The Third Prince Of Darkness

Chapter 31:A beautiful day to die

Isabella took a deep breath, and her gaze became serious. "This is a big goal, Ethan. But remember, big goals come with enormous dangers... Are you ready for that?" she said.

"No, I'm not ready. After all, no one can be fully prepared for something that doesn't exist yet, but at least I believe I can do it. Also, I need you by my side on this thorny journey... Will you be with me?" I said, looking at her seriously.

As the room's atmosphere grew more serious, I felt relieved when I saw Isabella smile after looking at me seriously for a few minutes. "Time passes so quickly... From the day you flatulence in my arms as a baby to today, it feels like a harsh transition. Ahh, how sweet you were as a baby! I remember when you had so many places to hold on to, but you grabbed my breasts instead. I wish we could go back to those days," she said, recalling memories.

"Please stop! And please, never tell anyone these embarrassing stories," I said. Truly, as I remembered those moments, I wished the ground would swallow me up.

"Ah, you're no fun, but I won't tell anyone" she said with a sly grin on her face.

"You still haven't answered my question." I said, trying to change the subject.

"What? Of course, I will be with you on this journey! But...-" Isabella looked at her glass as if trying to find the right words to say, but her speech was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Isabella said with some displeasure.

A man dressed in red entered and held a letter in his hand. After glancing at me, he bowed his head and said, "I salute Your Majesty and the sun of our kingdom," addressing both me and Isabella.

"You may rise... What is that in your hand?" Isabella asked.

The man stood up and approached Isabella, handing her the letter. "This letter was sent by our envoys in the north, and they implied that a very important matter has occurred," he said and walked backward without turning his back.

This man was most likely one of the royal officials because they were very meticulous and disciplined units. Generally, royal officials were more respectful because they were often from the common people or low nobility. However, I had great respect for these men because they played a significant role in making the Asina Kingdom a powerful state.

Isabella finally read the letter and spoke to the man, "Shouldn't this be delivered to His Majesty King Richard? Especially, such an important letter should be delivered to the king immediately," she said. 

I was increasingly curious about what was written in the letter.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Queen, but His Majesty King Richard is currently residing at Queen Fiona's mansion, and the mansion's guards are giving our officials a hard time" he said.

Hearing the man's words, Isabella rubbed the space between her eyebrows with frustration. "Alright, you may leave... I will handle this later" she said.

The man bowed first to Isabella and then to me before quickly walking backward and exiting through the door. I got up from my seat and approached Isabella.

"What's the matter? What's in the letter?" I asked.

Isabella took a deep breath and said, "Both the Emperor and Empress of the Tiamat Empire are dead."

"What?! How did they die?" I asked.

"According to the report in the letter, they were returning from a diplomatic meeting with the Tamerid Empire when an earthquake occurred. The imperial entourage was passing through a road between two snowy mountains, and when the earthquake happened, they were caught in an avalanche. The search party found only their frozen bodies days later... At least, that's what the letter says" Isabella said.

I was truly shocked to hear this. The Tiamat Empire is the most powerful state on the continent, and the death of the empress  is already a significant event, but the emperor dying as well is even more momentous.

"Did they have any heirs?" I asked.

"They have only a thirteen-year-old daughter, but she can't ascend to the throne... it seems the late emperor's brother will take the throne temporarily" Isabella said.

This was a good thing; at least the Tiamat Empire wouldn't collapse. Without a leader, the Tamerid Empire might start an invasion, and no one could stop the already overly powerful Tamerid Empire.

"I understand... This complicates things. Anyway, I'll be going to Fiona's mansion today. Would you like me to deliver the letter?" I asked.

When Isabella heard that I was going to Fiona's house, she frowned. "Why are you going there?" she asked.

"I need to meet with my father'' I said, but seeing Isabella narrow her eyes at me, I felt the need to explain further. "I need to ask for permission to quell the rebellion in the Blackswamp village in the east," I said.

"What?! You want to stop the rebellion? Forget it! I absolutely cannot allow you to go to such a dangerous place! Besides, you know Fiona is waiting for a chance to kill you."she exclaimed.

"I know, but this is a valuable opportunity for me. As I said before, if I want to win the throne, I must do something, and now that I have a chance to gain the people's respect and love, I can't miss this opportunity" I said.

"No, absolutely not! Also, did you discuss this with your mother? Because she would never allow such a thing...-"

Well...For about thirty minutes, I tried to convince Isabella. Finally, thinking I had at least partially persuaded her, I left the room... I hoped she was convinced.

A few hours later, dozens of armored cavalry soldiers were waiting for me in the palace courtyard, and I walked to the carriage standing at the entrance with Emilia. Once inside, I knocked firmly, and the carriage started moving, with the cavalry escorting us.

While inside the carriage, I leaned on Emilia and drank horse milk... yes, horse milk. Horse milk is a traditional drink of this kingdom, and it actually doesn't taste bad. Since various types of milk are constantly served in the palace, milk has become my new favorite drink. Of course, this has nothing to do with drinking breast milk after being reincarnated... okay?! Maybe I just... liked milk a bit.

Anyway, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the few-hour journey. Naturally, I rested with my head on Emilia's shoulder. A few hours later, we stopped in front of the most magnificent mansion in the city lands outside the city walls. However, there was something wrong, because we had stopped without entering the mansion. While wondering why they hadn't let us in yet, there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and stepped outside. Emilia also stepped out with me.

"What happened?" I asked a soldier assigned to protect me.

"Your Excellency... You are not permitted to enter" he said.

"What?! What do you mean, not permitted? By whose authority?!" I said, trying not to let my raised voice frighten the soldier.

"I don't know, Your Excellency... they just said we were not allowed to enter by order of Her Majesty"he said.

Trying to control the emotions rising within me, I hurried toward the gate and noticed a portly man with a spear talking to the soldiers. Despite seeing my angry expression, he grinned disgustingly. "Your Excellency-" he said, rubbing his curly mustache with his hands.

"What is the meaning of this? By what authority do you dare to stop me?" I nearly shouted.

I was aware that something within me was about to explode, but I continued to control myself with all my strength.

"Oh, that matter..." he said, patting his belly. "Her Majesty is a bit too busy right now to receive visitors" he said with a disgusting grin.

At those words, I felt something inside me snap—again. I couldn't control it anymore, and even though I realized the uncontrollable emotions were because of the dark element, I didn't stop myself. I thought it was a beautiful day for the portly man's death...

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