The Prodigy and the Band Girls (BanG Dream x Touhou OC)

Chapter 37: XXXV - The Second Meeting and the Chosen 100

A/N: This is the chapter for the month of February. The next chapter will be out on my birthday....but anyway...let's continue where we left off....

Live House CiRCLE - Stage

June 21, 2021 - Monday - 5:15 P.M.

3rd POV

Riku looked at the girls who are confused as they were just bombarded with bad news and he wanted to start the meeting regardless. Riku just sighed and explained his side.

Riku: Look, I know that what Marina dropped is something we didn't expect and it was depressing. I know that, but we must move forward either way. Marina.

Marina: H-Hai.

Riku: Regarding the band that lost their vocalist. The Nagae will pay for the funeral services. And the hospital bill for the other members as well.

Marina: Eh?

Ran: Nii-san, isn't that a bit too much?

Riku: The moment Marina invited them to perform here, they already became CiRCLE's responsibility. As the owner, it's the least I could do for them. Inform the families of that after this meeting.

Marina: Alright. I'll send them a message after this. Now the next question is, why are μ's and MORE MORE JUMP here?

The girls of Kessoku Band, Afterglow and Rondo were wondering the same thing. Why are there two idol groups in CiRCLE.

Riku: This is one of the other reasons why I called to gather all of you here. The first reason is to get the groups familiarize with one another, and I want to to it earlier rather than a week before the live. And as for the second reason is- Minori?

Minori stepped forward as she stopped Riku.

Minori: Riku-san, we can take care of things here.

Riku: Very well. I'll just step in if needed.

Riku stepped back as he let Minori and MORE MORE JUMP Take care of things.

Minori: Thank you, Riku-san. Everyone, My name is Hanasato Minori and I'm one of the members of the idol group MORE MORE JUMP. The reason why we're all gathered here today is because of our request to Riku-san.

Aoi: You requested something to Riku? What did you ask for him?

Minori: We asked Riku-san if it's okay for MORE MORE JUMP to perform here for our performance for the Love Live Qualifiers. He told us that he'll give us his answer today.

Nijika: Ano...what is Love Live?

To Nijika's question, everyone heard someone making muffling sounds. They turned around to see Eli and Nozomi trying to hold Nico while Maki slapped duct tape across her mouth. They didn't dare to question why she had a tape. Aichi stepped up to explain Love Live to Kessoku Band's leader.

Aichi: Love Live is essentially the biggest idol competition here in Japan. Every aspiring idol around the country dreamed to compete and win in Love Live.

Nijika: Oh....and uh...who are you?

Aichi: Apologies. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Hinanawi Aichi, I'm the manager of the idol group μ's.

Nijika: I see. Then Aichi-san, Minori-san, what does MORE MORE JUMP and μ's had to do here in CiRCLE?

Minori: According to the Love Live Committee's rules, idol groups aren't allowed to perform in venues where they have previously performed in their area. We and μ's have already played practically everywhere in the Tokyo prefecture, except here.

Aichi: Actually, we at μ's have made a deal with the Student Council of Hanasakigawa to have μ's perform there. But with what Riku suggested me yesterday made me reconsider....

Nozomi: So you know this earlier Aichi?

Aichi: I only realized it when Riku mentioned it last weekend. We were so focused on the school theme, we forgot to think outside the box.

Tsubaki: That means that you still have a long way to go. One cannot be narrow minded in those kind of matters. Expand your horizons and think of a new angle.

Nagisa: Wow, to think that you would say that Tsubaki-san. Normally Hiiro-san would say that.

Tsubaki: Can it. I understand that you want to perform here, but when will that qualifier start?

Airi: It starts at the 20th next month, and we have to perform it before the day ends.

The band girls and the DJ group were surprised that the Love Live Qualifiers will be at the same time as the day of their live. They looked at Riku as they were thinking that he had expected this to happen.

Aoi: Riku, you already expected this to happen? That CiRCLE's live and the Love Live Qualifiers are at the same day?

Riku: Nope, not at all. I just remembered this when Marina informed me when the live will start and Haruka told me when the qualifiers will begin. As I already stated to Marina, she is in charge of everything, and I have no control over it. I will only move if anything necessitates my intervention. Marina's earlier statement is one of them. I delayed responding to MORE MORE JUMP's request because I wanted to wait for μ's response. And since Aichi is the manager, he has final say aside from Honoka.

Aichi: You know that we made a deal with Hanasakigawa right?

Riku: I'll talk to Rinko and Sayo about this. I'm sure they'll get it.

Aichi: Hmmmm....Honoka, how about it? Do you want to perform here?

Honoka: Eh? Me? You're asking me?

Umi: I mean you are the leader. So as the leader, aside from Aichi, you make the calls.

Kotori: Whatever you say, we'll follow you to the end, Honoka-chan.

Honoka looked at her fellow members as they all nodded and decided to follow what Honoka chose. Then she looked to Aichi and just put his hand on her shoulder.

Aichi: You're the leader. What you say, I'll go with it.

Honoka: Alright. We'll perform here. If that's not much to ask.

Riku: Hm. A good choice. Marina, what's your decision?

Marina: I would love to have two of the best idol groups perform here! 

Riku then turned to MORE MORE JUMP as he tell them his answer.

Riku: Well there you have it, Minori. Consider your request accepted. But you have to answer to Marina, okay?

Minori: Thank you for the chance, Riku-san!

Haruka: We promise that we will perform with our very best!

Marina: Then it's settled. Let's talk about-

Tsubaki: I want to stop you for a moment Marina-san.

Tsubaki called Marina to stop as she was walking towards Riku who was on stage.

Riku: Is there something you need to say Tsubaki?

Tsubaki: I do. Aoi told me that you're a gifted musician. I want you to show me right here.

Aoi, Nagisa and Hiiro showed faces of worry as she flatly called Riku out. The other girls showed concern as well, primarily Eli.

Nagisa: Oi oi oi Tsubaki-san! Are you sure you want to do this right now?!

Hiiro: And didn't you already watched some videos of him with Aoi-kun already?

Tsubaki: I did, but it's not enough.

Ikuyo: Not enough? What do you mean by that?

Eli: I see now, what Tsubaki-san means is that there is a clear difference in watching it from a video, to watching it personally.

Tsubaki: Exactly. I want to feel the full brunt of emotions that you can bring to your song.

Riku: And pray tell why would I do that?

Tsubaki: It might be selfish of me, but I just want to confirm something.

Riku and Tsubaki had a stare down. And after a few minutes, Riku sighed as he called Marina.

Riku: Marina.

Marina: H-HAI!

Riku: Call in Aya and Hatate here. And bring my keytar here while you're at it.

Marina: A-Alright.

Marina left the room to get Aya and Hatate along with his keytar. Then he called Aichi to come to the stage.

Riku: Aichi, come here and help me out set up.

Aichi: Sure.

Ran: Nii-san, can I help?

Riku: Sure, come along now then.

Ran followed Aichi to the stage as she helped the two boys setting up the stage. From setting up the drums, tuning the guitars, and bass. All of that in a matter of minutes. And that alone got a huge positive impression from the girls.

Ryo: To think that he managed to tune all of those instruments in a matter of minutes. Then again.....why does he look so...familiar...

Ikuyo: You know him, senpai?

Ryo: I do but...I just forgot where.

Aoi: Fast as always.

Hiiro: Does Riku-kun do that in a fast pace?

Aoi: He does. But this time, it's even faster than the last time.

Nagisa: Aoi-san, is your sworn brother a monster or what?

The girls of μ's, Afterglow along with Aichi, Ran and Riku who was on stage shuddered to how close Nagisa was. Aoi just chuckled as she pointed out that she was close.

Aoi: Who knows?

And as Riku, Aichi and Ran finished setting up the stage, Marina arrived bringing Aya and Hatate while Marina was carrying huge bag on her back.

Aya: Yo boss! What's the agenda today?

Hatate: Marina called us and we have to put our work on hold....though it wasn't that important.

Riku: Hatate, Aya. How're your drum and bass practice faring?

The two tengus looked at each other then looked at Riku with smiles on their faces.

Hatate: I can drum in a fast pace now. But it still numbs my hands after playing.

Aya: I have some progress on my bass! But why did you ask that?

Riku: Take a look at your phones.

Aya and Hatate took out their phones as they looked at what Riku sent them and it was a music and lyric sheet.

Hatate: You want us to play this with you? I mean you just finished writing this a few days ago. And you have no practice with it.

Aya: Yeah. And you want us to play this on the first try?

Riku: What? Don't tell me that you two are chickening out? To think that Shameimaru Aya and Himekaidou Hatate, Megumu-san's elite are only this average. I was expecting a lot from you, and to think that I was paying you two a bit too much with just average abilities. Guess I have to hire someone else then.

