thinking outside the box and making abilities that they can call their own. And irregulars are much more difficult to face due to their higher potential.]

Kuroka: But why take that form instead of the regular wings?

Riku: Well, I was trying a new fighting style and I need something that can compliment it. And this is the result. It doesn't bother me at all since I can un-summon it if I wanted to.

Kyoya: Kuroka-kun, if I may ask, what does the Divine Dividing do?

Kuroka: From what I read when I was still a part of the Naberius, the main ability of the Divine Dividing is to divide anything it touches for the next 10 seconds. If the target touched is a living being, their stamina and energy is cut in half and transfers it to the user.

Kaguya: But it's temporary, right?

Albion: [Exactly, I have a certain limit on how much power I can absorb or else I'll overload and shut down. As such, I filter the excess power from my wings. And since my partner uses vambraces, we'll just see how he does that.]

Eirin: Interesting. But why did Riku's vital organs suddenly stopped functioning?

Albion: [That's because his body is slowly adjusting to my power. Normally a regular human will take at least months to adjust to my power, but since he's a half-youkai with several other powers in him, it just took 2 hours.]

Kyoya: Understandable. Riku, how are you feeling?

Riku: How do I feel? I feel fine. I feel that my muscles are-

Rinko: Riku! You're left eye!!! It's blue!!!

Rinko pointed at my left eye as they see that it changed color. Eirin-san passed me a mirror and I looked at my face, my left eye wasn't gold anymore. Instead, it was a beautiful navy blue.

Riku: What happened to my eye?

Eirin: If I can make a theory, I think it's the result of you assimilating with your sacred gear. To how much it was compatible to you, I think that this is the case.

I was just staring at the mirror, particularly on my left eye. I let out a small smile as I was staring at it.

Riku: You know, I think blue kinda fits me. Don't you think?

Everyone chuckled to what I said as I can see that they agreed to it.

12:45 A.M.

Several minutes later, Eirin-san wanted to take a few blood samples from me to see if there were any changes since I got Albion. I just said yes to get it over it. After Eirin-san and Kaguya left, we decided to call it a night as it's already past midnight. And before I got back to my room, Eli called me.

Riku: Is something wrong?

Eli: I was just wondering, are you free for the rest of Sunday?

Riku: Well Sunday is my rest day, so yeah.

Eli: Then if it's okay with you, can we go on a date?

Riku: A date?

Eli: Yeah. I mean you had a date with Rinko and Miyu last week. And you know the rules, right?

Riku: Yeah. Then let's set it later in the morning. For now, get some rest. We'll have a long day later.

Eli nodded as she returned to her room. As I got back inside my room and sat on the chair, my right vambrace appeared and Albion wants to talk.

Riku: Something wrong, partner?

Albion: [Nothing much, I'm just surprised that you had 3 girlfriends. Are you making a harem of your own?]

Riku: Pretty much. Want to hear about it?

Albion:[A later time. I suggest you to get some sleep. You don't want to ruin that date of yours.]

Riku: Alright then. Good night, Albion.

Albion: [Good night, partner.]

Me and Albion said our good nights as I hit the bed and called it a night as I prepare for my date with Eli later today.

Next Chapter: XXXIV - A Double Date and Gathering at CiRCLE

Spell Cards Used: 1

Fish Sign: "Sailfish Spear Thrust"

Spell Type: Offensive Spell Card

Target: Single Target

Danmaku Type: Body Bullet, Sharp Bullet

Element: Water

User: Nagae Riku


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