The Strongest Curse Master

Chapter 69: +$1,987,500

Having discovered that the drums containing the bag of cocaine and cash were buried beneath the living room of the rundown farmhouse, Dame Wasp returned to the rendezvous point as instructed by Ace.

Canceling the sense share skill, Ace opened his eyes to find his head resting on Emi's bountiful bosom and sitting on her lap as she sat in seiza position on the bare ground. Seeing his senses return to his body, Emi greeted him, "Welcome back, Master."

"Sssh!" Ace shushed Emi and looked at the guards in distress, only to hear Emi assure him, "Master, don't worry, I have used a silence talisman, if we speak within a 10-meter radius of it, nobody outside that area will hear a thing."

"I see," Ace hurriedly got off Emi's lap and stood up not wanting Dame Wasp to see them in this position and get jealous of Emi sparking unnecessary tensions between the two.

Ace updated Emi on the situation as Dame Wasp joined them. With the whole gang present, he took the lead saying, "Let us brainstorm how we are going to get to the cocaine and the cash without alerting the gangsters."

"We can use the sleep talisman, and be in and out of there without them noticing," Emi suggested they put all the thugs to sleep and completed their mission.

"That's an idea but let us save it for when we cannot think of something else. I don't want to leave behind any trace of us, even in their memories. After all, one cannot be too sure what the cartel's curse masters are capable of," Ace was worried that if they put the guards to sleep the cartel's hounds might get suspicious if they were capable of going through their memories.

So, he left Emi's idea to use the sleep talismans as the last option.

"Master, I have a better idea," Dame Wasp condescending gazed at Emi before continuing, "How about we use the farmhouse's crawl space to our advantage? Emi can use the crawl space to get under the living room, quietly dig the ground, and store the drums in her storage talisman. Then come here to quickly replace the cocaine and cash with sand and toilet paper.

Later place the drum back where she found them. This way, nobody except us will have any clue as to what happened to the cocaine and the cash stashed in the drums buried beneath the farmhouse."

"Excellent idea, Rose!" Ace exclaimed finding Dame Wasp's plan perfect for their mission. Being praised by her master Dame Wasp held her head high as hovered before.

"That's a great plan, senpai," Emi excitedly praised Dame Wasp for her plan, feeling it was in line with their master's requirements to complete their mission.

Dame Wasp was taken aback listening to Emi's sincere praise, but without a hint of modesty, she replied, "As master's first toy summon, this is to be expected of me."

"Mhm," Emi nodded enthusiastically listening to her little senpai, and confidently said, "Leave the rest to me, senpai. I will complete the mission following your plan."

Emi's enthusiasm bugged Dame Wasp, reminding her that she was not being a good senior to her junior. However, she couldn't get over the fact that Emi had exclusive playtime with their master while she was locked away in her toy space. So, she could only click her tongue in annoyance.

"Let us not get ahead of ourselves," Ace said curbing Emi's enthusiasm. He eyed her curvy body and spoke his doubt, "I wonder if your body can fit into the crawl space."

Ace was not calling Emi fat, she had a thin waist and frame but her ample bosom and butt were his concern. He believed they might get in her way of completing the mission.

"Don't worry master, you know I am very flexible," Emi coquettishly replied assuring Ace that her body would not get in her way of completing the mission.

Seeing Emi was at it again, Dame Wasp no longer felt guilty for her actions toward the former. If only Emi did not constantly try to seduce their master and continued to act as her cute junior they would not have a problem.

"That I do," Ace vouched recalling their time together in the resort room. Quickly collecting his thoughts, he checked with her one last time, "You sure you got this?"

"Leave to me, master."

"Okay, you guys go ahead. Keep in touch using the status screen."

"Roger that."

Under the cover of the night, invisible Emi and camouflaged Dame Wasp soon made it to the farmhouse and entered its crawl space. Following Dame Wasp's lead Emi found the exact location where the drums were buried. Together they quietly dug the ground and uncovered the drums.

As planned, Emi stored the drums in storage talismans and they reported back at the rendezvous point where they could replace the cocaine and cash with sand and toilet paper without worrying about making too much noise.

"That was fast," Ace said seeing the duo return.

"They did not bury the drums too deep," Dame Wasp replied while Emi pinched a yellow talisman, producing two rusted steel drums with chipped paint out of thin air. She then opened them, revealing black bags. Taking out the bags she replaced the cocaine and cash with sand and toilet paper that she had stored in her talisman with Ace's orders.

"$1,987,500 in small bills and 59.8kgs of cocaine," Dame Wasp scanned the small bills and white powder bags to give Ace the exact amount of the cocaine and cash before Emi stored them in her storage talisman.

"That's a lot of money," Ace muttered. He was a little overwhelmed as this was the first time he saw all that cash in one place, not to mention the sheer amount of cocaine.

"Master, some shady places in the 'world of curses' accept cocaine for transactions. Though the rates vary based on its purity," Dame Wasp informed her master just in case he was worried about how to deal with the cocaine.

"I'll keep that in mind, Rose," Ace replied, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to trade cocaine; he'd rather let it rot in Emi's toy space.

"All done, master. I will—" Just as Emi prepared to return the drums to their original location she was interrupted by the sound of a roaring engine. Dame Wasp used her cybernetic vision to locate the source and said, "Master, it is a middle-aged curse slave in a rusted Baja Bug. He is heading this way."

It wasn't just the Ace and the girls, even the gangsters were alerted. Seeing an unknown vehicle heading toward their hideout, they panicked, and two of the seven guards rushed inside to awaken others. It seems they weren't expecting any guests at this hour.

"Emi, hurry, go bury the drums, now!" Ace urgently ordered Emi. He wanted to return the drums to their original location and bolt before the curse slave arrived. Even though it was just a curse slave, they were still sensitive to curse energy like any mortal-tier curse master. Ace did not want him to sense their presence. So, it would be best if they left before he arrived.

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