Hearing Riku's taunting on the two tengu, Aya and Hatate had tick marks on their heads as they fell to the bait.

Aya: Who said that I can't learn this in just one go huh?! Give me that bass!! I'll show who's the better one!!

Aya snatched the bass from Ran as Hatate went to the drums.

Hatate: Fine then, I'll play your game. But I want a raise!!

Riku: That depends if you pull this off.

Aichi: Riku, I see two guitars here. Who will play those?

Riku: Isn't it obvious, you will.

Aichi: Wait, me?

Riku: Didn't Tenshi taught you how to play the guitar?

Aichi: I do's been a year since I last played.

Hanayo: Aichi-kun. You know how to play the guitar?

Aichi: I do. I learned how to play from nee-san.

Rin: How come we didn't know of this?

Aichi: You never asked. Riku, are you sure you want me to take the lead?

Riku: I'm confident on your guitar. If there is someone I can trust to be my guitarist, it's you.

Aichi looked at the guitar on his hand as he looked at Riku and nodded.

Aichi: Very well, leave the lead guitar to me.

Riku: Good. Ran, I want you to be my rhythm guitar for this song.

Ran: Are you sure you want me to play with you?

Riku: Yes. I trust that you can do this very well. Besides, didn't you say that you want to play guitar with me when we were at the Totsuki Resort?

Ran: Yeah, I did...alright....let's just hope that I don't screw it up.

Riku: Then don't think any of that. Look at Moca and the others.

Ran looked at her friends as they were giving their support.

Tomoe: You can do it, Ran!

Himari: Make Afterglow proud, Ran!

Moca: Do your best~

Tsugumi: Just play like you always do, Ran-chan!

Ran looked at her friends as she gripped the guitar with a new resolve.

As Riku was plugging in his keytar, some of the girls noticed that the keytar that Riku's using is different from the ordinary keytar. And the one who noticed it was the introverted pinkette.

Hitori: That keytar....

Nijika: Is something wrong with the keytar, Bocchi-chan?

Marina: So you noticed it too?

Hitori: H-Hai.....the keys on that much more than the...

Marina: That's because Riku's keytar is a heavily customized keytar that fits his style.

Tsubaki: A custom instrument.....

Ikuyo: Wouldn't be that counted as cheating if used in a competition?

Ryo: Custom instruments can be used as long as you got the approval of the organizers, right?

Riku nodded as he finished tuning his keytar, then he called the members of Kessoku Band to observe closely.

Riku: Members of the Kessoku Band. I want you four to watch this closely. Let this be a learning experience for you.

Nijika/Ikuyo: HAI!!!

Both Nijika and Ikuyo answered as Ryo and Hitori nodded quietly. Riku turned his attention to Ran, Aichi, Hatate and Aya.

Riku: You guys ready?

Aya: Let's get this started.

Hatate: Just say the word.

Aichi: Ready as I'll ever be.

Ran: Hm.

Riku then turned around as he held the microphone while closing his eyes. As he opened them, a similar six-pointed star pattern appeared on both of his eyes.

Riku: Now then.....the die is cast.....Kamisama no Idenshi

Kamisama no Idenshi/The God Gene

(By: Mafumafu)

fui ni hodokosareta inochi wo mune ni kakae

yuiitsu no yakuwari wa hito de arou to suru kurai

shinde yurusarereba dore hodo raku na koto ka

itsuka yonda manga no naka ja

pokke kara nanmo kamo dashiteita no ni

kokoro no shinsou kotoba to shinsou

ima da kimochi de iesu ga ienai

mijuku na shigunaru ga ukande kieru

kamisama gomennasai

boku wo kumikaete shimatte

taisa mo nai kao ga nikukute tamaranai

tsubasa wo hayaseba doko e demo

tobisatte shimaesou na

taemanu munashisa ni yume wo miru

anata no idenshi wo boku ni choudai

dou demo ii koto sa bureru shikai no saki ni wa

taisou na mono nante hitotsu mo nai to shirun da

shinde yurusarereba nante futsugou no uta yori

sha ni kamaeta monogatari hodo umaku iyahon ni nagarerurashii

dareka koroshita hito wo koroshite

sono te de ikudo kosuritsuketa?

ryoumе ga akaku naru nemurenu hodo ni

kamisama onegai

kokoro wo torisattе shimatte

tenbatsu ga koukai ga afurete tomaranai

dore dake shiroku iro wo nuitemo

kakusou to shinai you na

sabakareru kyoubi wo yume ni miru

anata no tsukutta deki sokonai desu

dennou ni shigunaru saiteki na nari wo ataetamae yo

nankai na kimi no umarekawari

sore wa dare no katashiro?

gayoku de mitasu zaseki no sukima

yubisashi naiterya ana no mujina

erasou na kao sun na

bokura wa choueki jinseinen sa

itsu made ano hi ni

tooi hibi ni sugatteiru no darou

dokoka e koko janai dokoka e

kiete shimaitai

isso shinde shimaetara

kamisama gomennasai

boku wo kumikaete shimatte

itsu made mo boku de irareru hazu mo nai

seizei yoru no hate ni nakikuzure

mou nankai sou shiteirun da

taemanu munashisa ni yume wo miru

anata no idenshi wo boku ni choudai

kyosei wo hatte kamen kabutte

tokoro de boku wa nani shiteita kke

naiteita kke naiteitan da

sekai wo sanzan kowashiteitan da

After Riku finished singing, he checked his right hand to make sure it was okay. He clenched it several times, and it was fine. When he looked around, he noticed Aya, Hatate, Ran, and Aichi were all breathing heavily.

Riku: You guys good?

Ran: Just.....need.....a.....breather...that was.....intense.....

Hatate: I didn't know that the song would be that hands are shaking as hell.

Hatate was showing them her hand that were shaking just from playing the drums.

Riku: What about you, Aya?

Aya: I'm fingers is just a bit numb. Should've brought my pick with this one.

Aichi: That Been a while since I've played the guitar.

Riku: Glad that you weren't rusty in your play.

Aichi: Thanks. And I see that you're still worried about your hand.

Riku: It's okay now. I just did that to see if it was 100% okay. So Tsubaki, are you satisfied?

They turned to Tsubaki who was just staring at Riku. She closed her eyes and sighed and lets out a smile, which surprised Aoi, Nagisa and Hiiro.

Tsubaki: Now I understand what Aoi saw in're not just singing just to send a message. You're singing as if you were telling a story.

Riku: That's how I really sing. I learned that from Atsushi-san years ago.

Tsubaki: Atsushi? You mean Minato Atsushi?

Riku: You knew him?

Tsubaki: He was my first vocal teacher. All of the things that leads to where I am, is all thanks to him. And to think that you were his student as well.

Riku: That means you're my senpai then.

Tsubaki: I guess so. To think that my kouhai is a step ahead of me.

Nagisa: Riku that was some awesome keytar play! How in the world can you do that?

Shizuku: And with just one hand....does your hand hurt if you play like that?

Riku: Simple, World Champion Difference.(A/N: Reference this to WolfeyVGC's "World Champion Difference")

Nagisa: Eh? Really?

Riku: Nah, I just play the piano for the most of my childhood. Up to the point that I can play a few piano pieces with just one hand. Then when I got my keytar, I just simply transitioned it from that.

Hiiro: Riku-kun, what do you mean by "World Champion Difference".

Ryo: Now I remember're Iku, aren't you. Iku from OG?

The girls of Rondo minus Aoi, MORE MORE JUMP and Ryo's band mates aside from Afterglow and μ's looked at her as she found out who Riku is. Nijika who heard what Ryo said had a sudden realization.

Nijika: Iku? Wait a mean he's that Iku?!

Ryo: Hm. To think that I would meet the 3 time International Champion right in front of me.

Hitori: C-C-CHAMPION?!?!

Ikuyo: So you know him, Ryo-senpai? And what is the International?

Ryo: Ikuyo. If you didn't know, The International, sometimes known as TI, is one of the world's largest band tournaments. Every professional band in the world will do anything to compete there, and winning would elevate them to the status of world's top band. And Iku and his band have accomplished this three times in a row.

Shizuku: Amazing. I didn't know that you were that talented, Riku-kun.

Haruka: So you were also a pro like us. I guess when you can sing that intense and play the keytar like that....

Airi: No wonder I felt something was off from him. He had that aura of a true pro in him.

Minori's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as she observed a true professional at work, and it inspired her to work even harder. Eli and the others, with the exception of the second-year trio, were astounded to see how Aichi could keep up with Riku. Tomoe and the rest of Afterglow looked at their friend with pride as they saw Ran playing with Riku.

Riku: Looks like you know who I was. Since when have you been watching?

Ryo: I've been watching TI since TI6. And I gotta say, you were a total wreck back then. Getting swept by a Chinese band of all things.

Riku winced a bit to Ryo's remark and that caught the curiosity of some of the girls.

Riku: So you knew that too?

Aoi: Riku, what did she mean by that?

Riku: I lost my first TI back in TI7. Me and OG placed 7th-8th. And that was one of the worst performances that I had in my life.

Aside from Afterglow, Aya, Hatate, Marina, Eli and Aichi, everyone was shocked to hear that Riku lost a music tournament. The one who was surprised the most were Kotori and Maki.

Kotori: Riku-kun.....lost?

Maki: To think that the so called second coming of Mozart lost....unbelievable...

Riku: Yeah, after TI7, I decided to take some time off. Taking a break from music seems to help. Taking my hands off of any instrument felt like a wake-up call. Then they advised I try something different instead of playing an instrument, so I tried singing. And that's when I met Atsushi-san, who taught me to sing. Then I returned to TI8, and the rest is history.

Ryo: I see...then all of the speculations that was dumped on you was all wrong.

Riku: I don't care what they say about me. I just play the way I like. If they don't like it, that's not my problem. And I think that I've overstayed here. I did what I had to do. Aya, Hatate, with me. Marina, I leave the rest to you.

Aya/Hatate/Marina: HAI!!!

Riku, Aya and Hatate left the room and left Marina in charge. Aichi and Ran got off of the stage and were surrounded by their friends as they were praising the two for playing alongside Riku. Marina who was at the stage right now did a fake cough so she could start the real meeting.

Marina: Now, let's continue with the meeting.


Nagae Estate - Riku's Room

9:30 P.M.

Riku POV

After leaving Marina and the other girls, Hatate, Aya, and I went to my office to talk about certain topics. And it includes TI's campaign in just a few months. I like to plan ahead of time so I don't have to worry.

Following that, Roselia and I ate dinner at a local family restaurant. While we were waiting for our dinner, Yukina questioned what was going on below the live house, and I told her that the groups for the second live were meeting. 

This piqued their interest, and Sayo inquired about the participating bands. When I told them that Rondo was included, Yukina frowned slightly. I decided not to look into further for the time being because I believe she had an issue with one of their members.

When I told them that μ's and MORE MORE JUMP were also included, Rinko and Sayo wondered if μ's will still perform in Hanasakigawa. I advised them to address it with Eli.

After dinner, Rinko and I returned to the estate, where Miyu and Eli waited for us. When we arrived inside, Rinko and I noticed a large number of cheap sweets in the living room. When I questioned Miyu why there were so many, she apologized and explained that she and her friends enjoyed it so much that they purchased at least 20 huge crates of cheap candy. They were scolded by the headmistress after that, and Miyu asked me what to do about it. I suggested that they donate the candy, and the girls agreed.

Having stated that, Miyu plans to collaborate with Hello, Happy World!, with her group Lyrical Lily, at a charity event over the weekend.

Eli approached Rinko and asked if she was available tonight to discuss some issues, which Rinko accepted. And that is where we are at the moment. Rinko and Eli decided to discuss it in my room because I was the one who convinced Aichi to reconsider performing at Hanasakigawa.

Rinko: So μ's plans to perform at CiRCLE instead at Hanasakigawa, right?

Eli: Yeah, we were a bit narrow minded on some locations and we realized it just now. Sorry that we had to bother you with it.

Rinko: It's no problem at all. We were just about to tell the teachers about it to see if they are good, but since you changed your mind, we won't have to worry about everything.....especially the expenses.

Eli: Agreeable. How will you tell this to Hikawa-san and Ichigaya-san?

Rinko: I'll just give them the details tomorrow in the student council office.

Riku: Then if I may ask, what did Marina discussed with you girls?

Eli: We debated the order of who goes first. Marina-san requested that μ's and MORE MORE JUMP perform last for the Love Live Qualifiers, which we all agreed to. However, among the three groups invited, it was decided that Kessoku Band would open, followed by Afterglow, and Rondo would end.

Riku: Did she gave any conditions for the live?

Eli: Well, she did say that they have to perform one song that they regularly perform and a new song.

Riku: So it's the same condition as mine during the first live. What about you and MORE MORE JUMP. How many songs that you girls need to perform?

Eli: According to the rules, we have to sing a song that we have never sung before. However, since we have decided to perform at CiRCLE, we must adhere to Marina-san's instructions. So, we'll be performing two songs. The second song will be recorded for the Love Live qualifiers.

Rinko: I see. So you have to write a song from scratch then.

Eli: Maki and Umi are already taking care of it. Aichi is also helping too. They told us that they're almost done with the song. All that's left is the choreography.

Riku: Have you girls made a training schedule yet?

Eli: Umi says that she'll cover it. But I think that I want Mitsuri to plan our training schedule.

Riku: That's for the best. I think we're done here. You girls go back to your rooms, we have school tomorrow.

Eli: I guess so. Good night Riku.

Eli got up from her seat, kissed my left cheek, and smiled as she left. Rinko saw this and did the same thing Eli did. She rose from her seat, kissed my right cheek instead of my left, and exited the room, beet crimson.

Riku: Guess she's not used to it yet. I'm sure she'll get over it. Hm?

I heard knocking on the window, I looked below and it was Kuroka who is in her cat form. I opened the window and she jumped and undid her transformation.

Kuroka: Thanks for letting me in Riku~

Riku: No problem. Where have you been all day?

Kuroka: I was wandering around, so I can familiarize myself. I also placed some wards just in case.

Riku: If it's for safety measures then I'll let it slide. Just give us a heads up before you do it.

Kuroka: Duly noted~ Oh right. I've met the bakeneko you mentioned.

Riku: You met Chen?

Kuroka: I did. A bundle of energy she is. She kept clinging on me and saying that I'll be her new onee-sama. It was kinda cute to be honest even though I already have Shirone.

Riku: Chen really wanted a big sister. And since both of you are kinda similar, you fit the bill. Since you met Chen, you met Ran-san as well, right?

Kuroka: Yeah. And just by looking at her, I can feel that she's even stronger than Yasaka-sama....

Riku: Yasaka?

Kuroka: She's the leader of the Youkai Faction in my world. And she's a kyuubi.

Riku: I see. Anything else you want to tell me?

Kuroka: Well....I don't know if I should tell this to you know what, fuck it. As I was placing my wards throughout the city, I felt a small magic pulse. It was faint, but it felt...sinister. I took a peek and it was.....

Riku: Don't need to finish it. I already know who they are. To think that those cultists are making moves again. Head to grandfather's office, I think he's still awake. Tell this to him and he'll know what to do.

Kuroka: O-Okay. See you later then.

Kuroka transformed into her cat form again as she made her way to grandfather's office. I sat on my chair as I let out a sigh as I scratch my head.

Riku: To think that they're back...after a decade.

Albion: [You seemed to be very worried, partner.]

Riku saw the gem on his right hand appear as Albion showed concern.

Riku: I am worried. If there is one thing that we Celestial Families really had a hard time of taking out, are cultists.

Albion: [Do they make things hard on you?]

Riku: You've no idea. When they were last active, they nearly overthrew the Japanese government. We discovered that numerous government officials were members of one of these cults and planned to take over the country. It was only resolved when his Majesty gave us the order to completely get rid of those cults. Getting rid of the most dangerous cults required the cooperation of all Celestial Families. Many were arrested, and others were executed, mainly the leaders. However, the small-scale ones received a grim warning.

Albion: [And from what Kuroka is talking a while ago, that means that some of these cults are dabbling with magic.]

Riku: That's what makes me worry. If it goes south, those cults will find a reason to try to get more followers...or worse.

Albion: [They might usurp the government again?]

Riku: Yeah. But for now, let's wait for grandfather's orders, then I'll make the necessary precautions. And if by the off chance that the girls get involved, there'll be hell to pay.

Albion: [Partner, your eyes....]

I looked at the mirror to see what Albion meant, and I saw my left eye transformed into a dragon's eye.

Riku: What happened to my eye?

Albion: [It seems that you were being overprotective to the girls that you're acquainted with. Your dragon instincts began to kick in when you thought of them getting hurt.]

Riku: How the hell am I gonna turn this back to normal?

Albion: [Don't worry, I'll be gone soon enough.]

As Albion said that, my left eye turned back to normal.

Albion: [Told you. Now get some rest, you'll have a busy week, partner.]

Riku: Thanks, good night partner.

Albion: [Good night to you too.]

The gem in my hand vanished as I stretch my arms as I get ready for bed. I changed to my pajamas and lay down in the bed as I slowly close my eyes and get a good night's rest.

A few days later....

Hanasakigawa Girls High School - Student Council Office

June 24, 2021 - Thursday - 4:30 P.M.

3rd POV

A few days have passed since the second CiRCLE gathering, and everything is going well. Rondo and Kessoku Band have been practicing at CiRCLE for the past two days. The former used it to acquaint themselves, whilst the latter used it to seek Riku's assistance, which he provided. The four girls still have a lot to learn, but they're picking it up quickly.

Riku is now at the student council office, together with Rinko, Sayo, Arisa, and Misaki. Misaki and Riku were there because Misaki is the school's treasurer and Riku is the manager of general affairs. And as for how Riku earned that spot, Yuyuko pointed out that every student at the school is required to join a club. And, since Riku hadn't joined any other clubs in a few months, they decided to put him on the student council, which was a tremendous help to Rinko and Sayo. With Riku on the team, the school has grown more lively than before.

Right now, the five student council members were managing a lot of documents as they were talking about μ's decision to perform at CiRCLE.

Arisa: So Ayase-san and μ's decided to perform at CiRCLE instead of here?

Arisa asked Rinko as she nodded in response.

Rinko: That's what we discussed a few days ago.

Arisa: How come you decided to tell this now?

Rinko: I was busy with other things...and it kinda slipped my mind.

Misaki: Well at least we won't have to worry about the expenses if it really got through, right?

Riku: That's what Eli and Rinko told me a few days ago.

Sayo: But still, how we will tell the other students about this? Some of them overheard it and they were anticipating that μ's will perform here. And some of the students here are fans of the group.

Riku: I mean if they want to watch them perform....they can watch it at CiRCLE. I'll give them a discount as a bonus.

Rinko: It hasn't sold out yet?

Riku took out his tablet from his bag to see how many tickets are still available.

Riku: Well....from today's quota.....only 600 tickets are left.

Sayo: That means at least a thousand have already bought their tickets and will be in attendance. And that includes us.

Riku: Say what now?

Sayo: Minato-san seemed to be interested in CiRCLE's second live event, so she decided to pre-order tickets for it.

Riku: I see. Anyway, for the remaining tickets, I'll message Marina that the last 600 will have at least a 30% discount to whoever buys them within this week. Tell this to the others as well.

Misaki: I'll put it on the billboard tomorrow then.

As they were finishing the documents, the door opened and it was Yuyuko.

Yuyuko: Good afternoon everyone~ Is Riku-kun here?~

Riku: Yuyuko-san. What do you need me for?

Yuyuko: Well, Gin-chan called me yesterday and he wants you to go to Totsuki tomorrow. It appears that they want to get the chosen 100 chefs before the end of the week.

Riku: You know that I still have to go to school tomorrow right?

Yuyuko: That won't be a problem~ Because I thought of something that will be beneficial to both schools~

Riku silently gulped as he was afraid to ask what Yuyuko was planning. Rinko on the other hand, asked anyway as she had the responsibility as the student council president.

Rinko: Yuyuko-san, what were you trying to suggest?

Yuyuko: Tomorrow, the Hanasakigawa Student Council will go to Totsuki~

At Yuyuko's words, the papers that Arisa and Misaki were trying to fix scattered a bit. Sayo's glasses nearly fell off and Riku just scratched his head.

Sayo: Yuyuko-san, are you serious?

Yuyuko: I am serious, Sayo-chan. There are a few reasons why you five will go there.

Misaki: And that is?

Yuyuko: Well I managed to strike a deal with Gin-chan that Totsuki will be providing food for the school's cafeteria for the next 10 years~

To Yuyuko's words, Rinko stood up almost immediately as Riku and the other girls were seeing stars in her eyes.

Rinko: Really?!

Misaki: S-Shirokane...senpai?

Realizing this, Rinko recollected herself as she sat on her chair and did a fake cough.

Rinko: Sorry about that. Yuyuko-san, did you really do that? The deal is official?

Yuyuko: Not yet. True I signed the papers, but your signatures are needed as well in order for that deal to become official.

Arisa: Then what about our classes for tomorrow?

Yuyuko: You five are exempted for tomorrow as you will be out for student council business. And at the same time, the job that Riku-kun was given. 

Misaki: A job that was given to Riku-san?

Riku: Totsuki tasked me with selecting the top 100 freshmen to compete in the Autumn Election this year. Normally, their own council would make that decision, but now that the Celestial Families are in charge, that responsibility has been delegated to me. I just finished selecting the students a few days ago and intended to give it to them by the end of the month.

Sayo: I see. But I gotta ask, is that deal really a big deal?

Rinko: It is a very big deal Sayo-san. You don't know how delicious the food that Totsuki can make.....

Riku: And remember, me and Rinko along with Kokoro and my other childhood friends went to the Totsuki Resort at May. I guess that Rinko was smitten to the food that Totsuki makes.

Rinko: R-Riku....

Arisa: Then what about the cafeteria workers? Won't they lose their jobs cause of that?

Yuyuko: In addition to the deal, Totsuki will provide instruction to the school chefs on how to prepare and cook the meals. So It's just an added bonus~

Riku: You said that we'll go tomorrow right? Did they gave a specific time?

Yuyuko: They expect you five to arrive at 10 in the morning. And you're quite wondering, why are you doing so many paperwork right now, right?

Misaki: Don't tell me that this is the paperwork that we have to deal with tomorrow?

Yuyuko: Not just that~ It's also paperwork for next week~ That means for the next week, you have more free time~

Riku: Well how bout that.....

Yuyuko: And Riku-kun. There will be an emergency meeting tonight at 11. You and Kuroka are to attend that meeting.

Riku's face turned serious as he understood what Yuyuko meant. But he scratched his head as he had already made plans.

Riku: I would like to but...I already had plans with Tina tonight. I think that Kuroka is more than enough, since she's the one who saw it all.

Yuyuko: You have plans with Tina-chan? Don't tell me that you-

Riku: Get your brain out of the gutter you glutton of a ghost. Tina asked me for help. She said that she wants to train with me during the night. I don't know why, but I'll just see how it goes.

Yuyuko: I see, then I'll tell this to Kyoya-san. We'll just give you the details of the meeting by the end of the week.

Riku: Please do. And tell him I'm sorry that I couldn't attend.

Yuyuko: I will. Now if you excuse me, I have to find Youmu now~ Youmu!!!~

Yuyuko floated away from the room as she looks for Youmu. Riku and the girls just sweatdropped as they saw their principal was just floating casually.

Arisa: You think that some of the students might see that?

Sayo: Unlikely. Aside from us, the sports club members are the only ones here in this school.

Riku: And as long as Yuyuko-san isn't seen floating like that, then it's all good. Rinko, ready to go?

Rinko: Y-Yeah.

Misaki: Where are you two going?

Rinko: Well, we were asked to buy some things at the supermarket.

Riku: Normally we let the workers do it. And since today's their day off, me and Rinko kinda volunteered to do it.

Sayo: I understand. You two can go, we can take care of things here.

Rinko: Thank you, Sayo-san. Riku, let's go.

Riku nodded as the two of them left the student council office as they head to the supermarket.


Nagae Estate - Training Room

9:00 P.M.

Riku POV

Hours have passed since we left Hanasakigawa. Aside from purchasing items for the house, Rinko and I were thinking about dinner options shortly after we left. Rinko mentioned that she wanted to have a barbecue for dinner, which gave me an idea. So, after we bought what the estate needed, we proceeded to a local meat shop to get some meat for the barbecue. And I decided we'd have a Korean barbecue dinner.

I told the others what was for dinner, and when we returned, they were more than hungry. Fortunately, I bought a lot of meat. Everyone liked the cookout, including the workers. They were anxious at first, but when I explained that this was a reward for their efforts, they happily joined.

After dinner, I did my homework and am now in the training room with Tina, where Mafuyu has unexpectedly joined us. We're all dressed in our workout gear, with me wearing skin tight leggings and an indigo tank top shirt. Mafuyu is wearing bicycles shorts and a violet sports bra, while Tina is dressed similarly but in grassy green.

Tina: Sorry that you have to waste your time here, onii-san.

Riku: Don't be. If you need help, just ask.

Tina: Hm. Then why is Mafuyu-nee-san here too?

Mafuyu: I was intrigued about what you were planning. When I realized you were training, I decided I wanted to be a part of it too. I mean, I need to train more since my initiation is in two years. I asked nii-san whether it was okay if I joined, and he agreed.

Riku: And it'll help Mafuyu in the long run too. So, you said that you need my help. I take that you want to have a spar with me?

Tina: Yeah. I want to do this to make sure i don't lose my edge.

Mafuyu: But why during the night? Don't tell me that you're nocturnal?

Tina: Hm. Right before I came here, my code name was "Midnight Owl".

Riku: Fitting name to someone is who is almost sleepy during the day. Well, let's get started then. How will we do this?

Tina: With this....Formation Delta.

To Tina's words, her eyes turned red as three mechanical orbs appeared and they were floating around her. The orbs had a red line around them as it was scanning around the training room.

Riku: Tina, what are those?

Tina: These are my eyes...I name them Shenfield, and my father made them for me. Normally, I can control them using a neuro chip inserted in my brain, but I can also control them fairly well with my magic. If I reinforce them with magic, I'll be able to utilize them to attack from close range as well.

Riku: How long is the range of these orbs can go?

Tina: The maximum range is at least 2 kilometers. Any more than that it exhausts me out.

Mafuyu: Then you want us to help you increase your maximum range?

Tina: No. I want you to fire your danmaku on me as I try to dodge them with these as my only means of sight.

Riku: You mean that you'll close your eyes while dodging my danmaku?

Tina: Hm.

Riku: Alright. But if you're gonna do that, Mafuyu will join you too.

Mafuyu: Eh? You want me to join with Tina-chan?

Riku: I think it's time for the next phase of your training. You need to familiarize yourself with danmakus. And at the same time, we will work on your agility, reaction times and how sturdy will your barrier will get.

Mafuyu: So a three in one lesson then.....I want to ask, how long will you keep firing your danmaku on us?

Riku: That depends. But if I can give you two a timer....I say 30 minutes.

Tina: Mafuyu-nee-san. Let's work together.

Tina was looking at Mafuyu with sparkles on her eyes. Even though with her deadpan expression, I can see Mafuyu smiled.....just a little bit. As the two were thinking of their strategy, I distance myself from them as I get ready as well.

As I got enough distance, without even notifying them, I shot a danmaku right between them. And out of instinct, both of them dodged it at the right time. They looked at me as I was showing a small smirk.

Riku: Nice instincts you two.

Tina: That was rude, onii-san. Attacking us from out of nowhere.

Mafuyu: I felt that coming.....I knew nii-san won't be making it easy...

Riku: Now that you two are ready.....let's begin.

A magic circle appeared behind me as I snapped my fingers, numerous danmaku began to rain on Mafuyu and Tina. As I saw them dodging them one by one, I began to think.....

Riku(thoughts): Hm....this might be more fun than I thought.

Albion: [You're enjoying this, don't you?]

Albion talked to me through telepathy so Tina and Mafuyu can't hear him.

Riku(thoughts): Just a bit.....but seeing them dodge my danmaku looks so satisfying to look.

Iku: [Riku, your sadistic tendencies are showing.....]

Iku joined the conversation, and I enjoyed watching Tina and Mafuyu struggle to avoid my danmaku. Tina's Shenfield were continuously moving as she followed the pattern that those orbs gave her. Mafuyu, on the other hand, runs away from my shots as soon as they approach her. A risky move, but it seems interesting to look at and the way she moves, it's as if she's dancing.....similar to how the Nagae actually fights.

After 30 minutes of nonstop dodging, I withdrew my magic circle as I see Mafuyu and Tina were laying down on the floor dead tired. I overheard their conversation while they were catching their breath.

Tina:'s over....

Mafuyu: That...was...exhausting...

Riku: Good job in dodging all of those danmaku.

Tina: It...wasn't....much....we...still need to catch our breath.

Riku: Good. Now we can start exercise 2.

Tina and Mafuyu looked at me in pure shock as they realized that their training isn't over yet.

Tina/Mafuyu: Huh?

Riku: I'll give you girls an hour to rest and after that, you'll be dodging my danmaku again. But this time, I'll be adding some of my spell cards for you to dodge.

Both of them paled when I told them that in addition to the danmaku that was already hard to dodge, I will also use my spell cards to add the difficulty.

Mafuyu: A-Are you serious?

Riku: Yes. See you in an hour.

I left the girls to rest up so we can begin the next phase. Then my sacred gear showed up as Albion and Iku talked to me.

Albion: [You're a monster, partner. You know that?]

Iku: [That's what Riku is. I still remember the time where he put his childhood friends through hell.]

Albion: [You know what....I'm not gonna ask that.] 

Me and Iku just chuckled as I wait for the hour to come so we can begin the next step.

The Next Day....

Hanasakigawa Girls HIgh School - Class 3-A

June 25, 2021 - Friday - 8:30 A.M.

Tina and Mafuyu literally collapsed following that training session due to the relentless assault of danmaku and spells. I had to call Nazuna and Youmu to pick them up and take them to their rooms. Little did I know that both of them vowed never to seek me for training again.....I assume those two had PTSD as a result.....I think I need to tone it down a little.

As a result, Mafuyu had to take a day off from school as her body aches all around. I gave the heads up to Yuyuko-san about it and she'll address it to her homeroom teacher.

After the tort- I mean training that I gave them, I went to my room, and Kuroka was there, showing that the meeting had ended. Kuroka informed me that the Myouren Temple will resolve the issue directly. If Byakuren-sama claims she'll settle it herself, I can only pray that the cultists survive her wrath.

Kuroka further said that Byakuren-sama is inviting her to visit the Myouren Temple in Kyoto. I urged her to take it since Byakuren-sama is one of the gentlest members of the Celestial Families, and she is a master of senjutsu. Kuroka told everyone she was traveling to Kyoto starting next week, and we decided to help her prepare.

After dropping off Eli and Miyu at their respective schools, me, Rinko and Youmu arrived at school, and homeroom began as usual. Homeroom ended routinely, with nothing interesting happening other than taking attendance. And before the first period began, Fudo-sensei called me, Rinko, and Sayo.

Yukino: Before I forget. Nagae-kun, Shirokane-san and Hikawa-san, you three are exempted for the rest of the day.

The three of us nodded as we understood what sensei meant. And right before we picked up our bags, some of our classmates asked us why we're leaving. Especially Chisato and Kaguya.

Chisato: Onii-sama, what did sensei meant by you're exempted for the rest of the day?

Rinko: Well, the student council will be going somewhere with Yuyuko-san.

Kaguya: So it's an official student council business?

Riku: Yes. Now if you excuse us, we still have to get Arisa and Misaki.

We then left the classroom as we picked up Misaki and Arisa from their respective classes and we head straight to the school entrance where Yuyuko-san is already there.

Yuyuko: I take that your Yukino-chan have told you that you're exempted right?

Riku: Yeah. So, how will we get to Totsuki? You said that we won't be using my car, so I guess that you'll cover for it, right?

Yuyuko: What a clever boy you are, Riku-kun. Our transportation will be here

And at her mark, a limousine showed up as the driver got out of the car and greeted my aunt.

Driver: The limousine is ready Yuyuko-sama. Just tell me the destination and I'll take you there.

Yuyuko: Excellent. We're going to Totsuki today. I take that you know where to go?

Driver: But of course. Please, head inside as we get ready for the trip.

The driver went back inside the limo as the door opened as Yuyuko-san and I got inside.

Riku: Well, what're you waiting for? Get in.

The girls got inside of the limo and as all of us were in, the driver closed the door and started driving towards Totsuki.

As we were on the road, Yuyuko-san who was beside me asked me something while she was drinking tea.

Yuyuko: So, Riku-kun. I take that the 100 chefs that you chose are competent?

Riku: If you want to know, here. The envelope contains the 100 chefs I handpicked for the Autumn Election. Their cooking style, origins, talents, flaws and even their achievements outside of school are all documented. As well as the win-loss record if they competed in a Shokugeki. I also included my personal review on them.

Yuyuko-san hummed as she opened the envelope. Just by the first file, she already scratched her head.

Yuyuko: Riku-kun, this is too much attention to detail.

Riku: Hey, Sanzaemon-dono asked me to do whatever I liked and I did just that.

Yuyuko: And you did this 99 more times? This will take me hours to read all of this...

Rinko: Um...can I take a look at that one as well?

Riku: Sure, here you go.

I passed some of the files to Rinko and the girls as well. And as they read through the files, a look of disbelief showed in their eyes.

Sayo: Incredible. Everything that there is to know about them is written in the finest of detail...

Arisa: And you made 100 of these?

Misaki: How long did you make this?

Riku: Right when June started. I make at least 15 of those files twice a week. That includes the screening that I make as well. Well I got it easy with Aya and Hatate helping me along the way.

Yuyuko: You're using those tengu outside of their work in CIRCLE as well?

Riku: Well I did hire them. So might as well utilize their specialty to the fullest. And I gave them a wall deserved raise after all of that.

The girls got engrossed to the files that I showed to Yuyuko-san. They just read through all of them till we reached Totsuki.

A few hours later....

Totsuki Academy - Entrance

10:00 A.M.

3rd POV

After an hour and a half of driving, Yuyuko and the Hanasakigawa Student Council arrived in Totsuki. As they stepped out of the limousine, the girls' expressions were filled with astonishment and awe as they realized how big the school entrance was. The driver informed them that he'd be waiting for them once they finished. The gate slowly opened as the limo drove away, and Erina waited for them on the other side.

Erina: I'm happy that you made it here, nii-sama.

Riku: Hm. How're you doing as of now, Erina?

Erina: It's all going well. With less paperwork to deal with, I can at least cook whenever I liked.

While Riku and Erina were catching up a bit, Sayo, Arisa and Misaki turned to Rinko as they asked what relationship those two have.

Arisa: Rinko-senpai, what's the relationship of those two? Don't tell me that she's-

Rinko: No. Erina-chan and Riku are childhood friends. Erina-chan looks at Riku as her own brother.

Misaki: So the same as Kokoro?

Sayo: And the way she talks to Riku-san, it's as if she's treating him with the utmost respect.

Yuyuko: Erina-chan treats Riku-kun in this manner since he is the only person who treats Erina-chan like a normal girl. Erina-chan has been pampered as royalty her entire life because of her lineage. But with Riku-kun, she may drop the arrogant attitude and become more at ease.

Sayo: Riku-san really left that much of an impact on her....

Yuyuko: Yes. And I think that they've caught up far enough. Good to see you again, Erina-chan~

Erina looked at Yuyuko as she politely bowed to her as she gave a warm smile to Yuyuko.

Erina: Good to see you again, Yuyuko-sama. Shirokane-san, good to see you again.

Rinko: M-Me too, Erina-chan.

Erina: I take that this is the student council?

Riku: Yup. Let's start with me. I'm currently the school's manager of general affairs.

Erina: You have a position that low? I thought you would be the president or even the vice?

Riku: I transferred right the school year started. And I was just placed in the student council just to fill the slot.

Erina: I see.

Arisa: A-Anyway, let's continue with the introductions. I'm Ichigaya Arisa. 2nd year at Hanasakigawa and I'm the school secretary.

Misaki: Okusawa Misaki. I'm also a 2nd year and I'm the school's treasurer.

Sayo: Hikawa Sayo. 3rd year at Hanasakigawa Girls High School. I'm the student council vice-president.

Rinko: And you may already know me but I'll just re-introduce myself just in case. I'm Shirokane Rinko. 3rd year student of Hanasakigawa and the school's student council president.

Erina: You're the student council president? I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover...anyway, I'm Nakiri Erina. 1st year student here at Totsuki and I'm the 10th seat of the Totsuki's Elite Ten Council.

Sayo: That's quite a position you got there, Nakiri-san.

Erina: It's not all that bad. Nii-sama, do you have it?

Riku: I got it right here.

Riku showed the envelope and passed it to her. Erina peeked into the envelope and saw 100 files inside and she lets out an approving smile.

Erina: Fantastic. Now that we have this, we can finally announce the chosen chefs. Since today is a free day to all students, I can show you what Totsuki has to offer.

Yuyuko: Thank you for the offer Erina-chan~

Rinko: Hm. I'm also interested on how this school operates.

Erina: We can talk about this in the-

Hisako: Erina-sama!!!

Erina turned around and she saw her best friend Hisako running towards her. Erina rushed to her friend to see what's wrong.

Erina: Hisako, why were you running? Is something wrong?

Hisako: A-A-A Shokugeki is taking place right now!!

Erina: A Shokugeki? Who's fighting who?

Hisako: It's Yukihira Soma!! He was challenged by a fellow first year because the latter couldn't accept Yukihira's way of cooking!!

Erina just facepalmed in irritation as she heard that Soma is currently going to a shokugeki.

Erina: Do they have any judges though?

Hisako: Well, the Spanish Cuisine RS, Korean Cuisine RS and the Mid-West Cuisine RS will be the judges as they were there by chance and volunteered themselves to be the judges. As for the approval, Isshiki-senpai has given the Shokugeki a go.

Erina: What's the theme of the Shokugeki?

Hisako: The theme is Italian.

Erina: Hmmm.....I think Soma-kun can handle it on his own.

Riku: You seem confident that he'll win.

Erina: Why of course, you are invested in him after all. I mean right when we got back here at the school, he was practically begging me to teach him.

Riku: Really now? And what's your answer?

Erina: At first, I don't want anything to do with him, but after what happened at the office, I decided to put my trust on him. So I accepted it and I've been teaching him ever since. And I'm very impressed by him since he's absorbing everything I taught him like a sponge.

Riku: I see. Hisako, Is the shokugeki underway?

Hisako hearing Riku's question just looked away as she was twiddling her fingers. Erina seeing that made her a bit suspicious.

Erina: Hisako.....are you hiding something from me?

Hisako: Well....the truth is....the cooking phase is almost over the moment I left the venue.....and I think that they're at the judging phase by now.

Everyone was shocked to hear that they're about to miss the shokugeki and Erina was much more shocked to hear it from her best friend.

Erina: And you didn't tell me this because why?

Hisako: I know that you're already excited to meet Riku-sama again and....I don't want to ruin your mood because of the shokugeki.

Erina just huffed as she put her hand on Hisako's shoulder.

Erina: Hisako, I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed that you didn't tell me this beforehand rather than not telling me. Remember, I'm an Elite 10 member.

Hisako: I-I'm sorry, Erina-sama!! I promise that I'll tell you everything beforehand!!

Erina: Alright. Now, take us to the venue where the shokugeki is taking place. We might be able to make it right before the winner is decided.

Hisako nodded as she led the way. Riku and the others followed suit as they rushed to the venue.

Totsuki Academy - Arena A

Riku and the girls have made it to the venue where the shokugeki was taking place. But they arrived too late as the tasting was already over and the judges have decided on the winner.

Urara: The winner with the score of 3-0, is Yukihira Soma!!!

Soma: It wasn't much!!

Cheers erupted around the arena as they heard the winner. But for Riku and the crew, they were a bit disappointed that they didn't make it on time.

Hisako: We were too late....

Rinko: I'm's my fault that we got here too late.....if you could've just left me there.....

Rinko was blaming herself for the reason why they were late. They can see that she was panting and trying to catch her breath.

Riku: No one's blaming you Rinko. Although we have to do some training for you once we get back home.

Rinko: H-Hai.....

Erina: It looks like Soma-kun won. As expected from him.

Riku looked around the stadium, surprised to see Soma's opponent on his knees. He then looked closely at the dishes served to the judges. According to what he sees, Soma's opponent prepared a Triple Sea Food Risotto with lobster, shrimp, and scallops. For Soma, he prepared Osso Bucco and Risotto Milanese. But the meat Soma used was beef, not veal. And several of Soma's ingredients on the table as he cooked were very cheap ingredients. Riku smirked slightly and commended him on a job well done.

Riku: Looks like I finally figured out what Soma can do.

Erina: You do?

Yuyuko: Erina-chan, it is not just Riku-kun who has noticed this. I noticed it too. Yukihira-kun can transform cheap and everyday products into restaurant-quality dishes. But in order to reach Totsuki's level, he must go above and beyond. Breaking the school's usual methods.

Riku: And how he prepares it makes it crucial. One mistake and it could ruin the dish completely. So it's all trial and error for him. No wonder everyone hates him, almost everyone here goes by the book while Soma thinks outside the box.

Erina: So that's I understand. No wonder why he did that during his exam.

Hisako: Is something the matter, Erina-sama?

Erina: It's nothing. Just something that comes to mind.

Riku: Remember Erina, a true chef thinks outside from the norm, not just what they see or read. Adapt, Improvise, Overcome.

Erina: I'll take that advice to heart, nii-sama.

While at the center of the arena, Soma who was celebrating with his friends noticed Riku and Erina. He made eye contact as he called them as he was waving his hand.

Soma: OI!!!! ERINA!!! RIKU-SAN!!!

Everyone looked the direction where Soma was looking and they saw Erina and Riku along with Yuyuko and the other girls behind them.

Student 1: It's Erina-sama!

Student 2: Erina-sama is here!!!

Student 3: But who are those people beside her? Their uniforms are different from us.

Student 4: Are they transfer students?

Student 5: And did Yukihira just called Erina-sama's name without honorifics?! The nerve!!!

Murmurs were heard around the arena and Riku and Erina just facepalmed to the situation that they are now.

Riku: You know what, let's just go there.

Erina: Agreed.

The eight of them went towards Soma and the moment they reached there, Riku was the first to congratulate him on his win.

Riku: Congratulations, Soma. I can see from your dish that you've improved a lot. I can see 25% of Joichiro-san from you right now.

Soma: REALLY?! Alright!!

Megumi: know Joichiro-san?

Riku: Yup. Joichiro-san and my father were good friends back then and he comes to the estate when he has the time. And good to see you doing great, Satoshi.

Riku called the young man that has curly, medium-length brown hair with an ahoge. Cyan blue eyes and wearing the standard Totsuki uniform. The young man smiled at Riku as he bowed to him in respect.

Satoshi: Thank you for the compliment, Riku-sama.

Soma: Isshiki-senpai, you know Riku-san?

Satoshi: Why of course. The Isshiki family is a vassal family of the Nagae after all.

Soma and his friends were shocked to hear that their senior works for RIku. Megumi Asked him if it was true.

Megumi: Is it true Isshiki-senpai? Your family works for the Nagae?

Satoshi: The Isshiki has been a vassal family of the Nagae for the past 2 centuries.

Riku: And they're the most trusted vassals to the Main Family.

Satoshi: Thank you for finishing that, Riku-sama. Since you're here, I take that you're finished with picking them?

Riku: I do. Erina has it, and you can discuss it with your fellow Elite 10 members. And another reason why I'm here, is that I'm on official student council business. And as you can see, our principal is with us.

Yuyuko: It's been a while since I saw you, Satoshi-chan~ And you look more handsome today~

Satoshi: Thank you for the compliment, Yuyuko-sama. Let's continue this somewhere more private. Erina-chan, if you will.

Erina nodded as she took the megaphone from Satoshi as she tells this to the remaining students with an authoritarian tone.

Erina: The Shokugeki is already finished. All students return to your dorms or return to what you were doing. NOW.

The students followed Erina's command as they left the arena. Soma remained before Erina told him to leave too.

Erina: Didn't you hear what I just said?

Soma: I know. But I gotta ask, will we have another session today?

Erina: Not today. I have a meeting to attend. We can have a session tomorrow, and you can bring Tadokoro-san with you.

Soma: Sure, I'll tell her that. Later!!

Soma left as Erina, Satoshi and the Hanasakigawa crew only remained.

Erina: Let's discuss this at my office.

All of them nodded as they head to the Erina's office so they can finalize the deal between Totsuki and Hanasakigawa.

Totsuki Academy - Erina's Office

11:00 A.M.

Riku and the other Hanasakigawa girls, including Satoshi and Hisako, have arrived at Erina's office. The room features a table near the window where Erina works, which includes a lot of documents and a computer. A book shelf with volumes containing information on high-quality and unique ingredients. She had a beautiful tea set and a recliner to use when she wanted to relax. And a violin sits next the recliner.

Erina went to her desk as she took out the contract that Gin gave her yesterday and gave it to Rinko.

Erina: This is the contract that Chef Dojima handed me yesterday. Aside from me and Isshiki-senpai's signatures, only one of the Elite 10 did not sign it. But it doesn't matter because as long as the majority of the Elite 10 approves, it's valid.

Satoshi: And all that's left is the signatures of the student council of Hanasakigawa. Yuyuko-sama has already signed it.

Rinko read through the document, looking for any loopholes. She handed it to Riku, who searched for a fine print for several seconds before discovering none. He handed over the contract to Rinko and nodded at his fiance.

Rinko: I have read the contract. If you genuinely follow the deal, I'll approve it. Though I have reservations that some people may take advantage of this deal.

Satoshi: We've made....precautions for this, Shirokane-kun. And in that contract, it assigned me, Erina-kun, and two more other Elite 10 members in charge of this. And we're probably the most capable ones of handling this.

Sayo: May we know who the other two members are?

Erina: Kinokuni Nene, the current 6th seat and Kuga Terunori, the current 8th seat.

Riku: Kinokuni? You mean the family that is well known for their soba?

Erina: Yes. And to give you a heads up, Kuga-senpai specializes Chinese Cuisine.

Riku: I see. Then what about the other members? How come they're not involved?

Erina: Well the top five of the Elite 10 are 3rd years, and they're way too busy getting ready for graduation. So it's up to us to handle this kind of things outside the school.

Arisa: So the 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th seat will be involved in this. What about the 9th seat?

Satoshi: Well, Eizan-kun is not the type that will be willingly cooperate unless he gets something in return.

Riku: Eizan? You mean the Eizan Clan? To think that their young master is here.

Erina: Nii-sama, you know them?

Yuyuko: Riku-kun is undoubtedly familiar with the Eizan Clan. Not only do the Nagae know them, but so do all of the Celestial Families. Because the Yakumo controls all of Japan's Yakuza and underworld factions, they are kept in check.

Rinko and the other girls froze when they discovered that the Ceelstial Families effectively control all Yakuza in the country. But also relieved that the Yakumo is handling them.

Riku: And the Eizan Clan is notorious for their shady dealings. Even giving Yukari-san a hard time. Guess the young Eizan can't move freely with the Yakumo right on his neck.

Satoshi: Unfortunately so, but he has been keeping it clean with his deals nowadays. No bribery nor blackmail or any of the sort. Though his cooking isn't to scoff at, the way he handles business is second to none.

Riku: So he's more on the business side then. Rinko, give me the contract.

Rinko passed the contract back to Riku as he took out a pen and signed the contract. He passed it back to Rinko as she signed it as well and passed it to Sayo, then Arisa and lastly to Misaki. As Misaki wrote her signature, she passed it to Erina and gave an approving nod.

Erina: With this, the contract is official. Expect the contract to take effect next week.

Yuyuko: Thank you for everything, Erina-chan~

Erina: It's nothing much. I'm just doing what I can do. Anyway, since there was a change of plans earlier, I was planning on giving you a tour around the campus. But since there are some other matters that needs my attention....Hisako, can you give Yuyuko-sama and the girls a tour?

Hisako: Why of course.

Rinko: But what about Riku?

Riku: I'll stay here. I think I'm needed in this matter as well. Just have fun okay?

Rinko: Hm. Don't take too long.

Riku nodded as he kissed Rinko on the forehead which the latter just blushed. Erina was blushing too while Satoshi was just smiling with his eyes closed. After that, Rinko and the others followed Hisako leaving Riku and the two Totsuki students in the room.

Erina: Nii-sama, I can tell that you and Shirokane-san are quite close.....

Riku: Oh right, I forgot to tell you. Me and Rinko are engaged now.

Erina's jaw dropped when Riku dropped the bomb on her. Erina stuttered a bit as she congratulated Riku on his engagement.

Erina: I-I see....congratulations....on your engagement.....nii-sama...

Satoshi: Congratulations on your engagement, Riku-sama. How come we didn't know about your engagement? Normally the vassal families would know this as well.

Riku: Due to the tensions of the main family and the branch family, my engagement with Rinko is kept under wraps. But my engagement will be publicized during the gathering.

Satoshi: I see. So that's why there were a lot of "gifts" that was sent to us. And all of them came from the branch family.

Satoshi told Riku in a very serious tone which Riku took it as a very serious claim.

Riku: When did they started sending these....."gifts"?

Satoshi: From what my father told me, it started during the start of spring. I've got a call from our fellow vassal families and they received the same thing. Though they decided to put it aside and decided to take a neutral stance in regards to the conflict between the main and branch families.

Riku: What's the stance of the Isshiki on this?

Satoshi: The Isshiki will be in a neutral stance as well. I'm sorry Riku-sama, even though I wanted to help you, I can't act unless father rescinds his neutrality.

Riku: It's alright. we can handle this ourselves. But still, telling me this gives me the information that I need. But moving on to another topic.

Erina: Yes. About the 100 freshmen that you handpicked.

Riku: Don't worry. I show no bias on how I chose them. I even had to ask Hatate and Aya to do a thorough search on each and every one of them. Some of them interest me and some of them I chose on a whim. But it all depends on them.

Erina: Very well. Me and the rest of the Elite 10 will see your picks.

Riku: Before I leave. The main event of the Autumn Election is a single elimination, right?

Satoshi: That's right. That has been the tradition of Totsuki since it's inception. Do you have any ideas on how to make it even more lively?

Riku: I do. Though it's just a simple change on the bracketing. I want to change it into a double elimination bracket.

Erina: A double elimination bracket?

Riku: Yup. Take it for example, the top 8 chefs will go head to head in the upper bracket. The top 4 will proceed to the upper bracket semi-finals while the losers will go to the lower bracket where they will fight for survival. Here, let me show you how it works.

Erina gave Riku a paper and pen as Riku drew how the bracket will go. As he finished drawing the bracket, Erina and Satoshi showed great interest to the new format.

Erina: This is a great idea.....

Satoshi: And this will give those who lost a second chance, or even better...a comeback.

Erina: I'll recommend this during the meeting later this afternoon. Thank you for doing this, nii-sama.

Riku: Don't worry. It's the least I can do. The Celestial Families has a hold on Totsuki from now on, so it's normal for us to get involved in this kind of things.

Erina: Right. Nii-sama, how about you go ahead and catch up to the others.

Riku: I can do that. What about you?

Erina: I want to look at this files for a little longer.

Riku: Alright then. I'll be off now, and take a rest while you can Erina. Satoshi, keep an eye on her.

Satoshi bowed as Riku left Erina's office. erina opened the envelope as she reads through the first file. And upon seeing Soma's file, Erina lets out a scoff.

Erina: No bias my foot. You put Soma-kun's name at the first file. Although.....

Satoshi joined in as he looked at Soma's file. And when he saw the details that Riku put on his file, Satoshi lets out a very confident smile as he was chuckling.

Satoshi: I knew my hunch was right about you...Soma-kun.


Nagae Estate - Mafuyu's Room

5:00 P.M.

Riku POV

After leaving Erina's office, I caught up with Hisako, Rinko, and the others. Hisako was showing the locations that made Totsuki famous. That contains the Autumn Garden, which Sanzaemon-dono personally maintains, as well as the Full Moon Arena, which will host the Autumn Election.

After that, I asked Hisako where the Polar Star Dorm is located, and she said it was far from the main campus. Regardless, she took us there, which took around 30 minutes by car. When we got there, it seemed like a run-down place. Fumio-san, the dorm mother, greeted us as we entered. When I questioned her why the place looked so run-down, she said that it had become independent of Totsuki due to a shokugeki.

Then she inquired why we were here, and I casually mentioned that Joichiro-san had told me about the site, which shocked her because I knew him. Fumio-san gave us a tour of the dorm and introduced us to the tenants, Soma and the other freshmen that Rinko and I had met at the Totsuki resort. They're a lively lot, and their culinary style differs greatly from that of the other freshman.

After meeting them, we had a feast in the dorm as a welcome. Arisa, Sayo, and Misaki were ecstatic after experiencing all Totsuki had to offer. But when Soma attempted to serve them one of his botched meals, I grabbed him by the arm and scolded him severely.

After the feast and scolding, I left Totsuki, wishing them the best of luck in the future. Yuyuko-san was dropped off at school first, followed by Sayo to her home, Misaki to Kokoro's home at her request, and finally me and Rinko at the Nagae Estate entrance.

Me and Rinko separated as she goes straight to her room with Kazehana, while I got to Mafuyu's room to see if she's doing okay. As I reached her room, I knocked on her door, the door opened and it was Nazuna.

Nazuna: Riku-sama, welcome home. Is your business with Totsuki was a success?

Riku: It was. We took care of it quite early and we got a lot of time to see the campus. How's Mafuyu doing?

Nazuna: Mafuyu-sama is working on her homework that was sent to her by Youmu-sama. Mafuyu-sama, Riku-sama is here to see you.

Nazuna stepped aside as I entered my sister's room. Not much is in her room aside from the usual furniture that is already here, but I do notice the synthesizer on the right side of her room.

Mafuyu: Nii-san, welcome back.

Mafuyu greeted me with her usual monotonous tone. But I can feel that it's not as monotonous as it was back then.

Riku: Hm. Nazuna, leave us. Guard the door if you like.

Nazuna bowed as she left the room, leaving me and Mafuyu alone.

Riku: So, how's your body faring?

Mafuyu: It's alright now. I just needed a very long rest.

Riku: I see. Mafuyu, sorry that I went a bit too far last night.

Mafuyu: Don't be. I understand that you were doing this for me. It's simply that...I'm not as adaptable as you or your grandfather. I've only been in this situation for a few months, and I'm still struggling to understand it. Even if I don't show it, the pressure is getting to me...

Hearing about my sister's troubles helps me understand where she's heading. She was simply a normal--er, eccentric--girl going about her life until she was introduced to the world of the supernatural. And she's the illegitimate daughter of one of Japan's most prestigious families, and the fact that she's also half youkai has overwhelmed her; the pressure is getting to her. Simply having the Nagae name gives her that much.

I just went to Mafuyu and gave her a surprise headpat. She stared at me, astonished, as I simply smiled.

Riku: Just take it easy, Mafuyu. Work at your own pace, let me handle the hard work. As your older brother and as the next head of the Nagae, it's my responsibility to bear.

Mafuyu: But...I want to at least reduce your burden.

Riku: And I appreciate it that you want to help. But I would like for you to enjoy your high school days before you fulfill your duties as a Nagae. For now, leave it all to me.

Mafuyu: Okay....

Riku: Good. Now if you excuse me, I have some work to do.

Mafuyu: Don't work for too long, nii-san.

I nodded quietly and left the room and I told Nazuna to return inside as I head to my room.

Nagae Estate - Riku's Room

After taking off my uniform and changing into my casual clothes, I go to my computer to see if there is anything new. I opened my email, and one of the messages came from Johan, who informed me that Ceb will be visiting Japan with some OG scouts.

I told him that Ceb and the others were welcome to stay on the estate throughout their stay to save money. After responding to Johan, I checked my other email, and one was from Red Bull. According to the letter, they intend to film a documentary on my journey at the last Future World Fes. And they'll be waiting for my response so they can begin next month.

I smiled at the letter and replied. My response is clearly yes. It's nice that I predicted this, because I already have several clips recorded and ready to go if they decide to use them.

After checking my mailbox, I decided to call Johan in regards to Ceb coming here in Japan. I dialed his number on my phone, and fortunately he immediately picked up.

Riku: Yo, Johan. Tell me about the mail you sent me.


Chiyu's Penthouse - Chiyu's Office

6:00 P.M.

Chiyu POV

Reona: Chu²-sama, here's the next batch of paperwork that needs to be done by the end of the month.

Chiyu: Just put it there.

PAREO place the stack of papers in my table and left as I let out a tiring sigh as I look at the amount of work that I need to do.

It was stupid of me to not hire a manager. I should've took the manager that Monster Energy offered us and I said that I can take care of it on my own. Now I'm swamped with a lot of paperwork. This leaves me little to no time to make songs for RaS. The songs that we sang back at Osaka were just some songs that I already written years ago. Good thing it worked though.

Chiyu: *sigh* well, what happened, happened. I said that I can take care of this on my own and I have to put up with it. Although.....I might put up an ad to hire some...maybe I should ask Iku for-

Before I even get to my idea, the door opened and it was PAREO.

Reona: Chu²-sama, someone here wants to see you.

Chiyu: Who is it? Can you tell them to leave? I'm busy here.

Reona: It's LAYER-san.

My eyes turned to PAREO as she told me that LAYER wanted to see me. I looked at the paperwork on my desk and I looked at the time. I closed my eyes and huffed as I told PAREO what to do.

Chiyu: Send her in. I have some time for her. And can you make some food for me while your at it.

Reona: Hai, Chu²-sama.

PAREO bowed as she left the room and LAYER entered the room with a face of pure resolve.

Chiyu: You've come. I take it that it's about Iku, right?

Rei: Hm.

Chiyu: Well? What's your choice?

Rei: I'll do it.

Chiyu: Good. Then that'll make things very easy for me. Tomorrow, I'll be going to the Nagae Estate to get some help from Iku. And since you're resolved in confessing, you'll be coming with me. Use this as an opportunity to settle your feelings for him. This is your chance, don't you dare let it slip away.

Rei: Hai, Chu²

Chiyu: Hm. So, how did you make the move?

Rei: Well, Hana-chan kinda talked me into it. And it was a good wake up call.

Chiyu: Che. To think that you managed to steel yourself from getting help from Poppin'Party. Well, can't blame you. You two are childhood friends after all.

Rei: Yeah. Hana-chan really helped me with that. Chu², about that plan that the Celestial Families had.....about Riku having a harem and all....

Chiyu: Yeah, it's all legit. If Okina-sama is the one who made it, then it's all legit. I'm more surprised that Eiki-sama approved of this.

Rei: Um...Chu², who is Eiki-sama?

Chiyu: She holds all the laws here in Japan. and whatever her decision is, it's final, objections be damned.

Rei: I see.

Chiyu: So, is that all you came for?

Rei: Yes....that is all.

Chiyu: Very well then. You may leave. Come here by tomorrow morning at 7. And don't be late.

Rei: I will, thank you for taking your time, Chu².

LAYER left the room after saying that. As the door closed, I let out a relieving sigh as my bassist/vocalist finally got her shit together. I decided to call Iku about it, but I decided not to because I want to let LAYER deal with it on her own.

Chiyu: Looks like things are going smoothly.

I then looked at the picture that I had with was a picture of me when I was 10 and Riku was 15. In this picture, he was teaching me how to play the violin. I gave up playing the violin long ago, but Riku managed to make me learn how to play it. I still have my violin and I'm playing it whenever I feel like it. though not as good as my mom, but it'll do. I just smiled and lightly tapped at the picture.

Chiyu: You've got another one coming tomorrow, nii-chan.

Next Chapter - XXXVI - Decisions, Tiebreaker and Stipulations


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